Colourfull Creations Releases HLBClass
Colourfull Creations Releases HLBClass for REALbasic Developers
June 13, 2003; New Baltimore, MI.: Colourfull Creations releases HLBClass
for Macintosh OS X, OS9, and Windows REALbasic Developers. HLBClass is a A
true hierarchical listbox for REALbasic developers. REALbasic developers
now have the power to create and manage a high-power hierarchical listbox.
Easy to implement, easy to manage, with over 20+ methods added onto the
standard listbox class. Now it's time to create applications like you never
have before. HLBClass is written from both a developer's perspective and a
user's guidance. Taking into account what a user expects a hierarchical
listbox to behave like. Because HLBClass was written using standard
REALbasic methods and properties, that means it retains its cross-platform
Top that off with the world class support you receive from Colourfull
Creations, or developer friendly upgrade policy, and you have a winning
solution for you and your "future" customers. For more information and to
download go to: