Ilene Hoffman, MS
Macintosh/ Internet Consultant and Writer, Boston area
Please reply to:
Macintosh/Internet Consultant and Writer, Ilene Hoffman is pleased to
announce that the Hess Memorial Macworld Events/ Party list web site is
online! A new year-round site has been added for your reading pleasure also
- The People Who Think Different - People of the Mac at:
The Macworld events site will contain every party and press function
scheduled during MacWorld week in San Francisoco, Jan 4th through Jan 8th.
The page will be updated almost daily until the show.
If your preferred email address was not used in this mailing, please fill
out the form on the Registration page and send the corrected email address.
This is one of two emails you will get, if you have filled out the
registration form:
Please email any scheduled events or press conferences to or use the Event Submission Form on the site
A "fun stuff to see at the show" page has been added so that users can get
a head start on the cool booths to see, so if you have a product
announcement please send a 2-line description for that page.
Banner Advertising is being sought for the site. If you want to put your
company in the face of 10,000 - 20,000 show attendees, please send email.
This is the ONLY web page with pass along readership, as everyone prints
out the pages and carries them in their pockets!
Please link to the events page from your web site. Please drop me an email
if you do set up a link. It would be much appreciated if information found
on my site is left there also.
The URLs are as follows: (Please link to the first URL)
--)Events List:
Registration page:
Party registration page: (Register your events/parties here!)
I would like to thank Now Software, GoLive, CE Software, and Barebones
Software for helping me to accomplish this task. Without YOUR support I
will have to work instead of compiling this page for us all! Please support
these companies and don't forget to drop a little summer cheer to DQ in
Robert Hess's name. (Robert was the original creator of this list.)
Have fun at the show!
Thank you all for allowing me this intrusion into your mailboxes.
Please forward this press release to everyone you know! !