InputWidget, DrawWidget & QD3Viewer for REALbasic
Essence Software is proud to annonce the release of InputWidget 1.0 and
DrawWidget 1.0!
InputWidget is a plugin for REALbasic that allows developers to receive
input in their applications from devices such as joysticks and gamepads.
DrawWidget is a plugin for REALbasic that allows developers control over
the monitor's display & bit depth, as well as support for effects such as
gamma fades.
Both plugins are priced at $50 for a standard license, and $30 for an
academic license.
Essence Software is proud to announce the release of QD3DViewer 3.0 for
REALbasic 2!
QD3DViewer 3.0 is a plugin for REALbasic 2 that enables developers to
provide an interactive 3D view of 3DMF geometry in their applications.
QD3DViewer 3.0 is a major upgrade over the previous version of QD3DViewer
for REALbasic. It provides complete programmatic control over the camera &
rendering parameters, support for rendering using different plugin
renderers and the assignment of dynamically created data (either QD3D
Geometry objects created through Declare calls, or 3DMF data stored in a
string) to the view.
QD3DViewer 3.0 is priced at $80 for a standard license, and $40 for an
academic license.
For more information, see the QD3DViewer website: