Jan 93 Newsbits
Volume Number: | | 9
Issue Number: | | 1
Column Tag: | | NewsBits
By Neil Ticktin, Editor-in-Chief
MemCheck to the rescue!
MemCheck is a C language error detection tool for developers on Macintosh, Windows and DOS. It adds a degree of reliability to any software project which uses memory allocation. MemCheck detects these elusive errors automatically and silently and is available for both THINK and MPW C.
MemCheck detects the failure of memory allocation routines, invalid operations on unlocked or purged handles, inappropriate use of non-resource handles, overwrites on stack and static variables, and heap corruption. Errors are identified by file and line number in the source code. 15K of code overhead. From $179.95.
For more information, contact StratosWare Corporation, 1756 Plymouth Road, Suite 1500, Ann Arbor, MI 48105, Voice: 313/996-2944, Fax: 313/747-8519.
Random solution generator
MicroGA is a C++ framework for solving problems using Genetic Algorithms. MicroGA solves problems by creating random solutions, and then evaluating them to find the best. These best solutions are then mated to create new, better answers, thus evolving better and better solutions.
Three sample programs are included. A sample MacApp interface is included which implements: multiple documents, printing, and background processing. Also included is the Galapagos code generator which allows users to quickly create complete applications without writing any code. Galapagos writes the necessary source files, and make file.
For more information, contact Steve Wilson, Emergent Behavior, 635 Wellsbury Way, Palo Alto, CA 94306, Voice: 415/494-6763, AppleLink: Wilson6.
DataPaks MemManager
MemManager is a library and programming discipline for C and Pascal programmers concerned with memory errors. It detects and prevents memory-related problems.
When a developer wants a block of memory with MemManager, a special "allocate" function is called. The allocated function returns a reference ID number. To use the memory, simply call "MemUse". When done accessing the memory, call "MemUnuse" which allows memory to be purged or relocated if all references to it have been released. A built-in debugger notifies the developer immediately of any attempt to use an invalid reference ID.
MemManager completely disables the possibility of heap fragmentation, which clogs up valuable memory space. A virtual memory disk caching scheme is also provided allowing application to exceed the RAM partition available. MemManager can be used in existing software, effectively augmenting or replacing the calls to the Memory Manager.
For more information, contact DataPak Software, 9317 NE Highway 99, Suite G, Vancouver, WA 98665, Voice: 206/573-9155, FAX: 206/573-9269, AppleLink: D0142.
Language Systems: New FORTRAN products and an award
Language Systems Corp. now offers direct sales and support of the IMSL Math and Statistics libraries. The IMSL libraries are well-known in scientific and engineering circles and are available on more than 50 computing platforms. Macintosh users will benefit from lower retail prices and more timely updates.
Also introduced at Macworld Expo is a FORTRAN Debugger which should dramatically reduce the time required to debug FORTRAN programs on the Macintosh. The Debugging Toolkit includes three components: SourceBug, a graphical source level debugger from Apple; LSFlint, a FORTRAN project, and can validate calls to over 2400 Toolbox, System 7, and QuickTime routines.
In addition to FORTRAN products, Language Systems publish SoftPolish 1.1 which has been recently named by MacUser Editors as a finalist for a 1992 "Eddy" award.
For more information, contact Language Systems at 800/252-6479 or 703/478-0181.
Object Pascal to C++ Converter
Sierra Software Innovations is now shipping p2C, an Object Pascal to C++ Converter. p2c converts MPW Pascal and Object Pascal to C++. It is a full Pascal compiler that generates C++ source code rather than 68000 object code. It converts all major features and constructs of Object Pascal including nested procedures, Uses and Sets. p2c has been used to convert over 1 million lines of code in a fraction of the time required to rewrite.
For more information, contact Sierra Software Innovations, P.O. Box AV, 923 Tahoe Blvd., Incline Village, NV 89450, Voice: 702/832-0300 or 800/621-0631, Fax: 702/832-7753, AppleLink: D2086
Debugging anything
BootBug helps to debug NuBus, SCSI, ADB, Network, Video drivers, Primary Inits, Accelerators, or any other code that runs before MacsBug loads. You can single step through your primary Init or put breakpoints in a SCSI driver. The BootBug command set lets you set conditional breakpoints on A-Traps and addresses, disassemble your drivers code, display and set memory, and single step through RAM and ROM. You can watch your driver execute, one instruction at a time.
The debugger in BootBugs declaration ROM is loaded into the system before any other software. This is accomplished by plugging the BootBug NuBus card into the first slot of the system. Once loaded, BootBug becomes the systems debugger for all other software that loads afterwards. Since BootBug is loaded well before the display or ADB driver has been initialized, BootBug must send the debugging information to an external terminal through its on-board serial port.
For more information, call Brigent, Inc., 684 Costigan Circle, Milpitas, CA 95035, Voice: 408/956-1234, Fax: 408/956-0322, AppleLink: SCOTTC
Star Trek saves your screen
Berkeley Systems, the makers of After Dark®, has introduced Star Trek®: The Screen Saver, which protects computer screens from damaging phosphor burn. Like other screen savers from Berkeley Systems, Star Trek: The Screen Saver is a control panel device that generates images on your screen after a period of inactivity, safeguarding it from burned in images. With 53% of all Americans considering themselves Star Trek fans, this software will satisfy all with world famous lines, and original theme music. List price: $59.95.
For more information, contact Berkeley Systems, 2095 Rose Street, Berkeley, CA 94709, Voice: 510/540-5535, Fax: 510/540-5115.
Auto-paying shareware
CompuServe Inc. (CS) has introduced a registration service to benefit shareware authors and the growing number of CS members who use shareware programs. This database provides a convenient way for CS members to register as a program's user and to compensate its author. Members register by completing an online form, with the registration fee billed to their CS account. CS forwards the fee to the author, minus a small processing charge in US$. In addition to registering shareware, CS members can search the database to identify programs that suit their needs.
For more information, contact CompuServe at 800/848-8199.
Ad Lib version 1.0
MADA is now shipping Ad Lib version 1.0. Ad Lib is a MacApp 3.0-compatible ViewEdit replacement that simplifies creating and maintaining MacApp views and view resources. It includes: selection, movement, alignment and duplication of multiple view objects; fast access to most view editing functions using an Attributes palette; automatic maintenance of string list and text style resources; direct/indirect access to subviews, and subview edit windows; absolute and relative alignment grids; and support for all MacApp 3.0 view attributes.
For more information, contact MADA, 10062 Miller Avenue, Suite 202-B, Cupertino, CA 95014, Voice: 408/253-2765, Fax: 408/253-2767, AppleLink: MADA.
StuffIt 3.0 ships
Aladdin Systems, Inc. is shipping StuffIt Deluxe 3.0. This version includes the StuffIt Deluxe application, StuffIt SpaceSaver (on-the-fly, high-speed compression), Network and Communications Extensions, Tools/ Utilities Extensions, Viewer Extensions and Magic Menu. Version 3.0 is '040 cache compatible, 32-bit clean, virtual memory compatible, works with non-roman languages, and has special support for PowerBooks. Support is now available for AppleEvents as well.
For more information, contact Aladdin Systems, Inc., 165 Westridge Drive, Watsonville, CA 95076, Voice: 408/761-6200, Fax: 408/761-6206, AppleLink: Aladdin.