Mac-Crypto Conference
The Membership of the Mac-Crypto List invites you to:
"The Second Millennium Mac-Crypto Conference on Macintosh Cryptography and
Internet Commerce"
January 29-30, 2001
DeAnza 3 Auditorium
Apple R&D Campus
10500 N DeAnza Blvd, Cupertino, CA, USA
Yes, we are once again hosting our workshop, where you are sure to find the
latest and greatest information about what's going on in the Macintosh
cryptography world.
The agenda is posted at the Mac Crypto site at
This years talks include:
* The Effect of Anti-Circumvention Provisions on Security
* Crypto Anarchy
Crypto Law and Policy:
* Crypto Law and the Mac Developer
* Privacy Legislation and the Internet Mac
* Transnational Regulation of Cryptography for the Mac
Cryptanalysis and Security:
* Internet Security and Authentication Issues
* Security Analysis of the WEP algorithm
New Opportunities for Macintosh Cryptography:
* Future Directions for PGP
* Introduction to Smartcards
Internet Payments and Finance:
* Bluespike: Content Control for the Macintosh
* Intro to Internet Payments for Mac Developers
* Internet Bearer Payments
* Secure, Real-Time Financial Transactions using WebFunds on the Mac.
* Mojonation and the Mac
As usual the conference is free, and low key. In keeping with the theme of
privacy we will not require any formal registration. Just be there.
We have also left time open for a few last-minute speakers. If you would
like to present a paper or give a talk, please contact Vinnie Moscaritolo