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Feb 91 Mousehole
Volume Number:7
Issue Number:2
Column Tag:Mousehole Report

HFS Navigation

By Larry Nedry, Mousehole BBS, (408) 738-5791, Open to all!

From: Elixir

Re: Hello

I am trying to use the following code to put a simple alert type notification box to the screen, but I am getting a -299 error back from it. Then soon afterwards the computer crashes. (Sometimes...)

 procedure notify (st: string);{ Posts notification}
   NMptr = ^NMrec;
   stptr: stringptr;
   noteptr: NMptr;
  stptr^ := st;
  with noteptr^ do
    qLink := nil;
    qType := ORD(nmType);
    nmMark := 0;
    nmSIcon := nil;
    nmSound := nil;
    nmStr := stptr;
    nmResp := nil;
  err := NMInstall(noteptr^.qLink);
  if err <> noErr then
    paramtext(‘Notification did not post!’, stringof(err), ‘’, ‘’);
    err := Alert(200, nil);

Also, the above code is written in THINK Pascal. I would greatly appreciate some help with this.

From: Lecroy

Re: NMInstall

You’re passing NIL (noteptr^.qLink) into NMInstall.

The call should look like this:

err := NMInstall(noteptr);


err := NMInstall(QElemPtr(noteptr));

depending upon how up-to-date your MPW interface files are... Take a look at the Notification Manager Chapter in Inside Mac VI (if you have it). It gives an example of what you’re trying to do....

PS. I’m not sure what is causing the crash, but you may want to replace the calls to NEW with either a static variable or calls to NewPtr...

From: Deep

Re: HFS Tutoring/Help

I would like to learn about the HFS file manager. One of the things that I would like to be able to do is walk the Catalog tree and get the names/paths and Finder information for all files on a volume in in a directory tree. Can anyone out there point me to some code examples that do this or similar things? Thank you!

From: Mrteague

Re: HFS Tutoring/Help

The Macintosh TechNotes show you how to do this. But better yet, the source code for Disinfectant has a much improved version, and is (probably) written in C. The Disinfectant source is freely available, and is probably already on this BBS (it is also on the System 7.0b1 CD-ROM, and available from the author of Disinfectant. I’m sure this will answer all your questions.

From: Deep

Re: HFS Tutoring/Help

Do you know what technote number? I could not find the disinfectant source code posted here. I think that I can get it from another board thank you.

From: Mrteague

Re: HFS Tutoring/Help

The Technote numbers for the HFS directory search stuff are 68 and 69.

From: Jbs

Re: link.error

While converting a large PC C program to MPW C the following link error occurred: ### Link Error: Module references nested too deeply; increase stack space or reorganize references.(Error 83). How does one increase the stack space for the linker -- Do we use Heapfixer or something else???

PS: Finder memory display shows no “spare” memory available.

From: Atom

Re: link.error

I’m not sure if this will fix your problem, but it *is* possible to increase the MPW shell’s stack size. Use ResEdit to open the shell application’s HEXA ID=128 resource, which is a long word that specifies the stack size in bytes, unless it’s zero in which case a default size is used. Apple warns you not to set this to less than 32K. This will mean less room for the shell’s heap unless you increase the partition size.

From: Aggie

Re: vbl tasks

Does anyone have a code piece which shows how to use the VBL manager?

The specific task which I would like to load into the VBL is to update the dialog so that this only happens during the VBL interrupt and gets rid of flicker. I am using LSP 3.0 and am not proficient in C so please provide it in Pascal.

From: Kman

Re: DA’S and CDEF’s

After spending several weeks writing and debugging my first desk accessory, another programmer noticed my animated buttons and asked how I had created them. I told him that the buttons were actually PICT resources that I drew on the screen. He then told me that the proper way to build the buttons was to build a CDEF. So I spent the next week or so writing my first CDEF. When I was finished I could not find a way to use the CDEF in my DA because of the way owned resources are addressed. So my question is, can I use my own CDEF within a DA and if so how?

From: Alex

Re: SndPlay

I can’t get SndPlay() to work asynchronously. I’m following the code sample in the documentation, but it refuses to work. Any source code showing async playing of sound resources would be appreciated.

From: Ou812

Re: Frame Errors & the serial port

I’m writing a program in Think C 4.0 to get data from the serial ports. The device I hooked up to the Macintosh is generating frame errors on non numeric characters. The buffer in my program gets the numeric characters, but not the characters with the framing errors. I then use VersaTerm to read from the port, and it captures all the characters including the ones with the framing errors. What am I doing wrong?

PS I wrote a similar program in Pascal and that one worked!

PSS System version 6.0.5

PSSS What does the Comm Toolbox supplied with VersaTerm do?

From: Gandalf

Re: PhotoShop modules

Does anyone know how to get the specs for writing Photoshop plug-in modules? They seem to be very simply interfaced to the program... is there a free source or template that someone can post here?

From: Derek

Re: PhotoShop modules

I am not familiar with who makes PhotoShop, but I do know that when I needed information for making modules for DarkRoom I called the company, and 2 days later I received a disk in the mail, no cost. So I would recommend calling them, I am sure it is to their benefit to have modules written so they would be very helpful in giving out the information. If it is SuperMac, I think they even have their own BBS, but never called it to see what is there.

From: Gandalf

Re: PhotoShop modules

Thanks, I would try calling them, but I am in Peru... and that’s a little far away ..... and anything bigger than a letter gets “lost” in the post office here. Nevertheless, I will try to have a friend of mine who is travelling to have this done for me.

But if someone has done so already, and have some sample code or info, it would be great if he can post it here (if it’s permitted, of course).

From: Alex

Re: open()

As far as I can tell the default modes used by open on the Mac are such as to produce an error we see (if a file is open for reading no one else may write it). We need help here to determine which of the following would be the best solution:

(1) is there a way to control the default sharing modes used by open ?

(2) can I use PBHOpenDeny to make my own open to use with the existing read, write, close, lseek ?

(3) Should I write my own versions of open, read, write, lseek, close that handle this stuff correctly ?

Obviously, the closer we can get to (1) the less work we will have, and the least chance of introducing bugs.

From: Elmer

Re: HELP!!!!

I am trying to learn C, my problem is that I would like to be able to read data from a text file... Sample scenario: I enter some numbers in a dialog box and then search for those numbers along with two data fields that correspond to the numbers such as below, the data file would look something like this:




Now I have the SFGetFile and FSOpen to work properly (I think, they seem to anyway) how do I go about searching for say ‘102’ and reading the data that follows it. I am totally lost.

From: Noisy

Re: X-Windows meets the Mac Apple *sells* MacX to allow Mac owners to use their Macs as X-Window terminals without having the overhead of AU/X. This is terrific if all you need is another terminal. But what about those of us who want to hack (excuse me...investigate) X-Windows for applications programming, and can’t afford U/X? (or is it A/UX?) Anyone out there ported X-Windows to the Mac in any shape or doesn’t even have to be debugged!

P.S. X11R3 is HUGE...I don’t expect anyone to upload it...

From: Jswartz

Re: ResEdit v2.0b2

I have the same problem on my Mac II at work. The MENU editor in ResEdit 2.0b2 will bomb upon immediately opening a resource.

To get around this, I removed the RSSC with the id “MENU” from ResEdit 2.0, and just use the regular text template to edit menus from 2.0. I also keep an older copy of ResEdit around with a fancy MENU editor, just for that purpose.

Apple knows about this bug, but they have released a fixed version yet. I guess we keep waiting...

From: Noisy

Re: ResEdit v2.0b2

Thanx for your confirmation of similar symptoms...I tried everything from downloading the whole thing two more times to swapping system versions in and out...all without success. We may have to wait a little longer, but then again, the price is right.


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