Sep 92 Mousehole
Volume Number: | | 8
Issue Number: | | 5
Column Tag: | | Mousehole
By Larry Nedry, MacTutor Regular Contributing Author
From: Nick
To: ** ALL **
Re: New user here - high speed (2 replies)
38400 - have you guys ever seen it work? Last night I sent a textfile to Anchorage Alaska via AT&T. The file went through at 76% of 38400b - thats 2190 CPS (about). Amazing!
Are there any Mac BBSs besides Crumals Dimension and Digikron Systems???
Also I am wondering if there are any Mac MIDI people around. B seeing U
From: Mrteague
To: Nick
Re: New user here - high speed
There are dozens of Mac BBSs in the local area. I suggest you call one of the two places you have mentioned, and download the latest (408) Mac BBS list from their file section - it is regularly updated and will get you started.
From: Ganesha
To: ** ALL **
Symantec is working on new def files and hopes to have it out soon. In the mean time a new virus is out. And is destructive, Ive had a 2% loss of data. I gave Symantec the file and they confirmed the virus, under resource id INIT 1984. They also gave me this
INIT 1984
= 4324
for a user def patch.
From: Derek
To: ** ALL **
Re: Interpol (1 reply)
I am looking for any good products that help in troubleshooting AppleTalk networks. I remember I used to have Interpol several years ago, but now I am looking at all available products.
What I want is a program I can run on a Mac. It will tell all Macs on that Network, including some information like what System software version they are running, what print driver, and other information. It must work with Macs that are on either FastPaths or other devices.
Also any comments on how they operate would be helpful too. Thanx!

From: Mike
To: Derek
Re: Interpol
Greetings! Have you looked at the Gracelan Network Manager? We just started to use their Asset Manager at work. I have not played with it, but I have used their MacProfiler. It shows you all the INITs, System Version, all applications, etc. They are commercial software. I dont know if thats a constraint for you or not. I dont know if that helps but good luck in your quest.
From: Cxer
To: ** ALL **
Re: FCC Hoax
Tidbits #124 had a nice article on the FCC hoax that is going around. It concerns a proposed Federal Commun-ications Commission (FCC) surcharge on modem users. It is absolutely false! If you wish to verify for yourself that this surcharge proposal is indeed a hoax, call the number below:
Federal Communications Commission, Common Carrier Bureau, Enforcement Division, Informal Complaints and Public Inquiries Branch, Suite 6202, Washington, D.C. 20554, 202/632-7553
From: Wildthing
To: ** ALL **
Re: Macros in System 7? (2 replies)
According to Apple, QuicKeys and QuicKeys 2 are incompatible with System 7. My first thought was, Well, maybe MacroMakers been updated so as to be more compatible and reliable under System 7 than it was under System 6. I went, all optimistic, looking for MacroMaker in the index of the System 7 mention. I looked it up in the list of compatible stuff that comes with System says its incompatible and unnecessary. Ok, if MacroMakers unnecessary, System 7 must offer some similar, probably vastly superior macro-making utility, right? Uh...evidently not, unless Apples documentation people have made an accidental and conspicuous omission. MacroMaker is listed in the copyright/ trademark notices in the front of the System 7 Reference, and then, as far as I can see from a complete scan of the table of contents, never again. So, to the point (finally!) of this bulletin: does anybody know how to write macros in System 7? What software to use? Under System 6 I had a mess o macros that served me well, especially when using THINK C (these were thanks to good old QuicKeys 2). Now Im utterly without, my F-keys fidgeting restlessly atop my Extended Keyboard and whispering among themselves of nocturnal escape. Your knowledgeable (or at least amusing) response will be appreciated. Thanks, all.
From: Tomt
To: Wildthing
Re: Macros in System 7? (1 reply)
Im almost sure that the latest version of QuicKeys is System 7 compatible. In fact they make a point of being able to send apple events via QuicKeys. Id check with CE software about System 7 capability. A System 7 compatible version of Tempo II is supposedly coming out in the not too distant future as well.
From: Wildthing
To: Tomt
Re: Macros in System 7? (2 replies)
Thanks for your feedback on QuicKeys 2...Ill look into it. I still wonder where the Apple people got off saying macro programs were unnecessary in System 7.
From: Tomt
To: Wildthing
Re: Macros in System 7?
I think Apple was saying that macro utilities were unnecessary in System 7 back when they thought that the Apple scripting language was going to be released with System 7.0. A fully working IAC scripting language would tend to reduce the need for a macro program. The difficulty of getting a macro program to work with System 7 is seen by the trouble that theyve been having getting a System 7 version of Tempo II out the door, although I guess it might be out by now.
From: Mrteague
To: Wildthing
Re: Macros in System 7? (1 reply)
There seems to be some confusion here on the topic of Macros for System 7.0, so let me clear it up:
MacroMaker was not supported by Apple for System 7.0, because it would have required too much modification for it to work correctly (and perhaps Apple had a better idea of what was coming down the pike for AppleEvents) - it was listed in the trademarks/copyrights notice, simply for the reason Apple owns the copyright and trademark for MacroMaker (as it does for hundreds of other products that may no longer be in production). Apple sold the complete rights for MacroMaker to a third-party (I think it was GO Technology, but I might be wrong) - I understand the third-party has revised the product and is offering it in a different way (although I havent seen it available anywhere yet).
The current version of QuicKeys is 2.1, and is most definitely System 7.0.x compatible, and as other have pointed out, has support for AppleEvents, etc.
Any AppleEvent-aware application can be driven by products like HyperCard 2.1, Control-Tower, and Frontier. Frontier can do a lot more than that, such as doing anything the Finder can do, and most of the operating System calls, all within a programming environment (a scripting language).
If you need further information on any of these products, let me know. Hope this helps.
From: Wildthing
To: Mrteague
Re: Macros in System 7? (1 reply)
Thanks for your response to my macros query. I think Ill be looking into QuicKeys 2.1.
From: Mrteague
To: Wildthing
Re: Macros in System 7? (1 reply)
Actually I must correct one thing - the current version of QuicKeys is 2.1.1 (fixes a few bugs related to use of VM etc).
From: Jmoreno
To: ** ALL **
Re: How To Detect MultiFinder
Hello, I recently read a note from Apple giving info on how to detect MultiFinder under System 6.x. Does anybody happen to know what it is, and where I can find it? Thanx.
From: Mrteague
To: Jmoreno
Re: How To Detect MultiFinder
Two answers - the TechNote from Apple was #299, and was quickly withdrawn after being released to developers, as it contained information that was not guaranteed to be supported by Apple, and they decided it was better to protect developers from themselves - although the TechNote itself may be found with a bit of searching, other information that may be more useful was revealed in a magazine put out by the now TechAlliance, a couple of years ago. The author of the article, Rich Guerra did a great detective job, and he is on this BBS.
The other answer - it is easy to detect that MultiFinder is running by looking at a low memory global, called TwitcherA5, which is at location $0B7C. If the value is -1 ($FFFFFFFF), then MultiFinder is not running. Hope this helps.
From: Jmoreno
To: Mrteague
Re: How To Detect MultiFinder
Thanx, I found it. I was really more interested to find out if I was the front process at the moment or not. Keeping track of how many times. Ive received a suspend/resume event is a little weird. Do you know what was the (if any) specific reason for dumping it? I spent a couple of hours going through every CD Ive received looking for it, I wish they had at least left the name in TechNotes stack. So... thanx again I thought I was either loosing my memory or my mind (dont know which would bother me the most).