Acrux Software announces "iBuild Lite/Pro preview". New multimedia
authoring tool uses AppleScript as scripting language. Preview version
available at 60% discount.
Contact: Mike Thorpe, Acrux Software
(Amsterdam, Netherlands, Sep 11 2000)--Acrux Software, the provider of
Macintosh multimedia software and courseware, today announced the release
of iBuild Lite and iBuild Pro preview version 0.9.
iBuild is a rich, powerful and easy-to-use multimedia authoring and
creativity tool for the Apple Macintosh.
You can use it to create a vast range of "stacks" and applications:
interactive presentations, photo-albums, movie-albums, slide shows,
e-books, educational courseware, quizzes and tests, talking books, games,
stand-alone applications, kiosk contents.
Just let your imagination and creativity run loose!
iBuild stacks contain cards, which contain objects of various kinds: text,
graphics, buttons, controls, neon signs, clocks, movies, graphs fact
there are more than 40 different types of objects available. A wide range
of ready made example objects, templates and stacks is available via an
easy-to-use drag 'n drop library.
Sophisticated projects may be built without any scripting. But if you do
choose to use scripting, then the full power and flexibility of Apple's
familiar AppleScript scripting language is available. This enables not only
access and manipulation of a card's objects, but communication with any
other scriptable application. For example, you could make a specialized
front-end to FileMaker Pro, or a personalized program launcher.
Other key features:
* extensive QuickTime support
* synthesized text-to-speech
* questions, answer checking, scores, reporting - ideal for educational
* integrated, easy to use and intuitive stack development environment
Prices and availability
iBuild Lite is freeware! But it's not just a player; you can use it to
create stacks of up to 25 cards using the Lite design level, and no
registration code is required to do this.
Download from (2.7 mb)
iBuild Pro is shareware, normal price $49.95. Whilst iBuild is in "preview"
status, iBuild Pro can be purchased electronically for just $19.95, a
saving of over 60% on the regular price. Purchasers will automatically
receive a new registration code for iBuild Pro when version 1 is released,
and further free updates for one year after that!
Acrux Software
Amsterdam, Netherlands