OLE In-Place Activation
Volume Number: | | 11
Issue Number: | | 1
Column Tag: | | Microsoft Technology
In-Place Activation with OLE 
Select, modify, and manipulate, all without leaving the application.
by Michael Fanning, Microsoft
Note: Source code files accompanying article are located on MacTech CD-ROM or source code disks.
This article is the second in a series describing the evolution of a simple OLE2 object server and will show you how to implement the Visual Editing feature of OLE for the Macintosh. A general familiarity with OLE and its underlying architecture (the Common Object Model, or COM) is assumed, a passing familiarity with the OLE interfaces for embedding OLE objects would be helpful. At a minimum, Id suggest reading the first article which examines a simple (non-in-place) object server and also has a nifty glossary of essential OLE terms and concepts. If you havent read it, dont have a copy, are uncertain of what OLE is and/or have used the word more often at bullfights than in technical discussions, dont worry; weve included it on a CD thats bound into this magazine. In fact, the CD holds the entire OLE for the Macintosh Software Developers Kit in its final form, for both 68K and Power Macintosh. The only thing that could possibly make it easier to implement Visual Editing in your own code would be a roadmap in the form of commented pseudo-code drawn from a working in-place server.
Back in the August issue, the editorial page predicted readers would find the piece more pleasant than dissecting a frog - I thought this was generous, equally pleasant was probably sufficient - and at least as instructional. I sincerely hope this last goal was met, dissection can set a high standard on information returned weighed against effort put forward. Id be more comfortable if there was more life in the imagery, realistically the comparison turns to vivisection at that point, so lets stick with the dissection metaphor and sharpen up the code scalpels.
OK, onwards.
Visual Editing, also known as in-place activation, is the feature of OLE that customers care about the most. Its what allows them to edit any kind of data in any kind of document; to them, thats what OLE is. Dissecting the implementation of an in-place server doesnt spark much interest, thats best left to people my younger sister always describes to me as kinda geeky, like you. Visual Editing is without question the most important user interface feature thats defined by the OLE specification.
In-Place, Defined
In-place activation is a user interface standard by which an object can be selected, modified, and generally manipulated by the user, all while appearing to remain within the application which contains it. The object provides the functionality, the container provides the visual context. The editable state of the object is evident in certain user interface (UI) clues: a composite menu bar that contains both server and container menus, server toolbars or floating windows that appear on activation, and a shaded or hatched border which surrounds an in-place active object, grow handles optional. The net UI illusion is that an embedded objects data is modified without (apparently) leaving the container application. Instead, the servers functionality is brought into the containers context, reinforcing a notion that the users document is central and that each kind of data in the document should be seamlessly editable without the user needing to worry about which application to invoke.
One of the Macintosh OLE developers compares the process to implementing a kind of well-defined dialog. The container provides a context which it describes to the server. The server provides a service, or feature, including the UI. Cooperative communication between the apps according to a protocol defined in OLE allows the servers UI and feature to blend seamlessly into the containers context.
Com, Redux, Revisited, In Short, Re-revealed
Before continuing Id like to review the basic ideas which comprise the Common Object Model, and therefore OLE itself. If you havent grabbed the first article from the CD for a read-through, you should. Its one of those, grab-your-nose, its-got-to-go-down-at-some-point and it-may-as-well-be-sooner-rather-than-later, cod-liver oil kind of articles. Anyone whos inclined to skip past a COM/OLE recapitulation can look ahead for the next reference to in-place in bold caps.
OLE0 - a set of interfaces which define essential protocols for interoperability.
Interface 0 - a table (or vtable) of function pointers to constituent routines, commonly known as methods.
Method 0 - a member function of an interface.
There are specific interfaces for each of the general areas of functionality OLE defines; they include Uniform Data Transfer, Linking (Naming and Binding), Embedded Objects (Compound Document Management), Drag and Drop, Visual Editing, Automation (Programmability), and Structured Storage (disk- and memory-based persistent storage). Inter-object communication is facilitated by notification and concurrency-related interfaces.
OLE is the protocol, COM is the means
COM itself can be reduced to a small set of simple and powerful concepts which are the quantum building blocks of OLE. Essentially, the Common Object Model defines how objects should interact, both in the context of a single application (as an in-process server or object handler on Power Macintosh) and across application boundaries. While OLE defines specific protocols of communication, COM provides the means and supporting mechanism which allows transparent communication between applications.
What this means is that a user of an object (i.e., the one calling an interface method) doesnt need to know where the code thats called exists. It might be in-process, or in a separate background application. In the near future, it might reside across the network or be running in a different operating system altogether. The client is completely insulated from any concerns related to how the call makes it to the server and how the result makes it back.
COM Concerns
The basic contract for a COM object or its client is not particularly demanding. 1) COM applications follow a convention for retrieving and/or providing pointers to their supported objects known as interface negotiation, a simple idea which yields powerful returns. 2) COM defines a set of rules and methods which guarantee the lifetime of an object while it is in use by any COM client.
Interfaces and their Negotiation - Strictly speaking, interfaces are nothing more than abstract base classes comprised of pure virtual member functions. This basically means that the member functions are defined by OLE without providing any implementation. COM objects derive from the supported interface and implement all its methods, without exception.
After retrieving the initial pointer to an object (which is really just a pointer to one of the interfaces the object implements), pointers to different interfaces (representing different functionality) also implemented by the object can be retrieved through interface negotiation (IUnknown::QueryInterface).
Object Lifetime - COM defines a method for incrementing an objects reference count (IUnknown::AddRef) and a method for decrementing it (IUnknown::Release). All objects ultimately derive from IUnknown and therefore must implement these two methods. An object increments its own reference count whenever it hands out a pointer to one of its interfaces (usually in response to QueryInterface). When the code that requested the interface is done with it, it calls the objects Release method which decrements the objects reference count. If the reference count drops to zero, that indicates that no one is using the object and it can safely delete itself. This simple set of rules allows an object to track how long it needs to exist since it always knows how many clients still have a reference to one of its interfaces.
Interface negotiation and reference counting are provided through a single interface, IUnknown, which serves as the base class for all COM objects. These two concepts are basic to COM and a good place to start gaining a general understanding.
COM addresses other subjects that are beyond the scope of this article:
Identification (Globally Unique Identifiers)
Memory Allocation/Deallocation
Error and Status reporting
Location/Dynamic Loading/Reuse of Object Code
The glossary in the August MacTech article covers some of these topics in greater detail.
Hold On, I Know Theres Something About
In-Place In Here Somewhere
Subsequent sections of this article will cover the following, in order:
1. The OLE Interfaces specific to in-place capable servers
2. The series of calls between a container and server which result in an embedded object
3. The basic sequence of steps for activating an object in-place
4. A list of possible OLE object states and definitions
5. A pointer to the activation logic used by SimpleIPServer, in pseudo-code
6. Exit
Item #5 (and the SimpleIPServer source) is payoff for anyone looking for a leg up implementing visual editing in an object server. The logic in this pseudo-code is a clear roadmap for activating objects in-place on the Macintosh. Ill upload a similar file detailing deactivation/close logic to the MS BBS on AppleLink and to the Macintosh library (lib 12) of the MS OLE forum on CompuServe (GO WINOBJ) in the not too distant future.
Visual Editing in Two Easy Interfaces + Assorted Logic
The server-side of in-place editing is limited to two interfaces, IOleInPlaceObject and IOleInPlaceActiveObject, which define 4 and 5 unique methods, respectively. Both interfaces derive (as all in-place interfaces do) from IOleWindow, which itself has only two methods (GetWindow and ContextSensitiveHelp).
This doesnt sound like much work and in fact, you can get an in-place server up and running with most in-place related methods stubbed out. A more advanced in-place server will have code related to toolbar negotiation, menu merging, context-sensitive help and undo support, which will flesh out the in-place interfaces. The fundamental work of an in-place server, however, lies in its activation and deactivation logic.
The following section describes the negotiation and necessary steps to activate an embedded object for visual editing, beginning with a containers call to IOleObject::DoVerb.
As you may recall from the first article, a container fully instantiates an embedded OLE object before requesting that the server execute its primary verb, the step that actually brings the object to the foreground and makes it visible. On inserting a SimpleIPServer object in the SimpleIPContainer sample app, the sequence of calls leading up to DoVerb is identical with their non-inplace counterparts from the August article. (You can view the LRPC communication between OLE applications by running LRPCSpy, an OLE SDK utility I find extremely effective for monitoring and debugging OLE applications. Ive spent some time developing SimpleIPServers debug output to take even better advantage of the tool, most of the code for which is located in debug.cp).
The following few paragraphs and LRPCSpy output tracks creation of an embedded SimpleIPServer object:
Before LRPC communication can begin between an OLE container and server, there must be one of each in memory. The typical means to get there is to display a dialog and let the user choose from a list of available objects. As it happens, we get this for free by calling a routine from the OLE User Interface library. The UI Library contains helper functions for a variety of OLE tasks, all of which already conform to the OLE User Interface guidelines. The routine which invokes the standard Insert Object dialog is OLEUIInsertObject.
Once the user chooses an object type, the Insert Object dialog returns the CLSID (class identifier) associated with that type of object. The container then calls OleCreate, passing in the CLSID of the object and the ID of an interface to query the object for (this is usually IID_IOleObject). OLE uses the Registration Database to locate the server associated with this CLSID, then launches the server and sends it a specific AppleEvent to tell it that its being launched to service an OLE object. The server creates its Class Factory and registers it with OLE, at which point OLE calls CreateInstance and passes in the desired interface ID. Its at this point that COM really starts to strut its stuff. In returning the interface pointer to the container, COM does a little magic and creates a connection between the two apps so that when the container calls a method on the interface, the corresponding code in the server gets executed. Remember, to the container, this interface acts just like a normal C++ object.
OLE has now accomplished a fundamental task in object interoperability: it has delivered a pointer to a server object to an OLE client. Tips are greatly appreciated, a gratuity of 15% will be charged for parties of 6 objects or more.
In the output below, distilled from LRPCSpy, sIPs refers to the SimpleIPServer, OTIC is OutlineInplaceContainer, a C-based in-place sample from the OLE SDK:
// [Caller > Callee] [Interface ID] [Method] [Arguments]
1) OTIC > sIPs: IID_IClassFactory CreateInstance
2) OTIC > sIPs: IID_IStubManager QueryInterface (IID_IPersistStorage)
3) OTIC > sIPs: IID_IPersistStorage InitNew
4) OTIC > sIPs: IID_IStubManager QueryInterface (IID_IDataObject)
5) OTIC > sIPs: IID_IStubManager QueryInterface (IID_IOleObject)
6) OTIC > sIPs: IID_IOleObject SetClientSite
7) OTIC > sIPs: IID_IOleObject Advise
8) OTIC > sIPs: IID_IDataObject QueryGetData
9) OTIC > sIPs: IID_IDataObject Advise
10) sIPs > OTIC: IID_IAdviseSink OnDataChange
11) OTIC > sIPs: IID_IOleObject SetHostNames
("OutlineInPlaceContainer", "Object
12) OTIC > sIPs: IID_IStubManager LockConnection (FALSE, FALSE)
13) OTIC > sIPs: IID_IOleObject GetExtent
14) OTIC > sIPs: IIDIOleObject DoVerb (OLEIVERB_SHOW,
iface*, -1, WindowPtr{"untitled")
In the above, OLE calls SimpleIPServers CreateInstance method (item 1, above) in response to a request from OutlineInplaceContainer (i.e., OTIC has called OleCreate, passing SimpleIPServers CLSID). OTIC QIs for IPersistStorage (2) and calls InitNew (3), passing a pointer to the storage it has created to hold the SimpleIPServer object. The container retrieves interfaces for data transfer (4) and basic object communication (5) with the embedded object (IDataObject and IOleObject). OTIC calls IOleObject::SetClientSite (6), which provides the server with a reference to the containers IOleClientSite interface, then sets advises on IOleObject and IViewObject (which shows up on the server side as an advisory connection on its IDataObject interface). When creating each advisory connection, the container passes a reference to its IAdviseSink interface to the method call. Both OLE and the server hold a reference to this interface and each of them notifies the container of specific events (such as when the object is closing, or the objects presentation has changed and should be redrawn). The object is queried for support of PICT representation (8) and another advise is set, this time on IDataObject in order to receive word of any change in the objects data (9). sIPs sends a notification of data change resulting from initialization (10). The container passes the container and object names as strings (11). OLE calls an internal function in the code thats managing the connection on the server side to ensure that it stays active for the lifetime of the conversation (12). A call to GetExtent returns the size of the server object (13). Finally, OTIC calls DoVerb() with the verb OLEIVERB_SHOW, thus passing the reins to the server and instructing that it proceed with the process of showing itself.
In Situ, Bruté?
There hasnt been a single in-place call up to now, and there wont be unless the server decides to initiate a discussion on the topic in DoVerb. The basic steps in negotiating an in-place session look something like this:
1) The server QIs for IOleInPlaceSite.
2) The container agrees to activate in-place and provides context details.
3) The server creates a menubar to hold menus from both applications and passes it to the container to let it insert any menus it will use during visual editing.
4) The server negotiates for any additional screen territory required for toolbars, etc.
5) The server moves its window into place and makes itself the foreground app.
6) On coming frontmost, the server installs its UI component (menu, toolbars, etc.) and makes itself visible.
Its fairly apparent from this description that the server is the active agent throughout the procedure. After instantiating an object and calling DoVerb on it, the container remains more or less passive during activation, i.e., its interface implementations will be called by OLE when its participation is required. OLE itself is calling the container as the direct or indirect result of the servers activation logic. The server is busily steering a course for activation, determining the containers capabilities, and putting together special UI components to use while visual editing.
if (m_pAuthor->m_pMind->m_fIsLosingKeenEdge)
hresult = (IDissectOLETopic)m_pTemp->StopCuttingStartStepping();
Thats all for now. All thats left is to step through the SimpleIPServer code. To assist in this, Ive made some modifications to SimpleIPServers trace functionality. The sample builds a debug version by default which has two menus absent from the non-debug build, Debug and Trace. The Debug menu contains options to continuously display global data tracking object state, redirecting debug information to various outputs (the LRPCSpy utility, MacsBug, a logfile), setting a verbose debug mode, and rejecting incoming LRPC messages (a standard test app functionality allowing observation of container behavior in scenarios where a server is not responding to outside calls).
The Trace menu has several options for tracking progress of the inplace code through trace output. The nature of inplace activation makes source-level debugging problematic for some server-container-debugger combinations. Debuggers like to pull themselves to the foreground, and for obvious reasons this can disrupt the inplace relationship of a server and container in mid-negotiation. One workaround is to use a low-level debugger such as MacsBug or The Debugger while debugging your inplace code. Neither of these debuggers causes a context switch when activated so they dont interfere with inplace negotiation.
If you plan to use the THINK Debugger, you should install a special version of the OLE Libraries which resolves a compatibility problem that appears when debugging an OLE application with this debugger. The OLE Libraries patch LoadSeg in the applications trap table so that theyre able to load additional segments while running in the applications context. In order for this to work OLE needs to intercept certain LoadSeg calls and not pass them along (this only happens if its a segment in the OLE Library). It turns out that the THINK Debugger patches both the LoadSeg trap as well as the trap dispatcher itself. By patching the trap dispatcher, its able to detect that a LoadSeg call is about to execute and prepare itself internally for the pending LoadSeg call. When OLE intercepts a LoadSeg call and doesnt pass it along, the THINK Debugger is left in an unstable state and bad things start to happen.
The special version of the OLE Libraries is called Microsoft OLE Extension.ThinkC and can be found in SDK:Think on the OLE SDK CD. This version preloads all segments in the OLE library and thus ensures that it never needs to intercept a call to LoadSeg. It does require a larger partition since all the code is preloaded.
As mentioned before, in-place activation begins with a call from an OLE container to execute a server verb (i.e., an operation or action the object supports, defined by the system or by the object itself). The following pseudo code is a reliable path a typical server might follow in handling activation to support visual editing. If you plan to code an OLE server yourself, you should find it an extremely useful implementation guide.
Weve placed a copy of this article, including the following pseudo-code and comments, at the root level of the SimpleIPServer folder. To get the most the remainder of this article, Id suggest you take a moment to scan the release notes on the OLE CD. Go ahead and install the OLE libraries according to the instructions youll find there. The steps are few in number and extremely straightforward; after copying the OLE bits to the usual haunts in the System Folder, youre actually be ready to run OLE applications.
One useful point regarding the MS OLE Extension is that it does not have to load at startup in order for OLE to work; every bit of OLE functionality aside from Visual Editing is present even after a shift-boot. Visual Editing does require the extension to be loaded in order to work, however, so go ahead and restart so you can play around with the compiled version of the SimpleServer.
Debugging Tip - At times, you might find it useful to guarantee that one particular build of the OLE libraries in in memory when testing an OLE application, this can also be useful when debugging situations where an OLE app launches and immediately quits again without indicating what accounted for the load failure. (One possible reason accounting for this might be an application set with a memory partition larger than the system can reasonably support. On startup, the app claims all available memory for itself without leaving room for the OLE code to load inside the system heap. Prelaunching the OLE library insures sufficient memory for it to load and the app is content with the amount that remains, a figure below its preferred, but well above its minimal partition size.)
To prelaunch a specific build of OLE, simply change the type of the library youre interested in from INIT to APPL and double-click. Retail builds will load as faceless background apps that wont be visible in the Mac application menu (you will see the standard UI signs of a launch within the Finder, however). Debug builds actually appear in the application menu and can be pulled to the foreground and quit from the File menu. This isnt necessary when everythings working properly; under these conditions, the OLE libraries will stay resident in memory as long as necessary to handle container-server communications, after which it unloads.
You may find that attempting to invoke OLE in the usual way after changing its Type is not successful (meaning the OLE libraries fail to load in response to an Insert Object dialog request, etc.) The likely cause here is that the extension is no longer named properly (or wasnt named properly in the SDK to begin with, such as MS OLE Extension.Think), in the absence of an expected signature, the MS OLE Extension name itself is used to locate the file. You can either switch the type back to INIT and try to call OLE again, prelaunch the build you want to test or work with, or rename the APPL OLE extension to the original name which shipped with the first release of Mac OLE.
In any event, the easiest way to invoke the OLE libraries is to follow the instructions in the latest OLE docs, restart the Macintosh (to enable in-place) and double-click the OLE application. Take a second to do this and run SimpleIPServer and a few of the other applications which are already compiled on the CD. Be sure to launch LRPCSpy to watch SimpleIPServers trace output as it does nothing more than create and close windows, renders and deletes simple shapes, etc. Experiment with the various trace and debug options.
At some point, bring LRPCSpy forward and hit cmd-backspace to clear all output windows. Pull up the SimpleIPServer ReadMe document and look for a section titled Tracing SimpleIPServer Execution With the Pseudocode from MacTech InPlace article, January 95. This section will contain any last minute features I can squeeze in. If theres a logical way to put it in place, Id like to enable a specific trace option for tracking the servers progress in context of the following section. This ReadMe will also contain information for building the sample in a number of different development environments, the end of the document has a brief section on SDK test tools, some debugging tips, and a list of the most common development obstacles (and solutions) that a developer new to OLE is likely to encounter.
When youre ready to dive in, launch an OLE Visual Editing container application. Any OLE in-place capable container will do, a sample or test app from the CD, or any shipping OLE application which supports visual editing. Pull up the Insert Object dialog and scan the list of embeddable objects. SimpleIPServer registers on launch, so you should see an entry for a Simple InPlace Server Document in the insert object listbox. Select it, click OK, and get ready for your first look at the guts of an in-place application at work.
The next section contains SimpleIPServers activation logic in detailed and well-commented pseudo-code (InPlace Logic.sIPs, in the same folder as the ReadMe). You can use this file as a roadmap for stepping through the code sample, or as a guide in implementing your own visual editing server. There are similar documents in-progress for other aspects of in-place development which will be available on CompuServe, AppleLink, and in future versions of the OLE for Macintosh SDK.
Activation Logic - A Walkthru
As stated previously, the moment of truth for an In-place application comes with a call to IOleObject::DoVerb, a method which is exposed (i.e., implemented and made available to the container by means of a provided interface pointer) by an OLE served. A visual editing server first raises the subject of in-place activation with a container in this context. The following pseudo-code functions are logically arranged to follow the course an object might take in order to activate successfully. The breakdown of routines, the tasks completed in each, and the global data documented in their pseudo-implementation represents a viable schematic for an in-place app to follow. Its not just playing a visual app on TV. Heres hoping you find it instructional; pleasant can come along for the ride if theres room, but will have to take a back seat.
To fully explore the logic and gain familiarity with the underlying negotiations, youll want to try embedding SimpleIPServer into a number of different containers, including OLE 1.0 client-containers, and OLE 2.05 containers which dont support visual editing. Following the pseudo code while tracing other in-place servers in LRPCSpy is informative, too, revealing the many approaches that can be taken to accomplish a end in OLE ends as well as the common paths most travel.
We now join the activation in progress
[ a series of lprc calls documented above and in the August ]
[ article which fully instantiate and initialize an OLE object. ]
[ at this point, the container is ready to activate the object ]
[ and let it take focus. lets see what happens next. ]
HRESULT DoVerb(long iVerb...)
/* The following verbs mean that we should go inplace active if we can, which we do, generally speaking.
Support for visual editing doesnt carry any responsibility to go in-place, however, the process is entirely
cooperative and can be abandoned at any step by either participant
if not IPActive // IPActive == InPlaceActive state
call DoIPActivate()// DoInPlaceActivate transition, etc., etc.
else if not UIActive
call DoUIActivate(UIACTIVATE)// flag that says we
// were already ipactive
// if either of the above calls failed, fall through to the OLEIVERB_OPEN code
/* The UIActive state is the moment at which all negotiation is settled between a container and server when
all UI components are ready to go but are still hidden. This is the state an active object would go to on being
sent to the background due to a mouse click in the Finder. All that remains is to go UIVisible, which is accomplished
by bringing the app to the foreground and showing the relevant ui components. */
// this verb means to start open editing, even if we support inplace
if IPActive
DoIPDeactivate()// get completely out of inplace to open edit
// continue into open edit mode
if our window is visible and were not IPActive
call DoUIActivate()
HRESULT DoIPActivate(void)
// this function shouldnt get called if were already ipactive
if IPActive
assert and return
// confirm that our state is as follows:
ASSERT(ipactive == false, uiactive == false, uivisible == false)
// check if our window is already visible and fail inplace if so
// (this means were already in open edit mode)
if our window is visible
return E_FAIL
// if the container has never called SetExtent, store defaults
if extent is 0,0
extent = default size
// on a failure we call DoIPDeactivate which only procedes if ipactive == true
IPActive = true;
// this is our first chance to see if the container supports inplace
if (IOleClientSite->
QueryInterface(request IOleInPlaceSite interface)
returns NULL)
return E_FAIL
// does the container want to allow inplace right now?
if IOleInPlaceSite->CanInPlaceActivate() doesnt return S_OK
return E_FAIL
// GetWindowContext returns references to the containers IOleInPlaceUIWindow
// and IOleInPlaceFrame interfaces, the rect where we should put ourselves, a
// pointer to the containers window (that well be inplace in), and three regions
// that we pass to OLE later (with the OleSetInPlaceRects call)
// hOleMBar contains a list of the menus that the container wants inserted
// while inplace
if stored hOleMBar is NULL
// create new OleMBarHandle
// let container insert its menus into this OleMBarHandle
// notify container that were ipactive (still need to go uiactive and uivisible)
// the IPACTIVATE flag indicates that were doing the inplace negotiation
// from scratch
call DoUIActivate(IPACTIVATE)
HRESULT DoUIActivate(short wAction)
// on entry to this function, wAction is one of:
// IPACTIVATE: starting inplace negotiation from scratch
// UIACTIVATE: starting inplace negotiation from ipactive state
// this function shouldnt get called if were already uiactive
if UIActive
assert and return
// confirm that our state is as follows:
ASSERT(ipactive == true, uiactive == false, uivisible == false)
// on a failure we call DoUIDeactivate which only procedes if uiactive == true
UIActive = true;
// if uiactivating (was already ipactive), need to get parent window pointer
// again in case were being activating in a different window
if wAction == UIACTIVATE
// give our IOleInPlaceActiveObject interface to IOleInPlaceFrame and
// IOleInPlaceUIWindow (when inplace has been nested several levels deep,
// the IOleInPlaceFrame interface is our channel of communication with the
// outer-most container, and the IOleInPlaceUIWindow allows us to communicate
// with the container were directly embedded in).
SetActiveObject(our IOleInPlaceActiveObject interface)
SetActiveObject(our IOleInPlaceActiveObject interface)
// we dont need any space on the document (UIWindow) so pass NULL
// calculate how much space we want around the frame, request it, and if this
// succeeds, set that much space and show our frame tools
// NOTE: if we dont have frame tools, simply pass NULL to SetBorderSpace again
// get the current bounds where frame tools might be placed
IOleInPlaceFrame->GetBorder(pointer to BORDERWIDTHS)
// calculate how much frame space we need
FrameSpaceNeeded(pointer to BORDERWIDTHS)
if IOleInPlaceFrame->RequestBorderSpace(pointer to
if IOleInPlaceFrame->SetBorderSpace(pointer to
enable our frame tools (show toolbars and status bar
around frame)
// if any of the above calls failed show frame tools as floating windows
// NOTE: we might also jump to this block if FrameSpaceNeeded determined
// that there wasnt enough room to place our tools around the frame
if any of the above calls failed
show frame tools as floating windows
// if uiactivating (was already ipactive) or if frame negotiation succeeded,
// need to get current position again
if wAction == UIACTIVATE or frame negotiation succeeded
// move and size inplace window so it conforms to position retrieved from
// GetWindowContext or GetObjectRects (if we wanted object adornments we
// would adjust the location of our window before calling MoveWindow and
// SizeWindow)
MoveWindow(our inplace window)
SizeWindow(our inplace window)
// the following code calls OleSetInPlaceWindow until it either succeeds or our
// timeout expires. when OleSetInPlaceWindow returns an error this means
// another app still has an inplace window set. we give the other app time to finish
// getting out of inplace instead of just failing immediately (this timing problem can
// occur if the user is quickly switching between two inplace sessions)
while true
if OleSetInPlaceWindow() returns NOERROR
break out of loop
if exceed timeout
assert and break out of loop
WaitNextEvent() // yield so other apps can process
// give OLE our current position (including any adjustments if we added
// object adornments) and the regions from GetWindowContext
// notify container that were uiactive (still need to go uivisible)
if IOleInPlaceSite->OnUIActivate() returns OLE_E_NOT_FRONT_PROCESS
// OLE_E_NOT_FRONT_PROCESS means the user switched to another app,
// unset the inplace window and exit without failing (leave ourselves uiactive)
return NOERROR
// call the documents generic show routine which eventually calls
// DoIPShowDocument (after showing the window, etc). when ShowDocument
// calls DoIPShowDocument it passes UIACTIVATE
call ShowDocument()
HRESULT DoIPShowDocument(short wAction)
// on entry to this function, wAction is one of:
// UIACTIVATE: starting inplace negotiation from ipactive state
// DOCACTIVATE: starting inplace negotiation from uiactive state
// (OnFrameWindowActivate or OnDocWindowActivate call)
// if were already uivisible, dont bother proceeding
if UIVisible
// confirm that our state is as follows:
ASSERT(ipactive == true, uiactive == true, uivisible == false)
// on a failure we call DoIPHideDocument which only proceeds if uivisible == true
UIVisible = true;
// if were called from OnFrameWindowActivate or OnDocWindowActivate, the
// user has just switched apps or documents so that the inplace container
// document has been activated.
if wAction == DOCACTIVATE
// get our position in case it changed (this can happen if the container
// window moved while we werent uivisible and consequently didnt get
// the SetObjectRects call)
// move and size inplace window so it conforms to the new position
MoveWindow(our inplace window)
SizeWindow(our inplace window)
// see code in DoUIActivate for explanation/elaboration of these two calls
// give our IOleInPlaceActiveObject to IOleInPlaceFrame and
// IOleInPlaceUIWindow
SetActiveObject(our IOleInPlaceActiveObject interface)
SetActiveObject(our IOleInPlaceActiveObject interface)
// clip all server windows so they appear to be behind the container
OleClipWindows(first window in WindowList)
// save the current menubar (gets restored when going uivisible(false)
hSavedMBar = GetMenuBar()
// delete any of our menus that shouldnt be available while inplace
DeleteMenu(id of File menu)// for instance, the File and
DeleteMenu(id of Window menu)// ...Window menus
// this call inserts the containers menus into our menubar
// force the the menubar to redraw
// notify container that were uivisible (only needed if responding to either
// OnFrameWindowActivate or OnDocWindowActivate)
if wAction == DOCACTIVATE
// show the inplace window and make sure its frontmost
ShowWindow(our inplace window)
SelectWindow(our inplace window)
// the call to OleSetInFrontOf attempts to bring us the the foreground
if OleSetInFrontOf() returns NOERROR
// wait until weve come to the front (use GetCurrentProcess(),
// GetFrontProcess(), and SameProcess() to detect when were frontmost)
// NOTE: this call is implemented in SimpleIPServers CApp object
// hilite the containers window (got from GetWindowContext or
// GetWindow). this helps maintain the illusion that the container is
// the frontmost app even though the server is in the foreground
HiliteWindow(containers window)
// OleSetInFrontOf fails if the user clicked to another app during
// inplace negotiation (it simply checks if the container is still the
// frontmost app). if we didnt check for this condition and simply brought
// ourselves to the foreground, another application would end up between
// the container and the server and the illusion of inplace would be destroyed.
// instead we leave ourselves in the uiactive state so that well go uivisible
// if the containers inplace window is activated again.
In-Place At Last
There it is - the heart of activating an OLE object in-place. Its a satisfying moment to see a server in development activate in-place for the first time. Theres something compelling about seeing your own code integrated with another application - surfacing in someone elses context with a relevant toolbar and menu or two, then sinking back again on a mouse click in another window: it flat-out breaks through indifference and makes you go wow. After which, you can feel your thinking click forward a notch to the future.
Where to Go From Here
Bound into this issue of the magazine, youll find the Mac OLE 2.05 SDK CD. Feel free to play with it, to bang on it, to implement support for OLE in your Macintosh applications, and to ship those applications to your customers, all without charge or fee to Microsoft. Along the way, you can get technical support on CompuServe, by entering Go WinObj at the prompt, and looking for Section 12, where youll find lots of late-breaking information about Mac OLE. The library for this section usually has the most current OLE bits (right now it holds the 2.05 SDK broken into individual files which download as self-extracting archives). Keep an eye out for more sample code and supporting files over the next few weeks, including a simple link-server, linking container, etc.
On AppleLink, the OLE SDK is uploaded to the MSObjects topic located inside the Microsoft BBS. To get there, navigate through Third Parties:H-O:Microsoft and double-click the objects folder.
Again, the CD contains all the SDK files (and none of the download time) including Mac OLE help with all of the latest information in electronic form. If you prefer the heft and portability of a printed book, you can order the Macintosh OLE Programmers Reference by Barry Potter from M&T Books by calling 1-800-488-5233 (US) or 801-972-2221 (from outside of the US), entering 3 at the menu to reach Henry Holt Publishing, and asking for M&T Books, requesting information on the Macintosh OLE 2.0 Programmers Reference. Microsoft gets no money from M&T for the book; we supplied the content free as a service to the Macintosh development community, in order to keep the price as low as possible.
Once youve implemented support for OLE in your Macintosh application, we have a number of comarketing opportunities available to you. For more info, send email to oleinfo@microsoft.com.
In the meantime, happy hacking - I mean, dissecting!