The MacTech Spotlight: Vlad Alexa,
Volume Number: 26
Issue Number: 03
Column Tag: The MacTech Spotlight
The MacTech Spotlight: Vlad Alexa

What do you do?
I develop software for OSX, iPhone OS, Android and WebOS.
How long have you been doing what you do?
I started doing web development in 2002, and I started doing OSX and mobile development in 2007.
What was your first computer?
A 386 Cyrix based machine built from parts that ran the just released Windows 95.
Are you Mac-only, or a multi-platform person?
I feel at home in any POSIX compliant operating system but I use Macs 99% of the time because nothing else comes close to the quality of the hardware and the software.
What attracts you to working on the Mac?
The fact that Macs stand for everything I believe in: minimalism, consistent and intuitive user interaction, attention to detail, speed and stability, environmental conscience, leading edge innovation, a powerful POSIX substrate and great API's.
What's the coolest thing about the Mac?
That you can virtually have a machine for a decade that never crashes or gives you any headaches.
What is the advice you'd give to someone trying to get into this line of work today?
Be dedicated, think different.
What's the coolest tech thing you've done using OS X?
That would have to be the MagicMenu in MagicPrefs.
Where can we see a sample of your work?
Apple's AppStore
What's the next way you're going to impact the Mac universe?
Create an OS X user interface for power-users.
Anything else we should know?
Well I have particularly strong feelings towards the iPad - especially what it means for non-technical computer users:
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