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Bug Parser
Volume Number:7
Issue Number:8
Column Tag:C Forum

Bug Parser Debugging Aid

By Douglas W. Rinehart, Sunnyvale, CA

What it is!

The skill I exhibit when writing new programs generally leads to a vicious compile-link-bomb cycle. While my Macintosh is searching the hard disk during the reboot cycle I have time to ponder what I changed that could have caused the problem. Now, I don’t imagine that any of you would treat your creations this way but never-the-less you may find the following add-on features very useful, even with your carefully thought out programming methods. (Oh-brother!)

The debugger that comes with the Think-C package is very good but for simple chores it can take a lot of time to use. To more easily troubleshoot my programs it was necessary to add more and more debugger aids to my code. In the beginning it was sufficient to provide a method of tracing what procedure I had last called, but over time I found that I had added enough band-aids to cover a mummy. The following package can be added to any existing program you are writing to help you quickly pinpoint problems and verify its performance with the greatest of ease.

The Foundation

The basic building block is the procedure:

/* 1 */

ShowPro( wait,proTYPE,msg )

long  wait; /* number of seconds to delay display */
long  proTYPE; /* ‘TYPE’ code for procedure (discipline)
char  *msg; /* pascal message string to be displayed */

Once the environment variables have been initialized, this procedure will provide a method of displaying useful information without directly depending on any of your program’s environment variables. ShowPro() has its own grafPort in which to draw and provides a method of slowing down the rate at which the information is presented. Having its own grafPort keeps track of where the pen is, what font and font size is used and allows you to display your information anywhere you want. Apple has stated not to draw to the screen directly since it will cause disaster while running under MultiFinder, but since this is for the purpose of debugging and should not be included in any final versions I think exception is in order. To display information at strategic points in your program, you pass ShowPro() a string and poof you get the message without disturbing your programs pen location etc. If you add this call to the entry and exit points of every procedure in your program you can visually monitor where you are at all times, which makes it easy to find out where bombs occur since the last procedure entered will still be displayed on the screen. (unless it is a really bad bomb, DING)

Most of the time you will simply want ShowPro() to display where it is and do so as fast as possible. There are times however, that you will want to slow down this information to give your non-Evelyn Wood speed reading brain a chance to comprehend the messages. ShowPro() is passed a variable to indicate how long to delay before continuing on for this purpose. Defining a predetermined value of delay to be equivalent to BP_STOP informs ShowPro() to stop and wait for you to give the go ahead and allows you to change or examine information if you so desire. There are instances where you may wish to stop, independent of any calls, so a provision to check the state of the Command,Option,Shift, and CapsLock keys is included. By pressing the Command,Option, and Shift simultaneously you can stop within ShowPro() and process commands. Treat it as though it were a breakpoint, where the breakpoint is determined by the state of the keyboard. Since the display-overhead does slow down the throughput speed of your program a bit, ShowPro() checks the command key and if it is the only key being pressed it instantly returns ignoring the default or user defined delay times. This allows you to run at pseudo “full speed” when you have a temporary need for speed. You can always disable or enable the display by menu.

I was experimenting with methods to keep the display from constantly flashing even though the same information was being displayed over and over. You will see a commented out “#define BLINDTEST_ON”.(.c listing above ShowPro()) If it is defined, the display will only be updated when the information changes. Doing so greatly improves the throughput speed when information sent to ShowPro() remains constant and only slightly degrades throughput when sent constantly varied information. I left it for you to decide.

( #define or not #define, that is the question )

ShowPro() is also passed a parameter to be used as an indicator of what kind of message is coming in. In certain instances you may be interested in monitoring only procedures dealing with window functions. To do so you can change what type of message is to be intercepted during run time. An example would be that you are having trouble with the updating of numerous windows so you would set the procedure discipline to ‘WIND’. This tells ShowPro() to display only calls made with the proTYPE of ‘WIND’. This helps eliminate a lot of searching through your log files to find the information you are concentrating on.

The proTYPE discipline method is as follows. Upon initialization a static long global is set to the 4 character TYPE of ‘SHOW’. This tells ShowPro() to display all messages sent to it.(no discipline) You can change the comparison type from ‘SHOW’ to ‘test’ and then only the messages sent to ShowPro() with the proTYPE (procedure TYPE code) set to ‘test’ will be displayed. You may later change the type back to ‘SHOW’ to once again display all messages sent to ShowPro(). If the proTYPE passed to ShowPro() is ‘SHOW’, then the message sent will be displayed even if a discipline type has been entered. This ensures that commands of importance (error messages) always get displayed with or without procedure discipline being on.

Keep it simple

Something so simple can save an enormous amount of time with very few drawbacks. Well OK! It does slow your run-time down a bit but don’t give up yet, it is worth the time. Place

/* 2 */

#ifdef BP_Lives
ShowPro( delay time, TYPE code , message string )

just after the local variables declaration (entry) in each of your project’s procedures and just before the exit point of each ( see listing of AddedMenuProc() ). By using the #ifdef approach you can remove all debugging code with one header file change. Normally you will find that the extra time added by the debugger is tolerable if left in and you will only remove it when you get to the release stage of the game.

When you begin to structure a new program you need to keep in mind what procedures go with each other. i.e. event procedures, window procedures, file, drawing etc. Knowing these interaction priorities will make it easy to choose what code type should be used to ensure that you can monitor similar types of procedures more efficiently. You normally have a file for specific types of operations anyway, so use the first four letters of the file as the proTYPE.

If you do not mind the extra baggage in you compiled code you may wish to have a global flag, instead of the #ifdef, to determine if ShowPro() should be called. This will still allow a very fast runtime speed and with a special method of enabling the debugger you could always track down a surprise problem without recompiling your “final version”.

She just won’t listen

A sure sign you spend way to much time with your Mac is when you refer to it in the opposite sex.(my wife the Mac) No chauvinism intended! Anyway........the previous method alone was fine for some time until I noticed I was constantly recompiling just to change display times or changing which procedure types I wished to monitor. Thus was born the parser portion of the debugger. This allows you to interactively set (talk to the debugger routines) display time delays or display only certain types of calls in ShowPro() without recompiling. Now the debugging routines will listen to you. Getting better, Huh? You will notice that there are not a lot of commands available but you can easily add more. The primary commands for setting delay times and determining which calls are to be monitored are included along with a command to break into MacsBug and an ExitToShell command.

When ShowPro() receives a message string with the delay set equal to BP_STOP it will invert the debug display and wait for you to tell it what to do. At this time you can use the built in commands to change the ‘TYPE’ code to display only specific types of calls or you can change the time that the message is displayed. If you see a wrong answer ( like a NULL handle that you are about to write to ) you can ExitToShell by entering an ‘e’ or ‘es’.

To get the feeling of how this works choose CommandShowPro from the debug menu. All this does is call ShowPro() with the delay set to BP_STOP and the message string set to “\PMenu directed command”. The debug display is inverted and the computer is waiting on you to type a command. If you hit <return> or <enter> it will continue on, but if you type a command (ST) it will then prompt you to do that operation before continuing on.

Summary listing of available commands:

1) ‘ST<return>’ or ‘st<return>’ will prompt you to enter a 4 character TYPE code that will be used to determine if a message sent to ShowPro() should be displayed. (procedure discipline) Make sure you type the “ ‘ “ preceding 4 char text. [‘SHOW’]

The routine to get your input treats the entered string in the following manner:

$xxxxxxxx = hex entry
#xxxxxxxxxx or xxxxxxxxxx = decimal
‘xxxx = four character TYPE code

2) ‘SD<return>’ will prompt you for a number representing the delay time (seconds) to wait before continuing on. Naturally ‘0’ is the fastest display available.

3) ‘B<return>’ will break into MacsBug for you.

4) ‘E<return>’ or ‘e<return>’ will call ExitToShell() to rudely quit your program. (no saves)

5) <return>,<enter> or <option> will simply tell the debugger to continue on normally.

Note: <xxxx> indicates pressing the key ‘xxxx’.

No memory?

If your memory is as bad as mine it would only make sense to include a method of saving the displays chronologically away to a file so that you could read them when the smoke clears. ShowPro() has all the information necessary, so why not just send this on to MacsBug? Lucky for us, Apple provided us with an outstanding debugger called MacsBug, so lets use it. (By now you may think you should just use MacsBug and forget this all together. NO!!!! )

LogMacsBug() first checks to see if it has been enabled (menu selectable) and if so, passes a command string containing the information on to MacsBug via the stack. The string is received by MacsBug and then interpreted as if you had typed the command from within the debugger. Apple also gave us the capability to DX (display exchange) how MacsBug will react when sent a string via the DebugStr() trap. The DX command in MacsBug toggles the manner in which it deals with $ABFF and $A9FF debugger traps. If DX is ON and you break into MacsBug with either of the two debugger traps, MacsBug will stop and display a window of information about the current stack, register values etc. and then waits for a command to be entered. This allows the user to check memory or set breakpoints before returning to the calling program. If MacsBug receives a break entry with DX OFF, it prints the break information, but without switching the screen display away from your program. Once DX is off, all commands via the debugger traps are ignored (not processed). This presents a problem since you can not send a DX ON command via the DebugStr() once it has been turned off. The only way to turn DX back on is to use the debugger switch provided with your computer (NMI). Maybe Apple will fix this in future releases.

Using the MacsBug “log” function, you can send to a file (or printer) the same text string sent to the screen. By telling MacsBug to begin logging to a file with DX OFF, your messages will be sent (invisible to your program) to a text file for later viewing. A thorough check of your program’s call chain is to log the calls made to a file and then examine the flow for redundancy and order. Invariably you will find routines that are called many times when you thought they were only being called once.

Let’s talk technical to APPLE

The bugsDM() procedure is a somewhat more technical routine that allows you to send an address in memory to MacsBug along with a typecast string. If the typecast template exists in the MacsBug resource file “Debugger Prefs” the information for that memory location will be displayed accordingly. In order to create a template for MacsBug to use, you must add a resource of type ‘mxwt’ to the “Debugger Prefs” file. After adding the resource definitions you must reboot before MacsBug will be able to use them. I generally add an ‘mxwt’ resource for each project I am working on. If you are employing a linked list data structure for a database, or whatever, it is cumbersome to try and find the values at any particular time with MacsBug alone. By having your template installed and defined, you can send the address of the structure and let MacsBug show you all the parameters at any step along the way. Other methods would require a special window and routine to display the information or you could use an elaborate menu driven debugger and double-click you fingers raw.

Provisions of the typecasting feature allows sending pointers as well as the actual address of the variable you wish to examine. The definition in your template will determine if you send a pointer to, or the address of, your variable. For instance: In AddedMenuProc(case of item 4) you will notice the two methods being used. In one instance the address of the global variable BP_Port is sent and in the other case the value of the variable BP_Port is sent. The definition of the GrafPtr template uses the hex address entered as the location in memory that contains the GrafPort structure’s information. The interaction with bugsDM() will definitely test your understanding of pointers.

Is it soup yet?

Once you begin to use these routines you will start to appreciate their usefulness and will wonder why you didn’t do it before now. Ha! Aside from the foundation routines mentioned earlier, the other routines in the listing are pretty straight forward. Some of the utility routines provided may be redundant but in order to keep this package self contained I have included them. Keep in mind that there are no external resources that must be added to your project so try to keep it that way. In doing so you will be able to use this package with any project you wish without worrying about what resources need to be copied over each time. As far as adding structure templates to your “Debugger Prefs” file, you have probably already been doing that. (Oh, right!)

My own version of this package contains many floating point procedures that I borrowed from my Manx Aztec-C development program so I can not freely give them out. I switched over to Think-C when Manx decided to stray from the K&R standards in order to more conveniently interact with MPW. Try to (in’C’) remember when it is ok to pass a pascal string that requires the \P and when to use a string without the \P, even though it is a pascal string. If you think that is confusing, try to program with those rules. Think-C is much easier to maintain in my case, and when they decide to include floating point routines they will, by far, be the best choice. Think-C is very true to K&R definitions of C and with the latest inclusion of prototypes you will be glad you used them.

(author’s opinion)


The best way to demonstrate this method of debugging is to add this package to a commonly available project such as MiniEdit which is included in Think-C’s 4.0 release. If you do not have 4.0 the instructions are very similar when adding it to any version of the MiniEdit example.

1) Add [InitBP();] to the end of “SetUpMenus()” procedure in “MiniEdit.c”. This sets up the environment and menus for BP. NOTE: It must follow the routines that set up the menus for MiniEdit!

2) Add to “DoCommand()” of “MiniEdit.c”:

/* 3 */

 case BP_MENU_ID:
 BPMenuChooser( theItem);

This allows menu interaction with BP.

3) Add [#include “BugParser.h”] to the beginning of

MiniEdit.h so that it is included in all files.

4) Optional. Add #ifdef and ShowPro() to some of the more useful procedures. i.e. the eventLoop and activate procedures.

MiniEdit is such a basic little program that it was chosen only to demonstrate how this package works, for more complex programs you will be amazed at how much debugging time it saves you. It would be interesting to learn how the elite programming professionals handle debugging. Maybe they don’t need to. (HaHa)

When you have reached the point at which you are going to freeze the design and release, you simply comment out the definition of BP_Level in the BugParser.h header file and all is removed.

Cross fingers, YOU ARE READY TO GO

Beauty is in the code of the beholder

When you look at the listing of AddedMenuProc() please do not be too harsh in your judgement. This method was chosen in order to keep the procedure self contained and easier to add items to later without having to remember what other procedure must be changed each time. I keep a file of archived tests that I have tried and can easily add them back in when I find the need.

I used the TestProcedure routine to make timing tests and found that using BlockMove for the CopyString() routine was faster, for strings with a typical length of 15 characters or more than the pStrCopy() routine found in MiniEdit.

Some Hints/Advice

Use #ifdef or #if preprocessor commands often. This allows you to leave in place any test code or additions which will serve as a reminder of what you have tried. Also read up on MacsBug. It is very powerful and allows a great deal of program interaction through the use of DebugStr(). In bugsDM() you can see how to display many different types of structures. The key is to create a template resource for MacsBug so you can display structures specific to your program. Maybe another installation will expand on how to interface with MacsBug on a much greater level.

I found this package’s routines great for understanding how MultiFinder unfriendly one of my earlier programs was. I placed ShowStrStr() in my window activate and update procedures along with a call to GetWTitle() so I could make sure which window was being updated and in what order etc.

I was having a problem with a routine that created a window, read in some data and then calculated the results. It was to calculate only after the WaitNextEvent loop encountered a NULL event (spare time). ShowPro kept informing me that the dataHandle for the window was NULL. Using the ShowStrL() routine in my event loop to display events as they happened, it was easy to see that an idle event came through after the Deactivate but before the next Activate, even though they were back to back. To attack that kind of problem with most debuggers would require a great deal of time to monitor each event, while flashing your window to the front and then the debugger’s etc. etc.


Yeah, yeah, always use a copy to try these modifications. If you do not know this by now then you probably do not know how to turn your Mac on.

For version 6.1a4 of MacsBug, search for the following hex string in the DATA FORK, not the resource fork.

487A 002C 4EBA FF68 and replace with

4E71 4E71 4E71 4E71

For version 6.0 search for 487A 0030 4EBA FF62 and replace. If you have some other version you will have to improvise. Search the DATA FORK for the first occurrence of ascii “User break”. Then go back about 48 Bytes and look for 487A 00?? 4EBA FF??. This will most likely be it.

This will remove the unnecessary “User break at blah blah” so that log history files are not filled with redundant information. If you want the text file created by MacsBug to be for QUED then search MacsBug for the ASCII String of “MPS ”(space after S) and change to “QED1” or replace with “KAHL” for Think-C’s editor.


I am currently writing an application that calculates the combination of “linear” cascaded elements to be used for system level design and analysis in the analog world. The combined gain, noise figure, intercept points, compression, and dynamic range is calculated. After that, I plan on writing an external function for ResEdit that will call MacsBug to disassemble various resource types such as INITs,CDEFs etc.

MacTutor had a good article on adding procedures to ResEdit but you needed MPW to create the routines.

Let me know what you would like to see next.

/* LISTING: BugParser.h */
/* include file for BugParser.c, to be “#included”
in each of your project’s files or in an “#include”
file that is called from each file */

#define BP_MENU_ID 777

/*------------ DELAY modes------------*/
#define BP_STOP  32L
#define BP_PAUSE 2L

/*------------ DeBug Levels ----------*/
#define BP_Lives TRUE

***USAGE of BP_Lives ***
#ifdef  BP_Lives     ***
ShowPro( BP_CONTINUE,’CODE’,”\P->Procedure()” ) **
#endif      ***

/* PROTOYPES are always a good idea */
extern Init_BP(void);
extern int BP_Parser( char*,long );
extern ShowPro(long,long,char*);
extern AddedMenuProc( long,int );
extern BPMenuChooser( int );
extern TestProcedure(void);
extern bugsDM( char*,char*,long,char* );
extern int BugInput( char*,char* );
extern SetLong( long*,char* );
extern TE_to_String( char*,TEHandle );
extern OptionWait(void);
extern MakeChrsVisible( char* );
extern int CheckAbort(void);
extern HexString( char*,int,char* );
extern CopyString( char*,char* );
extern ApString( char*,char* );
extern ShowStrL(long,long,char*,long);
extern ShowStrStrL(long,long,char*,char*,long);
extern ShowStrStr( long,long,char*,char* );
extern ShowStrR(long,long,char*,Rect*);
extern ShowStrPnt( long,long,char*,Point );
extern CodeToString( long,char* );
extern ApLongString( char*,long );
extern StringToLong( long*,char* );
extern LogMacsBug( char* );
extern SetBugsFlag(void);
extern SetDisplayRect( long );
extern int CheckOption( int );
/* LISTING: BugParser.c */
Handy debugger file to be added to a project to aid in test and integration. 
 It provides procedures to be called at entry and at exit of each procedure 
so that you can trace the flow during the program.  A MacsBug interface 
also allows logging of any messages sent to these debugging aids and 
display of memory directly.

  You must add [ Init_BP(); ]
 after SetUpMenus to install the menu for BP.
  You must add the following to your programs
  MenuChoice(??) or DoCommand(??) or wherever the 
  program’s menu selection decision is made.
 [ case BP_MENU_ID:]
 [ BPMenuChooser( theItem );]
 [ break; ] */
/*********BP_INTERNAL_GLOBALS ******** */
/*---- TRUE or FALSE */
 static int bp_runStatus;
/*---- level of interrupt */
 static longbp_TYPE;
/*---- delay code for display time */
 static longbp_delay;
/*-  capsLock delay for added display time */
 static longcap_delay;
/*---- TRUE to log */
 static int logEnabled;
/*---- TRUE to show*/
 static int showEnabled;
/*---- TRUE is so*/
 static int MacsBugExists;
/*---- Rect where to display*/
 static RectBPdisplayRect;
/*---- port for interfacing */
 static GrafPtr  BP_Port;
/*---- TextEdit handle for BP intfc*/
 static TEHandle BP_TEH;
/*---- set when menu is installed  */
 static MenuHandle BP_menuHndl = 0L;
/*---- to test for MacsBug*/
 extern longMacJumpGlobal : 0x0120;

/*********DEFINITIONS/INCLUDE ******** */
#define in_main_BP TRUE
#include “MiniEdit.h”
/* “#include” must follow #define of in_main_BP */
/* When using program specific structures you may
want to include program specific include files here */
#define BP_CommandKey48L
#define BP_OptionKey 61L
#define BP_CapsLockKey  62L
#define BP_ShiftKey63L

Fill in with externals as needed to let 
BP know types and global values */
extern  TEHandle TEH;

/*----  Init_BP(void)----*/
usage: called from SetUpMenus() to set up the debugger’s menus and environment 
variables etc.
GrafPtr orig_port;
Rect  dr,vr;

 /* Set up the Debug Menu */
 BP_menuHndl = NewMenu( BP_MENU_ID,”\PBP” );
 InsertMenu( BP_menuHndl,0 );
 AppendMenu( BP_menuHndl,
 “\PlogEnable” );/* 1 */
 AppendMenu( BP_menuHndl,
 “\PshowEnable” ); /* 2 */
 AppendMenu( BP_menuHndl,
 “\PBP_in_MENU” ); /* 3 */
 AppendMenu( BP_menuHndl,
 “\PBP_in_TITLEBAR” );    /* 4 */
 AppendMenu( BP_menuHndl,
 “\PBP_in_ScrnBOTTOM” );  /* 5 */
 AppendMenu( BP_menuHndl,
 “\PMacsBugExists” );/* 6 */
 AppendMenu( BP_menuHndl,
 “\PEngage Parser[ ]” );  /* 7 */
 AppendMenu( BP_menuHndl,
 “\PTestProcedure[ ]” );  /* 8 */
 AppendMenu( BP_menuHndl,
 “\P(-” );/* 9 */

 /* set up a method for interface  */
 BP_Port = (GrafPtr )
 NewPtr( (long )sizeof(GrafPort) );
 if( BP_Port )
 /* save the original port*/
 orig_port = thePort;
 /* set up interface port */
 OpenPort( BP_Port );
 /* set font to monaco    */
 TextFont( 4 );
 TextSize( 9 );
 /* Rect set to bottom  */
 SetDisplayRect( ‘BOTM’ );
 vr = BPdisplayRect;
 dr = BPdisplayRect;
 /* adjust visible rect */
 InsetRect( &vr,1,1 );
 InsetRect( &dr,2,2 );  dr.left += 4;
 BP_TEH = TENew( &dr,&vr ); 
 if( BP_TEH == 0L )
 DebugStr(“\PNULL BP_TEH [exit]” );
 /* set back to original  */
 SetPort( orig_port );
 DebugStr(“\Pno memory for BP_Port [exit]”);
 logEnabled = FALSE;
 showEnabled= TRUE;
 bp_runStatus = TRUE;
 /* set no delay initially */
 bp_delay = 0L;
 /* capsLock == 2 seconds initially */
 cap_delay = 2L;
 /* ‘SHOW’ = do not censor any */
 bp_TYPE = ‘SHOW’;
 /* update checkmarks for menuItems */
 if( logEnabled )
 { CheckItem( BP_menuHndl,1,TRUE );}
 { CheckItem( BP_menuHndl,1,FALSE ); }
 if( showEnabled )
 { CheckItem( BP_menuHndl,2,TRUE );}
 { CheckItem( BP_menuHndl,2,FALSE ); }
 if( MacsBugExists )
 { CheckItem( BP_menuHndl,6,TRUE );}
 { CheckItem( BP_menuHndl,6,FALSE ); }

 /* install extra menu items after all set-up */
 AddedMenuProc( ‘INIT’,10 );

/*----  int BP_Parser( char*,long )----*/
usage: msg is the string passed to ShowPro().  If proTYPE is ‘STOP’, 
then BP_Parser() will read the msg as a command to set levels, pause 
time etc.  If the command is invalid it will return 0 = FALSE. Available 
Commands: ST,SD,B,E - it then prompts for the new value
intBP_Parser( msg,proTYPE )
char  *msg;
long  proTYPE;
long    numLong;
char    cmdStr[255],numStr[255],str[255],*mymsg;

 rtn = FALSE;

/* Get command input from user */
 if( proTYPE == ‘STOP’ )
 if( !BugInput( msg,cmdStr ) )
 return( FALSE );

/* crude parser to interpret the command */
 switch( cmdStr[1] )
 case ‘b’:case ‘B’:/* break to MacsBug */
 DebugStr(“\PCommand Parser came here.”);
 rtn = TRUE;
 case ‘s’:case ‘S’:/* set */
 switch( cmdStr[2] )
 /* ST=set type of interupts->’XXXX’ */
 case ‘t’:case ‘T’:
 SetLong( &bp_TYPE,”\Pbp_TYPE” );
 case ‘d’:case ‘D’:
 /* SD = Set delay time of display */
 SetLong( &bp_delay,
 “\Pbp_delay(seconds)” );
 /*verify if longer that 10 seconds*/
 if(  bp_delay > 10L && 
 bp_delay < BP_STOP )
 ShowPro( BP_STOP,’SHOW’,
 “\PAre you sure? Thats a long time!” );
 rtn = TRUE;
 case ‘e’:case ‘E’:/* exit */
 default: rtn = FALSE;  break;
 return( rtn );
/* #define BLINDTEST_ON TRUE */
/* remove comment around above to only update the display when the information 
changes, also remove comments around the matching #endif in ShowPro()*/
/*----  ShowPro(long,long,char*) ----*/
usage:[->entry <-exit DEVELOP A STANDARD]
#ifdef BP_Lives
ShowPro( BP_STOP,’XXXX’,”\P->ProcedureName()” );
set ‘XXXX’ to a 4 char code to be used to determine if the call should 
be intercepted.  Place above code at the begining and end of every procedure
 to monitor program flow continuously.  You may wish to call   ShowStrL() 
instead to monitor parameters passed such as eventMessages or ShowStrPnt() 
to determine the mouse coordinates used in deciding PtInRect()  etc.
NOTE: proTYPE == ‘SHOW’ is reserved
DO NOT use register variables since it is recursive
ShowPro( wait,proTYPE,msg )
long  wait;
long  proTYPE;
char  *msg;
static  charoldStr[255];
long    ignore,trickKeys[4];
char    str[255];
GrafPtr orig_Port;
Boolean cmnd_Keydn,opt_Keydn;
Boolean shift_Keydn,capslock_Keydn;

 /* make sure InitBP() has been called */
 if( BP_menuHndl == 0L )  return;
/* even if showEnabled is off you should still show anyway if wait == 
STOP or if bp_delay == STOP used to display errors sent via BP_STOP */
 if( !showEnabled && proTYPE != ‘SHOW’ )
 if( wait < BP_STOP && bp_delay < BP_STOP )              return;
 else/* check proTYPE for match */
 if( bp_TYPE != ‘SHOW’)
 if(  proTYPE != bp_TYPE && proTYPE != ‘SHOW’ )
 /* Handle trick keys early */
 GetKeys( trickKeys );
 cmnd_Keydn = BitTst(trickKeys,BP_CommandKey );
 opt_Keydn= BitTst(trickKeys,BP_OptionKey );
 shift_Keydn= BitTst(trickKeys,BP_ShiftKey );
 BitTst( trickKeys,BP_CapsLockKey );

 if( cmnd_Keydn && !opt_Keydn && !shift_Keydn )
 if( wait < BP_STOP )return;

/* check for KEY STOP COMBINATION */
 if( cmnd_Keydn && opt_Keydn && shift_Keydn )
 wait = BP_STOP;

 /* save original setup */
 orig_Port = thePort;
 SetPort( BP_Port );

 /* only if msg is different from last */
 if( IUCompString( msg,oldStr ) || 
 wait == BP_STOP )
 CopyString( oldStr,msg );

 if( logEnabled )LogMacsBug( msg );
 /* make a copy before modifying it*/
 CopyString( str,msg );
 /* convert invisible characters to visible */
 MakeChrsVisible( str );
 if( wait >= BP_STOP || bp_delay >= BP_STOP )
 /* allow command entry */
 ignore = (int )BP_Parser( str,’STOP’ );
 else   /* just display the msg */
 FrameRect( &BPdisplayRect );
 TESetSelect( 0L,32767L,BP_TEH );
 TEDelete( BP_TEH );
 TEInsert( &str[1],(long )str[0],BP_TEH );
 SetPort( orig_Port );

 /* delay returning according to bp_delay */
 if( wait < BP_STOP && bp_delay < BP_STOP )
 Delay( (wait + bp_delay) * 60L,&ignore );

/* if caps lock was down upon entry then slow down the display time even 
more than usual */
 if( capslock_Keydn )
 Delay( cap_delay * 60L,&ignore );

/*----  AddedMenuProc( long,int )  ----*/
usage: Installs added menus if code == ‘INIT’ starting with theItem.
If code == ‘MENU’ then do theItem function.
AddedMenuProc( code,theItem )
register long  code;
static  int firstItem;
char    str[255];
long    keys[4],oldKeys[4];
EventRecord er;
#ifdef BP_Lives
 “\P->AddedMenuProc(item->)”,(long )theItem );

 /* save away the first item for adjustment */
 if( code == ‘INIT’ )firstItem = theItem;
 theItem -= firstItem;
 lastItem = FALSE;
 do {
 switch( ++theItem )
 case 1:if( code == ‘INIT’ )/* key test */
 AppendMenu( BP_menuHndl,”\Pkey TEST” );
 while( !Button() )
 if( GetNextEvent( 
 autoKeyMask + keyDownMask,&er ) )
 /* through away the event */ ;
 GetKeys( keys );
 for( indx = 0;indx < 4;indx++ )
 if( keys[indx] != oldKeys[indx] )
 oldKeys[indx] = keys[indx];
 HexString( (char *)keys,16,str );
 oldKeys[indx] = keys[indx];
 /* remember cmd-key will not show */
 “\P[Button exits]  keyMap->”,str );
 case 2:if( code == ‘INIT’ )
 /* window lister */
 AppendMenu( BP_menuHndl,”\PwindowLister” );
 twp = (WindowPeek )FrontWindow();
 while( twp )
 GetWTitle( twp,str );
 ShowStrStr( BP_STOP,’SHOW’, “\Ptitle ->”,str );
 twp = (WindowPeek )twp->nextWindow;
 case 3:if(code ==’INIT’)/* bugs window */
 AppendMenu(BP_menuHndl,”\PBugs Window”);
 {/* invoke MacsBug to show windowData*/
 DebugStr(“\P;dm (a5^^ + 98)^^ windowData”);
 /*where windowData template must be
 defined in “Debugger Prefs” file  */
 case 4:if( code == ‘INIT’ )
 /* bugsDM tests */
 AppendMenu( BP_menuHndl,”\PbugsDM Tests” );
 “\PPascal array of chrs.” );
 bugsDM( “\Ptest of string[] display”,
 (char *)str,’TYPE’,”\PpString” );
 bugsDM( “\Ptest of pString display”,
 “\PPascal_TestString”,’TYPE’,”\PpString” );
 bugsDM( “\Ptest of cString display”,
 “C_TestString”,’TYPE’,”\PcString” );
 bugsDM( “\Ptest of port grafPtr”,
 (char *)BP_Port,’TYPE’,”\PGrafPort” );
 bugsDM( “\Ptest of port &grafPtr”,
 (char *)&BP_Port,’PTR ‘,”\PGrafPort” );
 default: lastItem = TRUE;break;
 } while( code == ‘INIT’ && !lastItem );

#ifdef BP_Lives
 “\P<-AddedMenuProc()” );

/*----  BPMenuChooser( int )----*/
usage: is passed an int containing theItem.
BPMenuChooser( theItem )
char  str[255],tstr[255];
#ifdef BP_Lives
 “\P->BPMenuChooser(theItem->)”,(long )theItem );

 switch( theItem )
 case 1:/*__________logEnable_____________*/
 if( logEnabled )
 logEnabled = FALSE;
 DebugStr( “\P;log” );
“\PYou must go into MacsBug and type log;dx;g” );
 CheckItem( BP_menuHndl,theItem,FALSE );
 logEnabled = TRUE;
 CopyString( str,”\P;dx;log “ );
 if( !BugInput(
 “\PEnter name for LOG File”,tstr ))
 ApString( str,tstr );
 ApString( str,”\P;g” );
 DebugStr( str );
 CheckItem( BP_menuHndl,theItem,TRUE );
 case 2:/*__________showEnable____________*/
 if( showEnabled )
 { showEnabled = FALSE;
 CheckItem( BP_menuHndl,theItem,FALSE ); }
 { showEnabled = TRUE;
 CheckItem( BP_menuHndl,theItem,TRUE ); }
 case 3:/*__________BP_in_MENU____________*/
 SetDisplayRect( ‘MENU’ );
 case 4:/*__________BP_in_TITLEBAR________*/
 SetDisplayRect( ‘TITL’ );
 case 5:/*__________BP_in_ScrnBOTTOM______*/
 SetDisplayRect( ‘BOTM’ );
 case 6:/*__________MacsBugExists_________*/
 case 7:/*__________CommandShowPro________*/
 ShowPro( BP_STOP,’SHOW’,
 “\PMenu directed command” );
 case 8:/*__________TestProcedure_________*/
 case 9:/*__________----------------______*/
 default: AddedMenuProc( ‘MENU’,theItem ); break;
#ifdef BP_Lives
ShowPro( BP_CONTINUE,’MENU’,”\P<-BPMenuChooser” );

/*----  TestProcedure(void) ----*/
usage: For testing of knew unkown functions.
Point   pnt;
Rect    r;
long    num,strtTime;
char    str[255];

 if(!BugInput( “\PEnter ## to run.(1,2,3, etc)”,str))

 StringToNum( str,&num );
 indx = (int )num;

 switch( indx )
 case 1:/* Demo ShowStrPnt() */
 ShowPro( BP_STOP,’TEST’,
 “\PDemo of ShowStrPnt()” );
 GetMouse( &pnt );
 ShowStrPnt( BP_STOP,’TEST’,
 “\Plocal mouseLocation ->”,pnt );
 case 2:/* Demo ShowStrR() */
 ShowPro( BP_STOP,’TEST’,
 “\PDemo of ShowStrR()” );
 fWindow = (WindowPeek )FrontWindow();
 if( fWindow )
 r = (*fWindow->strucRgn)->rgnBBox;
 ShowStrR( BP_STOP,’TEST’,
 “\PFrontWindows strucRect ->”,&r );
 ShowPro( BP_STOP,’TEST’,
 “\PSorry, NULL FrontWindow()” );
 case 3:/* Demo ShowStrStr() */
 ShowPro( BP_STOP,’TEST’,
 “\PDemo of ShowStrStr()” );
 ShowStrStr( BP_STOP,’TEST’,
 “\PString #1 followed by”,”\PString#2" );
 case 4:/* Demo HexString() */
 ShowPro( BP_STOP,’TEST’,
 “\PDemo of HexString()” );
 HexString( &str[1], 8 /* Bytes */, str );
 “\Phex dump of str[]”,str );
 case 5:/* Demo port advantage */
 MoveTo( 10,10 );
 Line( 2,2 );
 “\Pdid the pen move?” );
 case 6:/* Demo time test */
 /* timing test for ShowPro() */
 strtTime = TickCount();
 “\P25 characters.xxxxxxxxxxx” );
 “\P25 characters:xxxxxxxxxxx” );
 strtTime = TickCount() - strtTime;
 “\P1/60ths ->”,strtTime );
 case 7:
 default: break;

#ifdef BP_Lives
 “\P<-TestProcedure” );

/*----  bugsDM( char*,char*,long,char* )     ----*/
usage: Sent a pointer and the type bugsDM sends the info to MacsBug for 
a lower level display
bugsDM( msg,pntr,code,type )
char  *msg;
char  *pntr;
long  code;
char  *type;
char  str[255],hexStr[65],*typeCast;

 /* return if no MacsBug */
 if( !MacsBugExists )return;

/* place the command in str */
 CopyString( str,”\P;dm “ );

/* convert address to ascii */
 HexString( (char *)&pntr,4L,hexStr );
/* pointers need the ‘@’(indirection) */
 if( code == ‘PTR ‘ )
 str[++str[0]] = 64;
 /* @ character + offset */
 ApString( str,hexStr );
 if( code == ‘STAK’ )
 CopyString( str,”\P;dm A6 Stack” );
 ApString( str,type );
 LogMacsBug( msg );
 LogMacsBug( str );

/*----  BugParser.c UTILITY PROCEDURES ----*/
usage: some duplicated procedures just to ensure they exist

/*----  int BugInput( char*,char* )----*/
usage: returns the entered command line in str
NOTE: storage must be allocated by the caller
int BugInput( msg,str )
char  *msg,*str;
EventRecord BPEvent;
GrafPtr orig_Port;
long    cmdLength;
char    eventChar;

 orig_Port = thePort;/* save original */
 SetPort( BP_Port );
 FrameRect( &BPdisplayRect );
 TEActivate( BP_TEH );
 TESetSelect( 0L,32767L,BP_TEH );
 TEDelete( BP_TEH );
 TEInsert( &msg[1],(long )msg[0],BP_TEH );
 TESetSelect( 0L,32767L,BP_TEH );
 keyHit = 0;
 optionFlag = FALSE;
 lineFeed = FALSE;
 do {
 if(GetNextEvent(keyDownMask + 
 eventChar = 
 (char )( BPEvent.message & 
 charCodeMask );
 if( eventChar==0x0D || eventChar==0x03 )
 lineFeed = TRUE;
 /* keep track of chars entered */
 if(eventChar != 8) keyHit = TRUE;
 TEKey( eventChar,BP_TEH );
 TEIdle( BP_TEH );
 optionFlag = 
 CheckOption((BPEvent.modifiers & optionKey) );
 if( optionFlag && Button() )
 } while( !lineFeed && !optionFlag );

/* Extract the string for command interpretation */
 TE_to_String( str,BP_TEH );
 TEDeactivate( BP_TEH );
 TESetSelect( 0L,32767L,BP_TEH );
 SetPort( orig_Port );
 return( keyHit );

/*----  SetLong( long*,char* )----*/
usage: uses BugInput() to interactively set a long number
SetLong( theLong,msg )
long  *theLong;
char  *msg;
char  str[255],tstr[7],numStr[255];

 CopyString( str,”\PChange current val of “ );
 ApString( str,msg );
 ApString( str,”\P from “ );
 ApLongString( str,*theLong );
 MakeChrsVisible( str );
 if( BugInput( str,str ) )
 StringToLong( theLong,str );
 CopyString( str,msg );
 ApString( str,”\P is now “ );
 ApLongString( str,*theLong );
 ShowPro( BP_STOP,’SHOW’,str );

/*----  TE_to_String( char*,TEHandle ) ----*/
usage: Extract TE chars and copy to str.
TE_to_String( str,TEH )
char    *str;
long    cmdLength;
Handle  TEText;

 /* get the length of entered text */
 cmdLength = (*TEH)->teLength;
 /* make sure not to overwrite str’s storage */
 if( cmdLength >= 255 ) cmdLength = 254;
 TEText = (*TEH)->hText;
 HLock( TEText );
 str[0] = cmdLength;
 HUnlock( TEText );

/*----  OptionWait() ----*/
usage:  Wait till optionKey is pressed but make sure it is not still 
down from a previous check
long  trickKeys[4];

 InvertRect( &BPdisplayRect );

 do {
 GetKeys( trickKeys );
 TEIdle( BP_TEH );
 } while( !CheckOption( (int )
 BitTst( trickKeys,BP_OptionKey ) ) );

 /* if mouse was down when pressed then exit */
 if( Button() )  ExitToShell();

 /* re-invert the rect and go home */
 InvertRect( &BPdisplayRect );

/*----  MakeChrsVisible( char* ) ----*/
usage: converts nonvisible chars to visible representations
use ‘_’ for a real space to be displayed blank
MakeChrsVisible( str )
register char  *str;
register intindx;
register char  chr;

 for( indx = 1; indx <= str[0]; indx++ )
 chr = str[indx];
 /* invisible + options default */
 if( chr < 32 )  str[indx] = ‘º’;
 if( chr > 126 ) str[indx] = ‘ª’;
 /* SPACE */
 if( chr == 32 ) str[indx] = ‘ ’;
 /* _ becomes spc */
 if( chr == 95 ) str[indx] = ‘ ‘;
 /* RETURN */
 if( chr == 13 ) str[indx] = ‘®’;
 /* TAB */
 if( chr == 9 )  str[indx] = ‘Ý’;
 /* ENTER */
 if( chr == 3 )  str[indx] = ‘ ’;
 /* infinity is an option but accept it */
 if( chr == ‘ ’ ) str[indx] = ‘ ’;

/*----  int CheckAbort()  ----*/
usage: scans the low-level event queue for Cmd-’.’
Each is removed  when found. Return zero if none.  Source found in MacTutor
QHdrPtr qhp;

 found = 0;
 qhp = GetEvQHdr();
 eq_p = (EvQElPtr )qhp->qHead;
 while(TRUE)/* loop till break */
 if( ((eq_p->evtQWhat == keyDown) ||
 (eq_p->evtQWhat == autoKey)) &&
 (eq_p->evtQModifiers & cmdKey) &&
 (eq_p->evtQMessage & charCodeMask) == ‘.’ )
 /* remove the event from the queue */
 Dequeue( (QElemPtr )eq_p, qhp );
 found = 1;
 /* test for end of queue */
 if( eq_p == (EvQElPtr )qhp->qTail)break;
 /* only escape here */

 /* continue with next queue entry */
 eq_p = (EvQElPtr )(eq_p->qLink);
 return( found );

/*----  HexString( char*,int,char* ) ----*/
usage: returns an ascii string representing buffer’s hex
HexString( buffer,length,str )
register char  *buffer;
register char  *str;
register char  *hexit;

 if( length > 112 )length = 112;
/* 112 (252 chars) is used since there will be spaces added and we are 
allowed only 255 char storage
 hexit = “0123456789ABCDEF”;
 cindx = 0; brk = 0;
 for( indx = 0; indx < length; indx++ )
 lownib =0x000F & (buffer[indx] &0x0F);
 highnib=0x000F & ((buffer[indx] &0xF0) >> 4);
 str[ ++cindx ] = hexit[highnib];
 str[ ++cindx ] = hexit[lownib];
 /* ########_########_######## format */
 if( (cindx - brk) >= 8 && indx <= length)
 { str[ ++cindx ] = ‘ ‘;  brk = cindx; }
 str[0] = cindx;

/*----  CopyString( char*,char* )  ----*/
usage: srcStr replaces destStr (makes a copy)
NOTE: destStr must have 255 Bytes available for storage
CopyString( destStr,srcStr )
register char  *destStr,*srcStr;
register intindx;

if( srcStr[0] > 254 )srcStr[0] = 254;
BlockMove(srcStr,destStr,(long )(srcStr[0] + 1) );

/*----  ApString( char*,char* )  ----*/
usage: endStr is appended to strtStr
NOTE: strtStr must have 255 Bytes available for safety
ApString( strtStr,endStr )
register char  *strtStr,*endStr;
register inti;

 if( ( strtStr[0] + endStr[0] ) < 254 )
 (long )endStr[0] );
 strtStr[0] += endStr[0];
 CopyString( strtStr,
 “\Pillegal ApString() length” );

/*----  ShowStrL(long,long,char*,long) ----*/
usage: Use ShowPro() to display a long in decimal and hex
long  wait;
long  proTYPE;
char  *str;
long  num;
char  newStr[256],numStr[256];

 CopyString( newStr,str );
 ApLongString( newStr,num );
 ShowPro( wait,proTYPE,newStr );

usage: Use ShowPro() to display two msgs and a long (d,h)
long  wait;
long  proTYPE;
char  *str1;
char  *str2;
long  num;
char  newStr[256],numStr[256];

 CopyString( newStr,str1 );
 ApString( newStr,str2 );
 ApLongString( newStr,num );
 ShowPro( wait,proTYPE,newStr );

/*----  ShowStrStr( long,long,char*,char* )  ----*/
usage: Use ShowPro() to display to msg strings
ShowStrStr( wait,proTYPE,str1,str2 )
long  wait;
long  proTYPE;
char  *str1;
char  *str2;
char  localStr[256];

 CopyString( localStr,str1 );/* make a copy */
 ApString( localStr,”\P_” );
 /* add a seperator */
 ApString( localStr,str2 );
 ShowPro( wait,proTYPE,localStr );

/*----  ShowStrR(long,long,char*,Rect*)----*/
usage: Use ShowPro() to display a msg and Rect coordinates
long  wait;
long  proTYPE;
char  *str;
Rect  *r;
char  newStr[256],numStr[256];

 CopyString( newStr,str );
 ApString( newStr,”\P_t.” );
 NumToString( (long)r->top,numStr );
 ApString( newStr,numStr );
 ApString( newStr,”\P,_l.” );
 NumToString( (long)r->left,numStr );
 ApString( newStr,numStr );
 ApString( newStr,”\P,_b.” );
 NumToString( (long)r->bottom,numStr );
 ApString( newStr,numStr );
 ApString( newStr,”\P,_r.” );
 NumToString( (long)r->right,numStr );
 ApString( newStr,numStr );
 ShowPro( wait,proTYPE,newStr );

/*----  ShowStrPnt( long,long,char*,Point )  ----*/
usage: Use ShowPro() to display msg and Point coordinates
ShowStrPnt( wait,proTYPE,str,pnt )
long  wait;
long  proTYPE;
char  *str;
Point pnt;
char  newStr[255],numStr[255];

 CopyString( newStr,str );
 ApString( newStr,”\P_x =_” );
 NumToString( (long )pnt.h,numStr );
 ApString( newStr, numStr );
 ApString( newStr,”\P,_y =_” );
 NumToString( (long )pnt.v,numStr );
 ApString( newStr, numStr );

 ShowPro( wait,proTYPE,newStr );

/*----  CodeToString( long,char* ) ----*/
usage: Convert long ‘TYPE’ to string in brackets
CodeToString( code,str )
long  code;
char  *str;
 str[0] = 6;
 str[1] = ‘[‘;
 *(long *)(&str[2] ) = code;
 str[6] = ‘]’;

/*----  ApLongString( char*,long ) ----*/
usage: Append long decimal,hex,char to str
ApLongString( str,theLong )
char  *str;
long  theLong;
char  tstr[255];

 ApString( str,”\P_#” );
 NumToString( theLong,tstr );
 ApString( str,tstr );
 ApString( str,”\P_$” );
 HexString( (char *)&theLong,4,tstr );
 ApString( str,tstr );
 CodeToString( theLong,tstr );
 ApString( str,tstr );

/*----  StringToLong( long*,char* )----*/
usage: Convert string to long value using typecasts #,$,’’
StringToLong( code,str )
long  *code;
char  *str;
char  chr,nibble;

 switch( str[1] )
 case ‘$’:
 *code = 0L;
 if( str[0] > 9 )str[0] = 9;
 for( indx = 2;indx <= str[0]; indx++ )
 chr = str[indx];
 if( chr >= ‘a’ && chr <= ‘f’ )
 nibble = chr - ‘a’ + 10;
 else if(chr >= ‘A’ && chr <= ‘F’)
 nibble = chr - ‘A’ + 10;
 else if(chr >= ‘0’ && chr <= ‘9’)
 nibble = chr - ‘0’;
 else break;
 *code = (*code << 4);
 *code |= nibble;
 case 39: /* single quote */
 BlockMove( &str[2],code,4L );
 case 35: /* # */
 /* space so StringToNum() works right */
 str[1] = 32;  
 default: /* decimal default */
 StringToNum( str,code );

/*----  LogMacsBug( char* ) ----*/
usage: logEnabled will have set MacsBug up for logging
LogMacsBug( str )
char  *str;
 if( MacsBugExists ) DebugStr( str );

/*----  SetBugsFlag(void) ----*/
usage: sets the global MacsBugExists according to MacsBug
/* bit  = debugger is running 
 bit 6= debugger can handle system errors
 bit 5= debugger is installed
 bit 4= debugger can support discipline utility 
 MacsBugExists = FALSE; /* default is no */
 if( MacJumpGlobal & 0x40000000 )/* bit 6 */
 if( MacJumpGlobal & 0x20000000 )/* bit 5 */
 MacsBugExists = TRUE;

/*----  SetDisplayRect( long )----*/
usage: set global BPDisplayRect according to code
SetDisplayRect( code )
long  code;
Rect  dr,vr;

 BPdisplayRect = screenBits.bounds;
 switch( code )
 case ‘MENU’:
 BPdisplayRect = screenBits.bounds;
 /* offset from the edge */
 BPdisplayRect.left += 10;
 /* leave room for text */
 BPdisplayRect.bottom = + 15;
 /* don’t need it all ( bigScrns ) */
 BPdisplayRect.right = 
 BPdisplayRect.left + 500;
 CheckItem( BP_menuHndl,3,TRUE );
 CheckItem( BP_menuHndl,4,FALSE );
 CheckItem( BP_menuHndl,5,FALSE );
 case ‘TITL’:
 /*To set the display rect to the title
 bar of a window, the rect would
 need to be set for each call since
 the window could have moved.  The
 procedures ShowPro(),BugInput()
 would need to call 
 SetDisplayRect() upon entry.Or you
 could add to your MoveWindow()
 handling the same call to do it
 only when a window moves.  This
 does not permit BugParser.c
 to be as portable so I left it out
 and default to the bottom. */
 case ‘BOTM’:
 /* offset from the edge */
 BPdisplayRect.left += 10;
 /* leave room for text */ = 
 BPdisplayRect.bottom - 15;
 /* don’t need it all (bigScrns) */
 BPdisplayRect.right = 
 BPdisplayRect.left + 500;
 CheckItem( BP_menuHndl,5,TRUE );
 CheckItem( BP_menuHndl,3,FALSE );
 CheckItem( BP_menuHndl,4,FALSE );
 CheckItem( BP_menuHndl,5,TRUE );
 if( BP_TEH )  /* adjust TEdit rects */
 vr = BPdisplayRect;
 dr = BPdisplayRect;
 /* adjust visible rect */
 InsetRect( &vr,1,1 );
 InsetRect( &dr,2,2 );  dr.left += 4;
 (*BP_TEH)->destRect = dr;
 (*BP_TEH)->viewRect = vr;
 DrawMenuBar();  /* in case menu is unchosen */

/*----  int CheckOption( int )----*/
usage: Returns true when optionKey changes last state
int CheckOption( current )
static  oldFlag;

 if( !current )
 { oldFlag = FALSE;return( FALSE );}

 if( !oldFlag )
 { oldFlag = TRUE; return( TRUE ); }
 return( FALSE );


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