NetStores announces MacCommerce Designer and MacCommerce Server Upgrades.
Major Upgrade Features of MacCommerce Designer and MacCommerce Server
NetStores today announced MacCommerce Designer and MacCommerce Server
version 1.03. The upgraded features are among the first to add Dynamic
Currency Conversion (DCC), International Merchant Account acceptance, and
additional international Gateway Support. Related features include Plug n=92
Pay Gateway, which supports DCC by locking in point-of-purchase currency
conversion for international customers, PSiGate, offering online payment
solutions for Canadian merchants, and Optimal Payments, a cost-effective
credit card processor that works with European and Canadian currencies.
MacCommerce Tools exclusive new feature-Quickform Tool-enables multiple
purchases using a single, customizable button, and our easy-to-use US
Postal Service Shipping feature shows real-time cost by weight.
MacCommerce is built to deliver Ecommerce Applications on Apple's OSX and
OSX Server, built in Apache Webserver. The MacCommerce products give any
Mac user, from small businesses to large enterprises and ISPs, the capacity
to host an unlimited number of e-commerce websites. The comprehensive
e-commerce solution features the drag-and-drop simplicity of MacCommerce
Tools for Macromedia Dreamweaver and Adobe GoLive e-commerce site designers.
MacCommerce Server=97e-commerce for hosts
MacCommerce Server gives businesses everything they need to establish an
e-commerce solution. The database-driven order processing engine is both
powerful and flexible, offering a full array of features, including
customizable shipping tables, MySQL compatibility and back-end integration
with Intuit QuickBooks, Quicken and the MAS family of business software.
MacCommerce is also the first UPS-approved Mac OS X e-commerce product to
have integrated UPS OnLine Tools for real-time rate calculation and
shipment tracking. Drag-and-drop MacCommerce Tools, including new dynamic
catalog and template tools, work with either Mac- or Windows-based
applications for quick site design and customization. Drag-and-drop
shopping cart tools give designers on any platform cutting-edge
capabilities for e-commerce site design.
The application ships with two store licenses, a merchant account and
credit card gateway, giving designers a real opportunity to work with
e-commerce websites for themselves or their clients.
About NetStores
NetStores has been helping businesses succeed with their e-commerce visions
since 1995. Superior customer service and personalized support are
hallmarks of NetStores.Virtual hosted, co-location and customization
solutions are available. MacCommerce Designer, MacCommerce Server,
MacCommerce Tools and NetStores are products of Fishbone Communications,
Inc., located at 1462 W. 8th Ave., Eugene, OR 97402.
To learn more about NetStores and MacCommerce e-commerce products, visit and