ASCII/edit is the first WYSIWYG editor for tables, diagrams, or simple
graphics made of ASCII characters for Mac OS X. It lets you arrange text
on a page, as with a layout software; align and indent paragraphs, like
in a word processor; and add lines and rectangles, as in a drawing
application. The output, however, is simple ASCII text, which you can
include in e-mails, newsgroups, or source code.
If you need to do anything similar, ASCII/edit will greatly simplify
these time-consuming and nerve-racking tasks. It comes with a reasoned,
easy-to-use, and Mac-like user interface and an extensive collection of
useful little goodies.
ASCII/edit is Shareware (10,-- Euros or 12,-- US-$). It requires Mac OS
X 10.1 or later, and is available in English.
More information, sample files, a screenshot, and download at: