Palm On X: Dissecting The PDB File
Volume Number: 21 (2005)
Issue Number: 8
Column Tag: Programming
Palm On X: Dissecting The PDB File
By Jose R. C. Cruz
Welcome to the debut of Palm On X. This is the first of a series of articles dedicated to using
MacOS X as a development platform for PalmOS (R). I hope that the information I present in these
articles would help inspire others (including myself) to independently provide PalmOS development
tools and utilities that take advantage of such MacOS X technologies such as Cocoa, Core Foundation
and XCode.
These articles are not meant to teach PalmOS application development only. Those who want to
learn PalmOS programming may be interested in checking out Palm Programming: The Developer's Guide
written by Rhodes and McKeehan and published by O'Reilly.
What is a PDB file
PDB stands for Palm DataBase. It is a binary file format used by the PalmOS as the means to store
data on a PDA handheld. It is designed to make efficient use of limited storage space while
supporting a large variety of data types. It also allows the storage of metadata that is specific to
a PalmOS application.
Structure of a PDB file
Figure 1 shows the general layout of the PDB file. The file itself is subdivided into 5 distinct
data blocks: Header, Record List and Record Entry, Application Information, Sort Information, and
Record Data.

Figure 1: General
layout of the PDB file.
The Header Block
The Header block contains data describing the entire PDB file. It stores the name, version,
database attributes, creation and modification dates, type and creator signatures, and offsets to
any application-specific data.
The basic layout of the Header block is shown in Figure 2. Listing 1 shows the data structure
that defines the block. The elements that comprise the DatabaseHdrType datatype are as follows:
- name. The name of the file as a 32 character C-string .
- attributes. The attributes
associated with the file.
- version. The version number of the file.
- creationDate. Date when
the file was last created.
- modificationDate. Date when the file was last modified.
- lastBackupDate. Date when the file was last backed up.
- modificationNumber. The modification
ID number assigned to the file by the PalmOS.
- appInfoID. The offset of the optional AppInfo data
block from the beginning of the file.
- sortInfoID. The offset of the optional SortInfo data block
from the beginning of the file.
- type. The four-character signature assigned to the file.
- creator. The four-character signature of the PalmOS application that created the file.
- uniqueIDSeed. The unique ID number assigned to the file by the PalmOS.
The date elements are expressed in the number of seconds since 1970 January 1. This is true for
PDB files that were created on PalmOS 4.x or later. Older files may use a different reference year
(1900 or 1904), especially if the files were synchronized on a non-Windows platform. In either case,
the PDB date values will have to be converted since MacOS X uses 2001 as its reference year.
The attributes element consists of 16 bit-flags. Each flag indicating how the PDB file is to be
handled by the PalmOS system. Shown in Figure 3 is a breakdown of each bit flag and its

Figure 2: Layout of
the Header block.
Listing 1. Data structure of DatabaseHdrType.
unsigned char name[32];
unsigned short attributes;
unsigned short version;
unsigned long creationDate;
unsigned long modificationDate;
unsigned long lastBackupDate;
unsigned long modificationNumber;
unsigned long appInfoID;
unsigned long sortInfoID;
unsigned long type;
unsigned long creator;
unsigned long uniqueIDSeed;
} DatabaseHdrType;

Figure 3. Attribute
bit flags used in the Header block.
The Record List and Entries Blocks
Located immediately after the Header block is the Record List block. This block contains the
number of record entries present in the PDB file and the location of the first record entry.
The basic layouts of the Record List and Entries blocks are shown in Figure 4. Listing 2 shows
the data structure that defines the Record List block. The elements that comprises the
RecordListType datatype are as follows:
- nextRecordListID. Pointer to the next RecordListType structure. This pointer is updated by
the PalmOS only when the current RecordListType structure was unable to add more items due to memory
constraints. The default value is often 0x00000000.
- numRecords. The number of record entries
present in the block.
- firstEntry. The upper two bytes of the first record entry in the PDB file.
If there are no record entries, this element is assigned the value of 0x0000 to preserve a 4-bytes

Figure 4. Layout of
the Record List and Entries blocks.
Listing 2. Data structure of RecordListType.
unsigned long nextRecordListID;
unsigned short numRecords;
unsigned short firstEntry;
} RecordListType;
The Record Entry block exists only if the numRecords of the Record List block is a non-zero
value. If present, this block is located immediately after the Record List block. It is also
terminated with 0x0000 after the last record entry to maintain a 4-byte alignment.
A non-zero value for numRecords does not always mean that there are valid records present. For
performance reasons, some PalmOS applications assign a number of NULL record entries in their PDB
files to serve as placeholders. It is often a good idea to validate the offsets for each record
entry prior to reading the actual record data.
Each entry in the Record List entry block is defined by the RecordEntryType datatype. Listing 3
shows the data structure of that datatype. The elements that comprise the datatype are as follows:
- localChunkID. The offset of each raw record data from the beginning of the PDB file.
- attributes. The attributes of each record data
- uniqueID. A three-byte unique ID number
assigned to each entry by the PalmOS.
The attributes element consists of 8 bit-flags. Each flag indicating how each PDB record data is
to be handled by the application and by the PalmOS system. Figure 5 shows a breakdown of each bit
flag and its significance.
Listing 3. Data structure of RecordEntryType.
unsigned long localChunkID;
unsigned char attributes;
unsigned char uniqueID[3];
} RecordEntryType;

Figure 5. Attribute
bit flags used in the Record Entry block.
The Application Info Block
The Application Info or AppInfo block is where a PalmOS application can store
application-specific data. It is also where the PalmOS stores category information that allows users
to group records into different categories. This latter feature is only available if the application
itself supports the PalmOS Category APIs.
If the PDB file does not have an AppInfo block, the appInfoID element of the Header block will
have a 0x00 value. However if the application does support the Category APIs, its PDB file would
then have an AppInfo block with the category information located at the beginning of that block.
Figure 6 shows the basic layout of the AppInfo block with the category sub-block included.
Listing 6 shows the data structure of the AppInfoType datatype that defines sub-block.

Figure 6. The
category region of the AppInfo block.
Listing 6. Data structure of AppInfoType.
unsigned short renamedCategories;
unsigned char categoryLabels[16][16];
unsigned char categoryUniqueIDs[16];
unsigned char lastUniqueID;
unsigned char RSVD;
} AppInfoType;
The elements that comprise the AppInfoType are as follows
- renamedCategories. The number of category labels renamed by the user.
- categoryLabels.
An array of 16 category labels. Each label has a maximum of 16 characters in length
- categoryUniqueIDs. An array of 16 unique ID number assigned to each category label by the
- lastUniqueID. The unique ID number of the last category label that was used
The region between the category sub-block and the next data block will contain data specific to
the PalmOS application. It is up to the developer to define the data structure of the information
stored within that region. Without knowing the exact data structure, the information contained in
the application-specific portion of the AppInfo block can only be viewed as a simple hex dump.
To determine the size of the application-specific region, I use the following equation:

The preceding equation is correct only if the next data block happens to be a SortInfo block. If
a SortInfo block does not exists, I use the following equation to determine the size of the
application-specific region in the AppInfo block:

The Sort Information block
The Sort Information or SortInfo block is another area in the PDB file where a PalmOS application
can store application-specific data. Like the AppInfo block, the PDB file will have a SortInfo block
if the sortInfoID element in the Header block has a non-zero value. A value of 0x00 would mean the
absence of a SortInfo block. However, unlike the AppInfo block, the SortInfo block is not used at
all by the PalmOS (as of this writing).
The data format of the SortInfo block also differs from one application to another. Without
knowing the exact data structure, the information contained in the SortInfo block can only be viewed
as a simple hex dump.
To determine the size of the SortInfo block, I use the following equation:

The Record Data Block
The Record Data block contains all the records stored in the PDB file. The format of each record
data differs from one application to another. Without knowing the exact data structure of each
record, the raw record data can only be viewed as a simple hex dump.
The location of each record in the Record Data block is stored in the localChunkID element of the
Record Entry sub-block. To determine the size of each record, I calculate the difference between the
localChunkID of the current record and the localChunkID of the next one as follows:

However, if I want the size of the last record in the Record Data block, I calculate the
difference between the size of the entire PDB file and the localChunkID of the last record as

Mapping the PDB Data Into A Plist File
Exporting the PDB file data into an XML provides a number of advantages, the most notable of
which are access and portability. For example, if I convert a PDB file into an equivalent XML file,
I can edit the XML data using any text editor. I can also upload the XML file to any system (such as
Windows, Mac, Unix, and so on) with no loss of information.
The most prevalent XML file format used on a MacOS X system is the plist file. This format uses a
key-value system to store and differentiate its data. It is also relatively easy to generate. This
is the format that I will use to export my PDB file data.
I defined five major keys for the plist file. Each key represents a data block in the PDB file.
To ensure that each key name is unique, I use a reverse URL naming scheme similar to that used for
Java classes. Note that the acronym PSRC is the ticker symbol for PalmSource, Inc.
Listing 7 is the XML structure for the com.psrc.pdb.header dictionary. This structure is a
modified implementation of DatabaseHdrType (see Listing 1). Notice that I gathered all the date
information under the dictionary key named date. I also gathered the appInfoID, sortInfoID and
uniqueIDSeed data values into a sub-dictionary group called ID.
Listing 7. XML structure of com.psrc.pdb.header.
Listing 8 is the XML structure for the com.psrc.pdb.record.list dictionary. This structure is a
straightforward implementation of RecordListType (see Listing 2).
Listing 8. XML structure of com.psrc.pdb.record.list.
Listing 9 is the XML structure of the com.psrc.pdb.record.entry array. Each element in the array
is a dictionary whose structure is an XML representation of RecordEntryType (see Listing 3). The
order of each dictionary entry is unimportant. I can easily reconstruct the original order of each
record entry in the PDB file by simply examining the value stored in the localChunk key.
Listing 9. XML structure of com.psrc.pdb.record.entry.
Listing 10 is the XML structure of the dictionary. This structure is an amalgam
of both the AppInfo and SortInfo blocks. The appInfo dictionary is a straightforward implementation
of AppInfoType (see Listing 6). The categories key is an array of dictionaries, each dictionary
containing the values stored in the categoryLabel and categoryUniqueID elements of AppInfoType. By
combining these values into a dictionary, I am able to preserve the one-to-one correspondence
between category label and unique ID.
Any application-specific data found in the AppInfo block is stored using the <data></data> XML
tag. I also used the same approach to store any application-specific data found in the SortInfo
Listing 10. XML structure of
Finally, Listing 11 is the XML structure of the array. Like the sortInfo
key, I use the <data></data> XML tag to store the raw record data exported from the PDB file.
Listing 11. XML structure of
Building A PDB Viewer
I will now show you how to design and develop a simple PDB Viewer using Cocoa. I used XCode 1.5
to develop the Cocoa application. My development system is an iBook G3/600 MHz unit running MacOS X
I personally try to avoid using any features that are specific to one version of the OS when I
design my applications. This allows me to maintain some level of cross-platform compatibility. It
also gives me the freedom to port my source code using other development IDEs such as Metrowerks
Codewarrior or Project Builder.
The User Interface Design
The UI design for the PDB Viewer is quite straightforward. I've decided to use a single window to
display the information retrieved from the PDB file. I then use an NSTabView object to create four
panel views. Each panel view is dedicated to each one of the PDB data blocks. Each view is also
assigned a controller that will provide the necessary information to be displayed. I will talk about
the controllers later in this article.
Since I am developing a data viewer, I've decided to disallow on-screen editing. On-screen
editing is beyond the scope of this article. However, I do plan to revisit the concept in a future
The layout of the Header panel view is shown in Figure 7. This view will display the data
contained in the PDB Header block. The controller assigned to this view is PDBHeader.

Figure 7. UI layout
of the Header panel.
Figure 8 shows the layout of the Record List panel view. Data retrieved from the Record List
sub-block are displayed in the three topmost NSTextField objects. Those retrieved from the Record
Entry block are displayed in the NSTableView object. The controller assigned to this view is

Figure 8. UI layout
of the Record List panel.
The layout of the AppInfo panel view is shown in Figure 9. Integer data retrieved from the
category sub-block of the AppInfo block is displayed in the two NSTextField objects. The category
labels and their corresponding unique IDs are displayed in the NSTableView. Any application-specific
data read from the AppInfo block is displayed in the NSTextView at the bottom. The controller
assigned to this panel is PDBAppInfo.

Figure 9. UI layout
of the AppInfo panel.
Finally, Figure 10 shows the layout of the Data panel view. Application-specific data read from
the SortInfo block would be displayed in the NSTextView at the bottom. The raw record data from the
PDB file would be displayed in the NSTableView together with the corresponding local IDs.
Two controllers are assigned to update this panel view. PDBSortInfo handles the SortInfo data
whereas PDBRecData handles the raw record data.

Figure 10. UI layout
of the Data panel.
The Controllers
A total of 11 controllers comprise the PDB Viewer application. The five controllers mentioned in
the preceding section maintain the display of information in each of the four tab panel views. Three
controllers are used for data formatting. As for the remaining three, one maintains a PDB data
buffer, another handles file I/O, and the last one coordinates the signal traffic between previous
10 controllers.
For purposes of length, I will only list the contents of the header files of each controller
class. To see both the header and source files for each controller class, download the entire XCode
project of the PDB Viewer from the MacTech web site (
The Main Controller
The PDBMain controller (Listing 12) coordinates all the signal traffic between the other
controllers in the PDB Viewer application. It also intercepts any File menu selections and then
invokes the appropriate controllers in the appropriate order.
Listing 12. The PDBMain controller (PDBMain.h).
#import "PDBFileIO.h"
#import "PDBHeader.h"
#import "PDBRecList.h"
#import "PDBAppInfo.h"
#import "PDBSortInfo.h"
#import "PDBRecData.h"
@interface PDBMain : NSObject
// public instance outlets
IBOutlet NSTabView *pdbPanel;
IBOutlet PDBFileIO *pdbFile;
IBOutlet PDBHeader *pdbHeader;
IBOutlet PDBRecList *pdbRecList;
IBOutlet PDBAppInfo *pdbAppInfo;
IBOutlet PDBSortInfo *pdbSortInfo;
IBOutlet PDBRecData *pdbRecData;
// public action methods
- (IBAction)openDoc:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)saveDoc:(id)sender;
// protected accessor methods
- (void) updateViews;
- (void) setPList;
To illustrate the role of PDBMain as a traffic coordinator, I prepared two signal diagrams
showing the signal traffic during file-input and file-output. I used different line colors to help
differentiate between independent signal flows.
Figure 11 is the signal traffic inside the PDB Viewer when the user selects a PDB file to be
viewed by choosing the Open PDB menu option from the File menu. PDBMain receives the signal from the
File menu via its openDoc action method. It then calls selectInput from PDBFileIO to start the file
selection process.
Once a PDB file has been selected and read, PDBFileIO calls setBuffer from the PDBBuffer to
archive the PDB data. PDBFileIO returns control to PDBMain which then calls the updateView methods
of each of the following controllers: PDBHeader: PDBRecList, PDBAppInfo, PDBSortInfo, and
PDBRecData. Each of these five controllers get their respective data blocks from PDBBuffer via its
getBytesAt methods. They then process and display the PDB information in the appropriate UI outlets.

Figure 11. Signal
flow when a PDB file is selected for display.
Figure 12 is the signal traffic inside the PDB Viewer when the user exports the PDB data into a
plist file by choosing the Save .plist As option from the File menu. PDBMain receives the signal
from the File menu via its saveDoc method. It then calls the setPList methods of the following
controllers: PDBHeader, PDBRecList, PDBAppInfo and PDBRecData.
These five controllers then encapsulate their respective data blocks as NSDictionary objects.
They send their dictionary objects to PDBBuffer via its setPList:forKey method. Once PDBMain regains
control, it calls the selectOutput method of PDBFileIO to start the save process.
PDBFileIO prompts the user for a plist filename and destination directory. It then retrieves the
consolidated NSDictionary object from PDBFileIO via its getPList method. Finally, PDBFileIO invokes
the writeToFile method of the NSDictionary object to save its data into a plist file.

Figure 12. Signal
flow when the PDB data is being saved to a plist file.
Data I/O and Buffering
The PDBFileIO controller (Listing 13) handles all the data input and output operations. This
controller prompts the user for the PDB file to be viewed. It also prompts the user for a plist file
name and destination directory. It reads the PDB data and submits it to the PDBBuffer controller for
storage. It also queries the PDBBuffer for the NSDictionary object to be saved as a plist file.
Listing 13. The PDBFileIO controller (PDBFileIO.h).
#import "PDBBuffer.h"
// define the following private constants
#define PDB_nameWithExtension YES
#define PDB_nameOnly NO
@interface PDBFileIO : NSObject
// public instance outlets
IBOutlet PDBBuffer *pdbBuffer;
// protected instance properties
NSString *srcPath;
// public accessor methods
- (void) selectInput;
- (void) selectOutput;
- (NSString *) getName:(BOOL)withExt;
The PDBBuffer controller (Listing 14) manages the data retrieved from a selected PDB file. The
controllers for each tab panel retrieve their respective data blocks through the getBytesAt method
of the PDBBuffer.
PDBBuffer also manages an NSDictionary object that becomes the basis for the plist representation
of the PDB data. The controllers for each tab panel submit their respective NSDictionary objects
with the appropriate key values to the PDBBuffer using the setPlist:forKey method. The PDBBuffer
then consolidates the NSDictionary objects into a single NSDictionary object for exportation.
Listing 14. The PDBBuffer controller (PDBBuffer.h).
@interface PDBBuffer : NSObject
// protected instance properties
NSMutableData *dataBuffer;
NSMutableDictionary *dataDict;
// public accessor methods
- (NSData *) getBuffer;
- (NSData *) getDataAt:(unsigned int)offset
length:(unsigned int)length;
- (NSDictionary *) getPList;
- (void) setBuffer:(NSData *)fileData;
- (unsigned char *) getBytesAt:(unsigned int)offset
length:(unsigned int)length;
- (unsigned int) getBufferSize;
// public modifier methods
- (BOOL) setPList:(id)pdbData forKey:(id)pdbKey;
Displaying PDB Information
As mentioned previously, there are 5 controllers that handle the display of data for each tab
panel view. These controllers obtain their respective data block by querying PDBBuffer. These
controllers also encapsulate their data as NSDictionary objects. They then send their NSDictionary
objects to PDBBuffer to be consolidated for exportation.
The PDBHeader controller (Listing 15) handles the processing of data contained in the PDB header
block. It displays the processed data in the Header tab panel of the PDB Viewer. The controller also
calculates the time offsets needed to correctly display the PDB file's creation, modification and
last-backup dates. This correction is necessary because to the different reference years used by the
PalmOS and MacOS X.
Listing 15. The PDBHeader controller (PDBHeader.h).
#import "PDB.h"
#import "PDBBuffer.h"
#import "PDBFormatSig.h"
@interface PDBHeader : NSObject
// protected instance outlets
IBOutlet PDBBuffer *dataSource;
IBOutlet PDBFormatSig *dataFormat;
IBOutlet NSTextField *fieldAttributes;
IBOutlet NSTextField *fieldDateBackup;
IBOutlet NSTextField *fieldDateCreate;
IBOutlet NSTextField *fieldDateModified;
IBOutlet NSTextField *fieldIDAppInfo;
IBOutlet NSTextField *fieldIDModified;
IBOutlet NSTextField *fieldIDSortInfo;
IBOutlet NSTextField *fieldIDUnique;
IBOutlet NSTextField *fieldName;
IBOutlet NSTextField *fieldSigCreator;
IBOutlet NSTextField *fieldSigType;
IBOutlet NSTextField *fieldVersion;
// protected instance property
NSData *dataBuffer;
DatabaseHdrType *dataPointer;
// public modifier methods
- (void) updateView;
- (void) showData;
- (void) setPList;
- (NSDate *) adjustDate:(unsigned long)pdbDate;
// public accessor methods
- (unsigned int) getOffset:(PDBBlockTypes)block;
- (BOOL) hasBlock:(PDBBlockTypes)block;
- (BOOL) getData;
The PDBRecList controller (Listing 16) handles the processing of data contained in the PDB Record
List and Record Entry blocks. It displays the processed data in the Record List tab panel of the PDB
Viewer. Since that panel happens to have an NSTableView object, the PDBRecList controller also
serves as the table's data source. Finally, the controller populates the First Record Entry field if
and only if there is at least one valid record in the PDB file.
Listing 16. The PDBRecList controller (PDBRecList.h).
#import "PDB.h"
#import "PDBBuffer.h"
#import "PDBFormatHex.h"
@interface PDBRecList : NSObject
// protected instance outlets
IBOutlet PDBBuffer *dataSource;
IBOutlet PDBFormatHex *dataFormat;
IBOutlet NSTextField *fieldIDLocal;
IBOutlet NSTextField *fieldRecordCount;
IBOutlet NSTextField *fieldRecordFirst;
IBOutlet NSTableView *tableEntries;
// protected instance properties
NSData *dataBuffer;
NSMutableArray *dataRecords;
RecordListType *dataPointer;
// public modifier methods
- (void) updateView;
- (void) showRecordList;
// public accessor methods;
- (BOOL) hasEntries;
- (BOOL) hasRecords;
- (BOOL) getRecordList;
- (BOOL) getRecordEntries;
- (unsigned int) recordCount;
- (unsigned int) firstRecord;
- (unsigned int) getRecordAtIndex:(unsigned int)index;
- (void) setPList;
The PDBAppInfo controller (Listing 17) handles the processing of data contained in the AppInfo
block. It displays the processed data in the AppInfo tab panel of the PDB Viewer. Like the
PDBRecList controller, it serves as a data source for the NSTableView object in the AppInfo panel.
The controller also locates any application-specific data contained in the AppInfo data block. If
found, the controller then displays the application-specific data in the appropriate NSTextView
object using the PDBFormatData controller to reformat the data.
It should be noted that the PDBAppInfo controller only performs its data process if and only if
the PDB data does include an AppInfo block.
Listing 17. The PDBAppInfo controller (PDBAppInfo.h).
#import "PDB.h"
#import "PDBBuffer.h"
#import "PDBHeader.h"
#import "PDBRecList.h"
#import "PDBFormatData.h"
#import "PDBSortInfo.h"
@interface PDBAppInfo : NSObject
// protected instance outlets
IBOutlet PDBBuffer *dataSource;
IBOutlet PDBHeader *dataHeader;
IBOutlet PDBRecList *dataRecList;
IBOutlet PDBFormatData *dataStream;
IBOutlet PDBSortInfo *dataSortInfo;
IBOutlet NSTextView *fieldAppInfo;
IBOutlet NSTextField *fieldLastUniqueID;
IBOutlet NSTextField *fieldRenamedCount;
IBOutlet NSTextField *fieldDataLength;
IBOutlet NSTableView *tableCategories;
// protected instance properties
NSData *dataBuffer, *dataSpecific;
AppInfoType *dataPointer;
// public modifier methods
- (void) updateView;
- (void) showDataInfo;
- (void) showDataSpecific;
- (void) setPList;
// public accessor methods
- (BOOL) getDataInfo;
- (BOOL) getDataSpecific;
The PDBSortInfo (Listing 18) controller handles the processing of data contained in the SortInfo
block. It displays the processed data in the NSTextView object located in the Data tab panel of the
PDB Viewer. Like the PDBAppInfo controller, it only performs its data process if and only if the PDB
data does include a SortInfo block. The controller also makes use of the PDBFormatData controller to
reformat the data in human-readable form.
Listing 18. The PDBSortInfo controller (PDBSortInfo.h).
#import "PDB.h"
#import "PDBBuffer.h"
#import "PDBHeader.h"
#import "PDBRecList.h"
#import "PDBFormatData.h"
@interface PDBSortInfo : NSObject
// protected instance outlets
IBOutlet PDBBuffer *dataSource;
IBOutlet PDBHeader *dataHeader;
IBOutlet PDBRecList *dataRecList;
IBOutlet PDBFormatData *dataStream;
IBOutlet NSTextView *fieldSortInfo;
IBOutlet NSTextField *fieldDataLength;
// protected instance properties
NSData *dataBuffer;
// public modifier methods
- (void) updateView;
// public accessor methods
- (BOOL) getData;
- (NSData *) getSortInfo;
The PDBRecData controller (Listing 19) handles the processing of any existing raw record data
contained in the PDB file. It determines the location and length of each raw record using the
information provided by the PDBRecList controller. It then parses out these records and displays
them in the NSTableView object located on the Data panel of the PDB Viewer.
Listing 19. The PDBRecData controller (PDBRecData.h)
#import "PDB.h"
#import "PDBBuffer.h"
#import "PDBRecList.h"
#import "PDBFormatHex.h"
#import "PDBFormatData.h"
@interface PDBRecData : NSObject
// protected instance outlets
IBOutlet PDBBuffer *dataSource;
IBOutlet PDBRecList *dataRecList;
IBOutlet PDBFormatHex *dataFormat;
IBOutlet PDBFormatData *dataStream;
IBOutlet NSTableView *tableRecords;
// protected instance properties
NSMutableArray *dataRecords;
// public modifier methods
- (void) updateView;
- (void) setPList;
// public accessor methods
- (BOOL) getData;
Data Formatting
There are three controllers subclassed from the NSFormatter object.. First of these is
PDBFormatSig (Listing 20). This controller takes the original integer values of the type and creator
signatures of the PDB file and converts them into the familiar four-character signatures.
Two of the NSTextFields in the Header tab panel uses PDBFormatSig as their formatter. PDBHeader
also uses PDBFormatSig to format the type/creator signatures when preparing the PDB header data for
output to a plist file.
Listing 20. The PDBFormatSig controller (PDBFormatSig.h)
@interface PDBFormatSig : NSFormatter
// public modifier methods
- (NSString *) int2sig:(unsigned int)intArg;
The second controller, PDBFormatHex (Listing 21), takes an unsigned integer value and generates
the corresponding hexadecimal string.
Three NSTextFields in the Data tab panel use PDBFormatHex as their formatter. These three fields
display the attributes, AppInfo and SortInfo IDs stored in the PDB header block. The NSTextField
used to display the nextRecordID value in the Record List tab panel also uses PDBFormatHex as its
formatter. Finally, the NSTableViews in both the Record List and Data tab panels use PDBFormatHex to
format the values displayed in their Local ID columns.
Listing 21. The PDBFormatHex controller (PDBFormatHex.h)
@interface PDBFormatHex : NSFormatter
// public modifier methods
- (NSString *) int2hex:(unsigned int)intArg;
The third controller, PDBFormatData (Listing 22), takes an NSData object and converts each byte
value into some human-readable form. A byte value of 0x00 is represented by a bullet (*). Byte
values within the range of 0x20 and 0x7e are represented by their equivalent ASCII character. Any
other byte values are represented by an ellipsis (...).
The PDBFormatData is used by the PDBAppInfo and PDBSortInfo controllers to format any
application-specific data prior to being displayed in their respective NSTextViews. PDBRecData
controller also uses PDBFormatData to format any raw record data prior to being displayed in the
Record Data column of the NSTableView object.
Listing 22. The PDBFormatData controller (PDBFormatData.h)
@interface PDBFormatData : NSFormatter
// public modifier methods
- (NSString *)data2stream:(NSData *)dataArg;
Possible Improvements
For the purposes of this article, the PDB Viewer only allows me to load and view the data
contained inside a PDB file as well as export it to a plist file. There are however, a number of
directions I can pursue that would further improve upon the application's usability. Some of the
more notable ones are as follows:
- Add the ability to load and view a plist file containing PDB data and generate a PDB file
from the data read. To accomplish this, PDBFileIO needs to correctly recognize that the data being
read is coming from a plist file. PDBBuffer will then separate the data into individual blocks
(Header, Record List, etc..) and store each block as an NSDictionary entry. Then PDBHeader and its
kind will then asks for their respective data blocks to be parsed and displayed accordingly.
- Use
a hex-editor style UI to display any application-specific data from the AppInfo and SortInfo data
blocks. One way to accomplish this is to subclass NSTableView. The subclass (let's call it
PDBHexTable) would consist of 18 columns: one for the data offsets, one for the ASCII stream and the
rest for the hexadecimal values. Also, a controller (PDBHexShow) would be designed to handle the
display of data in the PDBHexTable.
- Allow on-screen editing of PDB data and then save the edited
data back into a separate PDB or plist file. The controllers for each of the tab panel views (such
as PDBHeader) will have to be modified to support this feature. Also, PDBFileIO will have to be
modified to allow users to select the type of file into which the data would be saved.
I have shown you the basic structure of a PDB file and how information is stored in that file. I
have also demonstrated how to use XCode and Cocoa to build a basic PDB Viewer that allows us to
view the contents of a PDB file. I was also able to add an additional feature to the PDB Viewer thus
allowing me to export the PDB data into a plist file for later viewing and perhaps even editing.
Once again, the complete XCode project for the PDB Viewer is available for downloading at the
MacTech website (
In my next article, I will cover the basic structure of a Palm Resource file (or PRC). Learning
the data structure of the PRC file is an important step towards learning PalmOS development as this
is the universal executable format used by a PalmOS application. I will show how to develop a PRC
Viewer that would allow me to view the contents of a PRC file as well as save the PRC data into a
plist file for later viewing/editing. In addition, I will also show how to allow the PRC Viewer to
load the contents of a plist file (which contains PRC data) and then recreate a PRC file.
Bibliography and References
Stone, Denise. "Palm OS (R) File Formats". Exploring Palm OS (R). Document Number 3120-002. 2004 Nov
9. pp. 4 - 12, 14 - 19. PalmSource, Inc.
Wilson, Greg; Ostrem, Jean; Rey, Christopher. Palm OS Programmers (R) Companion, Volume 1. Document
Number 3004-008. 2003 Sept 4. PalmSource, Inc.
Rhodes, Neil; McKeehan, Julie. Palm Programming: The Developer's Guide. Copyright 1999. O'Reilly
& Associates.
JC is a freelance engineering consultant currently residing in North Vancouver, BC.
He divides his time between custom application development for OS X, technical writing and teaching
origami to children at the local district libraries.