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Feb 01 Challenge Volume Number: 17 (2001)
Issue Number: 2
Column Tag: Programmer's Challenge

Programmer's Challenge

By Bob Boonstra, Westford, MA


Tic-Tac-Toe is a trivial game. There are less than 9! possible games, far fewer if symmetry is taken into account, and certainly few enough for the outcome to be calculated in advance. But there is a variant of Tic-Tac-Toe that allows many more possible move sequences, and for which there may or may not be a guaranteed winning solution. This month you are going to have an opportunity to compete in the game of Trilite against your Challenge peers.

Trilite is like Tic-Tac-Toe in the sense that it is played on a 3x3 board, where two players alternate occupying squares with the objective of occupying three positions in a row. It differs from Tic-Tac-Toe in that a player may occupy only three positions at a time. When a player occupies a fourth position, one of the three previously occupied positions, the one that has been occupied the longest, becomes vacant. So after any move, there are always three vacant positions on the board, and one more that is about to become unoccupied when the current player occupies one of the three vacant positions. Sounds simple, right?

The prototype for the code you should write is:

typedef enum {                        /* numbering system for Board positions */
   kTopLeft=0, kTopCenter, kTopRight, 
   kCenterLeft, kCenter, kCenterRight,
   kBottomLeft, kBottomCenter, kBottomRight
} BoardPosition;

typedef enum {                        /* possible values for a Board Position */
   kPlayer1Staying=0, kPlayer1Disappearing,
   kPlayer2Staying, kPlayer2Disappearing
} PositionValue;

typedef PositionValue Board[9];   /* state of the Board */

BoardPosition PlayTrilite(
   const Board triliteBoard,   /* current state of the Board */
   BoardPosition opponentPreviousPlay,
      /* the BoardPosition your opponent last played */
   int playerNumber,      /* 1 if you are player 1, 2 if you are player 2 */
   Boolean newGame         /* true the first time you are called for a new game */

For each game of Trilite, your PlayTrilite routine and that of your opponent will be called alternately until one of you wins by occupying three positions in a row, horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. The first time PlayTrilite is called for a new game, newGame will be set to TRUE. When newGame is TRUE, playerNumber will indicate whether you are the first (playerNumber==1) or second (playerNumber==2) player. Each time PlayTrilite is called, the BoardPosition last occupied by your opponent will be provided as opponentPreviousPlay. Finally, the current state of the Board will be provided to you as triliteBoard.

Trilite board positions have five possible values. Unoccupied positions have the value kEmpty. Positions occupied by player 1 have the value kPlayer1Staying or kPlayer1Disappearing, with the latter value distinguishing positions that will become empty following player 1's next move. Similarly, positions occupied by player 2 have the value kPlayer2Staying or kPlayer2Disappearing.

A sequence of moves works like this. Suppose the game has been going on for at least three pairs of turns, and it is player 1's turn to play. The Board will have six occupied positions, three by player 1 and three by player 2. One position for each player will be marked as "disappearing" on the next move. Player 1 will occupy one of the three remaining unoccupied positions, and - at the same time - the kPlayer1Disappearing position will become kEmpty. If player 1 now occupies three positions in a row, s/he is the winner. Otherwise, player 2 then occupies one of the three empty positions and the kPlayer2Disappearing position becomes kEmpty. Note that a player may not reoccupy the position about to disappear - the opponent is the first player with a chance to occupy that position. The astute reader might detect one element of a potential game strategy here.

Entries will compete against one another in a tournament structured so that each entry plays each other entry an even number of times, half playing first, and half playing second. If the number of entries is large, some other fair tournament scheme will be used. A game will be considered drawn when a time limit and a move count limit, not specified as part of the problem statement, are exceeded.

The winner will be the entry that scores the most points, where each game won is worth 1000 points, each game drawn is worth 500 points, and 1 point is deducted for each millisecond of execution time. The Challenge prize will be divided between the overall winner and the best scoring entry from a contestant that has not won the Challenge recently.

Your code and data must live in an application heap of 40MB. Any nontrivial tables used by your solution must be calculated at run time. Any entry that precalculates any significant part of the solution will be disqualified.

Those of you interested in experimenting with Trilite might want to check out the shareware game by John Mauro, at <>.

This will be a native PowerPC Challenge, using the CodeWarrior Pro 6 environment. Solutions may be coded in C, C++, or Pascal. You can also provide a solution in Java, provided you also provide a test driver equivalent to the C code provided on the web for this problem.

Three Months Ago Winner

Three people entered the November FreeCell Challenge, where contestants had to write code to solve the FreeCell solitaire puzzle. FreeCell requires players to move cards from eight tableaus to four home piles in ascending order based on suit, but it also provides four "free cells" where cards may be stored temporarily. Congratulations to Ernst Munter (Kanata, Ontario) for his victory in this Programmer's Challenge.

Ernst's entry performs a depth-first search of possible moves, enumerated by the GenerateMoveList routine. Moves are assigned a value that combines a heuristic weight assigned a priori to the type of move (e.g., kFreeToHome), a measure of the degree to which the cards in a tableau are in the correct order, and the presence in a tableau of cards that could be moved home. The code (IsNotRedundant) avoids moves that return a card to the position it occupied previously when no intervening move would have made the return nonredundant. A key to the speed of Ernst's entry is the way it avoids looping back into a previously encountered configuration. The Execute routine computes a hash value for the game state resulting from a prospective move and compares that hash value to that of previously encountered game states. If the prospective move results in a previously encountered state, the move is rejected. Assuming a move is not redundant, the move is made and a new set of possible moves is generated. The move search gives up and restarts if it is forced to backtrack too many times, using the list of previously encountered states to ensure that a different search path results.

As the top-placing contestant without a previous Challenge win, Greg Sadetsky wins a share of this month's Developer Depot merchandise credit prize. His second place solution also keeps track of past game states, but in a very large array instead of in a hash value. Greg employs a number of devices to reduce the storage required, but the resulting logic for detecting a repeat game state is more complex and time consuming. Greg's entry generates move sequences that are about 50% longer on average than those generated by Ernst's entry. It cuts off the search after 10 seconds, the point at which the time penalty exceeded the point value of solving the hand. As a result, his solution gave up on about 6% of the test cases.

The third entry I received this month was a recursive solution only slightly slower than the winning entry, but it crashed for 9 of the test cases. Even after I increased the heap and stack sizes significantly, the code crashed with heap corruption after apparently entering a recursion loop. To measure performance on the remaining cases, I needed to modify the test code to bypass the problematic hands and, for that reason, the entry was disqualified.

I tested the entries to this Challenge with more than 20,000 deals, including roughly one third of the 32,000 deals included in the Linux xfreecell package, 10,000 random deals, and a few manually constructed deals. Ernst's solution solved all but two of the test cases, both of which were a single deal that is known to be unsolvable. His solution required just over three minutes to run the entire set of tests, and generated an average of 156 moves to solve each deal. As you can see in the table below, a small number of test cases required more than 1500 moves to solve - the most complicated deal, excluding the ones that could not be solved, required 1863 moves.

>100 Moves (# of cases)>500 Moves (# of cases)>1000 Moves (# of cases)>1500 Moves (# of cases)No Solution (# of cases)
Ernst Munter181904442472
Greg Sadetsky1941078449111274
C. W.20303000278

The table below lists, for each of the solutions submitted, the number of test cases solved by each entry, the total execution time, the number of points earned, and the number of moves generated to solve the entire test suite. It also provides the code size, data size, and programming language used for each entry. As usual, the number in parentheses after the entrant's name is the total number of Challenge points earned in all Challenges prior to this one. The solution marked with an asterisk was disqualified for reasons explained above.

NameTest Cases SolvedTest Cases UnsolvedTime (secs)Points x100000Moves x1000Code SizeData SizeLang
Ernst Munter (681)206942181.1206.8322098001793C++
Greg Sadetsky (2)19422127424399.2169.84705815618.31MC
C. W. (*)20409278198.2203.9410372761858C

Top Contestants...

Listed here are the Top Contestants for the Programmer's Challenge, including everyone who has accumulated 10 or more points during the past two years. The numbers below include points awarded over the 24 most recent contests, including points earned by this month's entrants.

Rank Name Points
1. Munter, Ernst 271
2. Saxton, Tom 76
3. Maurer, Sebastian 68
4. Rieken, Willeke 65
5. Boring, Randy 52
6. Shearer, Rob 48
7. Taylor, Jonathan 36
8. Wihlborg, Charles 29

... and the Top Contestants Looking For a Recent Win

Starting this month, in order to give some recognition to other participants in the Challenge, we are also going to list the high scores for contestants who have accumulated points without taking first place in a Challenge. Listed here are all of those contestants who have accumulated 6 or more points during the past two years.

9. Downs, Andrew 12
10. Jones, Dennis 12
11. Day, Mark 10
12. Duga, Brady 10
13. Fazekas, Miklos 10
14. Flowers, Sue 10
15. Sadetsky, Gregory 10
16. Selengut, Jared 10
17. Strout, Joe 10
18. Hala, Ladislav 7
19. Miller, Mike 7
20. Nicolle, Ludovic 7
21. Schotsman, Jan 7
22. Widyyatama, Yudhi 7
23. Heithcock, JG 6

There are three ways to earn points: (1) scoring in the top 5 of any Challenge, (2) being the first person to find a bug in a published winning solution or, (3) being the first person to suggest a Challenge that I use. The points you can win are:

1st place 20 points
2nd place 10 points
3rd place 7 points
4th place 4 points
5th place 2 points
finding bug 2 points
suggesting Challenge 2 points

Here is Ernst's winning FreeCell solution:

Copyright © 2000
Ernst Munter, Kanata, ON, Canaca

Solves FreeCell games by a guided trial and error search.  

At each stage, all possible moves are listed, ranked according to a fixed heuristic which
prefers moves towards home, and towards aggregating strings of alternating colors on the

All reached states are recorded in a database to avoid loops.  The hash method to compress
states takes care of some redundancies;  for example it does not care which column a
particular set of cards is in, and it distinguishes cards only bycolor, not suit.  

If a search is making little progress, it is cut off after a specific number of undo
steps, and a fresh search started.  The same happens when the maximum number of moves has
been reached.  The new search still respects the accumulated database of previously seen
states, and so is forced to take a different path, improving its chances.  

The resulting move sequences are not optimal, and certainly not elegant.  The search also
does not include macro moves (moving columns of several cards).  I tried this but it was
counter-productive:  by listing the macro moves, the move lists became longer, and more
false paths ended up being explored. 

Version 2 changes
- replaced the STL set<> with a simpler, faster custom set;
- replaced qsort (of move lists) with an integrated custom heap sort;
- policy constants tuned.

Version 3 change
Reduced the amount of redundant moves by scanning back through the move stack to avoid any
move that would simple put a card back where it was earlier.  Such moves are truly
redundant if the to- and from- card positions were not used by intermediate moves of other
cards.  This strategy improved both time, and average number of moves to solve, by about

#include "FreeCell.h"
#define NDEBUG
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>   // for memset()

#define VERSION 3

// I need to have the suits in alternating red-black order.
enum {  
   mySpots=15,   kSignificant=myRed|mySpots

typedef unsigned char MyCard;// 2 bits suit + 4 bits spot 
typedef unsigned char uchar;
typedef unsigned long ulong; 
typedef unsigned short ushort; 

enum {
   kFreeCell=0,   // a single set of 16 card stacks defines the tableau
   kTableau=4,      // card stack offsets
   kHome=12,      // home must be last group
   kAvgMoveListLength=16,// just an estimate
// Policy constants affect the order in which moves are tried:
   kLongestPossibleMoveList=63,// actually no more than 31 have been observed

inline MyCard MakeCard(int spot,int suit)
      {return spot | (suit<<4);}
inline int MySuit(MyCard c) {return c>>4;}

struct CRC
// Standard CRC based hash method.  
static struct CRC {
     enum {POLYNOMIAL=0x04c11db7L};
     ulong table[256];
       long i,j,x;
       for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
            for (j=0;j<8;j++) {
              if (x<0) x=(x<<1) ^ POLYNOMIAL;
              else x=(x<<1); 
   ulong HashFunction(const uchar* ufrg,int frgLen,int type) const
// Uses CRC on length type, and all chars of a fragment
        ulong accum=table[frgLen]; 
       for (int i=0;i<frgLen;i++)
          accum=(accum<<8) ^ table[(accum>>24) ^ 
                           (kSignificant & ufrg[i])];
       accum=(accum<<8) ^ table[(accum>>24) ^ type];
       return type + accum;
} crc;

struct Legal
// A pair of lookup tables to indicate legality of placng one card upon another.
static struct Legal {
   bool   redBlack[64][64];         // legal to put second card on (first) in tableau
   bool   inSequence[64][64];      // legal to send second card home (first)
   // setup  red-black and inSequence card lookup tables
      for (int first=(myNull|mySpade);
         for (int second=(myA|mySpade);
            if ( ((mySpots & (first - second))==1) && 
                ((myRed & (first ^ second))==myRed) )
            // else =0;
            if ( ((mySpots & (second - first))==1) && 
                ((mySuits & (first ^ second))==0) )
            // else =0;
} gLegal;

inline MyCard Convert2MyCard(const Card c)
// converts a "Card" defined in "FreeCell.h" to an instance of "MyCard"
   switch (c.suit)
case kSpade:   return mySpade   |; 
case kHeart:   return myHeart   |;
case kDiamond:   return myDiamond |;
case kClub:      return myClub    |;
   return 0;

struct CardStack
struct CardStack {
// Generic card stack, serving for tableau, freecell, and home columns
   MyCard*   SP;   
   uchar   stackType;
   MyCard   cards[27];// only 19 needed, struct is padded out to 32 bytes 
   void Init(const Tableau * theTableau,int num,int type)
      if (theTableau)
      for (int i=0;i<num;i++)
   void InitHome(int suit)
      cards[0]=MakeCard(myNull,suit);// null card of correct suit to build upon
   MyCard TopCard() const {return SP[-1];}
   ulong Hash() const 
      return crc.HashFunction(cards,NumCards(),stackType);
   bool IsEmpty() const {return SP==cards;}
   void Add(MyCard c)
   MyCard Remove()
      return *-SP;   
   int AllInOrder() 
   // If the entire tableau stack is in order, returns numCards.
   // If not, this function returns 0.
      int num=0;
      if (SP>cards)
         MyCard* c1=SP-1;
         while (c1>cards)
            MyCard* c2=c1-1;
            if (!gLegal.redBlack[*c2][*c1])
               return 0;
      return num;
   int NumInOrder()
   // Returns the number of cards at the top of the stack which are in order.
      int num=0;
      if (SP>cards)
         MyCard* c1=SP-1;
         while (c1>cards)
            MyCard* c2=c1-1;
            if (!gLegal.redBlack[*c2][*c1])
      return num;
   int SourcePriority(MyCard home[])
// Scans the stack including (or excluding) the top card, to set a priority value 
// for the stack if it contains cards that could go home right away.
// kBlockedOnly=1 limits priority to blocked cards.
// Returns the priority value
      int srcPriority=0;
      MyCard* cp=cards;
      for (;cp<SP-kBlockedOnly;cp++)
         MyCard c=*cp;
         for (int k=0;k<4;k++)
            if (c==home[k])
      return srcPriority;
   int NumCards() const {return SP-cards;}

struct MyMove
struct MyMove {
// My move is represented in a  32-bit ulong
   ulong   gameValue:16;   // value of this move or cardToMove
   ulong   toPile:8;
   ulong   fromPile:8;   
   void Init(int from,int to,int val)
   void Clear() {fromPile=toPile=gameValue=0;}
   ulong IsValid() const {return Int();}// Null-move indicated by all-0 fields
   ulong FromPile() const {return fromPile;}
   ulong ToPile() const {return toPile;}
   void SetValue(MyCard c) {gameValue=c;}
   bool IsInverseOf(MyMove m) const {
      return ((fromPile == m.toPile) && (toPile == m.fromPile));
   bool ToHome() const {return (toPile>=kHome);}
   void MoveCard(CardStack* stacks)
      MyCard c=stacks[fromPile].Remove();
   void UndoMove(CardStack* stacks)
      MyCard c=stacks[toPile].Remove();
   void Convert(Move* m)
   // Converts this instance of "MyMove" to a "Move" as defined in "FreeCell.h"
      m->theSource = Source(fromPile-kFreeCell+dFreeCellA);
      m->theDestination = (toPile>=kHome) ? dHome:
   int Int() const {return *((int*)this);}// cast all three fields as single int
typedef MyMove* MyMovePtr;

inline bool operator > (const MyMove & a,const MyMove & b) {return a.Int() > b.Int();}

struct MoveHeap
// The custom heap for sorting moves.
struct MoveHeap {
   int      heapSize;
   MyMove   heapBase[kLongestPossibleMoveList];
   MoveHeap() : heapSize(0) {}
   int Size() const {return heapSize;}
   void Insert(MyMove k) 
       int i=++heapSize;
       int j=i>>1;
       MyMove z;
       while (j && ((z=heapBase[j]) > k) )
     MyMove Pop() 
       MyMove rc=heapBase[1];
       MyMove k=heapBase[heapSize-];
       if (heapSize<=1) {
            return rc;
       int i=1,j=2;
       while (j<=heapSize) 
            if ((j<heapSize)
            && (heapBase[j] > heapBase[j+1]))
            if (heapBase[j] > k)
       return rc;

struct Bucket
// The set (MySet below) is implemented as a hash table of buckets.
// Each bucket can hold kBucketSize values, and can be extended indefinetely
// by linking to additional buckets.
enum {kBucketSize=17,kNumBuckets=1024};
struct Bucket {
   int      numEntries;
   Bucket*   link;
   ulong   entry[kBucketSize];
   // bucket size of 9 or 17 makes full use of allocated memory (CW 6)
   Bucket(ulong firstEntry) :
      numEntries(1),link(0) {entry[0]=firstEntry;}
   ~Bucket() {if (link) delete link;}
   void Insert(ulong x)
   // Insert x only if x is not in the set already
      Bucket* b=Find(x);
      if (b==0) return;
   Bucket* Find(ulong x)
   // Scans this and linked buckets looking for x 
   // Returns 0 if found, returns this if not found
      ulong* ep=entry+numEntries;
      do {
         if (*-ep == x) return 0;
      } while (ep>entry);
      if (link) return link->Find(x);
      return this;
   void Add(ulong x)
      if (numEntries < kBucketSize)
         link=new Bucket(x);

struct MySet
struct MySet {
// A set to record all states (represented by their hash value) which have occurred.
   Bucket*   buckets[kNumBuckets];
      for (int i=0;i<kNumBuckets;i++) 
         Bucket* b=buckets[i];
         if (b) delete b;
   void Insert(ulong x)
      Bucket* b=buckets[x % kNumBuckets];
      if (b==0) 
         b=new Bucket(x);
         buckets[x % kNumBuckets]=b;
      } else   b->Insert(x);
   bool Find(ulong x)
      Bucket* b=buckets[x % kNumBuckets];
      return (b && (0==b->Find(x)));

struct MyGame
struct MyGame {
// MyGame is the top level struct which holds all local data
   CardStack   stacks[16];   //    my version of the tableau, the current state
   ulong      hashedState;      //   current state, compressed 
   long      numCardsOutstanding;
   MyMove*      movePool;         //   single pool allocated for movelists
   MyMove*     endMovePool;   
   MyMovePtr*   moveStack;      //   move stack tracks the history of executed moves
   MyMovePtr*   moveStackPointer;
   MyMovePtr*   lastMoveStack;
   MyCard       nextHome[4];   //    next cards (1 per suit) to go home
   MySet      stateSet;            //   all visited states are recorded in this set, as hash values
   MyGame(long maxMoves) :
      movePool(new MyMove[kLongestPossibleMoveList+
      moveStack(new MyMovePtr[maxMoves]),
      delete [] moveStack;
      delete [] movePool;
   void InitTableau(const Tableau theTableau[8])
// Copies the initial tableau to the local representation
      for (int tid=0;tid<8;tid++) 
      for (int i=0;i<4;i++)
   ulong Hash() const
// Hashes the game state into a single 32-bit integer
      const CardStack* cs=stacks;
      ulong h=cs->Hash();
      for (int i=1;i<16;i++,cs++)
         h ^= cs->Hash();
      return h;
   MyMove* GenerateMoveList(MyMove* mp)
//   Lists all legal moves in a list, starting with a null-move;
//   sorts the moves and returns the highest value move on the list 
//   Each move is given a "value" reflecting its relative merit. 
      if (mp+kLongestPossibleMoveList >= endMovePool)             
         return 0; // no room for movelist, should not really happen
                             // but if it does, we just have to backtrack   
      MyMove m;
      MoveHeap heap;
      int src,dest;
      CardStack* srcPtr;
      CardStack* destPtr;
      int cardToMove,topCardDest,value,srcPriority;
      for (src=kFreeCell,srcPtr=stacks+src;
      // from any freecell to: home, or tableau
         if (srcPtr->IsEmpty()) continue;
         if (gLegal.inSequence[topCardDest][cardToMove])
                                       // to correct home
            value = kFreeToHome + 
         bool toEmptyFlag=true;
         for (dest=kTableau,destPtr=stacks+dest;
         // to every matching tableau
            if (destPtr->IsEmpty())
               if (toEmptyFlag)
                  value = kFreeToEmptyTableau + 
                                    (2<<(cardToMove&mySpots)) +
            if (gLegal.redBlack[topCardDest][cardToMove])
               value = kFreeToTableau + 
                                 destPtr->AllInOrder() +

      for (src=kTableau,srcPtr=stacks+src;
      // from any tableau to: freecell, home or tableau 
         if (srcPtr->IsEmpty()) continue;
         int srcInOrder=srcPtr->AllInOrder();
         int longestInOrder=srcPtr->NumInOrder();
         int maxBlock=0;
         cardToMove=srcPtr->TopCard();// single card moves
         if (gLegal.inSequence[topCardDest][cardToMove])
                                          // to matching home 
            value = kTableauToHome +
         for (dest=kFreeCell,destPtr=stacks+dest;
         // to first available freecell
            if (destPtr->IsEmpty())
               value = kTableauToFree - 
                  srcInOrder - 
                  4*longestInOrder + 
         bool toEmptyFlag=true;
         for (dest=kTableau,destPtr=stacks+dest;
         // to every matching tableau
            if (src==dest) continue;
            if (destPtr->IsEmpty()) // to empty tableau
               if (toEmptyFlag)
                  value = kTableauToEmptyTableau + 
                     srcInOrder +
                     (2<<(mySuits & cardToMove)) +
            if (gLegal.redBlack[topCardDest][cardToMove])
               value = kTableauToTableau +
                  destPtr->AllInOrder() -
                  4*srcInOrder +
      mp->Clear();               // puts a sentinel 0-move at the start of the movelist
      while (heap.Size())   // sorts moves from heap into the movelist space
         *++mp = heap.Pop();
      return mp;
   void PushMove(MyMove* m){
   MyMove* PopMove()
      return *-moveStackPointer;
   int Execute(MyMove* mp)
// Attempts to execute one move.
// Return codes:
//      -2:  failed, cannot push the last move because the move stack is full
//      -1:    failed, would have reached a previous state
//       0:  success, final move and game solved
//       >0:  normal execution succeeded
      MyMove m=*mp;
      stateSet.Insert(hashedState);   // save last state in hashed state set         
      if (moveStackPointer >= lastMoveStack)
         return -2;
      if (m.ToHome() && (numCardsOutstanding==1)) // The game is solved.
         return 0;
      // do the move and compute a new hashed state
      ulong newHash=hashedState ^ 
         stacks[m.FromPile()].Hash() ^ 
      MyCard cardToMove=stacks[m.FromPile()].TopCard();
      newHash ^= 
         stacks[m.FromPile()].Hash() ^ 
      if (stateSet.Find(newHash))
         return -1;
      } else 
         hashedState=newHash;// record new hash value
         if (m.ToHome())
      return 1;
   MyMove* Undo()
// Undoes the last stacked move, returns this move, or 0 if no move found   
      MyMove* mp=PopMove();
      if (mp==0) return mp;
      MyMove m=*mp;
      ulong newHash=hashedState ^ 
         stacks[m.FromPile()].Hash() ^ 

      if (m.ToHome())
      hashedState=newHash ^ 
         stacks[m.FromPile()].Hash() ^ 
      return mp;
   long CopyMovesBack(Move theMoves[])
// Scans movestack, converts MyMoves to Moves, and returns the number of moves   
      int numMoves=0;
      MyMovePtr* endMoveStack=moveStackPointer;
      for (MyMovePtr* index=moveStack+1;index<endMoveStack;index++)
         MyMove* mp=*index;
      return numMoves;
   int IsNotRedundant(MyMove m)
      int from=m.FromPile();
      int to=m.ToPile();
      MyCard cardToMove=stacks[from].TopCard();
       MyMovePtr* mps=moveStackPointer;
      while (mps>moveStack)
         MyMove* oldMove=*-mps;
         int oldFrom=oldMove->FromPile();
         int oldTo=oldMove->ToPile();
         MyCard oldCard=oldMove->gameValue;
         if (oldCard==cardToMove)
            return ((oldTo^from) | (oldFrom^to));
         } else
            if ((oldFrom==to)||(oldTo==to)||(oldFrom==from))
      return 1;
   long Solve(const Tableau theTableau[8],Move theMoves[],long maxMoves)
// Solves the game by systematic depth-first exploration of the move tree
// Several fresh starts are possible if the move stack is exhausted
// or if the search seems to be stuck with a large number of backtracks
// In any case, all visited states are recorded in the hashed state set,
// and never entered twice.  The hash is not perfect, and some states might
// be accidentally excluded.  It is hoped that there is always enough redundancy in
// the possible solution sequences to allow an alternative solution to be found.
      int cycle=kMaxRestartsDiv/maxMoves,rc;
      do {
         int undoLimit=kUndoLimitMul*maxMoves;
         // Put a sentinel null move at start of move stack      
         MyMove* moveList=movePool;
         MyMove previousMove;
         MyMove* nextMove=GenerateMoveList(moveList);
      // moveList to nextMove defines a movelist which always starts with a 0-move
      // and is processed in order nextMove, nextMove-1, ... until 0-move is found
         for (;;) 
            while (nextMove && nextMove->IsValid())
#if VERSION>=3
               if (!IsNotRedundant(*nextMove))
               if (nextMove->IsInverseOf(previousMove))
                  continue; // while
               if (rc==-1) // would have reached a previous state
                  nextMove-;   // use next best move in list            
                  if (undoLimit<=0) // enough! let's restart
                     goto restart_search;
               } else
               if (rc>0)// move was executed, get next movelist
#if VERSION<3   
                  goto get_new_movelist;
               } else 
               if (rc==0) // copy moves back for the caller and return
                  return CopyMovesBack(theMoves);
               else // else rc<=-2: move stack is full
                  goto restart_search; 
            } // end while
         // no move is possible, try to backtrack
            do {
               MyMove* prevMove=Undo();
               if (!prevMove)  // no solution!, stack is completely unwound
                  return 0;
            // try to use the last move:
               nextMove = prevMove-1;
            } while (!nextMove->IsValid());
            while ((moveList>=movePool) && (moveList->IsValid()))
      } while (-cycle > 0);    // restart only so many times
      return 0;            // then give up and return 0

long  FreeCell(   // returns the number of moves in theMoves[]
   const Tableau   theTableau[8],
   Move    theMoves[],
   long   maxMoves
) {
   MyGame* G=new MyGame(maxMoves);                        
   long numMoves=G->Solve(theTableau,theMoves,maxMoves);         
   delete G;
   return numMoves;

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Top Mobile Game Discounts
Every day, we pick out a curated list of the best mobile discounts on the App Store and post them here. This list won't be comprehensive, but it every game on it is recommended. Feel free to check out the coverage we did on them in the links... | Read more »
Price of Glory unleashes its 1.4 Alpha u...
As much as we all probably dislike Maths as a subject, we do have to hand it to geometry for giving us the good old Hexgrid, home of some of the best strategy games. One such example, Price of Glory, has dropped its 1.4 Alpha update, stocked full... | Read more »
The SLC 2025 kicks off this month to cro...
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Dive into some early Magicpunk fun as Cr...
Excellent news for fans of steampunk and magic; the Precursor Test for Magicpunk MMORPG Crystal of Atlan opens today. This rather fancy way of saying beta test will remain open until March 5th and is available for PC - boo - and Android devices -... | Read more »
Prepare to get your mind melted as Evang...
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Square Enix gives with one hand and slap...
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Let the world burn as you have some fest...
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Open your own eatery for all the forest...
Very important question; when you read the title Zoo Restaurant, do you also immediately think of running a restaurant in which you cook Zoo animals as the course? I will just assume yes. Anyway, come June 23rd we will all be able to start up our... | Read more »
Crystal of Atlan opens registration for...
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Price Scanner via

AT&T is offering a 65% discount on the ne...
AT&T is offering the new iPhone 16e for up to 65% off their monthly finance fee with 36-months of service. No trade-in is required. Discount is applied via monthly bill credits over the 36 month... Read more
Use this code to get a free iPhone 13 at Visi...
For a limited time, use code SWEETDEAL to get a free 128GB iPhone 13 Visible, Verizon’s low-cost wireless cell service, Visible. Deal is valid when you purchase the Visible+ annual plan. Free... Read more
M4 Mac minis on sale for $50-$80 off MSRP at...
B&H Photo has M4 Mac minis in stock and on sale right now for $50 to $80 off Apple’s MSRP, each including free 1-2 day shipping to most US addresses: – M4 Mac mini (16GB/256GB): $549, $50 off... Read more
Buy an iPhone 16 at Boost Mobile and get one...
Boost Mobile, an MVNO using AT&T and T-Mobile’s networks, is offering one year of free Unlimited service with the purchase of any iPhone 16. Purchase the iPhone at standard MSRP, and then choose... Read more
Get an iPhone 15 for only $299 at Boost Mobil...
Boost Mobile, an MVNO using AT&T and T-Mobile’s networks, is offering the 128GB iPhone 15 for $299.99 including service with their Unlimited Premium plan (50GB of premium data, $60/month), or $20... Read more
Unreal Mobile is offering $100 off any new iP...
Unreal Mobile, an MVNO using AT&T and T-Mobile’s networks, is offering a $100 discount on any new iPhone with service. This includes new iPhone 16 models as well as iPhone 15, 14, 13, and SE... Read more
Apple drops prices on clearance iPhone 14 mod...
With today’s introduction of the new iPhone 16e, Apple has discontinued the iPhone 14, 14 Pro, and SE. In response, Apple has dropped prices on unlocked, Certified Refurbished, iPhone 14 models to a... Read more
B&H has 16-inch M4 Max MacBook Pros on sa...
B&H Photo is offering a $360-$410 discount on new 16-inch MacBook Pros with M4 Max CPUs right now. B&H offers free 1-2 day shipping to most US addresses: – 16″ M4 Max MacBook Pro (36GB/1TB/... Read more
Amazon is offering a $100 discount on the M4...
Amazon has the M4 Pro Mac mini discounted $100 off MSRP right now. Shipping is free. Their price is the lowest currently available for this popular mini: – Mac mini M4 Pro (24GB/512GB): $1299, $100... Read more
B&H continues to offer $150-$220 discount...
B&H Photo has 14-inch M4 MacBook Pros on sale for $150-$220 off MSRP. B&H offers free 1-2 day shipping to most US addresses: – 14″ M4 MacBook Pro (16GB/512GB): $1449, $150 off MSRP – 14″ M4... Read more

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