MacHack '99: Call for Papers
MacHack: The Annual Conference for Leading Edge Developers
c/o Expotech
1264 Bedford Road
Grosse Point Park, MI 48230
Contact: Carol Lynn
Tel: (313) 882-1824
Do you have a great new idea in Macintosh software development? Or a great
new way to put together some old ideas and make everyone say, "WOW"?
Wouldn't you like to talk about it with a group of people who Really
Understand what you're saying?
This is your chance. Write it up and submit it as a paper for MacHack '99!
MacHack solicits and accepts papers on a wide variety of topics related to
software development. For example, the subjects of last year's papers
ranged from cross-platform development techniques, to anonymity in internet
communications, to exception-handling strategies on the Macintosh, to
macroscopic object architectures. Each paper accepted is published in the
MacHack Conference proceedings and included on the MacHack CD. Each author
gives a 50-minute presentation on his paper during the conference.
Although there are no hard limits, a MacHack paper generally runs from 2000
to 3500 words. Anything that will interest a few hundred of the best
Macintosh programmers in the world is a possible subject. Remember that you
are writing to a "hands-on" audience -- we strongly encourage the inclusion
of supporting code samples. And remember that, although a good MacHack
paper might describe a clever and innovative way to use a product, a paper
which contains overt marketing will be flatly rejected.
If your paper is accepted for MacHack '99, you will attend the conference
free. (Well, not completely free. The conference registration fee is waived
for the authors of accepted papers, but you'll have to get to Michigan and
pay your own hotel bill.)
So why wait? This is your chance to put your ideas in front of the people
best qualified to understand them, attend the world's foremost developer
conference at no charge, revolutionize the software-development industry,
and save the world! And as a bonus -- if you're a software engineer, going
to MacHack is just about the most fun you can have in three days!
So submit your paper proposals, ideas, and outlines today to
More information about MacHack '99 is available on the Web from
MacHack is a conference that, in its fourteenth year, remains centered
around cutting edge software development. Each year the conference brings
together well-known names in the software business, as well as many
students and upstarts whose names we'll know soon enough, and fosters
interaction between all of the attendees. MacHack's uniqueness derives from
the informal feel and the LIVE coding that occurs around-the-clock during
the conference.
The 1999 MacHack conference will take place June 23-26 in Dearborn,
Michigan. Topics for the 1999 conference include networking, rapid
application and cross platform development.