Marquee Dashboard Widget: Local Movie Showtimes
For immediate release.
NEW YORK, N.Y. - - June 4, 2005 - - Trinfinity Software released today an
update to Marquee, the Dashboard Widget for finding showtimes for your
local movie theaters. Marquee version 1.0.1 allows you to view showtimes
that were previously cut off due to space constraints. Simply move your
mouse over the movie times and Marquee will scroll the showtimes across the
display so that you may view all of them.
Enter your zip code and Marquee will download the showtimes for all of the
theaters in your area (US Only). Use the left and right arrows to scroll
through the theaters to find the one that you want. Then use the up and
down arrows to scroll through the movie listings. In order to save room for
the other widgets on your desktop, Marquee will only display three movie
listings per screen. Showtime data is downloaded each time you enter a zip
code, or if it has been more than twelve hours since showtimes were
downloaded last.
This widget is freeware, which means that you can download and use it for
free. It is also open source, which means you are allowed (and encouraged)
to read the source code, modify it, and use it to create new widgets.
If you create a new widget based on Marquee, we ask that you notify us at
( and
credit Trinfinity Software on your website and documentation.
Marquee is available for download at: