MacTech Spotlight: Christoph Nadig and Pascal Freiburghaus, Lobotomo Software
Volume Number: 23 (2007)
Issue Number: 01
Column Tag: MacTech Spotlight
MacTech Spotlight: Christoph Nadig and Pascal Freiburghaus, Lobotomo Software
Company Info:
Lobotomo Software is not really a company, but a hobby creating cool tools that are missing in OS X (until we make them).
How long have you been doing what you do?
We started Lobotomo Software in fall 2003 -- when we thought of a bunch of tools interesting enough to share.
Your first computer:
The first computer we put our hands on was a Commodore VIC--20. This was followed by a number of fully or semi home built systems with not particularly mainstream architectures: 68k, DEC Alpha and PPC. Thanks to Apple we finally made it into Intel World (not sure yet If we should feel comfortable there yet...)
What attracts you to working on the Mac?
The Mac is designed from a users perspective, not a technical one. This always reminds us to write software that gives a user the best benefit instead of delivering the most fancy technical solution.
What's the coolest tech thing you've done using OS X?
With WinShortcutter we bridged the Inferior to the Superior. Dirty job, but someone had to do it...
Where can we see a sample of your work?
Please have a look at or ask Mr. Google for Lobotomo Software to see how and where our software is used
The next way I'm going to impact IT/OS X/the Mac universe is:
With IPSecuritas 3.0, which will soon be released in the final version, we'll provide a huge leap forward in functionality and user comfort, superceeding competing products. Like earlier version of IPSecuritas, version 3.0 will be freeware.