ForgotIt? 1.2 PPC
Major update to the password and URL management tool includes Mac OS 9+
keychain access, printing of password lists, enhanced security, an access
log and support for external encryption schemes
BERLIN, GERMANY - March 1st, 2000 - Shareware author Erich H Rast is
pleased to announce the release of version 1.2 of his password management
tool ForgotIt?. The tool is an easy-to-use multi-document application for
managing passwords and Internet addresses. It uses strong Blowfish
encryption and SHA1 hashing to protect password lists and launches even
multiple URLs that belong to a password entry. More features are:
- alphabetize password lists
- export password lists as Base64 encoded text files
- friendly user-interface
- full balloon help
- online documentation (also available for download)
- drag&drop support
Version 1.2 adds the following new features:
- basic keychain access
- support for external encryption schemes
- completely revised and updated documentation
- an access log to keep track of trials to access password lists
- printing password lists with footer and header line
- exporting the password lists as tab-cr delimited cleartext file
- optional built-in RC4 encryption (128 bit key)
- improved secure hashing using SHA1 algorithm
- security reminder alerts that warn before insecure actions
- preferences dialog to adjust various settings
According to the author, the 68k version of release 1.2 is in work and will
be published soon. There's also a German localized version that will be
published as soon as the extensive documentation has been translated.
ForgotIt? 1.2 PPC is available for download as a self-extracting archive in
Macbinary or Binhex format at: (PowerMacintosh) (PowerMacintosh)
Additional information about the application can be found at the
ForgotIt? Homepage at: