Nov 92 Newsbits
Volume Number: | | 8
Issue Number: | | 7
Column Tag: | | Newsbits
By Neil Ticktin, Editor-in-Chief
Enteract Upgrade
Dynabyte has released version 2 of EnterAct, the language-aware C editor for THINK C users. EnterAct is designed to relax the coding bottleneck by focusing on rapid error-tolerant information retrieval, rather than generating CODE. Viewing a copy of or jumping to a definition, automatic marking, and the Browser all work with first-draft C code.
The new AutoLook window provides instant definition or prototype viewing for all top-level identifiers during editing. Pressing the Enter key activates spell-tolerant identifier lookup, with results in editable, unobtrusive windows.
EnterAct project windows have separate panes for source, header, and supporting text files, and there are now three ways to hyperlink code and documentation. Reopening a project also reopens your current working files.
New editing boosts include source code illustrations, position toggling, and a Go To that accepts file name and line.
EnterAct now ships with hAWK, an enhanced version of the popular AWK language. Input menu options such as All files selected for multi-file operations in the current project simplify setup, and hAWK programs can be run in the background or driven interactively. The full C source for hAWK (450K), 5,000 lines of sample programs, and a 60 page on-disk manual are included.
For more information, contact Dynabyte at 416/595-9440.
JPEG for Application Developers
Storm Technology has released its developer tools, featuring their newest JPEG compression engine. This new 100% JPEG-compliant engine is faster, more accurate, and adds several new components that take full advantage of all baseline JPEG capabilities. Developers can now easily provide their customers with a wider range of image processing features.
The new JPEG compression engine implements striping, a new compression/decompression method unique to Storm Technology. Previously, the developer could only work with complete images. Striping enables applications to A) perform JPEG functions in the background on multiple images, so the user can continue using their applications other features while the JPEG operations are performed; and B) compress/ decompress large image files in a small amount of RAM, without the overhead of virtual memory management schemes.
The features of the new JPEG compression engine are delivered as code resources which can be called by the application developers program. The Macintosh Code Resources Developer Package is now available, with the Windows Dynamic Link Libraries and Unix C Libraries available in the Fall. These routines can be incorporated into any application written in C or capable of calling C routines.
For more information, contact Storm Technology, 1861 Landings Drive, Mountain View, CA 94043, Voice: 415/691-6600, Fax: 415/691-9825.
PICTing Your Pocket
Imspace Systems Corp. has introduced PICTpocket, a powerful, low-cost image browsing utility for users of image-intensive applications. PICTpocket puts thousands of clip art illustrations, digitized photographs, and QuickTime clips within any user's reach. It automatically scans Mac disks and folders, or Windows directories, for mixed-media images. In seconds, icons are created, each a full-color, miniaturized version of the original image. Finding the right image is now as simple as opening a folder.
Unlike some existing graphic database products, PICTpocket stores only an easily-identifiable, low-resolution icon that is used for visual reference. Because PICTpocket only stores the specific information needed to retrieve the file from its original location, it makes efficient use of hard disk space.
PICTpocket is one of several software utilities included in Kudo Portfolio, available now at an introductory price of $79. PICTpocket for Windows is currently in Beta test, and will be released later this year.
For more information, or to obtain a demonstration copy of PICTpocket, contact Imspace Systems Corporation, 4747 Morena Blvd., Suite 360, San Diego, CA 92117; 800/949-4555 or 619/272-0593 for voice, fax, or BBS.
LPA releaseS update to MacPROLOG
Logic Programming Associates, (LPA), announced an update to its popular MacPROLOG series of software development products for Apple Macintosh computers, which includes support for many of the new features introduced by System 7.
LPA MacPROLOG is a fast compiler system with a sophisticated multi- window, menu and dialog-based programming environment. In addition to the standard routines found in Edinburgh syntax Prolog, MacPROLOG also provides high-level access to the Macintosh ToolBox and QuickDraw graphics and programmable interfaces to C and Pascal.
New features in LPA MacPROLOG 4.5 include: support for the sending and receiving of Apple Events, an example Event-based interface to HyperCard, support for Balloon Help, File Aliasing and Stationery Pads, new Control Windows for building intelligent screens and dialogs, significantly enhanced execution performance.
Other products in the MacPROLOG series include: flex expert system toolkit, MacProlog Dialog Editor, and MacObject/Prolog++.
For more information contact Logic Programming Associates Ltd., Studio 4, RVPB, Trinity Road, London, SW18 3SX, England. Voice: 081/871-2016, Fax: 081/874-0449, International Telephone:+44 81/871-2016 Int Fax:+44 81/874-0449, AppleLink: UK0049, Internet:
Alysis Professional Developer Tools
Alysis Software Corporation is releasing its Professional Developer Tools, a suite of applications, system extensions, and code resources that will allow Macintosh developers to apply an array of compression technologies within their own software. The Developer Tools include the Alysis Resource Compressor, version 2.0, The Alysis Disk Expander, transportable compressed applications code, an Apple Installer action atom, and code resources with C and 68000 glue code for incorporation directly within software. The Alysis tools are available now with license fees starting at $99.95.
For more information, contact Alysis Software Corporation, 1231 31st Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94122. 415/566-2263.
DragInstall Goes 1.5
Ray Sauers Associates has announced an upgrade to DragInstall. Version 1.5 represents a significant upgrade from version 1.0 of Install-It. The Builder application has been completely re-written in Prograph 2.5, and the Installer code has been converted to THINK C 5.0.
The new version includes added capability for external routines, copies uncompressed files, allows the user to select a starting folder, has restart options, System Folder options, can use Installer templates and automatic resource copying.
For more information, contact Ray Sauers Associates, 1187 Main Avenue, Suite 1B, Clifton, NJ 07011-2252, Voice: 201/478-1970, Fax: 201/478-1513, AppleLink: D1922, America Online: SAUERS, CompuServe: 70731,2326.
Image extension to 4D
Metamedia Systems Pte Ltd is shipping the first version of their MetaVIEW for 4D; an image extension to 4th DIMENSION. MetaVIEW for 4D gives developers the power to develop low cost color image database solutions. It supports up to 24-bit color depth and it can run on any color capable Macintosh. This solution takes advantage of Apples latest system software extension - QuickTime, running on Apples System 7.0 operating system.
MetaView for 4D is built essentially around the concept that images in databases are required more for browsing, identification and verification, but less rarely used as a container for image information itself. It gives you the ability to create thumbnails (for browsing) and preview images (any arbitrary size) of the original images. Only these compressed representations of the original image are kept within the database while the original images are kept external. Hence freeing up valuable database storage space and also reduce network transfer times for database records.
For more information, contact Metamedia Systems Pte Ltd, 67B Boat Quay, Singapore 0104, Tel: (65) 538-2756, Fax: (65) 533-0308, AppleLink: D3790.