MacA&D OS X: Model/Generate Objective-C from UML Class Diagrams
Model and Generate Objective-C from UML Class Diagrams
Placitas, NM -- September 14, 2005 - Excel Software began shipping MacA&D
OSX 1.1.4, a free update of its modeling tool that adds UML design and code
generation enhancements for Objective-C programmers. MacA&D OSX brings
requirements management, software modeling, code generation, reengineering
and software design report generation to Mac OS X computers.
Objective-C is a popular programming language for Mac OS X computers
included in Apple's Xcode development system. The language is a superset of
ANSI C with object-oriented extensions that allow classes, categories and
protocols to be defined, class-instantiated objects and messages sent
between objects. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is the industry
standard notation for modeling object-oriented software. When the
Objective-C language is selected in MacA&D, UML class diagrams are tailored
to the language for modeling and code generation.
A software designer can draw class, category and protocol objects on a UML
class model, then generate Objective-C interface and implementation code
files. Generated code includes the full interface declarations with stubbed
class methods in the implementation files. Developers can click from the
model to the code file to complete the implementation of each class method.
MacA&D OSX 1.1.4 works with the new MacTranslator OSX reengineering tool to
generate UML class diagrams from existing Objective-C source code.
Developers get accurate models of unfamiliar code in minutes. Diagrams can
be generated from other languages including class diagrams from C++, Java
or Delphi, structure charts from C, Pascal, Basic or Fortran and data
models from SQL. MacA&D OSX adds new reengineering features like the
ability to locate clusters of related classes when generating diagrams. For
Java, one command can generate a separate diagram for each package of
The web page, has a white paper
titled, UML for Objective-C showing how to model Objective-C software with
the UML notation. Class diagrams for Apple's Objective-C code examples and
the Cocoa framework are available to developers as downloadable image files.
MacA&D OSX runs on Mac OS X 10.1 or later. Priced at $1995, MacA&D OSX
includes sample projects, step-by-step tutorials and both printed and PDF
manuals. See for site license information, product
descriptions and online ordering.