Volume Number: | | 9
Issue Number: | | 1
Column Tag: | | On the Lighter Side
Its Time to Play Mac Jeopardy! 
By Gar, DataPak Software
About the author
Gar, alias Gary Crandall, is Vice President of Technology at DataPak Software. Since 1984, Gar has written more than 1.25 million lines of code in more than 25 working Macintosh applications including the highly successful WordSolution Engine products used in hundreds of Mac applications by developers worldwide.
To Play
After youve had it with that Mac, after a grueling day of grinding on that project you are already three weeks behind on, take a break and play Mac Jeopardy! See how many questions you can get right.
First, find a few friends who wish to be contestants; then find someone to play Alex. Start picking categories and dollar amounts and have the answers read - you must guess the question. The correct questions are below.
Go To Market
Though he has never written one line of code, he is considered a software design expert.
It ships frequently after the first product release.
Only magazines make money with these.
Thousands of users are beta testers of this.
The best advertising campaign of all time cannot guarantee these.
Bits & Bytes
Although it has more cost, more memory and more features, an upgrade does not have this.
Developers write for this but are themselves its only customers.
It is the least expensive software available today.
There is virtually no end to this.
It is considered the computer industrys main contribution to pornography.
Software Dreams
Mac users are convinced it is part of system ROM.
He writes useful software that everyone wants, without bugs.
As a Mac programmer, you are damned if you do or dont with these.
The Mac hasnt seen one for years.
No software developer has ever made one of these.
Macintosh Celebrities
Although a billionaire from consumer software, he still has not learned Macintosh.
They are world-famous as Apples toughest competitor.
Some magazines cater to these, although they are non-existent.
Peter, Paul and Mary sang about this aspect of modern tech support.
Although it ships with every software package, users have still never seen one.
Final Jeopardy
OK, now wager any amount of your winnings for FINAL JEOPARDY!. The category is Family Frolic. Write down the question that matches this answer; have a friend sing the Jeopardy jingle and good luck!
Sharing the same family name, both of these men have also announced their share of strike-outs.
Go To Market
$100: What is a reviewer?
$200: What are upgrades? (Also acceptable: What are new versions?)
$300: What are advertisements?
$400: What is version 1.0 (of any software)?
$500: What are sales?
Bits & Bytes
$100: What is speed? (Also acceptable: What is performance?)
$200: What is the Quadra?
$300: What is piracy?
$400: What is a memory upgrade?
$500: What is QuickTime?
Software Dreams
$100: What is MS Word?
$200: Who is God?
$300: What are Apple Human Interface Guidelines?
$400: What is a new idea (or what is an innovative idea)?
$500: What is a deadline?
Macintosh Celebrities
$100: Who is Bill Gates?
$200: Who is Apple Computer?
$300: What are power users?
$400: What is Blowing in the Wind?
$500: What is a Users Manual (or What is a Users Guide)?
Final Jeopardy
Who are Vin Scully and John Sculley?