ID3X 2.3: ID3 Editor for Macintosh
We are proud to announce an update of our shareware (15 USD) ID3 editor
"ID3X" for the Apple Macintosh (Carbon):
ID3X is an editor for easy manipulation of ID3 tags in mp3 music files. ID3
tags are used to store title, artist and other information in mp3 files
which can then be displayed in your favorite mp3 player application.
The new version of ID3X offers more batch renaming features, easier folder
navigation with a Back-Button and access to the important OSX folders
"Computer", "Home" and "Music". ID3X is now more compatible and faster in
reading tags from MP3 files. Minor changes include cosmetical improvements
and the usual bug fixes.
Direct download link:
Alternate download link:
ID3X homepage at:
Important changes in this version:
- ID3X now is Carbon only which means you need at least OS 8.6 and CarbonLib
- new: more file renaming features
- new: navigation shortcuts like "Back" and to OSX folders "Home", "Music"
- improved: Tag reading is faster
- improved: Better recognition of mp3 files
- many bug-fixes and cosmetical improvements
three-2-one interaktive Medien GmbH
fon: +49 2151 319450