eWorld Support
Volume Number: | | 11
Issue Number: | | 4
Column Tag: | | MacTech Online Support
MacTech Launches eWorld Support 
By Neil Ticktin, Publisher
In 1994, Apple launched eWorld as their new online service. eWorld is now being shipped on every Macintosh going out the door. Ultimately, this service will completely replace AppleLink - the current tool used by Apple employees and developers alike. For those of you that don’t know, AppleLink is an incredibly expensive service that General Electric Information Services has provided for Apple for many years now.
eWorld is based on technology licensed by Apple from America Online. And while you can see the similarities, Apple is providing much better service, less system problems, considerably shorter waits for (and better) customer service, a better set of publishing tools, and overall a much better experience than AOL as well as CompuServe.
Throughout 1995, Apple is going to be migrating people from AppleLink to eWorld. The first group to move is probably going to be Apple employees, but right up in front are developers. Don’t worry, your AppleLink IDs have already been reserved on eWorld.
What’s Available?
The MacTech area has several services - MacTech Information, Source and Other Files, Programmer’s Challenge, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Subscriber Services, In Touch with MacTech, Mail Order Store, and discussion areas.

MacTech Information contains all of the latest information about the magazine. The Source and Other files will contain source code files that accompany articles, debugging tools, the latest versions of Sprocket, Apple’s Universal Header Files and whatever else seems appropriate for a MacTech reader to have.
The Programmer’s Challenge area will have the latest challenge questions - get a jump on your fellow developers by checking out the challenges early. The FAQ area is loosely based on MacTech’s experience as the moderator of comp.sys.mac.programmer.info on the Internet. If you’ve got a question, check the FAQs first.
If you are a subscriber, or you want to subscribe, our Subscriber Services area has forms driven mail so that you can easily do what you need to. The same goes with our In Touch with MacTech area - write a letter to the editor, suggest an article, or submit a tip and get paid for it!

The Mail Order Store (MOS) is another great source for information. Let’s say that you want to know about a particular programming tool or book. In the MOS, you can check out descriptions for all kinds of developer related products. If you’d like, there’s also convenient ways to order, receive discounts and get customer service - all online!

How Do I Get There?
To explore the new MacTech Developer Center, go to the Town Square, then click on Computer Center, Developer Corner, and finally, MacTech Developer Center.

Getting on eWorld
If you are interested in eWorld (as any Macintosh developer should be), you can get online by calling 800-775-4556 and asking for a starter kit.