Big Nerd Ranch to offer Post-MacWorld Cocoa Class
Big Nerd Ranch to offer Post-MacWorld Cocoa Class
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Atlanta, GA - November 30, 2001 - The Big Nerd Ranch annouces a
post-MacWorld class in Programming Cocoa on Mac OS X 10.1, January
12-16, 2002 in South San Francisco.
Aaron Hillegass, Big Nerd Ranch instructor and founder, has more than
7 years of experience consulting and teaching for Apple and NeXT
Computer. He is also the author of Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X,
release date: December 7, 2001.Students in the January class will
receive a copy of the new book.
The Big Nerd Ranch provides high-level training in a mountain lodge
outside Asheville, NC.The January class is a special offer to allow
MacWorld attendees to extend their visits to San Francisco and include
a Big Nerd Ranch class in their itineraries.
"We believe that MacWorld will inspire a lot of people to learn
Cocoa, and we're providing a class immediately afterward to make it as
easy as possible to get that training."
- Aaron Hillegass
Class fee of $2500 includes original course materials, five days
of training, and a Big Nerd Ranch coffee mug and t-shirt. Space
is limited to 10 students.For additional information, call (404)
210-5663, visit (a href="") , or email (a
href="") .