Hello TCL World
Volume Number: | | 8
Issue Number: | | 4
Column Tag: | | TCL Workshop
Hello TCL World
An object lesson
By Martin Minow, MacTutor Regular Contributing Author
Note: Source code files accompanying article are located on MacTech CD-ROM or source code disks.
For the past five years, Ive been a volunteer in the Boston Marathon press-room, where I am responsible for calculating the split (intermediate) times during the race. I did this by hand for two years, then decided a simple little computer program would make my life easier.
This simple little program grew - quietly - for two years when, last winter, I decided it was time to rewrite it from scratch, adding in all of the Mac-like things I didnt understand when I first attacked the problem. To make matters worse, I decided to write the program using the Think Class Library (TCL) - it was a chance to learn to apply object-oriented techniques to a real problem, and the library would be responsible for all the grotty details of the Mac interface, such as how to scroll stuff around.
By the time the marathon came around, the redesign had spawned a monster of 24,000 lines of C (about twice the size of the original) that used System 7.0s built-in interprocessor communications facilities to move data between the seven computers that we use to enter and display data.
While the Think Class Library is an excellent piece of work, the documentation could go further in clarifying how the pieces fit together. The two sample programs in the TCL distribution are useful, but will intimidate anyone attacking TCL for the first time.
Traditionally, C programmers start out by writing a program that does nothing more than print a greeting on the terminal:
/* 1 */
#include <stdio.h>
main() {
printf(hello world!\n);
Having written the run-time library for a C compiler, I can assure you that, while hello world! is a simple program for a computer language user to write, it is not a trivial task for the compiler and its support library. Also, before the program runs, the programmer must master the editor and enough of the command environment to be able to compile, link, and execute a program.
The Macintosh and Think C environment simplify the edit and command environment. However, writing the TCL equivalent of hello world! remains a non-trivial task. If Im successful, the enclosed program gives you both a reasonable introduction to a complex environment and a few simple tools you can use in other, more demanding, applications. The program requires the following files:
Hello.c Just the main program: it creates the application class,
initializes it, runs it and terminates it.
Hello.r Resources (in RMaker format) for the application.
Hello.Π The Think C project file.
Hello.Π.rsrc The compiled resource file.
HelloApp.c The application class.
HelloApp.h The header file that defines the application class
oopsDebug.c My version of the oops.c support file that catches some
common programming errors.
TCL Resources The common resource file for TCL projects.
AuxWindow.c A generic status window class.
AuxWindow.h The header file that defines the AuxWindow class.
TextWindow.c A simple write text to a window class.
TextWindow.h The header file that defines the TextWindow class.
TextPane.c A CPane that can draw text.
TextPane.h The header file that defines the TextPane class.
The application is built together with a large number of TCL methods which are described in the Think C documentation. When you run it, it displays a window on the screen, sets the window title (of course) to Hello World! and waits for a menu selection. The only menu items that actually do anything are Quit and Show/Hide Window: others generally result in some sort of message being displayed in the window.
The rest of this article describes the various classes and methods, and attempts to explain how they fit together. Read through the code, then attack the Class Library on your own.
The Hello.c Main Program
Hello.c contains the main program. All it does is create an instance of the HelloApp application class, initialize it, run it and exit.
/* 2 */
#include "HelloApp.h"
void main()
gApplication = (HelloApp *) new(HelloApp);
The HelloApp Application Class
HelloApp is the main application: its initialization method creates a TextWindow, sets its title, and displays a string. The other classes contain support for TextWindow and are reasonably straight-forward.
You will probably find the UnknownCommand method useful (I sure did!) - it checks whether a command is one that is normally executed by the CApplication. If not, the command number or menu number and menu item are displayed in the TextWindow. The reason this is needed is that TCL ignores unrecognized commands. However, when youre debugging a new application, you will probably forget to set the gopher correctly, or send a command to a class that doesnt understand it.
If a class method doesnt understand a command, it will be passed up the supervisory class chain. This will eventually call DoCommand in the application class - your programs last chance to process the command. UnknownCommand shows one reasonable use of the TextWindow class. Although Ive shown it as part of the application class, I usually keep UnknownCommand in a Utility class, along with a few other general-purpose classes. A gUtility global variable offers a common reference to the Utility class methods.
The AuxWindow Display Window Class
AuxWindow defines a simple status window, based on the CClipboard class. This window can be displayed or hidden without loss of data. As with the CClipboard, it is intended to be an auxiliary to your document or application: it does not process New or Open (or Save) commands, for example. The utility class is built on AuxWindow.
One of the most frustrating things I found in learning the TCL was my assumption that the each document had one and only one window. It took a long time before I understood how to create a second status window. AuxWindow shows a simple, but practical, status window that you can add to any class. I used the CClipboard class as original model for this window. Like CClipboard, it allows the window to be hidden and re-shown. In order to use it, you must define two resources: a window definition that gives the window type and its overall dimensions and a STR# resource that specifies the text of the Show and Hide menu commands.
Although you will think of AuxWindow as a window into which your application will draw text, TCL sees it as a CDirector sub-class that ties a visual structure (CWindow and CPanes) together with control (DoCommand) and data hierarchies. If you want to live comfortably in the TCL world, you should make a strong effort to separate classes in this manner. However, this is easier said than done. After several generations of writing and re-writing, I finally reorganized the class hierarchy into two independent classes (that may be used as-is in other projects) and one task-specific class that controls the entire process. The advantage of this is that you can drop AuxWindow and TextPane into another project without change, and write a small application-specific AuxWindow sub-class (TextWindow here) that does what your application needs while the hard stuff (showing and hiding windows; drawing and scrolling text) is hidden away in TCL and your general-purpose classes.
AuxWindow Window Management
TCL thinks of windows as being inexorably tied to documents: they are created when documents are opened or created, and are destroyed when a document is closed. This doesnt work for status windows, tool palettes, and similar non-document windows. While these may be created along with a document, you may want them to be displayed, hidden, and re-displayed under user control. TextWindow permits this by overriding several CDirector methods.
The Macintosh human interface guidelines recommend that status windows be hidden when the application is suspended. AuxWindow follows these guidelines if you set the hideOnSuspend parameter TRUE when the window is created.
AuxWindow doesnt know very much: about all it can do is create a window and control its visiblity. The actual behavior is controlled by the TextWindow class.
The TextWindow Status Window Class
TextWindow is a utility class that you might find useful to add to your own projects. It uses AuxWindow to create a window on the screen that allows your application to write text messages. It is an extremely simple class: all it does is create and initialize a single TextPane class instance. By making TextWindow a sub-class to AuxWindow, the programmer doesnt have to deal with the mess of showing and hiding windows. All of the status windows in my application could be made sub-classes of AuxWindow (which is something I wish I realized when I wrote the program in the first place).
The TextPane Class
TextPane does the actual drawing. It is reasonably straight-forward. Note that the TextPane doesnt care where its positioned. You could easily create a window with several TextPanes if you need to display several different types of status information. TextPane could (and perhaps should) be extended to allow the user to change the font or font size, or to change the number of lines that are displayed when the size of the pane (or its enclosing window) changes.
Most of the work of TextPane is done by its initialization method. Because Ive simplified the class so it has a single, pre-specified font and font size, and the pane cannot be re-sized, the initialization method computes the height of each line and the number of lines of data that will be stored and displayed.
Note that my code locks the string vector (vectorHandle) before initializing strings. This is needed because the statement
/* 3 */
theStrings[i] = NewString((StringPtr) \p);
might be compiled so as to compute the address of theStrings[i] before calling NewString() to create the string handle. Since NewString() may move memory and theStrings[i] is in a TCL handle-based object (which can be moved), the address may be incorrect. This is not a compiler error!

Putting it all Together
The project is shown in Figure 1, above. Note that even a simple class requires a large number of TCL classes. oopsDebug.c is a minor revision of oops.c that traps NULL method calls. (I sometimes wonder whether good programmers write good debugging environments or whether they just never make mistakes. I suppose Ill know if I ever meet a programmer that doesnt make mistakes.)
Write it, Rewrite it, then Rewrite it Again
While programming the marathon splits application, I wrote about 5 variants of the AuxWindow class: status and display windows that were sub-windows to the actual document. I took one of these and turned it into the original AuxWindow, then rewrote it three or four times in order to break apart its monolithic window + display + data structure into smaller, reusable, components.
The final revision yielded two general-purpose classes: a window that can be displayed and controlled independently of other windows in my application, and a pane that can display lines of text. Note that neither knows about the other: only the TextWindow class connects the display to its window.
The moral is to write your code carefully, and realize that you will rewrite it several times before its true structure emerges from the fog of your misunderstandings.
My most common error is failing to initialize a variable before using it. If the variable is a class instance, and I try to send that class a message, my program will crash. In order to simplify debugging, I modified the method dispatch routines in oops.c. Note, however, that these modifications are not approved by Symantec (who were, however, kind enough to give me permission to reprint my modifications.) If you do decide to use oopsDebug.c, please be aware that you will have to remove it when Symantec releases a future version of Think C.
Acknowledgements and Copyright
Thanks to Mike Morton for proofreading and other suggestions. Thanks, especially, to Symantec Tech Support for answering all sorts of questions that began with Im just learning TCL and I cant figure out how to with somewhat more politeness than I might deserve. Thanks also for permission to reprint oopsDebug.c.
This software is Copyright © 1991 Martin Minow and Xplain Corporation. You may use these classes in your programs without restrictions as long as you accept responsibility for their use. You may not redistribute the source for profit without permission.
Listing: HelloApp.h
#define _H_HelloApp/* Include this file only once */
#include <CApplication.h>
#include "TextWindow.h"
* Some of these values must track values in the
* resource file.
enum { /* Resources & Commands */
WIND_Note= 1024,
MENU_Test= 1024,
MENU_MakeTextWindow = 1025,
STRS_Toggle= 1024,
CmdToggleTextWindow = 1024,
CmdTest, /* Unknown command*/
extern struct HelloApp *gApplication;
struct HelloApp : CApplication {
TextWindow *itsTextWindow;
* Create the application.
void IHelloApp(void);
* These are CApplication methods that
* are overridden for our purposes.
void MakeDesktop(void);
void SetUpMenus(void);
void UpdateMenus(void);
void DoCommand(long theCommand);
* Create a new text window. theCommand has
* two purposes: it defines the particular
* window type and selects the show/hide
* command text.
void MakeTextWindow(long theCommand);
* UnknownCommand is a utility class that
* logs a warning message if a command wasn't
* processed by the application. Commands
* that are normally processed by CApplication
* (such as cmdQuit) are not logged.
void UnknownCommand(long theCommand);
Listing: HelloApp.c
/* Copyright © 1991 Martin Minow. All rights reserved.
* All use and non-commercial distribution permitted.
#include <CBartender.h>
#include <CBureaucrat.h>
#include <CDesktop.h>
#include <CFWDesktop.h>
#include <Commands.h>
#include <TBUtilities.h>
#include "HelloApp.h"
extern CBartender*gBartender;
extern CDesktop *gDesktop;
extern CBureaucrat *gGopher;
* IHelloApp -- the only thing this does is display the
* logging window on the screen. It reacts to commands
* by displaying the command number and sending them
* onwards to the TCL CApplication method.
CApplication::IApplication(8, 32768L, 4096L);
itsTextWindow = NULL;
/* Normal window*/
(StringPtr) "\pHello (TCL) World!");
itsTextWindow->SetText((StringPtr) "\pHello world!");
gGopher = this;
* Override MakeDesktop to allow creation of floating
* windows.
gDesktop = new(CFWDesktop);
((CFWDesktop *) gDesktop)->IFWDesktop(this);
* SetupMenus is called (by CApplication::IApplication).
* It adds our application-specific menus to the menu bar.
Str255 work;
short MENUid;
short itemNo;
MenuHandle macMenu;
* Add some menu items to test UnknownCommand
(StringPtr) "\pAbout Hello World");
gBartender->SetDimOption(MENU_Test, dimNONE);
gBartender->SetDimOption(MENU_MakeTextWindow, dimNONE);
AddResMenu(GetMHandle(MENUfont), 'FONT');
gBartender->SetDimOption(MENUfont, dimNONE);
gBartender->SetUnchecking(MENUfont, TRUE);
* Build the TextWindow menu command on the fly.
* You can also just add the command to a menu
* in your resource file.
GetIndString(work, STRS_Toggle, kShowAuxWindow);
&MENUid, &macMenu, &itemNo);
if (macMenu != NULL && work[0] != 0) {
work, MENUid, itemNo);
* UpdateMenus is called before showing a menu. Make sure
* the Show/Hide text box command is enabled.
if (itsTextWindow != NULL)
* Execute a command. Only CmdToggleTextWindow does
* anything useful.
HelloApp::DoCommand(long theCommand)
switch (theCommand) {
case CmdMakeNoFloatHide:
case CmdMakeNoFloatShow:
case CmdMakeIsFloatHide:
case CmdMakeIsFloatShow:
case CmdToggleTextWindow:
itsTextWindow->Toggle(); break;
case cmdAbout:
if (itsTextWindow == NULL)
(StringPtr) "\pHello (TCL) World!");
(StringPtr) "\pHello world!");
(StringPtr) "\pCopyright © 1991"
" Martin Minow,"
" All rights reserved.");
case cmdNew:
if (itsTextWindow != NULL)
(StringPtr) "\pNew selected");
case cmdOpen:
if (itsTextWindow != NULL)
(StringPtr) "\pOpen selected");
* I've found it useful to log commands
* that aren't executed by my application
* This catchs errors in setting the gopher
* in a complicated web of sub-classes.
HelloApp::MakeTextWindow(long theCommand)
Str255 titleText;
if (itsTextWindow != NULL)
isFloating = (theCommand == CmdMakeIsFloatHide
|| theCommand == CmdMakeIsFloatShow);
hideOnSuspend = (theCommand == CmdMakeNoFloatHide
|| theCommand == CmdMakeIsFloatHide);
itsTextWindow = new(TextWindow);
this, /* The application*/
WIND_Note, /* WIND Resource id */
isFloating,/* Not floating */
hideOnSuspend, /* Don't hide*/
CmdToggleTextWindow,/* Show/Hide cmd*/
STRS_Toggle, /* Show/Hide STR# */
(StringPtr) "\pgeneva", /* Font name */
9 /* Font size value*/
gBartender->GetCmdText(theCommand, titleText);
* Unrecognized commands (from the application) come here.
* This method does nothing for TCL commands (cmdQuit,
* cmdNull) that are normally handled by the TCL
* CApplication method, and logs the command or menu
* number for those the application should have handled.
* If commands are logged, they may indicate menu items
* are enabled incorrectly, the Gopher set incorrectly,
* or a class failing to handle commands directed at it.
HelloApp::UnknownCommand(long theCommand)
short theMenu;
short theItem;
Str255 work;
Str255 number;
theMenu = HiShort(-theCommand);
theItem = LoShort(-theCommand);
if (theCommand < 0 && theMenu == MENUapple)
; /* These are aways ok */
else {
switch (theCommand) {
case cmdNull:
case cmdQuit:
case cmdToggleClip:
if (theCommand >= 0) {
CopyPString((StringPtr) "\pUnknown command ",
NumToString(theCommand, number);
else {
CopyPString((StringPtr) "\pUnknown menu ",
NumToString(theMenu, number);
ConcatPStrings(work, number);
ConcatPStrings(work, (StringPtr) "\p.");
NumToString(theItem, number);
ConcatPStrings(work, number);
if (itsTextWindow != NULL)
Listing: AuxWindow.h
* AuxWindow
* Superclass: CDirector
#define _H_AuxWindow
#include <CApplication.h>
#include <CDirector.h>
enum {
kShowAuxWindow = 1,
struct AuxWindow : CDirector {
long itsToggleCmd;
short itsMenuNames;
* Create an auxiliary window. The
* supervisor must be the application.
* the window id is a WIND resource.
* isFloating and isHiddenOnSuspend
* configure the window.
* toggleCmd and showHideRes are used
* to control its Show/Hide menu command.
void IAuxWindow(
CApplication *aSupervisor,
short aWindowId,
long toggleCmd,
short showHideRes);
* Change the window's title string.
void SetTitle(StringPtraTitle);
* Override some CDirector classes to allow
* the window to be hidden and re-shown.
void Suspend(void);
void Resume(void);
void CloseWind(CWindow *theWindow);
void Show(void);
void Hide(void);
* The application calls Toggle to change
* the AuxWindow visibility. (Show and/or
* Hide may also be called, of course.)
void Toggle(void);
Listing: AuxWindow.c
* AuxWindow
* Superclass: CDirector.
* Copyright © 1991 Martin Minow. All Rights Reserved.
* All use and non-commercial distribution permitted.
* Set tabs every 4 bytes.
* This class implements a generic auxiliary window that
* may be used in addition to the document's normal
* window. It is based on the CClipboard class.
Title AuxWindow
#include "AuxWindow.h"
void IAuxWindow(
CApplication *aSupervisor,
short aWindowId,
long toggleCmd,
short showHideRes);
Initialization. itsSupervisor must be the
application. It displays the window defined
by aWindowId. See the description of CWindow
for information on floating windows.
hideOnSuspend is TRUE if this window should follow
the Macintosh human interface guidelines, which
recommend that floating windows and general status
windows be hidden when your application is suspended.
Set it FALSE if this window should remain visible
except when the user explicitly hides it via the
menu command (Toggle method) or by clicking in
the close box.
toggleCmd is the command number your application
uses to make the window visible and invisible.
If you don't have a show/hide menu command, just
pass cmdNull and set showHideRes to zero. Otherwise,
your application class should create a menu item
using some variant on the following sequence:
Str255 work;
MenuHandle macMenu;
GetIndString(work, itsMenuNames, kShowAuxWindow);
&MENUid, &macMenu, &itemNo);
if (macMenu != NULL && work[0] != 0) {
work, MENUid, itemNo);
The above sequence creates a menu item that resides
just below the Toggle Clipboard menu item. You can
also just add the menu item to your resource file.
showHideRes identifies a STR# resource containing:
Show Status Window
Hide Status Window
These menu items will be added to the menu bar
just after the Show/Hide clipboard menu command.
Your application class DoCommand method should
recognize the toggleCmd and send a Toggle message
to the TextWindow:
MyApp::DoCommand(long theCommand)
switch (theCommand) {
case CmdToggleAuxWindow:
Your application class must also enable the
toggle command it its UpdateMenus method:
void Dispose(void);
Dispose of the window. Actually, AuxWindow doesn't
have its own Dispose method: the CDirector
Dispose will free the visual hierarchy and other
local structures.
void SetTitle(StringPtraString);
Set the AuxWindow title:
void Show(void);
void Hide(void);
void Toggle(void);
Your application calls Toggle() to show or hide
the window. By default, the window is created
invisibly. Show() and Hide() explicitly set the
window's visibility.
Support Classes
void Suspend(void);
void Resume(void);
These override the default classes. They hide
when the application is suspended, and show it
when the application is resumed (assuming it
was visible, of course and hideOnSuspend was
set when the window was created).
void Close(Booleanquitting);
void CloseWind(CWindow *theWindow);
These override the standard classes so the window
is hidden when closed, rather than deleted.
window definition
The window is defined by resources as follows:
* The AuxWindow Window
Text Box, 1024 ;; WIND_AuxWindow
40 40 236 361
InVisible GoAway
4 ;; noGrowDocProc
* The AuxWindow menu commands
Type STR#
Text Box, 1024 ;; STRS_AuxWindow
Show Status Window
Hide Status Window
Martin Minow
Copyright © 1991 Martin Minow. All Rights Reserved.
Non-commercial use and distribution permitted.
#include <CBartender.h>
#include <CDesktop.h>
#include <Commands.h>
#include "AuxWindow.h"
extern CBartender*gBartender;
extern CBureaucrat *gGopher;
extern CDesktop *gDesktop;
extern Boolean gInBackground;
* Initialize the AuxWindow. A director consists of a
* visual hierarchy (CWindow and CPanes) along with a
* control hierarchy. In this case, there really isn't
* a unique control hierarchy: all of the standard "move
* window" operations are handled by the TCL classes. All
* we need to do here is to create the window and data
* panes. In order to support hiding and revealing the
* window, the application needs a Toggle Status Window
* command and a STR# resource with two strings:
* Show Status Window
* Hide Status Window
CApplication *aSupervisor,
short aWindowId,
Boolean isFloating,
long toggleCmd, /* Our command */
short showHideRes) /* STR# text */
* Initialize the superclass.
* Next, create and position the window.
itsWindow = new(CWindow);
aWindowId, /* A noGrowDocProc*/
isFloating,/* Maybe floating */
hideOnSuspend = isHiddenOnSuspend;
itsToggleCmd = toggleCmd;
itsMenuNames = showHideRes;
windowVisible = FALSE;
#if 0
* Your sub-class may want to position the
* window and create it visibly. If so,
* add the following (or whatever is appropriate)
* to your initialization method.
* The SetTitle method sets the window's title bar. Note
* that an application that uses the AuxWindow dosen't know
* that the title is going to a window -- or even that
* there is a window. I.e. you could easily turn the
* AuxWindow class into a printing or file-logging class.
AuxWindow::SetTitle(StringPtr aTitle)
* The Suspend, Resume, Close, and CloseWind methods
* override their CDirector counterparts in order to
* permit hiding and revealing the AuxWindow window
* without destroying it. Your application (or some other
* class) must respond to the CmdToggle command by calling
* the Toggle() method. The original idea for this was
* taken from the TCL CClipboard class.
if (windowVisible) {
if (hideOnSuspend == FALSE)
if (active) {
active = TRUE;
if (windowVisible) {
if (hideOnSuspend == FALSE)
if (active) {
gGopher = this;
* Close the AuxWindow by hiding it. We don't care if the
* application is quitting or not.
AuxWindow::Close(Boolean quitting)
if (windowVisible) {
if (gInBackground)
return (TRUE);
* The user (probably) clicked in the close box --
* or we're here because visiblity was toggled.
* just close the window and fix the menu.
Str255 work;
windowVisible = FALSE;
if (itsToggleCmd != cmdNull) {
GetIndString(work, itsMenuNames, kShowAuxWindow);
gBartender->SetCmdText(itsToggleCmd, work);
if (windowVisible)
Str255 work;
if (windowVisible == FALSE) {
windowVisible = TRUE;
if (itsToggleCmd != cmdNull) {
GetIndString(work, itsMenuNames, kHideAuxWindow);
gBartender->SetCmdText(itsToggleCmd, work);
* If the application enabled floating windows,
* this window will be created "deactivated"
* because an unwanted deactivate event is
* stuffed -- somehow -- into the event queue.
* I don't really understand this, so don't be
* suprised if it turns out to be a bug.
if (CurDeactive == itsWindow->GetMacPort())
CurDeactive = NULL;
* Toggle the window visiblity. If it was invisible (or
* newly created), set the menu command.
if (windowVisible)
else {
Listing: TextPane.h
* TextBox
* Superclass: AuxWindow
#define _H_TextPane
#include <CApplication.h>
#include <CBureaucrat.h>
#include <CPane.h>
#ifndef PRIVATE
#define PRIVATE /* reminder */
PRIVATE struct TextPane : CPane {
short itsLineHeight;
short itsNLines;
short hOffset;
short vOffset;
StringHandle **vectorHandle;
* Create a pane that can be used to
* display lines of text. The parameters
* follow the definition of CPane. fontName
* and fontHeight define the display font
* and its size. These cannot be changed
* after the class is created.
void ITextPane(
CView *anEnclosure,
short aWidth,
short aHeight,
short aHEncl,
short aVEncl,
SizingOption aHSizing,
SizingOption aVSizing,
Str255 fontName,
short fontHeight);
void Dispose(void);
* Write a line of text into the pane.
void SetText(StringPtr someText);
* Get a text item -- this should only be
* called by DrawItem.
PRIVATE StringHandleGetText(short whichItem);
* Draw the pane or its contents.
void Draw(Rect*area);
* Draw one line of text.
PRIVATE void DrawItem(short whichItem);
* Scroll the text pane -- called by SetText
* when a line of text has been added.
PRIVATE void ScrollPane(void);
Listing: TextPane.c
* TextPane
* Superclass: CPane.
* Copyright © 1991 Martin Minow. All Rights Reserved.
* All use and non-commercial distribution permitted.
* Set tabs every 4 bytes.
* This is a very simple text-only, output-only, display
* pane. It intentionally does not support cut/paste,
* scrolling, filing and printing.
title TextPane
#include "TextPane.h"
void ITextPane(
CView *anEnclosure,
short aWidth,
short aHeight,
short hEncl,
short vEncl,
SizingOption hSizing,
SizingOption vSizing,
Str255 fontName,
short fontHeight);
Initialization: the parameters are as described in
the CPane documentation. fontName and fontHeight
define the font to be used to display the data.
This cannot be changed after initialization.
void Dispose(void);
Dispose of the TextPane and its contents.
void SetText(StringPtr someText);
Put a line of text on the screen.
It rolls text up the display.
Martin Minow
Copyright © 1991 Martin Minow. All Rights Reserved.
Non-commercial use and distribution permitted.
#include <CTextEnvirons.h>
#include <TBUtilities.h>
#include "TextPane.h"
#define itsTextInfo((CTextEnvirons *) itsEnvironment)
* The TextPane acts like a "glass teletype" -- messages
* appear at the bottom and are scrolled off the top
* (never to appear again). Since the TextPane is private
* and we know it will fill the window, the normal CPane
* parameters can be constructed here rather than being
* passed. If this were a general-purpose pane, the full
* CPane parameters should be passed.
CView *anEnclosure,
short aWidth,
short aHeight,
short aHEncl,
short aVEncl,
SizingOption aHSizing,
SizingOption aVSizing,
Str255 fontName,
short fontHeight)
register int i;
register StringHandle *theStrings;
FontInfo info;
short fontNumber;
Rect textBox;
CPane::IPane(anEnclosure, aSupervisor, aWidth,
aHeight, aHEncl, aVEncl, aHSizing, aVSizing);
itsEnvironment = new(CTextEnvirons);
GetFontNumber(fontName, &fontNumber);
* Make sure there's a drawing environment.
itsLineHeight = info.ascent +
info.descent + info.leading;
* Initialize the font stuff from the current port.
aTextInfo.fontNumber = thePort->txFont;
aTextInfo.theStyle = thePort->txFace;
aTextInfo.theSize = thePort->txSize;
aTextInfo.theMode = thePort->txMode;
* hOffset and vOffset define the initial position
* of the pen when drawing text.
hOffset = info.widMax / 2;
vOffset = info.ascent;
* Determine the number of lines we will show.
itsNLines = (textBox.bottom - textBox.top);
itsNLines /= itsLineHeight;
* Create a vector of strings. Note that this
* limits the class -- the application cannot
* change the font or window size after the window
* has been created. A "real" application would
* display data in a CPanorama and store the strings
* in a CList subclass.
vectorHandle = (StringHandle **)
NewHandle(itsNLines * sizeof (StringHandle));
* Lock the vectorHandle while we initialize
* the string vector. This prevents any C compiler
* optimizations in the "theStrings[i] = ..."
* statement from causing "memory moved" problems.
theStrings = *vectorHandle;
for (i = 0; i < itsNLines; i++)
theStrings[i] = NewString((StringPtr) "\p");
* Dispose of the TextPane by deleting the strings and
* the string vector. This is called by TCL when the
* enclosing window is disposed. (Note also that TCL
* will dispose of the environment object, too.)
register int i;
register StringHandle *theStrings;
theStrings = *vectorHandle;
for (i = 0; i < itsNLines; i++)
* The SetText method adds text to the TextPane.
TextPane::SetText(StringPtr someText)
register StringHandle *theStrings;
StringHandle tempHandle;
register int i;
theStrings = (StringHandle *) *vectorHandle;
* Save the top string's handle for recycling,
* move the others "up" in the display,
* insert the old top string at the bottom,
* and set its contents to the supplied value.
* Finally, update the display.
* Note that we must not depend on the value
* of theStrings after calling SetString or
* ScrollPane as either may move memory.
* The following sequence may not move memory.
tempHandle = theStrings[0];
for (i = 1; i < itsNLines; i++)
theStrings[i - 1] = theStrings[i];
theStrings[itsNLines - 1] = tempHandle;
* The above sequence may not move memory.
SetString(tempHandle, someText);
* This is the only function that accesses the text.
TextPane::GetText(short whichItem)
return ((*vectorHandle)[whichItem]);
* Draw is called by the TCL when part of the TextPane
* has been uncovered. Note that the actual drawing
* is done by a DrawItem method -- this lets us have
* one common routine for both Draw and ScrollPane.
* This is overkill for this demo application, but useful
* when the thing being drawn is complex.
register int i;
for (i = 0; i < itsNLines; i++)
* This method scrolls the text pane up one line and draws
* the last line (which has just been inserted).
Rect theView;
tempRgn = NewRgn();
ScrollRect(&theView, 0, -itsLineHeight, tempRgn);
DrawItem(itsNLines - 1);
* This is the only function that draws the data.
TextPane::DrawItem(short whichItem)
register StringHandle theString;
SignedByte saveHState;
theString = GetText(whichItem);
saveHState = HGetState(theString);
vOffset + (whichItem * itsLineHeight));
HSetState(theString, saveHState);
Listing: TextWindow.h
* TextWindow
* Superclass: AuxWindow
#define _H_TextBox
#include <CApplication.h>
#include <CPane.h>
#include "AuxWindow.h"
#include "TextPane.h"
struct TextWindow : AuxWindow {
struct TextPane *itsTextPane;
* Create a text window. The parameters
* are passed on to AuxWindow (except
* for fontName and fontSize that are
* needed by the TextPane.
void ITextWindow(
CApplication *aSupervisor,
short aWindowId,
long toggleCmd,
short showHideRes,
short fontSize);
* Write a message into the TextPane.
void SetText(StringPtr someText);
Listing: TextWindow.c
* TextWindow
* Superclass: CDirector.
* Copyright © 1991 Martin Minow. All Rights Reserved.
* All use and non-commercial distribution permitted.
* Set tabs every 4 bytes.
* This is a very simple text-only, output-only, display
* window. It intentionally does not support cut/paste,
* filing and printing. It is based on the design of
* the TCL CClipboard class. In fact, if I was cleverer,
* I'd make this a sub-class of CClipboard.
title TextWindow
#include "TextWindow.h"
void ITextWindow(
CApplication *aSupervisor,
short aWindowId,
long toggleCmd,
short showHideRes,
short fontSize);
Initialization. itsSupervisor must be the
application. It displays the window defined
by aWindowId. Text is written in the indicated
font and size. The toggleCmd and showHideRes
parameters are described in the AuxWindow class.
void Dispose(void);
Dispose of the window and its contents.
void SetText(StringPtr someText);
Put a line of text on the screen.
It rolls text up the display.
StringHandle GetText(shortindex);
Get the StringHandle for the specified line.
Martin Minow
Copyright © 1991 Martin Minow. All Rights Reserved.
Non-commercial use and distribution permitted.
#include <CBureaucrat.h>
#include <CDecorator.h>
#include <CTextEnvirons.h>
#include <TBUtilities.h>
#include "TextWindow.h"
extern CBureaucrat *gGopher;
extern CDecorator*gDecorator;
#define itsTextInfo((CTextEnvirons *) itsEnvironment)
* Initialize the TextWindow.
CApplication *aSupervisor, /* The app. */
short aWindowId, /* WIND res. */
Boolean isFloating,/* Floating? */
Boolean hideOnSuspend, /* Mac-like? */
long toggleCmd, /* Show/hide it */
short showHideRes, /* STR# text */
StringPtr fontName,/* Font name */
short fontSize)/* Font size */
Rect windowBox;
AuxWindow::IAuxWindow( /* Init superclass */
aSupervisor, /* Supervisor*/
aWindowId, /* Enclosure */
isFloating,/* Does it float? */
hideOnSuspend, /* Mac-like? */
toggleCmd, /* Our command*/
showHideRes); /* Menu text STR# */
itsTextPane = new(TextPane);
itsWindow, /* Enclosure */
this, /* Enclosure */
windowBox.right - windowBox.left, /* Width */
windowBox.bottom - windowBox.top, /* Height */
0, 0, /* Offset in enclosure*/
* The SetText method adds text to the data pane.
TextWindow::SetText(StringPtr someText)