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Jan 00 Challenge

Volume Number: 16 (2000)
Issue Number: 1
Column Tag: Programmer's Challenge

Programmer's Challenge

by Bob Boonstra, Westford, MA

Peg Triangle

Welcome to the New Year! If you're not one of those people who quibble about whether the new century starts in 2000 or 2001, welcome also to a new century and a new millennium! As I write this, I can't be certain whether the doomsday predictions will turn out to have had any validity, but I'm betting that as you read this, the lights will be on, the telephones will work, the ATMs might be occasionally short of cash, the grocery stores will be replenishing their canned goods, and the pundits will be questioning what the fuss was all about. (At least this is my prediction for the so-called First World - I'm not close enough to the situation in the rest of the world to be as confident.) Of course, as someone whose Real Job included making certain that this transition to January was as boring as any other, I know that there was a lot of hard work invested in ensuring that life went on in the IT world.

But I'm betting that most of you are ready and able to take on this month's Programmer's Challenge. Especially since most of you are presumably Mac users, who didn't (or don't) have to go through the complicated process of remediating their Monopoly-OS machine so that it would continue to function. We're going to make the Challenge a little simpler this month, in hopes of encouraging some new participants to take a shot at making the Top Five.

A while back my daughter presented me with a puzzle she had made in wood-shop. (Yes, my town has progressed to the point where the girls take wood-shop and metallurgy classes and the boys take cooking and sewing.) The puzzle is a triangular block of wood with holes drilled into a triangular pattern: 1 hole in the first row, 2 holes in the second, etc. A peg occupies each of the holes, except one. The puzzle is solved by a sequence of jump moves, where a peg jumps over an adjacent peg into an open hole in the same direction, after which the jumped peg is removed from the board. The object of the game is to remove all of the pegs from the board, except one.

Our Challenge will be a slight generalization of this puzzle. The initial board position will always contain at least one vacant hole, but perhaps more than one. The object will be to minimize the number of pegs remaining on the board at the end of the game, but because of the initial configuration it might not be possible to reduce the number of pegs remaining to one.

The prototype for the code you should write is:

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {

typedef struct TrianglePegPosition {
	short row;	/* 0..numberOfRows */
	short col;	/* -row, -row+2, ..., +row */
} TrianglePegPosition;

typedef struct PegJump {
	TrianglePegPosition from;
	TrianglePegPosition to;
	// must satisfy
	// ( (to.row == from.row) && (to.col == from.col +- 4) && 
	//			((from.row +- 1, from.col +-2) occupied) ||
	//   (to.row == from.row +- 2) && (to.col == from.col +- 2) &&
	//			((from.row +- 1, from.col +-1) occupied) )
} PegJump;

short /* number of moves */ SolvePegTriangle (
	short triangleSize,	/* number of rows in triangle to solve */
	short numInitialPegs,	/* number of pegs in starting puzzle position */
	TrianglePegPosition initialPegPositions[],
		/* peg locations in starting puzzle position */
	PegJump pegJumps[]
		/* return peg moves that solve the puzzle here, in sequence */

#if defined(__cplusplus)

Your SolvePegTriangle routine is provided with the initial puzzle conditions and must store the moves required to solve the puzzle in pegJumps, returning from SolvePegTriangle the number of moves in pegJumps. As initial conditions, SolvePegTriangle is given the dimension of the puzzle (triangleSize), the number of pegs in the initial puzzle state (numInitialPegs), and the position of those initial pegs.

The winner will be the solution that solves a sequence of puzzles at the lowest cost. Each millisecond of execution time used to solve the puzzles will incur a cost of 1 point. Each peg left on the board beyond the first will incur a cost of 1000 points (whether or not it is possible to remove all but one peg from the board).

This will be a native PowerPC Challenge, using the CodeWarrior Pro 5 environment. Solutions may be coded in C, C++, or Pascal. Solutions in Java will also be accepted this month. Java entries must be accompanied by a test driver that uses the interface provided in the problem statement.

Remember that you can get a head start on the Programmer's Challenge by subscribing to the Challenge mailing list. See for details.

Three Months Ago Winner

The October SuperDuperGhost Challenge attracted entries from four of the top six contestants in the Programmer's Challenge points standing, and the top two in the points standing finished one and two. Congratulations to Ernst Munter (Kanata, Ontario) and Tom Saxton for finishing first and second, respectively, in the Ghost Challenge.

The SuperDuperGhost Challenge required contestants to compete in a tournament, where the object was to win a generalized game of Ghost. The concept of Ghost is simple - players spell a word, taking turns adding letters, trying to avoid being the one to add the last letter to a word in the dictionary. SuperDuperGhost complicated the original game by allowing the addition of letters to the end of the string, to the beginning of the string, to the beginning or the end, or finally at any place in the growing string, depending on the mode of the game. Scoring was based on winning games, with a penalty based on execution time, and an additional penalty for forming a word without declaring yourself the loser.

Each of the four entries in the Challenge competed against every other entry, with each player having a chance to play first against each other. With four entries in this Challenge, that meant that there were 12 matches in each round, of which each entry competed in 6. I conducted 10 rounds of competition, times four game modes (addToEndOnly, addToBeginningOnly, addToBeginningOrEnd, addAnywhere), for a total of 480 matches, with each player competing in 60 of each type.

Playing first had a significant advantage. Ernst's winning entry was successful in every single match where it made the first move, regardless of whether the game mode allowed additions to the beginning, end, beginning or end, or arbitrary location within the growing word string. Tom's second place entry did almost as well, winning 117 of the 120 matches where it played first. The third-place entry of Sebastian Maurer won all of the entries where it played first for the game modes in which it chose to compete; however, Sebastian only had time to complete code for two of the modes of the game (addToEndOnly and addToBeginningOnly). The table below lists the number of wins achieved by each entry in each of the four modes of the game.

Ernst Munter 38 40 50 49
Tom Saxton 39 40 49 45
Sebastian Maurer 39 40 0 0
JG Heithcock 4 0 21 26

In the addToEndOnly and addToBeginningOnly modes, Ernst employs a recursive solution to find a letter that does not complete a word, but which forces an opponent to complete a word. If a win cannot be guaranteed, he selects a letter that admits solutions where his opponent must complete a word. Depending on the dictionary, this strategy always succeeds when Ernst moves first and sometimes succeeds otherwise. In the other two game modes, the code attempts to force the opponent to complete a word, but otherwise tries to guarantee that the opponent is forced to make a word shorter than the shortest word Ernst can be forced to make.

The table below lists, for each of the solutions submitted, the total score achieved, the execution time in milliseconds, the total number of wins achieved, the number of wins when playing first, and the size and language code parameters. As usual, the number in parentheses after the entrant's name is the total number of Challenge points earned in all Challenges prior to this one.

Name Score Time (msec) Total Wins Wins play first Code Size Data Size Lang
Ernst Munter (527) 17700979 177120 10412 2019 C++
Tom Saxton (128) 17250 2575 173 117 6132 637 C
Sebastian Maurer (70) 7900 1157 79 60 4448 187 C
JG Heithcock (39) 5000 1543 51 28 2856 97 C

Top Contestants

Listed here are the Top Contestants for the Programmer's Challenge, including everyone who has accumulated 10 or more points during the past two years. The numbers below include points awarded over the 24 most recent contests, including points earned by this month's entrants.

1.Munter, Ernst237
2.Saxton, Tom126
3.Maurer, Sebastian77
4.Boring, Randy66
5.Rieken, Willeke51
6.Heithcock, JG43
7.Shearer, Rob34
8.Brown, Pat20
9.Hostetter, Mat20
10.Mallett, Jeff20
11.Jones, Dennis12
12.Hart, Alan11
13.Hewett, Kevin10
14.Murphy, ACC10
15.Selengut, Jared10
16.Smith, Brad10
17.Strout, Joe10
18.Varilly, Patrick10

There are three ways to earn points: (1) scoring in the top 5 of any Challenge, (2) being the first person to find a bug in a published winning solution or, (3) being the first person to suggest a Challenge that I use. The points you can win are:

1st place20 points
2nd place10 points
3rd place7 points
4th place4 points
5th place2 points
finding bug2 points
suggesting Challenge2 points

Here is Ernst's winning Ghost solution:

Copyright © 1999
Ernst Munter, Kanata, ON, Canada

  October 3, 1999.
  Submission to MacTech Programmer's Challenge for October 99.
  Copyright © 1999, Ernst Munter, Kanata, ON, Canada.
          "Super Duper Ghost"
  Version 2.
Problem Statement
The program plays a game of ghost against one other player. Given a
dictionary, and an initial ghost string, one letter  must be added to
the ghost string without making a dictionary word.  But the new ghost
string must be part of a dictionary word.

There are four game types:
  (0) add a letter only to the end of the ghost string
  (1) add a letter only to the beginning.
  (2) add a letter only to the either the end or the beginning 
  (3) add a letter anywhere
Solution Strategy
At each stage of the game the current ghost string is incremented by one
letter to yield a new ghost string.  Processing at each stage in the
game is independent of previous steps.  A "wordInMind" at one step may
be completely different from the wordInMind at the previous or the next

A full lookahead is employed for game type (0), using recursion. The
objective is to find a letter which does not complete a word, but which
forces the opponent to make a word.

Depending on the actual dictionary, this strategy leads to a certain win
whenever possible.

If a win cannot be assured by the lookahead search, I select a move
which preferably includes words the opponent must make.  But of course,
the failed search means that the opponent can win if they play

The strategy for game type (1) is identical.  In order to be able to use
the same code, all working strings are reversed, and the lookups are
done with a sorted inverse dictionary in which all words are reversed
(PLAIN becomes NIALP).

Modes 2 and 3
Game types 2 and 3 are more complex and the strategy for these modes is
slightly different to account for the more difficult job of finding
valid target words.

Some of the code from the Disambiguator Programmers Challenge of July
1997 is reused to provide a method for finding dictionary words matching
ghost strings according to modes 2 and 3.

But because this lookup is not as fast as the direct binary search used
in modes 0 and 1, full look-ahead cannot be accomplished in a short
enough time.  So only a simple heuristic is used:

The words are conceptually divided into odd and even sets. A player who
starts will loose if he makes a word with an odd number of letters. 
Conversely, he can win if he can force the  opponent to make an
even-length word.

The choice of the next letter to play is thus based on an analysis of
all possible next letters, in all possible positions in the ghost

The first choice, if available, is to use a letter that results in only
words the opponent can make (thus guaranteeing a win).

The second choice is to use a letter where the shortest word I can make
is longer than the shortest word the opponent can make.

The moves for ghostStrings of length 0 and 1 are cached to avoid
recomputation when several games are played.

Dictionary words are at least 4, and at most 31 characters long.

Dynamic memory allocated by the program for the inverse dictionary and
the disambiguator tables is about 24 bytes per word of the  original
dictionary (depending on actual average word length).

Static memory is about 2K.


#define DBG 0

#include "ghost.h"
#include "newdisambig.h"
#include "myString.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#if DBG
#include <stdio.h>
#define NDEBUG
#include <assert.h>

/******************** typedefs ************************/
typedef unsigned long ulong;
typedef const char* charPtr;
struct CacheType {
  ulong     response;// (insertion_point << 8) + character
  charPtr*  wordInMind;
typedef CacheType Cache[32];

/********************  globals  **********************/
static charPtr* gDictWords;
static long   gNumWords;     
static char*  gInverseChars;
static charPtr* gInverseDict;
static GameType gGameType;

// Selection of character orders for faster convergence
static char* gAlternateOrder="EISARNTOLCDUGMPHYBFVKWZXQJ"; 

// Caches of the 1st and second character choices
static Cache cache[4];
static CacheType* choices;
/******************** Utilities ***********************/
static void ClearCaches()

static void ReverseString(char* s,int len)
  char* l=s;
  char* r=s+len-1;
  char t=*l;*l=*r;*r=t;
  for (int i=1;i<len/2;i++){
    char t=*++l;*l=*-r;*r=t;

inline void Expand(char* newGhost,char* fragment,
  int newGhostLen,int insert) 
// copy fragment into newGhost, leaving space for insert  

static int CmpStr(const void* a,const void* b)
  return StrCmp4(*((charPtr*)a),*((charPtr*)b));

static charPtr* IsinDict(charPtr s)
  charPtr* x=(charPtr*)bsearch(&s,gDictWords,gNumWords,4,CmpStr);
  return x;

static void GetCharPositions(
  char* ghostString,
  int   ghostLen,
  const char* word,
  int*  charPositions)
// Collects character positions for mode 3 from actual word
  int k=-1;
  for (int i=0;i<ghostLen;i++) {
    char c=*ghostString;
    char d;
    while (0 != (d=word[++k])) {
      if (c==d) break;
    if (d==0)

// Customized heap sort for the inverse dictionary
static void Send(
// Inserts word wp in wordList as a priority queue
// in preparation for sorting later
  charPtr wordList[],
  charPtr wp,
  ulong numWords) 
  charPtr* base=wordList-1;
  charPtr z;
  long i=numWords+1,j=i>>1;
  while ((j>0)&&StrCmp4(wp,z=base[j])>0) {

static void Sort(
  charPtr wordList[],
  long numWords) 
// Heap sort step 2, used for final sorting of the wordList.
  charPtr* sList=wordList-1;
  charPtr x;
  int  i,j;
  charPtr* b=sList+numWords+1;
  if (numWords>1) do {
    *(-b) = sList[1];
    if (numWords<=1) {
    while (j<=numWords) {
      if ((j<numWords) &&
      if (StrCmp4(x,sList[j])>=0)
  } while(1);

/****************** The inverse dictionary **********/
static int ScanDict()
// counts characters in all dictionary words
  int num=0;
  const charPtr* d=gDictWords;
  for (int i=0;i<gNumWords;i++,d++)
  return num;

static void InverseCopy(int numChars)
// Copies/inverts all words from gDictWords to gInverseDict 
// by doing a character by character copy back to front.
  const charPtr* d=gDictWords;
  char* dest=gInverseChars+numChars;
  int numWords=0;
  for (int i=0;i<gNumWords;i++,d++)
    const char* src=*d;
    while (*src) {
      *-dest = *src++;

static void MakeInverseDict()
  if (gInverseDict) // already initialized
  int numChars=ScanDict();
  gInverseChars=new char[numChars+gNumWords];
  gInverseDict=new charPtr[gNumWords];

static void DeleteInverseDict()
  if (gInverseDict) {
    delete [] gInverseDict;
  if (gInverseChars) {
    delete [] gInverseChars;

/************ Finding ghosts in a dictionary ***********/

static int gLength;
static int CmpFragment(const void* a,const void* b)
  return strncmp(*((charPtr*)a),*((charPtr*)b),gLength);

static charPtr* FindFirst(
  charPtr fragment,
  int len,
  charPtr* dict)
  charPtr* x;
    if (strncmp(fragment,*x,len))
      return 0; 

    while (x>dict) {
      charPtr* y=x-1;           
      if (strncmp(fragment,*y,len)) 
  return x;

/************** Choosing the next move *******************/

static ulong Choose01(
  char* fragment, // word fragment (ghost string)
  int fragLen,  
  charPtr* dict)
// Recursive search for best next character, modes 0 and 1  
// Returns char-to-play that would force opp to make a word

// Try the whole alphabet, least used letters first
  char* tryChar=gSearchOrder;
  do {
// tack a character to the end of the fragment  
// find the shortest matching word in the dictionary      
    charPtr* x=FindFirst(fragment,fragLen,dict);
    if (x){
      if ((*x)[fragLen]==0) {
// bad choice: we must not make a complete word
      } else {
// call opponent's choice, see if they can win      
        char next=Choose01(fragment,fragLen+1,dict);
        if (next==0){
// opponont is forced to make a word, caller wins with this choice
          return *tryChar;
  } while (*++tryChar); 
// remove letter and terminate shorter string before returning  
// failed 
  return 0;

#if DBG
static int S[4];

static ulong Choose23(char* fragment,int newGhostLen)
// Search for best move for modes 2 and 3 
// Returns character and insertion point, packed in <16 bits
  ulong bestResponse=0;
// words are in groups according to length, even and odd.
// myGroups contain words I would complete
// oppGroups contain words the opponent would complete  
  int myGroups=newGhostLen & 1;
#define oppGroups (1 ^ myGroups)
#define MYGROUP(x) (0==(((x)^newGhostLen)&1))
#define OPPGROUP(x) (0!=(((x)^newGhostLen)&1))
  int step=1;
  if ((gGameType==addToBeginningOrEnd) &&
  int delta,bestDelta=-64;
  for (int insert=0;insert<newGhostLen;insert+=step)
    char newGhost[32];
    char* tryChar;
    if (newGhostLen==1) tryChar=gAlternateOrder;
    else tryChar=gSearchOrder;
    do {
      int shortest[2];
      int numGroups=
      if (numGroups==0) // The fragment is not found in any word
      if (numGroups==1)
        if MYGROUP(shortest[0]) { 
          if (shortest[0]==newGhostLen) {
// must never make a dictionary word
// Mygroup words are bad, opp loose only if they make a mistake
          if (delta>bestDelta) {
// But keep longest of these choices, it may be all we have
            bestResponse=*tryChar + (insert<<8);
        } else { 
// I am guaranteed to win, return immediately
          bestResponse=*tryChar + (insert<<8);
          return bestResponse;
      } else {
// Words in both groups. Keep the one with the highest delta,
// that is where opponents word(s) are shorter than mine.     
        if MYGROUP(shortest[0]) {
          if (shortest[0]==newGhostLen) {
// must never make a dictionary word
        } else {
          if (shortest[1]==newGhostLen) {
// must never make a dictionary word
        if (delta>bestDelta) {
          bestResponse=*tryChar + (insert<<8);
    } while (*++tryChar);
  return bestResponse;

/************** Playing the next move *******************/

static charPtr* PlayMode0(
    int     newGhostLen,
    char    newGhostString[256],
    charPtr*  dict,
    ulong&    response)
// use recursive search for winning move  

  if (response) goto OK;
// else
// no winning move was found, so let's use a heuristic choice:
// The preference is for the shortest string of even (odd) length
// which the opponent would have to make.  But if all available
// words are of the wrong length (I will have to make it), I choose
// a longer target word to increase the chances for the opponent
// to make a mistake.  
  charPtr* z=FindFirst(newGhostString,newGhostLen-1,dict);
  ulong bestResponse[2]={0,0};
  ulong len,bestLen[2];
  int preferShort=1 & (newGhostLen+1);
#define preferLong (1-preferShort)
  for(;;) {
// get first word which differs in the next letter    
    do {
      ulong nextLetter=(*z)[newGhostLen - 1];
      if (nextLetter > response) {
        if (len > newGhostLen)
          goto Try_This;
      if (z>=dict+gNumWords) 
// make sure it is still the same word stem 
    } while(0==strncmp(newGhostString,*z,newGhostLen-1));
// record longest and shortest alternatives
    if ((len&1)==preferShort){
      if (len <= bestLen[preferShort]) {
    } else {
      if (len >= bestLen[preferLong]) {
  if (bestLen[preferShort] < 100) { 
    goto OK;
  if (bestLen[preferLong] > 0) { 
    goto OK;
// Bluffing is not allowed, so we have to give up:
  return 0;
  return FindFirst(newGhostString,newGhostLen,dict);

static charPtr* PlayMode1(
  int newGhostLen,
  char newGhostString[256],
  ulong & response)
// returns wordInMind 
// mode 1 (add at beginning) can be handled by mode 0 logic
// after all strings are reversed.
  if (newGhostLen>2) 
  charPtr* wordInMind = 
  if (wordInMind)
// have to reverse wordInMind string and ghost string to normal
    char buffer[32];
    int wordLen=strlen(buffer);
    if (newGhostLen>1) 
// and then find actual word in proper dictionary

    return wordInMind;
  return 0;

static charPtr* PlayMode23(
  int   newGhostLen,
  char  newGhostString[256],
  ulong&  response)
// returns wordInMind 
  if (response) {
    char c=response & 0xFF;
    int insert=response>>8;
    char newGhost[32];
    charPtr wordInMind=ShortestWord(newGhost,gGameType);
// find the chosen word_in_mind in the dictionary
    charPtr* dictWord=IsinDict(wordInMind);
    return dictWord;
  return 0; 

static int MakeReport(
  int   ghostLen,
  char  newGhostString[256],
  charPtr* wordInMind,
    int   charPositions[256])
// Returns wordInMindIndex for the actual word chosen
// and computes charPositions from the word, according to mode
  int wordLen=strlen(*wordInMind);
  switch (gGameType) {
case addToEndOnly:
    for (int i=0;i<ghostLen;i++) 
case addToBeginningOnly:
    for (int i=0;i<ghostLen;i++) 
case addToBeginningOrEnd: 
      char* start=strstr(*wordInMind,newGhostString);
      for (int i=0;i<ghostLen;i++) 
case addAnywhere:
  return wordInMind-gDictWords;

/***************** Non-static Functions ********************/

void InitSuperDuperGhost(
  const char *dictWords[],  /* alphabetically sorted uppercase dictionary words */
  long numDictionaryWords /* number of null-terminated words in dictionary */
) {

void NewGhostGame(
  GameType theGameType
) {
  if (gGameType != theGameType) {
    if (gGameType == addToBeginningOnly) 
    else if (gGameType > addToBeginningOnly)

void PlayGhost(
    const char *ghostString,  /* the string so far, null-terminated */
    char newGhostString[256], /* new ghostString, one letter added to ghostString */
    int *wordInMindIndex, /* your string will match dictWords[wordInMindIndex] */
    int charPositions[256]
  /* index into dictWords[wordInMindIndex] for each char in newGhostString */
) {
  int newGhostLen=strlen(ghostString)+1;
  charPtr* wordInMind=0;
// check cached choices for very short ghosts.
  ulong response=0;
  if (newGhostLen<=2) {
    if (newGhostLen<2) {
      if (wordInMind) {
        goto succeed; 
    } else {
      if (wordInMind) {
        if (response>>8) {  
          newGhostString[1]=response; // append
        } else  {
          newGhostString[0]=response; // insert
        goto succeed;
  switch (gGameType) {
case addToEndOnly:
    if (wordInMind) break;  
    else goto fail;
case addToBeginningOnly:
    if (wordInMind) break;  
    else goto fail;
case addToBeginningOrEnd:
case addAnywhere:
    if (wordInMind) break;  
    else goto fail;

// remember choice in cache 
  if (newGhostLen<=2) {
    if (newGhostLen<2){
    } else {
      if (gGameType==addToEndOnly) // fixup insertion point
        response |= (1<<8);

void TermSuperDuperGhost(void)

#include "newdisambig.h"
#include "myString.h"
#define NDEBUG
#include <assert.h>
/*** Function prototypes ***/
static ulong MakeSubDigest(CCC* xString,char sig[]);
static bool MatchFirstN(CCC* x,char* findString,int minLen,int group);
static bool MatchLastN(CCC* x,char* findString,int minLen,int group);
static bool MatchMiddleN(CCC* x,char* findString,int minLen,int group);
static bool MatchAnyN(CCC* x,char* findString,int minLen,int group);
/*** Static allocations ***/
// charTable serves double duty: 
//    in parsing, it helps separate wild cards.
//    in digest forming, it provides a sort order. 
static char charTable[128] = {
 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
 0,25,12,19,18,28,10,16,13,27, 4, 7,20,14,23,21,
15, 3,24,26,22,17, 9, 8, 5,11, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
 0,25,12,19,18,28,10,16,13,27, 4, 7,20,14,23,21,
15, 3,24,26,22,17, 9, 8, 5,11, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
typedef bool (*StringMatch)(CCC* x,char* findString,int minLen,int group);
static StringMatch stringMatch[4]={
// The table LSB stores the position of the least 
// significant '1' bit in a byte (range 1 to 8), 
// a zero-byte reports 0.
// This table is built from nested #defines 
#define T1 1
#define T2 T1,2,T1
#define T3 T2,3,T2
#define T4 T3,4,T3
#define T5 T4,5,T4
#define T6 T5,6,T5
#define T7 T6,7,T6
#define T8 T7,8,T7
static char LSB[256]={0,T8}; 
static CCC** gWordList;
static ulong gNumWords;
#define MIN(a,b) (a&b)
// HASH is just shorthand for charTable.
#define HASH(c) (charTable[c])

struct WordIndex
// The class WordIndex holds a pointer to a word from
// wordList and computes digests and signature for it.
struct WordIndex {
  ulong digest1;
  CCC* word;
  void Init(CCC* wordx) {
    CCC* wp=wordx;
    int s=HASH(*wp);
    ulong dig1=1L<<s;
    for (;;) {
      int c;
      if (0==(c=*++wp)) break;
      ulong bit=1L<<s;
      dig1 |= bit;
  void GetSignature(char* sig) { 
// computes its signature, i.e. converts the digest to a string  
    ulong dig1=digest1>>1;
    char c=1;
    while (dig1){
      if (dig1 & 1)
      c++; dig1 >>=1; 
  CCC* Word(){return word;} 

struct Page
// The class Page holds indices of 32 words in wordList 
// which are of the same length (words >= 31 together).
// Page also contains both word digests for each word,
// in the bits[] array, stored in signature oriented columns. 
// A page provides string matching for the 32 words it owns.
struct Page{  
  CCC*  word[32];
  ulong fill;
  Page* next;
  ulong pageDigest1;      
  ulong bits[32];     
  void Init(Page* following) {
// clears all and sets linkage. 
// memory may already be precleared, but not necessarily
// since pages may overlay the temporary wordIndex 
  int IsFull() {return (fill>=32);}
  void Add(WordIndex* wip) {
  // Adds one word to a page, 
  // ORs the word digests into the page digests,
  // Also ORs the horizontal bit slice representing word digests
  //  into the bits array.
    char sig[64];
    ulong curbit=1L<<fill;
    pageDigest1 |= wip->digest1;
    int c;
    char* sigp=sig;
    while (0 !=(c=*sigp++)) {
      bits[c] |= curbit;
  ulong Match(char sig[]) 
  // Accumulates vertical bit slices from a given signature
  // Returns a bit map of likely candidate words
    int c=sig[0];
    ulong acc=bits[c];
    while ((acc) && (0 != (c=*++sig))) {
      acc &= bits[c];
    return acc;
  CCC* GetFirst(
    StringMatch matchFun,
  ulong acc,
    char* findString,
    int minLen,
    int group) 
    CCC** wp=word-1;         
    do {
      ulong accLo=acc & 0xFF;
      if (accLo) {
        int j=LSB[accLo];
        if (matchFun(*wp,findString,minLen,group))
          return *wp;
      } else {     
    } while (acc);
    return 0; 

struct PageIndex
// The class PageIndex contains a pointer to a page, and
// keeps a copy of the page digest1.
// During the scan, PageIndex provides a screening function
// to eliminate unnecessary page accesses if digest1 can
// already rule out all words on a page.  
struct PageIndex {
  ulong digest1;  
  Page* page;     
  ulong Init(Page* thePage) {
    return thePage->fill;
  Page* Screen(ulong findDigest1) {
    if ((findDigest1 ^ (findDigest1 & digest1))) 
      return 0;
    return page;    

struct PrivateData
// The class PrivateData is the main structure mapped into the
// private memory space allocated on the heap.
// The pageGroup[] array holds pointers to linked lists of
//    pages, according to word length.
// Once all pages are assembled, the page addresses are remapped
//    into a linear page index, sorted by ascending word length
// The indexGroup[i] array points to the the first page of each
//    group of pages of a given word length i.
static struct PrivateData {
// Page* nextPage; overlay on unused pageGroup[0]
#define nextPage pageGroup[0]
  Page*  pageGroup[32];
// PageIndex* endOfPageIndex; overlay on indexGroup[0] 
#define endOfPageIndex indexGroup[0]
  PageIndex* indexGroup[32];
  long storageSize;
  int  bottom[1];
  void Init(CCC* wordList[],ulong numWords,long minimumStorage) 
    WordIndex* wip; 
// Initialize word index
    WordIndex* wordIndexList=(WordIndex*)bottom;
    for (int n=0;n<numWords;n++) 
// Unload word index and build pages in linked lists
// based on word length    
    nextPage=(Page*)this + storageSize/sizeof(Page) - 1;
    while (wip>wordIndexList) {
      if (0==InsertWordInPage(wip)) 
// Map linked lists to a linear index of pages by length    
    if (0==BuildIndex()) {
      nextPage=NULL;  // not enough storage
  int InsertWordInPage(WordIndex* wip) {
// Inserts one word in a page, opens a new page if
// none exists or if the current page is full.  
    int len=strlen(wip->Word());
    if (len==0) return 1;  // ignore 0-length words
    Page* page=pageGroup[len];    
    if ((page==0) || (page->IsFull())) {             Page* temp=page;  
// test if the bottom of the growing page array collides 
// with the top of the shrinking word index array        
      if (page <= (Page*)wip) {
// not enough storage, we have to bail out
        return 0;
    return 1;
  PageIndex* BuildIndex() {
// Builds the page index, starting at this->bottom, 
// overwriting storage previously used by word index.
    PageIndex* pi=(PageIndex*)bottom;
    PageIndex* piTop=(PageIndex*)nextPage;
    for (int len=1;len<32;len++) {
      Page* page=pageGroup[len];
      int num=0;
      while (page) {
        if (pi>=piTop) 
          return 0;
    return (endOfPageIndex=pi);
  CCC* GetShortestWord( 
      char* findString,
      int mode) 
// Return the shortest word compatible with findstring and mode  
    char sig[64];
    ulong findDigest1=MakeSubDigest(findString,sig);
    int minLen=strlen(findString);
    for (int group=minLen;group<32;group++)
    PageIndex* pi=indexGroup[group];
    PageIndex* endGroup=
      for (;pi<endGroup;pi++) {
          Page* page=pi->Screen(findDigest1);
          if (page) {
            ulong acc=page->Match(sig);
            if (acc) {
              CCC* matchWord=page->GetFirst(
                if (matchWord)
                  return matchWord; 
    return 0;
  int GetShortestMatches( 
      char* findString,
      int minLen,
      int mode,
      int shortest[2]) 
//  Finds the shortest word matching findString and mode.
//  Returns the length of this word, or 0 if none found 
//  Only check words of even (odd) length
    char sig[64];
    ulong findDigest1=MakeSubDigest(findString,sig);  
    int step=1,numFound=0;
    for (int group=minLen;group<32;group+=step) {
    PageIndex* pi=indexGroup[group];
    PageIndex* endGroup=
      for (;pi<endGroup;pi++) {
          Page* page=pi->Screen(findDigest1);
          if (page) {
            ulong acc=page->Match(sig);
            if (acc) {
              CCC* matchWord=page->GetFirst(
                if (matchWord) {
// return as soon as two matches are found.
                  if (numFound >= 2)
                    return numFound;
// if this was the first match in an even (odd) group, 
// we continue with the odd (even) groups only.                     
    return numFound;
}* PD;
//*************** external access functions (API) **************

void InitDisambiguator(
  CCC * wordList[],  
  ulong numWords ){
// Sets up the private data structure
  if (PD) // already done
  long wordIndexStore=numWords*sizeof(WordIndex);
  long pageStore=(31+numWords/32)*sizeof(Page);
  long pageIndexStore=pageStore * sizeof(PageIndex) / sizeof(Page);
    long minimumStorage=
      sizeof(*PD) +
  PD=(PrivateData*)(new char[minimumStorage]);

int /*number found*/ ShortestMatches(
//  Finds the shortest odd and even words matching findString 
//  Returns only the lengths of the 0, 1, or 2 words 
  char  *findString,
  int len,
  int mode,      
  int shortest[2]
) {  
    int numFound=
    return numFound;

CCC* ShortestWord(char  *findString,int mode)
  return PD->GetShortestWord(findString,mode);

void TermDisambiguator(void)
  if (PD)
    delete [] PD;// was allocated with new[]

//******* Static Functions **********

static bool MatchFirstN(
    CCC* x,
    char* findString,
    int minLen,
    int group) {
#pragma unused(group)   
// match of x against findString, first minLen letters 
  return (0==strncmp(x,findString,minLen));

static bool MatchLastN(
    CCC* x,
    char* findString,
    int minLen,
    int group) {
// match of x against findString, last minLen letters 
  return (0==strcmp(x+group-minLen,findString));

static bool MatchMiddleN(
    CCC* x,
    char* findString,
    int minLen,
    int group) {
// match of x against findString, any consecutive minLen letters
  for (int d=0;d<=group-minLen;d++) { 
    if (0==strncmp(x+d,findString,minLen))
      return true;
  return false;

static bool MatchAnyN(
    CCC* x,
    char* findString,
    int minLen,
    int group) {
// match of x against findString, any minLen letters in order
#pragma unused(group)
  for (int i=0;i<minLen;i++) {
    char c=*findString;
    char d;
    while (0 != (d=*x++)) {
      if (c==d) break;
    if (d==0)
      return false;
  return true;

static ulong MakeSubDigest(
    CCC* xString,
    char sig[]) {

// Creates a pair of word digests and a signature from 
// findString.  No duplicate signature characters.

  int s=HASH(xString[0]);
  ulong digest1=1L<<s;
  for (;;) {
    int c;
    if (0==(c=*++xString)) break;
    ulong bit=1L<<s;
    if (0==(digest1 & bit)) {
      digest1 |= bit;

// Make the signature in bit order, that is with the
// less frequent English letters first, so that page
// scanning will fail as soon as possible if no word
// in the page will match.  

  ulong bit1=2;
  ulong single=digest1;
  int s1;
  for (s1=1;s1<=28;s1++) {
    if (single & bit1) *sig++=s1;
    bit1 += bit1;
  return digest1;
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {

#ifndef MYSTRING_H
#define MYSTRING_H
typedef unsigned long ulong;

inline long StrCmp4(const char* a,const char* b)
// Fast comparator for words of minimum length 4
  const ulong* wa=(ulong*)(a);  
  const ulong* wb=(ulong*)(b);
  ulong ca=*wa;
  ulong cb=*wb;
  long d=ca-cb;
  if (d) return d;
  do// (;;)
    //if (d) break;// words differ
    //if (ca==0) break;// words same, and NULL reached
  } while (ca && (d==0));
  return d;

inline long StrCmpN4(const char* a,const char* b,ulong n)
// Fast comparator for words of minimum length 4, up to n letters
  const ulong* wa=(ulong*)(a);  
  const ulong* wb=(ulong*)(b);
  ulong ca=*wa;
  ulong cb=*wb;
  long d=ca-cb;
  if (d) return d;
  for (int i=4;i<n;i++)
    if (d) break;// words differ
    if (ca==0) break;// words same, and NULL reached
  return d;

inline ulong StrLen4(const char* w)
  ulong len=4;
  while (*++w) len++;
  return len;
#if defined(__cplusplus)

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