For immediate release.
Vienna, March 24, 1999. Joy, the development environment from AAA+,
is now shipping on the 3rd party CD delivered with Mac OS X Server
from Apple. Joy supports developers from the creation of prototypes
right through to development of final shipping applications.
AAA+ Software supplies its clients with custom solutions based on its
Joy Enterprise technology. This has been available for many years.
The Joy tools available to the public represent a shrink-wrapped
subset, and are available at very low cost.
The Joy Explorer and Joy Developer products allow the user to use the
same tool, and the same paradigm, from initial prototyping through to
final deployment of the full-scale working system. This is achieved
through the Joy scripting engine.
The Joy Scripting Engine allows you to write Objective-C code, C
code, JavaScript code, and call Java code, all from one language. Tcl
is also supported. This provides unparalleled freedom of expression,
literally being able to mix expressions from the different languages
in the same line of code!
Of course, it's possible to program in just straight Objective-C or
Java, use the power, speed and flexibility of the Joy development
environment, and still compile the code later. That way you're not
locked in.
More information on Joy is available on the CD, or from the webpage at:
Why use Joy?
* Use Joy for stress relief
Joy takes the stress out of deploying to Windows. Run Joy on OS X Server,
then simply save your project for Windows.
* Learn about frameworks
Look at the OS X Server and WebObjects frameworks, or any other.
Look at what methods are provided, and what instance variables there are.
* Snoop into applications
Take a look at what's going on inside an application. Even one for which
you don't have the source.
* Interact
Double click on an object, double click on a method, hit return
and it's executed!
* Prototype
Try out commands, as above, then capture them in a method.
Prototype using Joy, then compile (if necessary) for speed.
* Not YASL
Joy 2.0 is not just Yet Another Scripting Language.
Joy unifies JavaScript, C, Objective-C, and Java.
* Test
Any C function, any Objective-C method can be called with any arguments.
This makes it easy to create component validation suites.
* Interpret Java
Try out lines of Java interactively. Call any Java object with any Java
method. Create component validation suites for your Java classes.
Pricing and availability
Joy 2.1 is available for OS X Server 1.0 and WebObjects 4.0 for
Windows. For those users wishing to download, please see the web site
Use of the software is free for evaluation purposes. A free unlock
code can be ordered by email, with the response being sent by our
automated servers in minutes. Users are welcome to take as long as
they need to evaluate the software, by requesting as many unlock
codes when and as they require.
Regular licenses are $69 for users who develop only small scale
applications, and $399 for unlimited use. For details, see:
What's new in Joy 2.1
Java syntax, Java objects, and Java methods can now be used from Joy
scripts. This makes Joy the ideal tool for integrating Objective-C or
C legacy code with new Java APIs.
A new Objective-C API for controlling scripting functionality has
been added. The JavaScript interpreter has been upgraded to version
1.4 (older versions are still available, and will continue to be
available, for backwards compatibility). Joy now supports more
Objective-C syntax, including support for 'NS_DURING'-style exception
handling. Improvements have been made for programs interfacing with
Enterprise Objects Frameworks.
Compatibility with Joy 1.X
Joy 2.1 is fully compatible with Joy 1.X and Joy 2.0. Even though Tcl
is no longer the language of choice for implementing new
functionality, AAA+ Software is committed to protecting their
customers' investment into their technology. Tcl is continuing to be
supported and enhanced; for example access to Java objects from Tcl
was recently added.
Further information
Feel free to contact AAA+ Software and the Joy team on:
Fax: +43-1-533-68-90