Menu Command Unit
Volume Number: | | 7
Issue Number: | | 9
Column Tag | | Pascal Procedures
Related Info: Menu Manager
Menu Command Handler Unit 
By David T. Craig, Kansas City, MO
Note: Source code files accompanying article are located on MacTech CD-ROM or source code disks.
[David has been involved with the Macintosh on the software side since its introduction in 1984. Currently he works as a Macintosh programmer for a small custom application development company in Kansas City, Kansas.]
This unit manages menu commands in a manner similar to Apples MacApp command menu mechanism. Each application menu item should contain a unique command number, an integer value in the range 1 to 32767. This module scans the installed menus, parses the command numbers from each menu item, and stores the item command numbers in a table. When a menu item is selected, this module should be called to return the command number of the selected item. The parsed menu command number is also removed from the menu item.
Having each menu item define its own unique command value simplifies the job of the application programmer. Instead of using the menu id and menu item values for menu handling, the programmer needs only to use the unique command numbers. Using command numbers allows the programmer to move menu items around in the resource file without having to change the application source code. Users also benefit since they too can move menu items around via ResEdit as long as they dont alter the items command number.
A menu item has a command number if the menu contains the character # followed by the command number. An example follows for a typical file menu (format compatible with Apples MPW Rez tool):
New#1,noicon,nokey,nomark, plain;
Quit#3, noicon,Q,nomark,plain;
Note that the command number must exist at the menu items end.
Using this Unit
This module contains several routines which completely control access to menu command numbers.
Routine MC_Build_Menu_Command_Table builds the menu command table for an application. Call this at the start of an application after the application menus have been installed. This routine takes a pointer to a list of menu handles which define all the application menus. In Pascal a simple array of MenuHandle is adequate.
Once you are completely finished with all the menus call routine MC_UnBuild_Menu_Command_Table. This should generally be called when the application quits.
Routine MC_Fetch_Menu_Command should be called when the user selects a menu item via either the ROM MenuSelect or ROM MenuKey routines. This routine returns the command number for the selected menu item.
Routine MC_Fetch_Menu_ID_and_Item returns the menu id and item numbers for a menu command number. Once this routine is used you may use the commands id and item numbers with the many routines supported by the Apple Menu Manager.
Routine MC_Version returns the version number and compilation date and time of this module.
Applications supporting menus that change may also use this module (MicroSoft Word is an example of an application with changing menus). Whenever the menus change you must deallocate the built menu command table and rebuild the new menu command table.
WARNING: The caller of these routines must not make any assumptions about the contents of a menu command table. This data structure, which is referenced thru a handle, must be considered off limits since its internal layout may change. Use only the public routines in this module and you will have no problems.
Unit Interface Routines
PROCEDURE MC_Version (VAR version_phrase: Str255);
PROCEDURE MC_Build_Menu_Command_Table
(menu_list: Ptr;
menu_count: INTEGER;
VAR command_table: Handle;
VAR good_build: BOOLEAN);
PROCEDURE MC_UnBuild_Menu_Command_Table
(VAR command_table: Handle;
VAR good_unbuild: BOOLEAN);
PROCEDURE MC_Fetch_Menu_Command
(command_table: Handle;
menu_info: LONGINT;
VAR menu_command: INTEGER);
PROCEDURE MC_Fetch_Menu_ID_and_Item
(command_table: Handle;
menu_command: INTEGER;
VAR menu_id: INTEGER;
VAR menu_item: INTEGER);
Listing: UMenuCommand.p
{ }
{ }
{ ---------------------------------------------- }
{ ---------------------------------------------- }
{ }
{ Author ...... David T. Craig }
{ Address ..... 736 Edgewater, Wichita, Kansas 67230 }
{ Date ........ 1989/1990 }
{ Version ..... 1.0.0 }
{ Language .... Apple MPW and Think Pascal 3.0 }
{ Computer .... Apple Macintosh }
{ }
{ Copyright ... NOT Copyright (C) 1990 by David T. Craig }
{ }
{ }
{ This module manages menu commands similar to Apples MacApp command
menu mechanism. }
{ }
{ }
{ Modification Notes }
{ }
{ Originally written in Lisa Pascal on a Lisa, ported to MPW and thento
Think Pascal. }
{ }
{ }
{ }
UNIT UMenuCommand;
{ ########################################################## }
{ ########################################################## }
{$DECL for_MPW}
{ }
{ }
{$IFC for_MPW}
MemTypes, QuickDraw, OSIntf, ToolIntf, PackIntf, Traps, PasLibIntf;
{$IFC for_THINK}
MemTypes, QuickDraw, OSIntf, ToolIntf, Packages;
{ }
{ }
{$IFC for_MPW}
{ array, string, & subrange range checking [MPW PASCAL 3.0] }
{ integer overflow checking [MPW PASCAL 3.0] }
{ short-circuit boolean evaluation [MPW PASCAL 3.0] }
{$IFC for_THINK}
{ array, string,& subrange range checking [THINK PASCAL 3.0] }
{ routine name inclusion for debugger [THINK PASCAL 3.0] }
{ integer overflow checking [THINK PASCAL 3.0] }
{ }
{ }
MC_c_NoCommand = 0; { menu command value for NO COMMAND }
{ }
{ Routine ... MC_Version }
{ Purpose ... Return the version number and compilation date of the
module }
{ Input ..... (none) }
{ Output .... version_phrase - version number and compilation date
info }
{ Notes ..... Use this if you are interested in having this information.
{ }
PROCEDURE MC_Version (VAR version_phrase: Str255);
{ }
{ Routine ... MC_Build_Menu_Command_Table }
{ Purpose ... Build a new menu command tabe from a list of menus }
{ Input ..... menu_list - pointer to list of menus to build from
{ menu_count - no. menus in the menu list }
{ Output .... command_table - build menu command table }
{ good_build - build went well flag }
{ Notes ..... Call this routine after your applications menus are
defined. }
{ Using an array of MenuHandles for the menu list is an
easy way to pass the menus to this routine. Duplicate command numbers
are detected and result in good_build returning False. }
{ }
PROCEDURE MC_Build_Menu_Command_Table (menu_list: Ptr; { in }
menu_count: INTEGER; { in }
VAR command_table: Handle; { out }
VAR good_build: BOOLEAN); { out }
{ }
{ Routine ... MC_UnBuild_Menu_Command_Table }
{ Purpose ... Unbuild a build menu command table }
{ Input ..... command_table - built menu command table }
{ Output .... command_table - deallocated menu command table (=NIL)
{ good_unbuild - unbuild process went well flag }
{ Notes ..... This routine should be called when you are completely
done with a menu command table. }
{ }
PROCEDURE MC_UnBuild_Menu_Command_Table (VAR command_table: Handle;
{ in/out } VAR good_unbuild: BOOLEAN); { in }
{ }
{ Routine ... MC_Fetch_Menu_Command }
{ Purpose ... Fetch the menu command command for a menu selected by
the ROM Menu Manager routine MenuSelect }
{ Input ..... command_table - command table from MC_Build_Menu_Command_Table
{ menu_info - menu info from ROM MenuSelect }
{ Output .... menu_command - selected menu command value (0=no command)
{ Notes ..... Call this routine when the user has selected a menu and
you have called ROM MenuSelect or ROM MenuKey. }
{ }
PROCEDURE MC_Fetch_Menu_Command(command_table: Handle; {in}
menu_info: LONGINT; { in }
VAR menu_command: INTEGER); { out }
{ }
{ Routine ... MC_Fetch_Menu_ID_and_Item }
{ Purpose ... Return the menu id and item numbers for a command number
{ Input ..... command_table - command table from MC_Build_Menu_Command_Table
{ menu_command - menu command number }
{ Output .... menu_id - menu id value for the command number
{ menu_item - menu item value for the command number
{ Notes ..... If the command number is invalid, then menu_id and menu_item
are set to -1, an invalid value for either of these numbers. }
{ }
PROCEDURE MC_Fetch_Menu_ID_and_Item(command_table:Handle;{in}
menu_command: INTEGER; { in }
VAR menu_id: INTEGER; { out }
VAR menu_item: INTEGER); { out }
{ ########################################################## }
{ ########################################################## }
{ }
{ }
pc_module_version = 1.0.0; { module version number }
pc_command_identifier = #;{ command # character for menus}
pc_command_num_min = 1; { min and max menu command values }
pc_command_num_max = MAXINT;
{ }
{ }
{ general data types }
pt_word = 0..MAXINT;
{ list of menu handles used indirectly by callers }
pt_menu_list = ARRAY[1..1] OF MenuHandle;
pt_menu_list_ptr = ^pt_menu_list;
{ menu command structure for a single menu item }
pt_command_info = RECORD
ci_command_number: INTEGER;{ unique command number }
ci_menu_id: INTEGER; { menu id number for command }
ci_menu_item: pt_word; { menu item number for command }
pt_command_list = ARRAY[1..1] OF pt_command_info;
pt_command_list_p = ^pt_command_list;
pt_command_list_h = ^pt_command_list_p;
{ NOTE: The menu commands for all the menus in an application are stored
as a dynamic array structure. This structure acts just like a simple
array, but its size may vary. Access to the elements of this array requires
disabling range checking since the array from Pascals perspective
contains only a single element }
{ }
{ }
{ }
{ }
{ }
{ Routine ... find_Command_in_Table }
{ Purpose ... Attempt to locate a command number in a menu command
table }
{ Input ..... the_command_table - menu command table }
{ the_command - command number to find }
{ Output .... the_table_index - index of found command number (0=not
found) }
{ the_command_info - info about the found command }
{ Notes ..... Output parm the_table_index is set to 0 (zero) if the
command number does not exist in menu command table. }
{ }
PROCEDURE find_Command_in_Table (the_command_table: pt_command_list_h;
{ in }
the_command: INTEGER; { in }
VAR the_table_index: pt_word; { out }
VAR the_command_info: pt_command_info); { out }
list_size: Size; { physical byte size of command list }
list_records: pt_word; { no. records in command list }
error: INTEGER; { error result for a MemMgr call }
BEGIN { ---------- find_Command_in_Table ---------- }
the_table_index := 0; { assume the command does not exist in the table
IF the_command_table <> NIL THEN
list_size := GetHandleSize(Handle(the_command_table));
error := MemError;
IF (error = NoErr) AND (list_size > 0) THEN
list_records := list_size DIV SIZEOF(the_command_info);
WHILE (list_records >= 1) AND (the_table_index = 0) DO
the_command_info := the_command_table^^[list_records];
IF the_command = the_command_info.ci_command_number THEN
the_table_index := list_records;
{ !!! GOTCHA !!! }
list_records := list_records - 1;
END; { WHILE list_records }
END; { ---------- find_Command_in_Table ---------- }
{ }
{ Routine ... add_Command_to_CmdList }
{ Purpose ... Add a single menu command structure to the end of an
{ existing menu command table }
{ Input ..... the_command_table - menu command table }
{ the_menu_id - menu id value }
{ the_menu_item - menu item value }
{ the_command_number - menu command number }
{ Output .... the_error - error result }
{ Notes ..... Command table must already exist for this routine to
work. }
{ }
PROCEDURE add_Command_to_CmdList (the_command_table: pt_command_list_h;
the_menu_id: INTEGER;
the_menu_item: pt_word;
the_command_number: INTEGER;
VAR the_error: INTEGER);
command_to_add: pt_command_info;{info about command toadd}
list_size: Size; { physical byte size of command list }
list_records: pt_word; { no. records in command list }
BEGIN { ---------- add_Command_to_CmdList ---------- }
the_error := NoErr;
IF the_command_table = NIL THEN
the_error := NILHandleErr
{ setup the command info to actually add to the table end }
command_to_add.ci_command_number := the_command_number;
command_to_add.ci_menu_id := the_menu_id;
command_to_add.ci_menu_item := the_menu_item;
{ grow the table by one record for the addition }
list_size := GetHandleSize(Handle(the_command_table));
the_error := MemError;
IF the_error = NoErr THEN
list_size := list_size + SIZEOF(command_to_add);
SetHandleSize(Handle(the_command_table), list_size);
the_error := MemError;
{ store the command info record at the end of the table }
IF the_error = NoErr THEN
list_records := list_size DIV SIZEOF(command_to_add);
the_command_table^^[list_records] := command_to_add;
END; { ---------- add_Command_to_CmdList ---------- }
{ }
{ }
{ }
{ }
{ }
{ Routine ... MC_Version }
{ }
PROCEDURE MC_Version (VAR version_phrase: Str255);
comp_stuff: STRING[63]; { compilation date and time info }
BEGIN { ---------- MC_Version ---------- }
{ NOTE: COMPDATE and COMPTIME contain the compilation date and time as
strings. These are both built into MPW Pascal and THINK Pascal. MPW
treats them as string constants while THINK treats them as string functions.
comp_stuff := CONCAT([, COMPDATE, -- , COMPTIME, ]);
version_phrase := CONCAT(pc_module_version, , comp_stuff);
END; { ---------- MC_Version ---------- }
{ }
{ Routine ... MC_Build_Menu_Command_Table }
{ }
PROCEDURE MC_Build_Menu_Command_Table (menu_list: Ptr;
menu_count: INTEGER;
VAR command_table: Handle;
VAR good_build: BOOLEAN);
menu_index: pt_word;{ menuhandle list indexer }
menu_list_ptr: pt_menu_list_ptr; { menu list pointer }
menu_stuff: MenuHandle; { single entry from menu list }
menu_id: INTEGER; { menu id value from menu list entry }
menu_item: pt_word; {menuitem value from menu list entry}
menu_phrase: Str255; { phrase for a single menu item }
command_identifier: STRING[1]; { command identifier character }
command_position: pt_word; { position of command identifier in item
command_phrase: Str255; { menu command number phrase (eg: 203) }
command_number: LONGINT; { command number value (long) }
command_value: INTEGER; { command number value (word) }
table_index: pt_word; { menu command table index of a command }
command_info: pt_command_info; { information about a single menu command
good_unbuild: BOOLEAN; { deallocating menu command table result }
error: INTEGER; { internal error result }
BEGIN { ------ MC_Build_Menu_Command_Table ------ }
command_table := NIL;
good_build := FALSE;
IF menu_count >= 1 THEN
command_table := NewHandle(0);
error := MemError;
IF error = NoErr THEN
good_build := TRUE; { assume all will go well from now on }
menu_index := 0;
{ scan each of the menu handles }
menu_index := menu_index + 1;
menu_list_ptr := pt_menu_list_ptr(menu_list);
menu_stuff := menu_list_ptr^[menu_index];
IF menu_stuff <> NIL THEN
command_identifier := ?;
command_identifier[1] := pc_command_identifier;
{ scan the menu items in the current menu handle }
menu_id := menu_stuff^^.MenuID;
menu_item := 0;
menu_item := menu_item + 1;
GetItem(menu_stuff, menu_item, menu_phrase);
IF LENGTH(menu_phrase) >= 2 THEN
command_position := POS(command_identifier, menu_phrase);
IF command_position > 0 THEN
command_phrase := COPY(menu_phrase, command_position, LENGTH(menu_phrase)
- command_position + 1);
DELETE(command_phrase, 1, 1);
DELETE(menu_phrase, command_position, LENGTH(menu_phrase) - command_position
+ 1);
SetItem(menu_stuff, menu_item, menu_phrase);
WHILE POS( , command_phrase) > 0 DO
DELETE(command_phrase, POS( , command_phrase), 1);
StringToNum(command_phrase, command_number);
command_value := LoWord(command_number);
IF (command_value < pc_command_num_min) OR (command_value > pc_command_num_max)
good_build := FALSE
{ command value is valid, now check for duplication }
find_Command_in_Table( pt_command_list_h(command_table), command_value,
table_index, command_info);
IF table_index > 0 THEN
good_build := FALSE { !!! DUPLICATE !!! }
add_Command_to_CmdList (pt_command_list_h(command_table), menu_id, menu_item,
command_value, error);
IF error <> NoErr THEN
good_build := FALSE;
UNTIL (menu_phrase = ) OR NOT (good_build);
IF error <> NoErr THEN
good_build := FALSE;
UNTIL (menu_index >= menu_count) OR (error <> NoErr);
IF NOT (good_build) AND (command_table <> NIL) THEN
MC_UnBuild_Menu_Command_Table(command_table, good_unbuild);
END; { ------ MC_Build_Menu_Command_Table ------ }
{ }
{ Routine ... MC_UnBuild_Menu_Command_Table }
{ }
PROCEDURE MC_UnBuild_Menu_Command_Table (VAR command_table: Handle; VAR
good_unbuild: BOOLEAN);
error: INTEGER;
BEGIN { ------ MC_UnBuild_Menu_Command_Table ------ }
good_unbuild := TRUE;
IF command_table = NIL THEN
good_unbuild := FALSE
error := MemError;
IF error <> NoErr THEN
good_unbuild := FALSE;
command_table := NIL;
END; { ------ MC_UnBuild_Menu_Command_Table ------ }
{ }
{ Routine ... MC_Fetch_Menu_Command }
{ }
PROCEDURE MC_Fetch_Menu_Command (command_table: Handle;
menu_info: LONGINT;
VAR menu_command: INTEGER);
t_menu_selection = RECORD
ms_menu_id: INTEGER;
ms_menu_item: INTEGER;
menu_selection: t_menu_selection; { info about selected menu item }
cmd_table: pt_command_list_h;{ menu command table }
command_info: pt_command_info; { menu command info }
list_size: Size; { physical byte size of command list }
list_records: pt_word; { no. records in command list }
BEGIN { ---------- MC_Fetch_Menu_Command ---------- }
{ assume the command will NOT be found }
menu_command := MC_c_NoCommand;
{ determine the selected menu ID and menu ITEM }
menu_selection := t_menu_selection(menu_info);
IF command_table <> NIL THEN
cmd_table := pt_command_list_h(command_table);
list_size := GetHandleSize(command_table);
list_records := list_size DIV SIZEOF(command_info);
WHILE list_records >= 1 DO
command_info := cmd_table^^[list_records];
WITH menu_selection, command_info DO
IF (ms_menu_id = ci_menu_id) AND (ms_menu_item = ci_menu_item) THEN
menu_command := ci_command_number; { !!! GOTCHA !!! }
list_records := list_records - 1;
END; { WHILE list_records }
END; { ---------- MC_Fetch_Menu_Command ---------- }
{ }
{ Routine ... MC_Fetch_Menu_ID_and_Item }
{ }
PROCEDURE MC_Fetch_Menu_ID_and_Item (command_table: Handle; { in }
menu_command: INTEGER; { in }
VAR menu_id: INTEGER; { out }
VAR menu_item: INTEGER); { out }
command_info: pt_command_info; { menu command info }
table_index: pt_word; { index of command in menu command table }
BEGIN { ---------- MC_Fetch_Menu_ID_and_Item ---------- }
{ assume no command match will occur }
menu_id := -1;
menu_item := -1;
{ attempt to locate the inputted command in the menu command table }
IF command_table <> NIL THEN
find_Command_in_Table(pt_command_list_h(command_table), menu_command,
table_index, command_info);
IF table_index >= 1 THEN
{ command found in table --> return commands menu stuff }
menu_id := command_info.ci_menu_id;
menu_item := command_info.ci_menu_item;
END; { ---------- MC_Fetch_Menu_ID_and_Item ---------- }
END. { UNIT UMenuCommand }
{ }
{ }
{ }
{ }