HELIOS ImageServer 2.5 server
Garbsen, Germany--- July 15, 2003--- HELIOS Software GmbH, a leading
provider of network and prepress server software, announced that its
ImageServer 2.5 server software now creates preview files of QuarkXPress
and Adobe InDesign documents. Utilizing these previews, local and remote
users can preview and control InDesign and QuarkXPress documents from
creation to final output, without needing access to the applications,
documents, fonts, or images.
This new capability is enabled by HELIOS ImageServer Plug-ins for Adobe
InDesign 2.0.2 or newer for Windows, Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X, and by
ImageServer XTensions for the Windows and Mac OS 9 versions of
QuarkXPress 4 and 5.
Support for Adobe and Quark documents underscores the powerful,
server-based image transformation, document conversion and repurposing
capabilities of HELIOS ImageServer 2.5, which delivers full, automated
conversion of image file format, resolution, color space, and
compression for web and print needs. HELIOS ImageServer 2.5 also
provides OPI image replacement, server-based ICC color management, color
separation, and proof printing capabilities.
Key features of this ImageServer update include:
- Auto-creation of document previews during file "Save"
- Preview properties easily set via Preference settings
- Previews are saved as bitmap files at selectable resolutions (144 dp
- Multi-page documents get previews for each page
- Optional ImageServer Script Server "Action Scripts" when preview
is saved o Action Scripts can direct output to specific archive,
conversion, print queues or other customized workflows
- Preview conversion supports all major file formats to
Photoshop native
- Web Server CGI is included to publish directories with
InDesign/QuarkXPress document previews
Innovative companies are already using this new feature to enable vastly
streamlined document production workflows: Neckermann, one of the
largest mail order catalog companies in Europe, recently produced their
Fall catalog, featuring over 70,000 products. The new HELIOS ImageServer
document preview capability was used for content verification of its
1400+ pages. "The instant previewing allowed significant time savings"
according to Neckermann Versand AG, Mr. Thomas Mockenhaupt, Managing
Director of Mockenhaupt, Inc., in charge of customizing the HELIOS
ImageServer and integrating it into the company-wide systems
HELIOS ImageServer document previews and superior image conversion
capabilities are also utilized by many Digital Asset Management
applications to provide thumbnail and other views of InDesign and
QuarkXPress documents on HELIOS servers. Canto Cumulus with HELIOS
Companion, and BrighTech MediaBeacon are two prominent examples. The
ImageServer document previews also make document metadata, such as a
list of OPI-linked images, and their positions on each page, available
to these solutions.
Visit HELIOS' Web site for a live test drive at:
ImageServer* 2.5 is part of HELIOS' 4th generation family of network and
prepress server solutions. HELIOS ImageServer, PDF HandShake and
PrintPreview deliver reliability, efficiency, and advanced capabilities
to design, prepress and printing operations, while HELIOS EtherShare and
PCShare provide integrated cross-platform networking for Macintosh and
Windows clients. Together the HELIOS suite of network and prepress
servers offers the industry's most advanced file, image and print server
services, with easy remote server administration.
*formerly HELIOS EtherShare OPI
Smart Ideas for Better Networking
HELIOS products run on powerful and
scalable servers including Apple Computer Mac OS X, Hewlett-Packard
HP-UX and Tru64 UNIX, IBM AIX, SGI IRIX, Sun Solaris, and Linux on
Pentium based systems. HELIOS products provide reliable cross-platform
support for Macintosh, DOS/Windows and UNIX-based clients.
Distributors sell HELIOS products worldwide to value-added resellers who
provide complete networking solutions to customers. HELIOS also works
with many strategic partners
(http://www.helios.de/products/partners.html) that incorporate HELIOS
server software to provide powerful third party archive, asset
management and workflow solutions. HELIOS software products are also
available as part of OEM solutions by many major vendors in the prepress
For U.S. Sales European MikroGraf Corp.: 916-923-3520; sales@ugraf.com;
For further editor information, please contact: HELIOS Software GmbH,
Attn: marketing, Steinriede 3, D-30827 Garbsen, Germany; Fax +49
5131-709325; E-mail: marketing@helios.de; or Web access at