Big Nerd Ranch Announces Cocoa Bootcamp March 21-25, 2005
Atlanta, GA - February 3, 2005 - Big Nerd Ranch Announces Cocoa
Bootcamp March 21-25, 2005
Big Nerd Ranch announces the first Cocoa Bootcamp of 2005, slated for
March 21-25. The five day intensive class, revised in the summer of
2004 to include more comprehensive sections on bindings, is one of the
most popular Big Nerd Ranch offerings. While labor intensive and
chock-full of blocks of instruction matched with intensive hands-on
exercises, Cocoa Bootcamp is ideal for any skill level of Cocoa
programmer. The flexible nature of the bootcamp, tailored to meet the
needs and interests of the students, allows the flow of the class to be
dictated by the participants.
Cocoa Bootcamp instructor, Aaron Hillegass, said, "One of the things we
really stress at the Big Nerd Ranch is individualized attention. That
way, initiates to Cocoa programming can get a wealth of information in
a short period of time, and experienced programmers can more thoroughly
develop their programming skills and get a more profound understanding
of the inner workings of Cocoa."
The course textbook, "Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X," was written by
instructor Aaron Hillegass and the class closely follows the way ideas
and concepts are built upon in the text. Students can expect the course
to cover fundamental concepts such as bindings, NSController, OpenGL,
archiving, custom views and frameworks.
For the complete syllabus, please visit
The Big Nerd Ranch incorporates intensive training classes for Unix and
Mac OS X programmers in a retreat setting outside Atlanta, GA. Class
price of $3500 includes lodging, all meals, original instruction
materials, 24-hour lab access, and transportation to and from the
Atlanta airport. Students are encouraged to bring independent projects
to class, allowing for input from classmates and individual instructor
attention. For more information, call 678-595-6773 or visit