The MacTech Spotlight: Daniel Treiman, Gendai Games
Volume Number: 26
Issue Number: 04
Column Tag: MacTech Spotlight
The MacTech Spotlight: Daniel Treiman, Gendai Games

Daniel Tremian
What is it that you do?
I am a co-founder of Gendai Games Inc, and I work as Director of Application Development. My main project is GameSalad Creator, a tool that lets people bring their game ideas to life without writing any code. Games made with GameSalad can be published to iPhone, iPod Touch, Mac OSX, and the Web.
How long have you been doing what you do?
An interest in computer games inspired me to start programming at a young age. I learned Cocoa/Objective-C when the OS X Public Beta came out in 2000, and it has been my platform of choice since. I started working on GameSalad in July of 2007.
Your first computer:
My first computer was an Apple IIe with a green screen monitor, which was auspiciously purchased the day before my 0th birthday. The first game I ever made was a space invaders clone written in Applesoft BASIC.
Are you Mac-only, or a multi-platform person?
I work pretty exclusively on the Mac. I have a virtual install of Linux for open source development, and Windows for compatibility testing.
What attracts you to working on the Mac?
The ease of use and quality of the developer tools are a big draw. I had an epiphanic moment when I first realized how much I could create in Interface Builder without coding. In a sense, the motivation for GameSalad is to create that same feeling of "wow, I didn't know I could do that!”.
What's the coolest thing about the Mac?
The apps! Out of the box, Mac OS X is loaded with really useful apps. Also, the 3rd-party apps for Mac are on a level of quality beyond their equivalent on other desktop platforms.
What is the advice you'd give to someone trying to get into this line of work today?
Relax! Take your time and think slowly. Programming should be enjoyable, and your level of enjoyment is a pretty good barometer to measure whether an architecture works well or not.
If you can, go to WWDC. It's a good place to learn the culture, and possibly meet the people you'll start a company with.
What's the coolest tech thing you've done using OS X?
In my senior year of college I had a media services job. The evening before the broadcast of a major conference, we realized we needed new motion graphics that we could update live. I considered staying up all night coding it, but then I remembered Quartz Composer. I constructed an RSS-driven composition in Quartz Composer in an hour or two. It worked without a hiccup for all three days of the conference and was part of the worldwide broadcast!
The coolest things I've done are probably unprintable.
Where can we see a sample of your work?
You can download and check out GameSalad Creator at
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