Jul 92 Newsbits
Volume Number: | | 8
Issue Number: | | 3
Column Tag: | | Newsbits
By Neil Ticktin, Editor
Language Systems to Publish PowerPC Pascal
Language Systems Corp. announced that it has negotiated an agreeement with Apple Computer Inc. to publish a Pascal compiler for the Macintosh PowerPC.
The new Pascal compiler will integrate technology from the companys successful FORTRAN compiler, including an application shell and built-in support for AppleEvents.
In addition to FORTRAN, Language Systems also publishes FORTRAN Tools for AppMaker, and SoftPolish, a software quality assurance tool that tests finished applications.
For more information, contact Language Systems Corp., 441 Carlisle Drive, Hendon, VA 22070, 800/LANG-SYS, 703/478-0181, Fax: 703/689-9593.
FaceWare Updates DrawIt
The DrawIt module from FaceWare has been upgraded to version 2.1. DrawIt was designed to overcome the major limitations of QuickDraw. It can be used in any program (other FaceWare modules are not required), and includes support for rotated text (any angle), hi-resolution PostScript® line drawing, continuously dashed lines, arrowheads, picture objects, text and object alignment, etc. It is typically used by programmers to enhance their existing QuickDraw-based drawing or plotting routines. DrawIts use within pictures also ensures maximum MacDraw and Canvas import compatibility. New features in version 2.1 include compatibility with HyperFace (the HyperCard® interface to FaceWare), improved auto-scaling of embedded PostScript code, and improved dashed line drawing and positioning.
For more information, contact FaceWare, 1310 N. Broadway, Urbana, IL 61801, 217/328-5842, AppleLink: D1323.
Neuron Data Announces Open Interface 2.0
Neuron Data, Inc. has announced Neuron Data Open Interface 2.0, the next generation of the companys professional, portable graphical user interface (GUI) builder. Open Interface 2.0 features powerful new object-oriented services, support for Windows 3.1 and OS/2 2.0, and new pricing.
Open Interface is an application development tool for building GUIs that can be easily ported across all industry standard platforms, including: Microsoft Windows, Motif, OPEN LOOK, Presen-tation Manager, and the Macintosh. The new version of Open Interface supports a number of new features including better code generation, printing, PostScript support on all platforms and an enhanced widget set. The new widgets include scrollable panels, choice boxes, slider and gauge widgets, and a far more powerful list box widget. TrueType font support has also been added.
For more information, contact Neuron Data, Inc., 156 University Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94301, 415/321-4488, Fax: 415/321-9648.
MacWorld Expo/Boston 1992
MACWORLD Expo/Boston 1992 will open August 4-7, and will be held at both the World Trade Center and Bayside Exposition Center. Show hours will be August 4-6, from 10am to 6pm and August 7 from 10am to 3pm.
Presenting a creative vision to stay ahead of our changing Macintosh world, MACWORLD Expo/Boston will have over 400 companies covering more than 300,000 square feet of exhibit space. The one price conference series will allow access to 12 different conference topics ranging from design, multi-media, education and connectivity to entertainment, programming/devel-oping, big business, and home office use.
Preregister and take advangtage of savings. For more information or a pre-registration form, call 617/361-3941.
[And remember to come and visit the MacTutor/Xplain Corp. booth at World Trade Center, Booth #5670. To be shown are all of the latest MacTutor related products. Come and see whats new! - Ed.]
Traveling Software announces Support of Newton
Traveling Software Inc. has announced its support of Newton, Apple Computers personal digital assistant, by developing connectivity software in cooperation with Apple. Traveling Software and Apple plan on providing connectivity solutions for Newton, permitting data exchange between Newton and IBM-compatible PC running DOS or Windows.
Traveling Software plans to incorporate its Universal Communications Object (UCO) into the connectivity software for Newton. UCO is a new communications technology, developed by Traveling Software, that can be designed into software applications to provide intelligent connectivity. UCO can be adapted for use in any operating system and can run across any type of connections such as cable, modem, radio, or cellular.
For more information, contact Traveling Software Inc., 18702 North Creek Parkway, Bothell, WA 98011, 206/483-8088.
Symantec acquisitions
Symantec Corp. has announced the acquisition of MultiScope Inc. and The Whitewater Group Inc. Both companies develop and market products for the fast-growing application development tools market.
MultiScope is the developer of the innovative MultiScope Debuggers for Windows, DOS and OS/2. The companys technology and the most advanced set of debugging features available, including a unique capability for post-crash debugging.
The Whitewater Group is the developer of object-oriented program-ming tools and class libraries for Windows application development. The companys products include the The Whitewater Resource Toolkit, an interactive tool that lets users design and modify the look and feel of Windows applications; ObjectGraphics for C++ graphics library, a platform-independent tool for graphic application development; and Actor, the first OOP language developed specifically for Windows application development.
Symantec currently has a strong presence in the development tools market, with a line of products that includes THINK C and THINK Pascal as well as Zortechs C++ compilers for DOS, Windows, OS/2, Unix and Macintosh.
For more information, contact Symantec Corporation, 800/441-7234.
Echo Logic Announces Translation Tools for PowerPC
Echo Logic, an AT&T venture, has announced an agreement with Apple Computer, Inc. to cooperatively develop an innovative set of porting tools enabling the translation of current binary shrink-wrapped Macintosh applica-tions to run on the future PowerPC based Macintosh.
Using Echo Logics toolset called FlashPort, Macintosh software developers will be able to translate the binary versions of their applications in a matter of days, dramatically reducing the time require to make their software available on the PowerPC based Macintosh platform.
For more information, contact Echo Logic, 943 Holmdel Road, Holmdel, NJ 07733, 908/946-1100, Fax: 908/946-9146.
Internet Information Series
SRI International has released the first two volumes of the Internet Information Series, which provides users with the information they need to meet the challenges of internetworking.
Internet:Getting Started, the first volume of the series, is the most comprehensive overview of what the Internet is and how to become a part of it. It explains joining the Internet, various types of Internet access, and procedures for obtaining a unique IP network number and a domain name. The volume contains an extensive list of Internet access providers and pertinent facts about access to countries outside the U.S. The guide is a reference for such critical concepts as the domain name system, IP addressing, Internet protocols and electronic mail.
Internet:Mailing Lists, the second volume of the series, helps users to get in touch with others pursuing similar interests. It provides an introduction to the diversity of the Internet through more than 700 electronic dicussion forums on a variety of subjects.
For more information, contact SRI International, Network Information Systems, 333 Ravenswood Avenue, Menlo Park, CA 94025, 415/859-6387, Fax: 859-6028, or e-mail at Internet: nisc@nisc.sri.com.
New AAIS Full Control Prolog
Advanced A.I. Systems, Inc. has announced the availability of its new AAIS Full Control Prolog for the Macintosh family of computers. This is a new development system of the Prolog computer language, a popular rule-based, symbolic language among research labs, colleges and universities.
This new Prolog development system emphasizes Object-Oriented Style Extensions & Easier Communica-tions for Prolog developers. It is also the first Prolog language system on the Macintosh which is 32-bit clean, offers high-level object-oriented style, user-extensible objects and functions for building interfaces, and full support for developing programs that send and receive any Apple Events.
AAIS Prologs high-level object-oriented windows, menus, controls and other graphic objets make it easier to build interfaces quickly, and thus easier to communicate with end users.
For more information, contact Advanced A.I. Systems, P.O. Box 39-0360, Mountain View, CA 94039-0360, 415/948-8658, Fax: 415/948-2486, AppleLink: AAIS.