Oct 96 Dialog Box
Volume Number: | | 12
Issue Number: | | 10
Column Tag: | | Dialog Box
Dialog Box 
By Matt Neuburg, letters@mactech.com
Heidi Ho & Mac OS 8 Article
The Heidi Ho! article in your August 1996 issue says that, according to Heidi Roizen, the new Developer Marketing group at Apple includes develop, Apples technical journal. Although this was the original plan (over a month ago), develop has actually been placed in the Technology Services Group along with the others on the technical side of the equation. Id hate your readers to think develop has become a marketing mag!
Your August issue also includes a Mac OS 8 Checklist article by Steve Kiene that bears a strong resemblance to the article Planning for Mac OS 8 Compatibility by Steve Falkenburg in develops June issue. Its great that MacTech is helping to get this important information out to developers, but if in fact you drew a lot of the information from the develop article, wed appreciate your mentioning this.
Caroline Rose
Editor of develop
With the dearth of information currently available today on Mac OS 8, and especially in light of the announcments at Macworld Boston, its difficult to know what to do about covering the future of the Macintosh OS. We assigned Steve Kiene a story on Mac OS 8, and the only thing he could effectively write about was how to prepare for the future - what to do and what not to do. Both articles offer insights into preparing for Mac OS 8, and I recommend readers investigate in Mac OS as best as they can, including reading Steve Falkenburgs article at http://devworld.apple.com/dev/techsupport/develop/issue26/falkenburg.html. - ed/wgi