eZedia Releases eZeClip Plug-in for Apple's iMovie 2
WINNIPEG, CANADA =96 August 7, 2002 =96 eZedia Inc., a leader in digital med=
software technology, today released eZeClip 1.0, the third in a series of
eZedia plug-ins for Apple's iMovie 2, the world's most popular, easy-to-use
consumer digital video editing software. eZedia's eZeClip plug-in gives
iMovie 2 users the ability to create picture-in-picture and split screen
effects. Users can position, resize, loop, add borders and apply drop
shadows to an additional QuickTime movie over an iMovie 2 clip.
"The release of eZeClip, combined with eZedia's other plug-ins, gives
iMovie users special effects and functionality that was previously only
available in professional level products," said Stefan Embleton, President
and Chief Executive Officer of eZedia Inc. "eZeClip continues to follow our
mandate of producing incredibly powerful authoring software that lets
everyone communicate through the digital medium."
"Easy-to-use applications like iMovie, iTunes, iPhoto and iDVD make the Mac
the ideal hub for today's digital lifestyle," said Ron Okamoto, Apple's
vice president of Worldwide Developer Relations. "eZeClip is a wonderful
addition to iMovie's video editing capabilities and we're excited to have
eZedia's continued support."
eZedia's first iMovie plug-in, eZeMatte 1.0, was released in April 2002 and
allows any QuickTime supported image to overlay an iMovie clip. Users can
add borders, frames, themes, logos or any customized graphic. eZeScreen was
released June 2002 and provides iMovie 2 users professional blue screen and
green screen video effects. Users can position an additional movie over an
iMovie 2 clip and adjust the transparency and fade levels of any selected
color to add animated logos, talking heads, or any QuickTime supported
eZeClip ($29 USD), eZeMatte ($29 USD), and eZeScreen ($39 USD) require Mac
OS X and iMovie 2.1.1 or greater, and can be purchased by visiting the
eZedia web site at (http://www.ezedia.com/).
About eZedia Inc.
Founded in 1994 by Stefan Embleton, eZedia Inc. has grown to a leader in
digital media software technology. The company derives its name from the
phrase "easy media" which underscores its corporate focus on the delivery
of easy-to-use and easy-to-learn digital media authoring and development
products. The management team includes industry veterans from Electronic
Arts, Rolls Royce, Bristol Aerospace, Boeing and the music publishing
division of Oxford University Press.
eZedia's growing family of products currently includes eZediaMX 3.0,
eZeMatte 1.0 for iMovie, eZeScreen 1.0 for iMovie and eZeClip 1.0 for
iMovie. More information about eZedia Inc. is available on the Company's
web site at (http://www.ezedia.com/).