For Immediate Release
September 11, 2000
MacSQL Monitor 1.0 Released
New York, NY (September 11, 2000) Runtime Labs, Inc. today announced the
1.0 release of MacSQL Monitor, the premier Mac OS application for working
with SQL Databases from the Macintosh.
MacSQL Monitor 1.0, in development for over two years, allows Macintosh
users to interact with MySQL, Oracle, mSQL, and ODBC databases. The
software allows users to view database schema, issue queries, import SQL
scripts, and export data as SQL scripts or text files. The application is
fully AppleScriptable and makes extensive use of Mac OS technologies such
as AppleScript, the Appearance Manager, Navigation Services, Balloon Help,
Contextual Menus, Keychain, Drag & Drop, and more.
"MacSQL Monitor 1.0 provides Macintosh users with the long-needed ability
to manage relational databases from their platform of choice," said Mark
Lilback, founder, President and CEO of Runtime Labs, Inc. "No longer will
Macintosh users be forced to use PC emulators or Unix command line tools
via telnet to manage the databases powering their websites and businesses."
MacSQL Monitor requires a MacOS-compatible computer with a PowerPC
processor and Mac OS 8.1 or greater. It includes native support for MySQL,
Oracle, and mSQL relational databases, and via ODBC, provides support for
Sybase, MS SQL Server, Primebase and many other database systems.
An evaluation copy of MacSQL Monitor is available for download from the
Runtime Labs website (( The evaluation version is
limited to 10 queries per connection and 2K of data per export. Licensed
copies are available for $40 and may be purchased from within the
application or from the Runtime Labs website. Multi-user licenses and
support contracts are also available.
Further information is available online at (
or by emailing
About Runtime Labs
Founded in 2000, Runtime Labs, Inc. develops software applications for the
Macintosh, Java, WebObjects, and the World Wide Web. MacSQL Monitor is the
first publicly available product from Runtime Labs.