Carbon Events Plugin 2.0 for REALbasic
I'm pleased to announce Carbon Events Plugin 2.0. This version adds
a bunch of good stuff, but at a price. I've decided to make it
shareware ($10 US) simply because I was recently laid off, and need
some-sort of income while I look for a job, hope you understand.
New features of this version include:
- Full Proxy icon support; including proxy icon dragging, window
popup menu support, window FolderItem support and window modified
- Standard Alert Sheet support, shows a standard alert as a sheet,
completely configurable.
- Ask Save Changes & Discard Changes sheet support.
- Basic Put File sheet support. Show's a save dialog as a sheet.
*That's all I'm going to add in this department because there are
good plugins out that do Navigation Services stuff already.
- The ability to set a Dock menu icon (only works if the icon is in
your application bundle however).
- The ability to check Dock menu items.
Previous features include:
- Toolbar button support
- Scroll wheel support
- live window resizing
- Find Folder by type support
- Dock Menu support
You can download the plugin here:
Will C.