DrawWell V1.0.5 adds support for iTunes and AddressBook
DrawWell V1.0.5 adds support for iTunes and AddressBook.
DrawWell Technologies Ltd will be releasing its latest version of DrawWell,
its powerful document production tool, written specifically for Mac OS X,
at Macworld San Francisco 2002 Stand 2247. Simple to install, configure and
use, DrawWell enables the creation and management of sophisticated
graphics, images and text using its built in features and a range of
plug-ins. This new version adds exciting new plug-ins including ReportWell
for iTunes and ReportWell for AddressBook. Now you can create a wide
variety of reports using your iTunes or AddressBook data. Create CD Labels,
sleeve inserts, track listings. Sort by genre, track length, artist, etc.
Both of these plug-ins are free with DrawWell.
New core DrawWell features include on-screen support for transparency and a
new merge token for generating arbitrary number sequences for producing
numbered tickets, etc. The shaped text feature has been extended to more
shapes and the ReportWell documentation has been updated and is now based
on iTunes as the example data source rather than Apple's EOF. DrawWell is
priced at $49 for a single host-id license, with subsequent licenses
registered to the same email address costing $25. The price has been
designed to make it accessible to as wide an audience as possible. Vistors
to Macworld can purchase DrawWell and its plug-ins at a show special price.
See us on stand 2247 for more details. DrawWell and its PDF manual are
downloadable from DrawWell Technologies' website at www.drawwell.com.