Coeur d'Alene (Idaho, USA), 7th of July, 2005 -- DEVONtechnologies LLC
updates three of its famous freeware utilities: the powerful and flexible
find-file utility EasyFind, the image scaler and converter ThumbsUp and the
menu bar launcher XMenu.
With EasyFind 3.6, users can now search all, all local or all removable
volumes directly from the search pop-up menu and sort the found files more
accurately. Also, the general performance has been improved and a few minor
bugs have been fixed.
Compared to Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger's Spotlight, EasyFind offers a full range
of advantages for people who want to seriously find files -- accurately.
EasyFind finds files and folders without indexing, supports read-only and
removable volumes and searches even files and directories that Spotlight
doesn't, for example hidden files, files in packages or files and folders
in the system directories. Additionally, EasyFind offers much more powerful
operators and supports Unix-style wildcards for more accurate search runs.
In short: EasyFind finds what the user is looking for, not what Spotlight
has coincidentally indexed.
ThumbsUp 4.2 now allows to create thumbnails or convert pictures to JPEG
2000 (this function requires Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger or later), and XMenu 1.7
improves compatibility with Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger when used as start-up item.
EasyFind 3.6, ThumbsUp 4.2 and XMenu 1.6 are freeware, run on Mac OS X 10.3
or later and are immediately available for downloading from
www.devon-technologies.com. Contact details for your readers:
E-Mail info@devon-technologies.com, Internet www.devon-technologies.com
DEVONtechnologies LLC, founded in 2002, incorporated in 2004 and
headquartered in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, USA, researches in the field of
semantic and associative data analysis and synthesis, and develops key
applications based on the DEVONtechnology. Named after the Devonian Period,
the DEVONtechnology marks the departure into a new age of data processing.
The main focus of all activities is clearly on using the robust, flexible
and versatile architecture intelligently to create rock-solid applications
for a variety of purposes, including but not limited to databases,
intelligent agents, data-mining, information retrieval and
human-computer-interfaces. More information: www.devon-technologies.com.