New Toolbox
Volume Number: | | 6
Issue Number: | | 10
Column Tag: | | Assembly Lab
New Toolbox Routines 
By Hugues A. Oliver, Perpignan, France
Note: Source code files accompanying article are located on MacTech CD-ROM or source code disks.
[Hugues A. Oliver is a 23 year old student at Ecole Supérieure d’Ingénieur de Marseille. He started programming Macintosh computers in 1986 and now works on a Mac II.]
Every Macintosh programmer knows that the foundation of a Macintosh program is the event loop, and the main component of a Macintosh application is windows. When an event occurs, the Mac OS signals the application and sends the event’s type and some other information in a structure called EventRecord to your program. Then, the program takes whatever action is appropriate for the event’s type but, before, your program must find for which opened window the event is related to.
My idea was to add for each opened windows an associated procedure which I’ve called : Window Procedure. When an event occurs, the EventRecord is sent to the window procedure which responds by taking action for each type of event. A pointer to this procedure should be placed somewhere in the Window record (I will explain where below) .Once you’ve intercept the event record a special procedure should get our procedure pointer and call the window procedure. You must be aware that the address that will be stored in your window record must always be a pointer to an executable procedure. If the segment containing the procedure moves, you know what will happen...
In every application, the window is used to contain a document. A document can be a set of texts, lists (from the list manager) and graphics. Whenever you want to use in your window a text, picture or list, the common technique is to declare in your source code globals variables to keep track of the new added structure. To use the new “object” , you also need to rewrite some parts of your source code.
If you want to write an application which could open a unlimited number of windows with TEdit in it, for example, you can’t use this technique.
Some programmers use the WRefCon of the window to hold the TEHandle of the text displayed in the window, but there is only one WrefCon field in the window record...
A good way to use the WRefCon to hold as many variables as we want is to use linked list and a new data structure, which will contain linked lists of TEHandle,ListHandle or Picture Handle, the window procedure and some other information.
I’ve called this new structure the Window AuxRecord.
The Window AuxRecord
The Window AuxRecord will be used to keep all the information the window requires to operate on texts, lists or pictures. A handle to this AuxRecord will be placed in the RefCon field of each new opened windows. The fields of the Aux WindowRecord will be explained in the new toolbox calls section.

In order to use this new structure described above, I wrote some new routines.
The NewToolBox Library
Each of the new toolbox calls have been written in assembly language, using the Consulair 68000 assembler.
The Think C text editor was used to write the source code. To build the newToolBox library, you need to compile each source file then to convert them to the Think C library format using the RelConv utility. Once you’ve compiled and converted the object file, you create a new Think C project, you can name it ‘NewToolBox,’ and then you add the libraries you’ve just created to your project.
Now, you compile your project using the Build Library option. The header file associated with the library contains the prototype of each new added toolbox routines
To use this library: add it in your project and #include the header file where needed.
The New ToolBox Calls
This procedure will open a new window on the Macintosh desktop. It first creates space for a window record and then calls the GetNewWindow() function. WindID is the ID of the Window template on the resource file. If the window template can’t be read, InstalWindow() aborts and returns an error code.
Then, the function creates space for the Auxiliary Window record and replaces the original WrefCon of the new created window with a handle to the AuxWindowRecord. The content of WrefCon is saved and will be placed in the WauxRefCon of the AuxWindowRecord.
All the fields of the new structure are initialized.
The clip region origin is set to (0,0). You can use this field to add scrolling functionalities to your window.
The current active text and list are initialized with NIL, as well as the window THPrint. If your application prints the window’s content, you will allocate space for a TPrint record and place a handle to this record in the WPrintRec of the AuxWindRecord.
The WvRefNum is cleared, if texts or lists use data from disk, the volume reference number of the file containing the data will be placed in the WvRefNum field.
The WContRect is set with the window’s portRect minus the scroll bar size. If your window has a size box, you will place true in the WhasGrow field, which will allow the event loop to draw the size box if needed when an update event occurs.
The address of the Window procedure is placed in WindProc. Remember: your window procedure should never move.
Space is also allocated for the text, list and picture linked list in the WText,WList and WPic fields.
As a matter of fact,the linked list of text is a list of auxiliary text record :

The list auxiliary record is a bit more complicated, as you can see below :

Two fields are used to keep the font information needed to draw the content of each list’s cells.
The picture auxiliary record holds the transfer mode for QuickDraw drawing operation and the destination rectangle for the picture.

The InstalWindow() function will return the windowPtr in the variable ‘theWindow’.
If a memory allocation has failed, an error code is returned and no window is opened.
Each time an event occurs concerning the window, you will call this procedure.
The procedure looks for the WindProc fields of the AuxWindowRecord and then executes the procedure at the given address (assuming you’re never unloading and/or re-loading the segment containing the Window procedure). Before, ExecWindow(), places the EventRecord address on the stack.
Will return a handle to the windowAuxRecord.
GetWindowClip() and SetWindowClip():
Will return or set the WcontRect and Worigin of the window AuxRecord.
SetCurrents() and GetCurrents():
These procedures allows you to save and restore the values of the current active text or list in your window.
The whole space allocated for text(s), list(s), pict(s) and TPrint for the given window is released, and the window is closed.
I had new toolbox routines to provide the TextEdit and List Manager more functionality and to make life easier for the programmer who wants to open, handle and close texts and lists.
I have not forgotten Pictures and Controls. Each new PicHandle created when reading a picture from resource file, will be placed in a linked list.
A procedure, which I call ControlProcedure, will be executed whenever the user clicks in an active control. The procedure’s address is placed in the contrlRefCon.
Assuming a window has already been setup, this function will create a new text in your window.
textId is the ID of a template which contains two rectangles: the viewRect and the destination rectangle of the text.

Figure 5.
The inPort field of the TERecord is set with the whichWindow parameter.
Then, the new TEHandle is placed at the end of the WText list.
The function returns an error code before aborting if memory allocation fails or if the template can’t be found or read.
Mouse down events are sent to the Window Procedure by the event loop of your application and by the ExecWindow procedure.
You’ll call the FindText function with the local coordinates of the mouse to know if the mouse down occurs in a text (the function returns the TEHandle of the text) or not (the function returns NIL).
This function simply calls PtInRect() for each texts of the WText list with the text’s viewRect and the local coordinates of the mouse as parameters.
Redraws the text(s) belonging to whichWindow.
TEUpdate is called for every text of the window.
Calls TEActivate for the current active text . The TEhandle of the active text is store in the WactivTxt of the windowAuxRec.
If currentText is NIL, ActivateText does nothing.
Does the same as ActivateText() but TEDeactivate() is called instead of TEActivate()
Creates a new list in whichWindow, the routine first looks for a template on the resource file.

the template contains all the parameters needed by the LNew() routine. listID is the resource number of the list template.
Space is also allocated for the ListAuxRec and all fields initialized.
fontList and sizList are the font and size used by the ListDefProcedure to draw the cells content. These values are read from the List template.
If the list have controls (scrolls bar) , they are hidden (contrlVis field set to zero) because the list is supposed to be inactive when the window is opened.
The routine works exactly in the same way the Findtext() routine does. But, before calling PtInRect(), if the list have scroll bar, 16 pixels are added to the list vRect bottom or right point.
Will redraw the list(s) of whichWindow.
If your list has never been drawn before, a call to LUpdate will always draw the list’s scroll bars. (LUpdate sets the contrlVis of each scroll bars with 255). This will be a little annoying if your window displays more than one list because every list of the window seems to be active when your window will appear for the first time on the desktop. In order to avoid this, the DrawLists() routine will hide the scroll bars handle before calling LUpdate(). The scroll bars are drawn separately by calling the Draw1Control() routine which draws the control only if necessary (if contrlVis is 255).
the list manager routine LActivate() is called for the current active list with TRUE as first parameter .
LActivate() called with FALSE for the current active list (if any).
You will call this procedure whenever the event loop will report a keyDown event for an active list.
Each character typed will be added to the active cell data and the cell redrawn.
The routine tests also for characters like Return, Enter or the arrow keys and instead of adding the value to the cell data, changes the current active cell.
The Control Manager have also been enhanced with new routines:
Will be used to create a new control from a template read from a resource file.
The control reference value is replaced with a procedure pointer . This procedure will be executed each time you click in the control and, of course, will never remove the segment containing the control procedure.
After the TrackControl function, you will call ExecControl() which call your contrlProc.
Calls HiliteControl() for each control of the window control list, except for those with the contrlRef field set to -1. This, to avoid the scroll bars of a list to be drawn if the list is not active.
Drawing the list’s scrollbars is the DrawList() or ActivateList() job only.
Pictures can be added to every windows, using the InstalPic() function, which adds picHandle to the list of pictures that belong to the window.An auxiliary picture record is also added. It will contain the ID of the picture resource, the pen transfer mode used to draw the picture and the destination rectangle (in local coordinates).
As DrawList and DrawTexts, DrawPicts() will draw every pictures of whichWindow.
FindPict() will allow the user to know if he ‘clicks’ in the picture frame.
The Demo Project
The demo project, written in Think C v 4.00, demonstrates the use of the new toolbox routines and shows a simple Window procedure.
Five different windows displaying texts, textual lists and pictures can be opened together.
The Window procedure is in the “CExecWindow.c” file.This segment should never be unloaded .
The window procedure presented here is implemented in a very simple way.A more sophisticated approach would be to store the window procedure as a resource in a resource file.
The window auxiliary record can also easily be modified to hold more ‘objects’, not only texts, lists and pictures.
Continued in next frame
Volume Number: | | 6
Issue Number: | | 10
Column Tag: | | Assembly Lab
New Toolbox Routines (code) 
By Hugues A. Oliver, Perpignan, France
Listing: Library.Txt
; ****** Include Files ******
INCLUDE PackMacs.Txt
; ******* Constants *********
TRUE EQU $0101
; ***** Wind AuxRec *******
Worigin EQU 0
WContRect EQU 4
WactivTxt EQU 12
WactivLst EQU 16
Wgrow EQU 20
WPrintRec EQU 22
WindProc EQU 26
WvRefNum EQU 30
WAuxRefC EQU 32
WText EQU 36
WList EQU 40
WPic EQU 44
SizeWindRec EQU 156
SizeAuxWind EQU 48
; ******* List AuxRec *********
SizeListAuxRec EQU 14
theList EQU 2
nextList EQU 6
fontList EQU 10
sizList EQU 12
; ******* Text AuxRec *********
SizeTEAuxRec EQU 10
theText EQU 2
nextText EQU 6
; ******* Pic AuxRec ********
SizePicAuxRec EQU 20
thePic EQU 2
nextPicEQU 6
tMode EQU 10
destRectEQU 12
; **** Control AuxRec ****
SizeCtrlAuxRec EQU 6
contrlID EQU 0
contrlProc EQU 2
; ******* New TE *********
.TRAP _TEStylNew $A83E
.TRAP _TEDispatch $A83D
.MACRO _GetStylHandle
MOVE.W #4,-(SP)
.MACRO _SetStylHandle
MOVE.W #5,-(SP)
; ******* Externals *********
XREF CurrentText,CurrentList
Listing: LText.Asm
;* T E D I T M A N A G E R
INCLUDE Library.Txt
; *** External Definition ***
XDEF InstalText
XDEF FindText
XDEF DrawTexts
XDEF DeactivateText
XDEF ActivateText
;******* Text Record *********
;TERec = Record {100 bytes}
;{ 0} destRect : Rect
;{ 8} viewRect : Rect
;{ 16} selRect : Rect
;{ 24} lineHeight : -1
;{ 26} fontAscent : -1
;{ 28} selPoint : Point
;{ 32} selStart : INTEGER
;{ 34} selEnd : INTEGER
;{ 36} active : INTEGER
;{ 38} wordBreak : ProcPtr
;{ 42} clikLoop : ProcPtr
;{ 46} clickTime : LongInt
;{ 50} clickLoc : INTEGER
;{ 52} caretTime : LongInt
;{ 56} caretState : INTEGER
;{ 58} just : INTEGER
;{ 60} TELength : INTEGER
;{ 62} hText : Handle
;{ 66} recalBack : INTEGER
;{ 68} recalLines : INTEGER
;{ 70} clikStuff : INTEGER
;{ 72} crOnly : INTEGER
;{ 74} txFont : 1/2 Handle
;{ 76} txFace : 1/2 Handle
;{ 78} txMode : XferMode
;{ 80} txSize : -1
;{ 82} inPort : GrafPtr
;{ 86} highHook : ProcPtr
;{ 90} caretHook : ProcPtr
;{ 94} nLines : INTEGER
;{ 96} lineStarts : Array[0:1] of INTEGER
; ***** Text AuxRecord ********
;TEAuxRec = Record {12 bytes}
;{2} theText :TEHandle
;{6} nextText :TEAuxHandle
;FUNCTION InstalText
; Parameters
textID EQU 12
whichWindow EQU 8
; Local Variables
theHandle EQU -10
theNText EQU -6
error EQU -2
LINK A6,#-10 ;local space
MOVEM.L A2-A4/D3-D7,-(SP) ;save registers
MOVE.W noErr,error(A6) ;
SUBQ.L #4,SP ;space for result
MOVE.L #’TEHD’,-(SP) ;restype is’TEHD’
MOVE.W textID(A6),-(SP) ;res ID
_GetResource ;
MOVEA.L (SP)+,A1 ;
SUBQ.L #2,SP ;
_ResError ;check for error
MOVE.W (SP)+,error(A6) ;
BNE @0 ;
MOVE.L A1,theHandle(A6) ;save handle
MOVEA.L (A1),A1 ;
SUBQ.L #4,SP ;space for TEHandle
PEA teDestRect(A1) ;
PEA teViewRect(A1) ;
_TEStylNew ;
MOVEA.L (SP),A1 ;TEHandle in A1
MOVE.L A1,theNText(A6) ;save it
_TECalText ;Tech Note #131
MOVE.L theNText(A6),A1 ;
MOVE.L (A1),A1 ;
MOVE.L whichWindow(A6),teGrafPort(A1);
MOVE.L theNText(A6),-(SP) ;
_TEAutoView ;
MOVE.L whichWindow(A6),A0;
MOVE.L WrefCon(A0),A0 ;
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;
MOVE.L WText(A0),A3 ;
MOVEA.L (A3),A3 ;
CMPI.L #NIL,theText(A3) ;is there any text ?
BEQ @2 ;no, so add one
CMPI.L #NIL,nextText(A3);other text after ?
BEQ @3 ;no,add one (@3)
MOVEA.L nextText(A3),A3 ;go to the next one
MOVEA.L (A3),A3 ;
BRA @4 ;
MOVEQ #SizeTEAuxRec,D0 ;place for textAuxRec
_NewHandle ;
MOVE.W D0,error(A6) ;
BNE @1 ;if error go @1
MOVE.L A0,nextText(A3) ;
MOVEA.L (A3),A3 ;
MOVE.L theNText(A6),theText(A3);
MOVE.L #NIL,nextText(A3);
MOVE.W textID(A6),TID(A3);
BRA @0 ;
MOVE.L theNText(A6),theText(A3);for the
MOVE.L #NIL,nextText(A3); first text
MOVE.W textID(A6),TID(A3) ;TEAuxRec already
BRA @0 ;exists
MOVE.L theNText(A6),-(SP);we can’t allocate
_TEDispose ;space for TEAuxRec
MOVE.W error(A6),D0 ;
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A2-A4/D3-D7 ;
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ;
ADD.L #6,SP ;clean up the stack
MOVE.W D0,(SP) ;push function result
JMP (A0) ;
; Parameters
thePoint EQU 12
; Variables
SauvHdl EQU -4
LINK A6,#-4 ;
MOVEM.L A2-A4/D3-D7,-(SP);
MOVE.L whichWindow(A6),A0;
MOVE.L WrefCon(A0),A0 ;
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;
MOVE.L WText(A0),A3 ;begining
MOVE.L A3,SauvHdl(A6) ;of text list
MOVEA.L (A3),A3 ;saved on stack
CMPI.L #NIL,theText(A3) ;is there any text?
BEQ @0 ;no,so go away
MOVEA.L theText(A3),A2 ;
MOVEA.L (A2),A2 ;
SUBQ.L #2,SP ;
MOVE.L thePoint(A6),-(SP);do we
PEA teViewRect(A2) ;click in
_PtInRect ;this one ?
MOVE.L SauvHdl(A6),A3 ;
MOVE.L (A3),A3 ;
TST.B (SP)+ ;
BNE @1 ;yes ! go @1
CMPI.L #NIL,nextText(A3) ;no.
BEQ @0 ;if no more texts
MOVEA.L nextText(A3),A3 ;go @0 ,if not...
MOVE.L A3,SauvHdl(A6) ;next one !
MOVEA.L (A3),A3 ;
BRA @3 ;
MOVE.L theText(A3),A1 ;”clicked” TEHandle @0
;in A1
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A2-A4/D3-D7 ;
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ;
ADD.L #8,SP ;
MOVE.L A1,(SP) ;
JMP (A0) ;
;PROCEDURE DrawTexts(whichWindow:WindowPtr);
; Local Variables
TextAuxHdl EQU -4
LINK A6,#-4 ;
MOVEM.L A2-A4/D3-D7,-(SP) ;
MOVE.L whichWindow(A6),A0 ;
MOVE.L WrefCon(A0),A0 ;
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;
MOVE.L WText(A0),A3 ;
MOVE.L A3,TextAuxHdl(A6) ;
MOVE.L (A3),A3 ;
CMPI.L #NIL,theText(A3) ;is there text in
BEQ @0 ;the window ?
MOVEA.L theText(A3),A0 ;
MOVEA.L (A0),A0 ;
PEA teViewRect(A0) ;
MOVE.L theText(A3),-(SP) ;
_TEUpdate ;draw texts
MOVE.L TextAuxHdl(A6),A3 ;
MOVE.L (A3),A3 ;
CMPI.L #NIL,nextText(A3) ;until no more
BEQ @0 ;texts in list
MOVEA.L nextText(A3),A3 ;
MOVE.L A3,TextAuxHdl(A6) ;
MOVEA.L (A3),A3 ;
BRA @3 ;
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A2-A4/D3-D7 ;no more
UNLK A6 ;texts
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ;go away.
ADD.L #4,SP ;
JMP (A0) ;
;PROCEDURE DeactivateText (whichWindow:WindowPtr);
LINK A6,#0 ;
MOVEM.L A2-A4/D3-D7,-(SP) ;
MOVEA.L whichWindow(A6),A1 ;
MOVE.L WRefCon(A1),A1 ;
MOVE.L (A1),A1 ;
MOVE.L WactivTxt(A1),A1 ;
MOVE.L A1,CurrentText(A5) ;
BEQ @0 ;
MOVE.L A1,-(SP) ;
_TEDeactivate ;
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A2-A4/D3-D7 ;
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ;
ADD.L #4,SP ;
JMP (A0) ;
;PROCEDURE ActivateText(whichWindow:WindowPtr);
LINK A6,#0 ;
MOVEM.L A2-A4/D3-D7,-(SP) ;
MOVEA.L whichWindow(A6),A1 ;
MOVE.L WRefCon(A1),A1 ;
MOVE.L (A1),A1 ;
MOVE.L WactivTxt(A1),A1 ;
MOVE.L A1,CurrentText(A5) ;
BEQ @0 ;
MOVE.L A1,-(SP) ;
_TEActivate ;
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A2-A4/D3-D7 ;
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ;
ADD.L #4,SP ;
JMP (A0) ;
Listing: LList.Asm
;* L I S T M A N A G E R
INCLUDE Library.Txt
; *** Externals Definition ***
XDEF InstalList
XDEF FindList
XDEF DrawLists
XDEF DeactivateList
XDEF ActivateList
XDEF ListKey
; ** List Resource Template **
vRect EQU 0
LdataBounds EQU 8
cSize EQU 16
listDef EQU 20
LvScrollEQU 22
LhScrollEQU 24
drawItEQU 26
hasGrow EQU 28
lRefCon EQU 30
LTextFont EQU 34
LTextSize EQU 36
; ******* List Record *********
; ListRec = Record { 88 bytes}
;{ 0} rView : Rect
;{ 8} port : GrafPtr
;{ 12} indent : Point
;{ 16} cellSize : Point
;{ 20} visible : Rect
;{ 28} vScroll : ControlHandle
;{ 32} hScroll : ControlHandle
;{ 36} selFlags : SignedByte
;{ 37} LActive : BOOLEAN
;{ 38} LReserved : SignedByte
;{ 39} listFlags : SignedByte
;{ 40} clikTime : LongInt
;{ 44} clikLoc : Point
;{ 48} mouseLoc : Point
;{ 52} LClikLoop : ProcPtr
;{ 56} lastClick : Point
;{ 60} refCon : LongInt
;{ 64} listDefProc : Handle
;{ 68} userHandle : Handle
;{ 72} dataBounds : Rect
;{ 80} cells : Handle
;{ 84} maxIndex : INTEGER
;{ 86} cellArray : Array[1:1] of INTEGER
;***** The List AuxRecord ******
;AuxListRec = Records {14}
;{2} theList :ListHandle
;{6} nextList :AuxListHandle
;{10} fontList :INTEGER
;{12} sizList :INTEGER
;FUNCTION InstalList
; Parameters
whichWindow EQU 8
listID EQU 12
; Local Variables
theHandle EQU -10
theNList EQU -6
error EQU -2
LINK A6,#-10 ;
MOVEM.L A2-A4/D3-D7,-(SP) ;
MOVE.W #noErr,error(A6) ;
SUBQ.L #4,SP ;
MOVE.L #’LIST’,-(SP) ;
MOVE.W listID(A6),-(SP) ;get a list
_GetResource ;template from
MOVEA.L (SP)+,A3 ;disk
SUBQ.L #2,SP ;
_ResError ;
MOVE.W (SP)+,error(A6) ;if resource
BNE @0 ;can’t be read go @0
MOVE.L A3,theHandle(A6) ;
MOVE.L (A3),A1 ;
SUBQ.L #4,SP ;
PEA vRect(A1) ;
PEA LdataBounds(A1) ;
MOVE.L cSize(A1),-(SP) ;
MOVE.W listDef(A1),-(SP) ;
MOVE.L whichWindow(A6),-(SP);
MOVE.W drawIt(A1),-(SP) ;
MOVE.W hasGrow(A1),-(SP) ;
MOVE.W LhScroll(A1),-(SP) ;
MOVE.W LvScroll(A1),-(SP) ;
_LNew ;create a new
MOVEA.L (SP)+,A1 ;list
MOVE.L A1,theNList(A6) ;
MOVE.L (A1),A1 ;
MOVE.L theHandle(A6),A0 ;
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;set the list refcon
MOVE.L lRefCon(A0),refCon(A1);
MOVE.L whichWindow(A6),A0 ;
MOVE.L WrefCon(A0),A0 ;
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;place the new
MOVE.L WList(A0),A2 ;listhandle
MOVEA.L (A2),A3 ;in the linked list
CMPI.L #NIL,theList(A3) ;of list but before
BEQ @1 ;
CMPI.L #NIL,nextList(A3) ;we must find
BEQ @2 ;the last list
MOVEA.L nextList(A3),A3 ;AuxRec of our
MOVEA.L (A3),A3 ;linked list
BRA @3 ;
MOVEQ #SizeListAuxRec,D0 ;we create a new
_NewHandle ;list AuxRec
MOVE.W D0,error(A6) ;
BNE @0 ;if error, go @0
MOVE.L A0,nextList(A3) ;
MOVEA.L (A3),A3 ;initialize all
MOVE.L theNList(A6),theList(A3);
MOVE.W listID(A6),LID(A3) ;list AuxRec
MOVE.L #NIL,nextList(A3) ;fields
MOVE.L theHandle(A6),A0 ;
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;
MOVE.W LTextFont(A0),fontList(A3);
MOVE.W LTextSize(A0),sizList(A3) ;
BRA @5;
MOVE.L theNList(A6),theList(A3);
MOVE.W listID(A6),LID(A3);space for the list
MOVE.L #NIL,nextList(A3) ;has been already
MOVE.L theHandle(A6),A0 ;allocated.
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;
MOVE.W LTextFont(A0),fontList(A3);
MOVE.W LTextSize(A0),sizList(A3) ;
MOVE.L theNList(A6),A1;
MOVE.L (A1),A1 ;if our new
CMPI.L #NIL,vScroll(A1) ;list has scroll bars
BEQ @4;will put -1 in the
MOVE.L vScroll(A1),A0 ;cntrlRefCon of each
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;scroll bars.
MOVE.L #-1,contrlrfCon(A0);(see article)
CLR.B contrlVis(A0) ;
@4 ;
CMPI.L #NIL,hScroll(A1) ;
BEQ @0;
MOVE.L hScroll(A1),A0 ;
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;
MOVE.L #-1,contrlrfCon(A0);
CLR.B contrlVis(A0) ;
MOVE.W error(A6),D0 ;
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A2-A4/D3-D7 ;
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ;
ADD.L #6,SP ;
MOVE.W D0,(SP) ;
JMP (A0) ;
; Parameters
thePoint EQU 12
testControl EQU16
; Local Variables
AuxListHdl EQU -4
LINK A6,#-4 ;
MOVEM.L A2-A4/D3-D7,-(SP) ;
MOVE.L whichWindow(A6),A0 ;
MOVE.L WrefCon(A0),A0 ;
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;
MOVE.L WList(A0),A3 ;
MOVE.L A3,AuxListHdl(A6) ;find the
MOVEA.L (A3),A3 ;first list
CMPI.L #NIL,theList(A3) ;if no list...
BEQ @6 ;go @6
MOVEA.L theList(A3),A2 ;
MOVE.L (A2),A2 ;
SUBQ #8,SP ;we push the
MOVE.L rview(A2),(SP) ;list’s view rect
MOVE.L rview+4(A2),4(SP);
SUBQ.L #2,SP ;
MOVE.L thePoint(A6),-(SP) ;
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ;
MOVE.L (SP),A0 ;
TST.B testControl(A6) ;does user wants to
BEQ @5;know if he clicks
CMPI.L #NIL,vScroll(A2) ;in the list scroll
BEQ @4 ;bar ?
ADDI.W #15,6(A0) ;if yes, we add
CMPI.L #NIL,hScroll(A2) ;the scroll bar
BEQ @5;width to the view rect
ADDI.W #15,4(A0) ;coordinates
_PtInRect ;
MOVE.L AuxListHdl(A6),A3 ;
MOVE.L (A3),A3 ;
TST.B (SP)+ ;if we’ve clicked
ADDQ.L #8,SP ;in this list go @1
BNE @1;
CMPI.L #NIL,nextList(A3) ;we’ve not clicked
BEQ @6 ;in this one, check
MOVEA.L nextList(A3),A3 ;another list
MOVE.L A3,AuxListHdl(A6) ;if any.if not
MOVEA.L (A3),A3 ;go @6
BRA @3 ;
MOVE.L theList(A3),A1 ;
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A2-A4/D3-D7 ;
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ;
ADD.L #10,SP ;clean up the
MOVE.L A1,(SP) ;stack.
JMP (A0) ;
;PROCEDURE DrawLists(whichWindow:WindowPtr);
; Local Variables
vCntl EQU -8
hCntl EQU -12
LINK A6,#-12 ;
MOVEM.L A2-A4/D3-D7,-(SP) ;
MOVE.L whichWindow(A6),A0 ;
MOVE.L WrefCon(A0),A0 ;
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;
MOVE.L WList(A0),A3 ;
MOVE.L A3,AuxListHdl(A6) ;
MOVE.L (A3),A3 ;
CMPI.L #NIL,theList(A3);if no list in
BEQ @6 ;this window :@6
MOVE.L theList(A3),A3 ;
MOVE.L (A3),A3 ;
CMPI.L #NIL,vScroll(A3) ;
BEQ @4 ;
MOVE.L vScroll(A3),-(SP) ;
_Draw1Control ;
MOVE.L AuxListHdl(A6),A3 ;
MOVE.L (A3),A3 ;
MOVE.L theList(A3),A3 ;
MOVE.L (A3),A3 ;
CMPI.L #NIL,hScroll(A3) ;
BEQ @5 ;
MOVE.L hScroll(A3),-(SP) ;
_Draw1Control ;
MOVEA.L whichWindow(A6),A0 ;
MOVE.L AuxListHdl(A6),A3 ;
MOVE.L (A3),A3 ;
MOVE.W fontList(A3),txFont(A0) ;
MOVE.W sizList(A3),txSize(A0) ;
MOVE.L theList(A3),A1 ;
MOVE.L (A1),A1 ;
MOVE.L vScroll(A1),vCntl(A6) ;
MOVE.L hScroll(A1),hCntl(A6) ;
CLR.L hScroll(A1) ;
CLR.L vScroll(A1) ;
MOVE.L visRgn(A0),-(SP) ;
MOVE.L theList(A3),-(SP) ;
_LUpdate ;
MOVE.L AuxListHdl(A6),A3 ;
MOVE.L (A3),A3 ;
MOVE.L theList(A3),A1 ;
MOVE.L (A1),A1 ;
MOVE.L vCntl(A6),vScroll(A1) ;
MOVE.L hCntl(A6),hScroll(A1) ;
CMPI.L #NIL,nextList(A3) ;
BEQ @6 ;
MOVEA.L nextList(A3),A3 ;
MOVE.L A3,AuxListHdl(A6) ;
MOVEA.L (A3),A3 ;
BRA @3 ;
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A2-A4/D3-D7 ;
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ;
ADD.L #4,SP ;
JMP (A0) ;
;PROCEDURE DeactivateList (whichWindow:WindowPtr);
LINK A6,#0 ;
MOVEM.L A2-A4/D3-D7,-(SP) ;
MOVEA.L whichWindow(A6),A1 ;
MOVE.L WrefCon(A1),A1 ;
MOVE.L (A1),A1 ;
MOVE.L WactivLst(A1),A1 ;
MOVE.L A1,CurrentList(A5) ;
BEQ @6 ;
MOVE.L A1,-(SP) ;
_LActivate ;
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A2-A4/D3-D7 ;
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ;
ADD.L #4,SP ;
JMP (A0) ;
;PROCEDURE ActivateList(whichWindow:WindowPtr);
LINK A6,#0 ;
MOVEM.L A2-A4/D3-D7,-(SP) ;
MOVEA.L whichWindow(A6),A1 ;
MOVE.L WrefCon(A1),A1 ;
MOVE.L (A1),A1 ;
MOVE.L WactivLst(A1),A1 ;
MOVE.L A1,CurrentList(A5) ;
BEQ @6 ;
MOVE.L A1,-(SP) ;
_LActivate ;
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A2-A4/D3-D7 ;
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ;
ADD.L #4,SP ;
JMP (A0) ;
;PROCEDURE ListKey(key:Char;inList:ListHandle);
; Parameters
key EQU 12
inList EQU 8
; Local Variables
cellule EQU -4
cellule2 EQU -8
LINK A6,#-8 ;
MOVEM.L A2-A4/D3-D7,-(SP) ;
MOVE.L inList(A6),-(SP) ;
_LLastClick ;coordinates
MOVE.L (SP)+,cellule(A6) ;
MOVE.L cellule(A6),cellule2(A6) ;
CMPI.B #$0D,key(A6) ;
BEQ GoDown ;
CMPI.B #$03,key(A6) ;
BEQ GoDown ;
CMPI.B #$1B,key(A6) ;
BEQ GoAway ;
CMPI.B #$09,key(A6) ;
BEQ GoAway ;
CMPI.B #$1E,key(A6) ;
BEQ GoUp ;
CMPI.B #$1F,key(A6) ;
BEQ GoDown ;
CMPI.B #$1D,key(A6) ;
BEQ GoRight ;
CMPI.B #$1C,key(A6) ;
BEQ GoLeft ;
CMPI.B #$08,key(A6) ;
BEQ ClearCell ;
PEA key(A6) ;
MOVE.W #1,-(SP) ;
MOVE.L cellule(A6),-(SP) ;
MOVE.L inList(A6),-(SP) ;
_LAddToCell ;
MOVE.L inList(A6),A1 ;
MOVE.L (A1),A0 ;
MOVE.L port(A0),A0 ;
MOVE.L WrefCon(A0),A3 ;
MOVE.L (A3),A3 ;
MOVE.L WList(A3),A3 ;
MOVE.L (A3),A3 ;
CMPA.L theList(A3),A1 ;
BEQ @1;
MOVE.L nextList(A3),A3;
MOVE.L (A3),A3 ;
BRA @2;
MOVE.W fontList(A3),txFont(A0) ;
MOVE.W sizList(A3),txSize(A0) ;
MOVE.L cellule(A6),-(SP) ;
MOVE.L inList(A6),-(SP) ;
BRA GoAway ;
MOVE.L cellule(A6),-(SP) ;
MOVE.L inList(A6),-(SP) ;
_LClrCell ;
MOVE.L cellule(A6),-(SP) ;
MOVE.L inList(A6),-(SP) ;
BRA GoAway ;
TST.W cellule(A6) ;
BEQ GoAway ;
MOVE.L cellule(A6),-(SP) ;
MOVE.L inList(A6),-(SP) ;
_LSetSelect ;
SUBI.W #1,cellule(A6) ;
MOVE.L cellule(A6),-(SP) ;
MOVE.L inList(A6),-(SP) ;
_LSetSelect ;
MOVE.L inList(A6),A3 ;
MOVE.L (A3),A3 ;
MOVE.L cellule(A6),lastClick(A3);
BRA GoAway ;
MOVE.W cellule(A6),D0 ;
ADDQ #1,D0 ;
MOVE.L inList(A6),A3 ;
MOVE.L (A3),A3 ;
LEA dataBounds(A3),A0 ;
CMP.W bottom(A0),D0 ;
BEQ GoAway ;
MOVE.L cellule(A6),-(SP) ;
MOVE.L inList(A6),-(SP) ;
_LSetSelect ;
ADDI.W #1,cellule(A6) ;
MOVE.L cellule(A6),-(SP) ;
MOVE.L inList(A6),-(SP) ;
_LSetSelect ;
MOVE.L inList(A6),A3 ;
MOVE.L (A3),A3 ;
MOVE.L cellule(A6),lastClick(A3);
BRA GoAway ;
MOVE.W cellule+2(A6),D0 ;
ADDQ #1,D0 ;
MOVE.L inList(A6),A3 ;
MOVE.L (A3),A3 ;
LEA dataBounds(A3),A0
CMP.W right(A0),D0
BEQ GoAway
MOVE.L cellule(A6),-(SP)
MOVE.L inList(A6),-(SP)
ADDI.W #1,cellule+2(A6)
MOVE.L cellule(A6),-(SP)
MOVE.L inList(A6),-(SP)
MOVE.L inList(A6),A3
MOVE.L (A3),A3
MOVE.L cellule(A6),lastClick(A3)
BRA GoAway
TST.W cellule+2(A6)
BEQ GoAway
MOVE.L cellule(A6),-(SP)
MOVE.L inList(A6),-(SP)
SUBI.W #1,cellule+2(A6)
MOVE.L cellule(A6),-(SP)
MOVE.L inList(A6),-(SP)
MOVE.L inList(A6),A3
MOVE.L (A3),A3
MOVE.L cellule(A6),lastClick(A3)
MOVE.L inList(A6),-(SP)
_LAutoScroll ;
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A2-A4/D3-D7
JMP (A0)
Listing: LWind.Asm
;* Window Manager *
INCLUDE Library.Txt
; *** External Definition ***
XDEF InstalWindow
XDEF DeInstalWindow
XDEF ExecWindow
XDEF GetWindowAuxRec
XDEF GetWindowClip
XDEF SetWindowClip
XDEF SetCurrents
XDEF GetCurrents
XDEF WindowWithGrow
;**** The Window Record ****
;WindowRecord = Record {156 bytes}
;{ 0} port : GrafPort
;{108} windowKind : INTEGER
;{110} visible : BOOLEAN
;{111} hilited : BOOLEAN
;{112} goAwayFlag : BOOLEAN
;{113} spareFlag : BOOLEAN
;{114} strucRgn : RgnHandle
;{118} contRgn : RgnHandle
;{122} updateRgn : RgnHandle
;{126} windowDefProc : DEFfunHandle
;{130} dataHandle : Handle
;{134} titleHandle : StringHandle
;{138} titleWidth : INTEGER
;{140} ControlList : ControlHandle
;{144} nextWindow : WindowPeek
;{148} windowPic : PicHandle
;{152} WrefCon : LongInt
;** The Window AuxRecord **
;AuxWinRecord = Record {48}
;{0} Worigin : Point Origin of ClipRgn
;{4} WContRect : Rect Window’s portRect
;{12} WactivTxt: TEHandle Current Active TEdit
;{16} WactivLst: ListHandle Current Active List
;{20} Wgrow : BooleanTrue if window has grow
;{22} WPrintRec: THPrint Handle to Print Record
;{26} WindProc : ProcPtr Window Procedure
;{30} WvRefNum : Integer Volume RefNum.
;{32} WAuxRefC : LongInt the Window WrefCon
;{36} WText : Handle list of TEHandle
;{40} WList : Handle list of ListHandle
;{44} WPic: Handle list of Pictures
; --------------------------------
;FUNCTION InstalWindow
;(VAR theWindow:WindowPtr;WindID:INTEGER;
; WProc:ProcPtr;hasGrow:BOOLEAN):OSErr;
; Parameters
hasGrow EQU 8
WProc EQU 10
WindID EQU 14
VARtheWindow EQU 16
; Local Variables
theWindow EQU -4
theRefCon EQU -8
theHandle EQU -12
error EQU -14
LINK A6,#-14 ;
MOVEM.L A2-A4/D3-D7,-(SP) ;
MOVE.W #noErr,error(A6) ;
MOVE.L #NIL,theWindow(A6) ;
MOVE.L #SizeWindRec,D0 ;space for
_NewPtr ;a new window
MOVE.W D0,error(A6) ;record.
BNE @0 ;if error...
MOVE.W WindID(A6),-(SP) ; exit.
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ;
MOVE.L #-1,-(SP) ;
_GetNewWindow ;get a window...
MOVE.L (SP)+,theWindow(A6);from resource
MOVE.W #nilHandleErr,error(A6);
CMPI.L #NIL,theWindow(A6) ;can’t read ?
BEQ @0 ;so, exit.
MOVEA.L theWindow(A6),A4 ;
MOVE.L WrefCon(A4),theRefCon(A6);
MOVE.L #NIL,WrefCon(A4) ;
MOVE.L #SizeAuxWind,D0 ;space for
_NewHandle ;AuxWind
MOVE.W D0,error(A6) ;record
BNE @1 ;error ?
MOVEA.L theWindow(A6),A4 ;put new handle
MOVE.L A0,WrefCon(A4) ;in WrefCon
MOVEA.L (A0),A3 ;initialize...
MOVE.L #0,Worigin(A3) ;
MOVE.L portRect(A4),WContRect(A3) ;
MOVE.L portRect+4(A4),WContRect+4(A3);
TST.W hasgrow(A6) ;
BEQ @2;if window has
SUB.W #15,WContRect+4(A3) ;scroll bars
SUB.W #15,WContRect+6(A3) ;portRect. -15
MOVE.W hasgrow(A6),Wgrow(A3);
MOVE.L #NIL,WactivTxt(A3) ;
MOVE.L #NIL,WactivLst(A3) ;
MOVE.L WProc(A6),WindProc(A3) ;
MOVE.L #NIL,WPrintRec(A3) ;
MOVE.L #0,WAuxRefC(A3);
MOVE.W #0,WvRefNum(A3);
MOVEQ #SizeListAuxRec,D0 ;space for
_NewHandle ;linked list
MOVE.W D0,error(A6) ;
BNE @1 ;
MOVEA.L theWindow(A6),A1 ;
MOVE.L WrefCon(A1),A1 ;initialize
MOVE.L (A1),A3 ;fields
MOVE.L A0,WList(A3) ;of list
MOVEA.L (A0),A3 ;Aux record
MOVE.L #NIL,theList(A3) ;
MOVE.L #NIL,nextList(A3) ;
CLR.W fontList(A3) ;
CLR.W sizList(A3) ;
MOVE.W #SizeTEAuxRec,D0 ;and for
_NewHandle ;text
MOVE.W D0,error(A6) ;
BNE @1;
MOVEA.L theWindow(A6),A1 ;
MOVE.L WrefCon(A1),A1 ;
MOVE.L (A1),A3 ;
MOVE.L A0,WText(A3) ;initialize
MOVEA.L (A0),A3 ;fields
CLR.W TID(A3) ;of text
MOVE.L #NIL,theText(A3) ;Aux record
MOVE.L #NIL,nextText(A3) ;
MOVE.W #SizePicAuxRec,D0 ;
_NewHandle ;
MOVE.W D0,error(A6) ;and now
BNE @1 ;for pictures:
MOVEA.L theWindow(A6),A1;space for
MOVE.L WrefCon(A1),A1 ;Pict AuxRec
MOVE.L (A1),A3 ;
MOVE.L A0,WPic(A3) ;
MOVEA.L (A0),A3 ;
MOVE.L #NIL,thePic(A3) ;
MOVE.L #NIL,nextPic(A3) ;
CLR.L destRect(A3) ;
CLR.L destRect+4(A3) ;
CLR.W tMode(A3) ;
BRA @0;
MOVE.L theWindow(A6),-(SP);sorry,
_DisposWindow ;an error occurs.
MOVE.W error(A6),D0 ;
MOVE.L VARtheWindow(A6),A1;
MOVE.L theWindow(A6),(A1) ;
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A2-A4/D3-D7 ;
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ;
ADD.L #12,SP ;clean the
MOVE.W D0,(SP) ;stack,report
JMP (A0) ;error and quit
; Parameters
whichWindow EQU 8
theEvent EQU 12
LINK A6,#0 ;
MOVEM.L A2-A4/D3-D7,-(SP) ;
MOVEA.L whichWindow(A6),A4 ;
TST.L WrefCon(A4) ;NIL in
BEQ @0 ;the Wind
MOVEA.L WrefCon(A4),A2 ;Aux Record?
MOVEA.L (A2),A2 ;
MOVEA.L WindProc(A2),A2;get the Wind
CMPA.L #NIL,A2 ;proc address
BEQ @0 ;address is NIL?
MOVE.L theEvent(A6),-(SP) ;push eventRec
MOVE.L whichWindow(A6),-(SP);
JSR (A2) ;run the WindProc
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A2-A4/D3-D7 ;
MOVEA.L (SP)+,A0 ;
ADD.L #8,SP ;
JMP (A0) ;
;FUNCTION GetWindowAuxRec
MOVEA.L (SP)+,A0 ;
MOVEA.L (SP)+,A1 ;
TST.L WrefCon(A1) ;
BEQ @0 ;
MOVE.L WrefCon(A1),(SP) ;
JMP(A0) ;
;PROCEDURE GetWindowClip
;(VAR contentRect:rect;VAR clipOrigin:Point;
; whichWindow:WindowPtr);
; Parameters
clipOrigin EQU 12
contentRect EQU 16
LINK A6,#-0 ;
MOVEM.L A2-A4/D3-D7,-(SP) ;
MOVE.L whichWindow(A6),A4 ;
TST.L WrefCon(A4) ;
BEQ @0 ;
MOVEA.L WrefCon(A4),A0 ;
MOVEA.L (A0),A0 ;
MOVEA.L clipOrigin(A6),A1 ;
MOVEA.L contentRect(A6),A2 ;
MOVE.L Worigin(A0),(A1) ;
MOVE.L WContRect(A0),(A2)+ ;
MOVE.L WContRect+4(A0),(A2) ;
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A2-A4/D3-D7 ;
MOVEA.L (SP)+,A0 ;
ADD.L #12,SP ;
JMP (A0) ;
;PROCEDURE SetWindowClip
; whichWindow:WindowPtr);
LINK A6,#-0 ;
MOVEM.L A2-A4/D3-D7,-(SP) ;
MOVE.L whichWindow(A6),A4 ;
TST.L WrefCon(A4) ;
BEQ @0 ;
MOVEA.L WrefCon(A4),A0 ;
MOVEA.L (A0),A0 ;
MOVE.L clipOrigin(A6),Worigin(A0);
MOVEA.L contentRect(A6),A2 ;
MOVE.L (A2)+,WContRect(A0) ;
MOVE.L (A2),WContRect+4(A0) ;
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A2-A4/D3-D7 ;
MOVEA.L (SP)+,A0 ;
ADD.L #12,SP ;
JMP (A0) ;
;PROCEDURE SetCurrents
MOVEA.L (SP)+,A0 ;
MOVEA.L (SP)+,A1 ;
TST.L WrefCon(A1) ;
BEQ @0 ;
MOVEA.L WrefCon(A1),A1 ;
MOVEA.L (A1),A1 ;
MOVE.L (SP)+,WactivLst(A1) ;
MOVE.L (SP)+,WactivTxt(A1) ;
JMP (A0) ;
;PROCEDURE GetCurrents
;(VAR currentText:TEHandle;
;VAR currentList:ListHandle;
; whichWindow:WindowPtr);
MOVEA.L (SP)+,A0 ;
MOVEA.L (SP)+,A1 ;
TST.L WrefCon(A1) ;
BEQ @0 ;
MOVEA.L WrefCon(A1),A1 ;
MOVEA.L (A1),A1 ;
MOVE.L (SP)+,A2 ;
MOVE.L WactivLst(A1),(A2);
MOVE.L (SP)+,A2 ;
MOVE.L WactivTxt(A1),(A2);
JMP (A0) ;
;FUNCTION WindowWithGrow
MOVEA.L (SP)+,A0 ;
MOVEA.L (SP)+,A1 ;
TST.L WrefCon(A1) ;
BEQ @0 ;
MOVEA.L WrefCon(A1),A1 ;
MOVEA.L (A1),A1 ;
MOVE.W Wgrow(A1),(SP) ;
JMP (A0) ;
;PROCEDURE DeInstalWindow (whichWindow:WindowPtr);
LINK A6,#-0 ;
MOVEM.L A2-A4/D3-D7,-(SP) ;
MOVE.L whichWindow(A6),A4 ;
TST.L WrefCon(A4) ;
BEQ @0 ;
MOVE.L WrefCon(A4),A4 ;we lock
MOVE.L A4,A0 ;WindAuxRec
_HLock ; A4 will
MOVE.L (A4),A4 ;point on it
TST.L WText(A4);
BEQ @1;
MOVE.L WText(A4),A3 ;
MOVE.L (A3),A2 ;
MOVE.L nextText(A2),WText(A4);
TST.L theText(A2);
BEQ @6;dispose each
MOVE.L theText(A2),-(SP);text...
_TEDispose ;
MOVE.L A3,A0 ;...and then
_DisposHandle;the TEAuxRec
BRA @2;
TST.L WList(A4);
BEQ @3;
MOVE.L WList(A4),A3 ;
MOVE.L (A3),A2 ;
MOVE.L nextList(A2),WList(A4);
TST.L theList(A2);
BEQ @7;dispose each
MOVE.L theList(A2),-(SP);list...
_LDispose ;
MOVE.L A3,A0 ;
_DisposHandle;...and then
BRA @1;the ListAuxRec
TST.L WPic(A4) ;
BEQ @4;
MOVE.L WPic(A4),A3 ;
MOVE.L (A3),A2 ;
MOVE.L nextPic(A2),WPic(A4) ;
TST.L thePic(A2) ;
BEQ @8;dispose each
MOVE.L thePic(A2),-(SP) ;picture
_KillPicture ;
MOVE.L A3,A0 ;
_DisposHandle;and the
BRA @3;PicAuxRec
TST.L WPrintRec(A4) ;
BEQ @5;dispose
MOVE.L WPrintRec(A4),A0 ;the PrintRecord
MOVE.L whichWindow(A6),A4 ;
MOVE.L WrefCon(A4),A4 ;
MOVE.L A4,A0 ;
MOVE.L whichWindow(A6),-(SP);dispose the
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A2-A4/D3-D7 ;
MOVEA.L (SP)+,A0 ;
ADD.L #4,SP ;
JMP (A0) ;
Listing: LPic.Asm
;* P I C T U R E M A N A G E R *
INCLUDE Library.Txt
; *** Externals Definition ***
XDEF InstalPict
XDEF DrawPicts
XDEF FindPict
; ****** Picture Record ******
; Picture = Record { 10 bytes}
;{ 0} picSize : INTEGER
;{ 2} picFrame : Rect
;****** Pic Aux Record ********
;AuxPicRec = Record {16}
;{2} thePic :PicHandle
;{6} nextPic :AuxPicHandle
;{10} tMode :INTEGER
;{12} destRect :Rect
;FUNCTION InstalPict
; Parameters
whichWindow EQU 8
PicID EQU 12
; Local Variables
theHandle EQU -10
theNPict EQU -6
error EQU -2
LINK A6,#-10 ;
MOVEM.L A2-A4/D3-D7,-(SP) ;
MOVE.W #noErr,error(A6) ;
SUBQ.L #4,SP ;place for PicHdl
MOVE.W PicID(A6),-(SP) ;pic ID
_GetPicture ;read it...
MOVE.L (SP)+,A3 ;
SUBQ.L #2,SP ;
_ResError ;
MOVE.W (SP)+,error(A6) ;
BNE @0 ;if error :go @0
MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;now, detach our
_DetachResource ;pic resource from the
SUBQ.L #2,SP ;resource list
_ResError ;if an error occurs
MOVE.W (SP)+,error(A6) ;we report it
BNE @0 ;and we abort.
MOVE.L A3,theNPict(A6) ;
MOVE.L whichWindow(A6),A0 ;
MOVE.L WrefCon(A0),A0 ;
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;we find the pict
MOVE.L WPic(A0),A2 ;list for this window
MOVEA.L (A2),A3 ;
CMPI.L #NIL,thePic(A3);no pict,go @1
BEQ @1 ;
CMPI.L #NIL,nextPic(A3) ;
BEQ @2 ;we must find
MOVEA.L nextPic(A3),A3 ;the last pic AuxRec
MOVEA.L (A3),A3 ;of the list
BRA @3 ;
MOVEQ #SizePicAuxRec,D0 ;
_NewHandle ;create a new
MOVE.W D0,error(A6) ;pic AuxRec
BNE @0 ;
MOVE.L A0,nextPic(A3) ;
MOVEA.L (A3),A3 ;
MOVE.W picID(A6),PID(A3);
MOVE.L theNPict(A6),thePic(A3);
MOVE.L theNPict(A6),A0;
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;
MOVE.L picFrame(A0),destRect(A3);
MOVE.L picFrame+4(A0),destRect+4(A3);
MOVE.L #NIL,nextPic(A3) ;
CLR.W tMode(A3) ;
BRA @0
MOVE.W picID(A6),PID(A3);pic AuxRec already
MOVE.L theNPict(A6),thePic(A3);
MOVE.L theNPict(A6),A0;we initialize its
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;
MOVE.L picFrame(A0),destRect(A3);
MOVE.L picFrame+4(A0),destRect+4(A3);
MOVE.L #NIL,nextPic(A3);
CLR.W tMode(A3) ;
MOVE.W error(A6),D0 ;
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A2-A4/D3-D7 ;
MOVE.L (SP)+,A1 ;
ADD.L #6,SP ;
MOVE.W D0,(SP) ;
JMP(A1) ;
;PROCEDURE DrawPicts(whichWindow:WindowPtr);
; local variables
AuxPicHdl EQU -4
LINK A6,#-4 ;
MOVEM.L A2-A4/D3-D7,-(SP) ;
MOVE.L whichWindow(A6),A0 ;
MOVE.L WrefCon(A0),A0 ;
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;
MOVE.L WPic(A0),A3 ;the first
MOVE.L A3,AuxPicHdl(A6) ;pic AuxRec
MOVE.L (A3),A3 ;for this window
CMPI.L #NIL,thePic(A3) ;no pict for this
BEQ @0 ;window, go @0
MOVE.W tMode(A3),-(SP) ;
_PenMode ;we set the pen mode
MOVE.L AuxPicHdl(A6),A3 ;before drawing
MOVE.L (A3),A3 ;
MOVE.L thePic(A3),-(SP) ;
PEA destRect(A3) ;
_DrawPicture ;
_PenNormal ;
MOVE.L AuxPicHdl(A6),A3 ;
MOVE.L (A3),A3 ;
CMPI.L #NIL,nextPic(A3) ;another pict to draw
BEQ @0 ;no so go @0
MOVEA.L nextPic(A3),A3 ;
MOVE.L A3,AuxPicHdl(A6) ;
MOVEA.L (A3),A3 ;
BRA @3 ;
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A2-A4/D3-D7 ;
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ;
ADD.L #4,SP ;
JMP (A0) ;
; Parameters
thePointEQU 12
; Local Variables
theFPic EQU -4
LINK A6,#-4 ;
MOVEM.L A2-A4/D3-D7,-(SP) ;
MOVE.L whichWindow(A6),A0 ;
MOVE.L WrefCon(A0),A0 ;
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;
MOVE.L WPic(A0),A3 ;
MOVEA.L (A3),A3 ;
CMPI.L #NIL,thePic(A3) ;
BEQ @0 ;
MOVE.L thePic(A3),A0 ;
MOVE.L A0,theFPic(A6) ;
SUBQ.L #2,SP ;
MOVE.L thePoint(A6),-(SP) ;
PEA destRect(A3) ;do we cliked
_PtInRect ;in this pict ?
TST.B (SP)+ ;
BNE @1 ;yes, so go @1
CMPI.L #NIL,nextPic(A3) ;no, next pict
BEQ @0 ;in the (if any)
MOVEA.L nextPic(A3),A3;if not, go @0
MOVEA.L (A3),A3 ;
BRA @3 ;
MOVE.L theFPic(A6),A1 ;we’ve found it
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A2-A4/D3-D7 ;
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ;
ADD.L #8,SP ;
MOVE.L A1,(SP) ;
JMP (A0) ;
Listing: LCntrl.Asm
INCLUDE Library.Txt
; *** External Definition ***
XDEF InstalControl
XDEF ExecControl
XDEF HiliteAllControls
; Control Record
;ControlRecord = Record { 41 bytes}
;{ 0} nextControl : ControlHandle
;{ 4} contrlOwner : GrafPtr
;{ 8} contrlRect : Rect
;{ 16} contrlVis : Byte
;{ 17} contrlHilite : Byte
;{ 18} contrlValue : INTEGER
;{ 20} contrlMin : INTEGER
;{ 22} contrlMax : INTEGER
;{ 24} contrlDefProc : DEFfunHandle
;{ 28} contrlData : Handle
;{ 32} contrlAction : ProcPtr
;{ 36} contrlrfCon : LongInt
;{ 40} contrlTitle : String
; Control AuxRecord
;ControlAuxRecord = Record { 6 bytes}
;{ 0} contrlID : INTEGER
;{ 2} contrlProc : ProcPtr
;FUNCTION InstalControl
; Parameters
cntrlProc EQU 12
cntrlID EQU 16
whichWindow EQU 8
; Local Variables
error EQU -2
newContrl EQU -6
LINK A6,#-6 ;
MOVEM.L A2-A4/D3-D7,-(SP) ;
MOVE.W #noErr,error(A6) ;
SUBQ.L #4,SP ;
MOVE.W cntrlID(A6),-(SP) ;the control ID
MOVE.L whichWindow(A6),-(SP) ;
_GetNewControl ;get it from
MOVE.L (SP)+,A3 ;resource file
MOVE.L A3,newContrl(A6) ;
MOVE.W #nilHandleErr,error(A6);
CMPA.L #NIL,A3 ;can’t get it ?
BEQ @0 ;go @0
MOVEQ #SizeCtrlAuxRec,D0 ;create a new
_NewHandle ;Cntl AuxRec
BNE @1;if we can’t, go @1
MOVE.L newContrl(A6),A3 ;
MOVE.L (A3),A3 ;
MOVE.L A0,contrlrfCon(A3) ;we replace the
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;cntl refcon with
MOVE.W cntrlID(A6),contrlID(A0) ;our AuxRec
MOVE.L cntrlProc(A6),contrlProc(A0);and save
MOVE.W #noErr,error(A6) ;in it the cntl ID
BRA @0;and the Cntlproc
MOVE.L newContrl(A6),-(SP) ;
_DisposControl ;
MOVE.W error(A6),D0 ;
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A2-A4/D3-D7 ;
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ;
ADD.L #10,SP ;
MOVE.W D0,(SP) ;
JMP (A0) ;
;PROCEDURE ExecControl
; Parameters
theControl EQU 8
LINK A6,#0 ;
MOVEM.L A2-A4/D3-D7,-(SP) ;
MOVE.L theControl(A6),A1 ;
MOVE.L (A1),A1 ;
MOVEA.L contrlrfCon(A1),A1 ;
BEQ @0 ;
MOVEA.L (A1),A1 ;
MOVEA.L contrlProc(A1),A1;we run the
MOVE.L theControl(A6),-(SP);cntlProc
JSR (A1) ;and we return
@0 ;
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A2-A4/D3-D7 ;
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ;
ADD.L #4,SP ;
JMP (A0) ;
;PROCEDURE HiliteAllControls
; Parameters
HiliteState EQU 12
; Local Variables
CntrlHdlEQU -4
LINK A6,#-4 ;
MOVEM.L A2-A4/D3-D7,-(SP) ;
MOVE.L whichWindow(A6),A1 ;
MOVE.L wControlList(A1),A3 ;
BEQ @0 ;
MOVE.L A3,CntrlHdl(A6) ;
MOVE.L (A3),A3 ;
CMPI.L #-1,contrlrfCon(A3) ;
BEQ @2 ;
MOVE.L CntrlHdl(A6),-(SP);
MOVE.W HiliteState(A6),-(SP) ;
_HiliteControl ;
MOVE.L CntrlHdl(A6),A3;
MOVEA.L (A3),A3 ;
MOVE.L nextControl(A3),A3 ;
BNE @1 ;
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A2-A4/D3-D7 ;
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ;
ADD.L #6,SP ;
JMP (A0) ;
Listing: NewToolBox.h
#ifndef _NewToolBox_
#define _NewToolBox_
typedef struct WindInfoRec {
Point Worigin;
Rect WContRect;
TEHandle WactivTxt;
ListHandle WactivLst;
int WvRefNum;
long WAuxRefC;
Handle WText;
Handle WList;
Handle WPic;
} WindInfoRec,*WindInfoPtr,**WindInfoHdl;
typedef struct ListAuxRec {
int ID;
ListHandle theList;
Handle nextList;
int fontList;
int sizList;
} ListAuxRec,*ListAuxPtr,**ListAuxHdl;
typedef struct PicAuxRec {
int ID;
PicHandle thePic;
Handle nextPic;
int tMode;
Rect destRect;
} PicAuxRec,*PicAuxPtr,**PicAuxHdl;
typedef struct TEAuxRec {
int ID;
TEHandle theText;
Handle nextText;
} TEAuxRec,*TEAuxPtr,**TEAuxHdl;
typedef struct ControlAuxRec {
int contrlID;
} ControlAuxRec,*ControlAuxPtr,**ControlAuxHdl;
extern pascal OSErrInstalWindow();
extern pascal void DeInstalWindow(WindowPtr whichWindow);
extern pascal void ExecWindow();
extern pascal Handle GetWindowAuxRec(WindowPtr whichWindow);
extern pascal void
GetWindowClip(Rect *contentRect,Point*clipOrigin,
WindowPtr whichWindow);
extern pascal void
SetWindowClip(Rect *contentRect,Point clipOrigin,
WindowPtr whichWindow);
extern pascal void
SetCurrents(TEHandle CurrentText,ListHandle
CurrentList,WindowPtr whichWindow);
extern pascal void
GetCurrents(TEHandle *CurrentText,ListHandle
*CurrentList,WindowPtr whichWindow);
extern pascal BooleanWindowWithGrow(WindowPtr whichWindow);
extern pascal void ActivateText(WindowPtr whichWindow);
extern pascal void DeactivateText(WindowPtr whichWindow);
extern pascal void DrawTexts(WindowPtr whichWindow);
extern pascal OSErr
InstalText(int textID,WindowPtr whichWindow);
extern pascal TEHandle
FindText(Point thePoint,WindowPtr whichWindow);
extern pascal void
DeactivateList(WindowPtr whichWindow);
extern pascal void ActivateList(WindowPtr whichWindow);
extern pascal void
ListKey(char key,ListHandle inList);
extern pascal void DrawLists(WindowPtr whichWindow);
extern pascal ListHandle
FindList(Boolean testControl,Point thePoint, WindowPtr whichWindow);
extern pascal OSErr
InstalList(int listID,WindowPtr whichWindow);
extern pascal OSErr
InstalPict(int PicID,WindowPtr whichWindow);
extern pascal void DrawPicts(WindowPtr whichWindow);
extern pascal PicHandle
FindPict(Point thePoint,WindowPtr whichWindow);
extern pascal OSErrInstalControl();
extern pascal void
ExecControl(ControlHandle theControl);
extern pascal void
HiliteAllControls(int HiliteState, WindowPtr whichWindow);
#endif _NewToolBox_
Listing: CExecWindow.c
/* T H E W I N D O W P R O C E D U R E
May 1989 - HA OLIVER
#include “Demo.h”
extern RectdragRect,growRect;
extern TEHandle CurrentText;
extern ListHandle CurrentList;
extern WindowPtrCurrentPort;
extern Handle ListList,TextList,PictList;
extern Boolean isDoc;
extern int dh,dv;
static WindowPtrtheWindow;
static EventRecordtheEvent;
/*------------ Grow*/
/*- mouseDown is in “theWindow” ...*/
Point global;
Point newOr,local;
Rect contRect;
char result;
TEHandle theText;
ListHandle theList;
int inControlPart;
ControlHandle theControl;
if (PtInRect(local,&contRect))
if (theText!=NULL)
{ if (theText!=CurrentText)
{ if (CurrentText!=NULL)
if (CurrentList!=NULL)
if (theList!=NULL)
{ if (theList!=CurrentList)
{ if (CurrentList!=NULL)
if (CurrentText!=NULL)
result =
if (theControl!=NULL)
if (CurrentList!=NULL)
if (CurrentText!=NULL)
case inButton :
if (TrackControl(theControl,local,NULL)!=0)
case inCheckBox :
if (TrackControl(theControl,local,NULL)!=0)
case 1:
case 0:
case inUpButton :
case inDownButton:
case inPageDown :
case inPageUp :
case inThumb :
if (CurrentList!=NULL)
if (CurrentText!=NULL)
/*---- mouseDown */
case inContent :
if (theWindow!=FrontWindow()) SelectWindow(theWindow);
else TestInContent(theEvent.where);break;
case inGoAway :
if (TrackGoAway(theWindow,theEvent.where))
if (FrontWindow()==NULL) isDoc=FALSE;
case inGrow :
if (theWindow!=FrontWindow())
else if (WindowWithGrow(theWindow))
case inDrag :
case inZoomIn :
case inZoomOut :break;
/*------------ A key Down... */
Rect contRect;
register char key;
key =theEvent.message & charCodeMask;
if (CurrentText!=NULL)
if (CurrentList!=NULL)
/*---------- Update the Window */
Rect contRect;
Point newOr;
if (WindowWithGrow(theWindow)) DrawGrowIcon(theWindow); GetWindowClip(&contRect,&newOr,theWindow);
/*---------------------- Activate the Window*/
Rect contRect;
Point newOr;
if (theEvent.modifiers & activeFlag)
if (WindowWithGrow(theWindow))
if (WindowWithGrow(theWindow))
GetWindowClip(&contRect,&newOr,theWindow); OffsetRect(&contRect,newOr.h,newOr.v);
/*---------------------- */
/*---- Resume or Suspend needed... */
Rect contRect;
Point newOr;
if (theEvent.message & 1)
if (WindowWithGrow(theWindow))
if (WindowWithGrow(theWindow))
/*----This Function is called when
an Event occurs for “theWindow”
pascal void MyWindow(anEventAdd,inWindow)
EventRecord *anEventAdd;
WindowPtr inWindow;
theWindow = inWindow;
theEvent = *anEventAdd;
case nullEvent :DoNullEvent();break;
case mouseDown :DoMouseDown();break;
case mouseUp :break;
case keyDown :DoKeyDown();break;
case keyUp :break;
case autoKey :DoKeyDown();break;
case updateEvt :DoUpdate();break;
case activateEvt :DoActivate();break;
case diskEvt :break;
case multiFinderEvt:DoMulti();break;
default:break; /* HighLevelEvent ? */
Listing: CControl.c
/* -- C O N T R O L P R O C E D U R E
May 1989 - HA OLIVER
#include “Demo.h”
pascal void MyControl(theControl)
ControlHandle theControl;
Listing: CDoMenu.c
/*----------- D O M E N U
May 1989 - HA OLIVER
#include “Demo.h”
extern MenuHandle myMenus[LastMenu];
extern Boolean notFinished,isDoc;
extern TEHandle CurrentText;
extern ListHandle CurrentList;
extern WindowPtrCurrentPort;
extern pascal voidMyWindow(),MyControl();
/*---------------------- Menu choice.*/
long result;
int theItem,theMenu;
Str255 name;
case AppleM:switch(theItem)
case AboutCom:break;
default : GetItem(myMenus[1],theItem,&name);
case FileM :switch(theItem)
case Example1 :doExample1();break;
case Example2 :doExample2();break;
case Example3 :doExample3();break;
case Example4 :doExample4();break;
case Example5 :doExample5();break;
case QuitCom : notFinished=FALSE;break;
/*---------------------- Example1*/
OSErr err;
err =InstalWindow(&theWindow,16001,MyWindow,false);
if (err==0)
err =InstalText(6001,theWindow);
err =InstalText(6002,theWindow);
err =InstalList(7001,theWindow);
err =InstalPict(8002,theWindow);
SetWTitle(theWindow,”\pExample #1");
OSErr err;
err =InstalWindow(&theWindow,16002,MyWindow,false);
if (err==0)
err =InstalText(6003,theWindow);
err =InstalList(7002,theWindow);
err =InstalPict(8001,theWindow);
SetWTitle(theWindow,”\pExample #2");
OSErr err;
err =InstalWindow(&theWindow,16003,MyWindow,false);
if (err==0)
err =InstalPict(8003,theWindow);
SetWTitle(theWindow,”\pExample #3");
OSErr err;
err =InstalWindow(&theWindow,16004,MyWindow,false);
if (err==0)
SetWTitle(theWindow,”\pExample #4");
OSErr err;
err =InstalWindow(&theWindow,16005,MyWindow,false);
if (err==0)
SetWTitle(theWindow,”\pExample #5");
Listing: Demo.h
I N C L U D E F I L E S & C O N S T A N T S
#ifndef _Demo_
#define _Demo_
#include “QuickDraw.h”
#include “MacTypes.h”
#include “FontMgr.h”
#include “WindowMgr.h”
#include “MenuMgr.h”
#include “TextEdit.h”
#include “DialogMgr.h”
#include “EventMgr.h”
#include “DeskMgr.h”
#include “FileMgr.h”
#include “ToolboxUtil.h”
#include “ControlMgr.h”
#include “ColorToolbox.h”
#include “Color.h”
#include “OSUtil.h”
#include “ControlMgr.h”
#include “ListMgr.h”
#include “PrintMgr.h”
#include “StdFilePkg.h”
#include “sane.h”
#include “SegmentLdr.h”
#include “NewToolBox.h”
/*---------------------- Constants*/
#define NULL 0L
#define versRequested1
#define CtlInactive255
#define CtlActive0
/*---------------------- MultiFinder*/
#define sleep 0L
#define multiFinderEvt 15
#define WaitNextEventTrap 0x60
#define UnImplementedTrap 0x9f
/*---------------------- Menu*/
#define AppleM 128
#define FileM 129
#define QuitCom 7
#define Example1 1
#define Example2 2
#define Example3 3
#define Example4 4
#define Example5 5
#define AboutCom 1
#define LastMenu 2
/*---------------------- */
#endif _Demo_
Listing: Demo.c
/*---- D E M O . C
May 1989 - HA OLIVER
#include “Demo.h”
/*---------------------- Globals...*/
WindowPtr CurrentPort;
Handle ListList,TextList,PictList;
SysEnvRec theWorld;
Cursor Ibeam,Watch,Plus,Cross;
Boolean MultiFinder,notFinished=TRUE,isDoc=FALSE;
EventRecord Event;
char theChar;
Rect dragRect = { 0, 0, 1024, 1024 },
growRect = { 0, 0, 1024, 1024 };
/*-------- SetUp Cursors*/
WatchHdl =GetCursor(watchCursor);
IbeamHdl =GetCursor(iBeamCursor);
CrossHdl =GetCursor(crossCursor);
Watch =**WatchHdl;
Ibeam =**IbeamHdl;
Cross =**CrossHdl;
Plus =**PlusHdl;
/*---- Set Up the Menu Bar*/
register int i;
myMenus[1] = GetMenu(AppleM);
myMenus[2] = GetMenu(FileM);
for ( (i=1); (i<=LastMenu); i++ )
InsertMenu(myMenus[i], 0);
/*---- SetUp System*/
/*---- SetUp some Variables ...*/
if (GetTrapAddress(WaitNextEventTrap)
if (SysEnvirons(1,&theWorld)!=envNotPresent)
else notFinished=FALSE;
/*---------------------- Adjust Cursor form*/
Point pt,newOr;
Rect contRect;
Cursor theCursor;
changed =FALSE;
if (PtInRect(pt,&contRect))
if (FindText(pt,theWindow)!=NULL)
{ theCursor=Ibeam;
changed =TRUE;
if (FindList(false,pt,theWindow)!=NULL)
{ theCursor=Plus;
changed =TRUE;
if (changed)
/*- How many bytes are free ?*/
/*-- Adjust all Menus*/
/*---- The Event Loop !*/
int where;
if (CurrentText!=NULL) TEIdle(CurrentText);
if (isDoc) MaintainCursor();
if (MultiFinder)
if (eventOK)
switch (Event.what)
{ case nullEvent:break;
case mouseDown :
switch (where)
case inMenuBar :
case inSysWindow :
case inDesk :break;
case keyDown :
case keyUp :
case autoKey :
theChar = Event.message & charCodeMask;
if ((Event.modifiers & cmdKey) != 0)
case diskEvt :
case driverEvt :break;
case multiFinderEvt :
if (FrontWindow()!=NULL)
case activateEvt :
case updateEvt :
/*---- the main() ...*/
Continued in next frame
Volume Number: | | 6
Issue Number: | | 10
Column Tag: | | Assembly Lab
New Toolbox Routines (code 2) 
By Hugues A. Oliver, Perpignan, France
Listing: Demo.r
* -------- MultiFinder --------
22528 ;;
262144 ;;
262144 ;;
* -------- Menu definition --------
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Example 5
Quit /Q
* -------- Window --------
50 55 320 430
Invisible GoAway
66 71 336 446
Invisible GoAway
82 87 342 452
Invisible GoAway
98 87 358 462
Invisible GoAway
114 87 358 462
Invisible GoAway
* -------- Text --------
10 10 100 244
10 10 100 244
109 10 199 244
109 10 199 244
10 10 178 299
10 10 178 299
* -------- List --------
11 254 200 350
0 0 9 2
21 48
21 12
185 10 199 298
0 0 1 4
13 72
21 12
11 254 200 350
0 0 9 4
21 48
20 10
11 14 200 110
0 0 20 4
21 48
20 12
* -------------- Controls --------------
type CNTL
Check Box
50 50 70 160
0 1 0
type CNTL
Radio button
80 50 100 160
0 1 0
type CNTL
110 50 130 160
0 1 0
* -------------- Pictures ------------
0 0 208 312
11 01 A0 00 82 01 00 0A
00 00 00 00 02 D0 02 40
98 00 28 00 00 00 00 00
D0 01 38 00 00 00 00 00
D0 01 38 00 00 00 00 00
D0 01 38 00 00 02 D9 00
02 D9 00 02 D9 00 02 D9
00 02 D9 00 02 D9 00 02
D9 00 02 D9 00 08 00 00
DD FF 00 F8 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 09 01 00 80
DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09 01
00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00
09 01 00 80 DE 00 00 08
FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE 00
00 08 FF 00 08 00 00 DD
FF 00 F8 FF 00 02 D9 00
02 D9 00 02 D9 00 08 00
00 DD FF 00 F8 FF 00 09
01 00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF
00 09 01 00 80 DE 00 00
08 FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE
00 00 08 FF 00 09 01 00
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01 00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF
00 09 01 00 80 DE 00 00
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00 00 08 FF 00 09 01 00
80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09
01 00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF
00 09 01 00 80 DE 00 00
08 FF 00 09 01 00 80 DE
00 00 08 FF 00 09 01 00
80 DE 00 00 08 FF 00 09
01 00 80 DE 00 00 08 FF
00 08 00 00 DD FF 00 F8
FF 00 02 D9 00 02 D9 00
02 D9 00 02 D9 00 02 D9
00 02 D9 00 02 D9 00 02
D9 00 02 D9 00 A0 00 83
0 0 208 359
11 01 A0 00 82 01 00 0A
00 00 00 00 02 D0 02 40
98 00 2E 00 00 00 00 00
D0 01 68 00 00 00 01 00
D0 01 67 00 00 00 01 00
D0 01 67 00 00 02 D3 00
02 D3 00 02 D3 00 02 D3
00 02 D3 00 02 D3 00 02
D3 00 02 D3 00 0C 00 00
E4 FF 01 FE 0F F5 FF 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0C 00 00 E4 FF 01 FE 08
F5 00 01 80 00 09 E2 00
00 08 F5 00 01 80 00 09
E2 00 00 08 F5 00 01 80
00 09 E2 00 00 08 F5 00
01 80 00 09 E2 00 00 08
F5 00 01 80 00 0C 00 00
E4 FF 01 FE 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0D 01 00 80 E5 00 01 02
08 F5 00 01 80 00 0D 01
00 80 E5 00 01 02 08 F5
00 01 80 00 0D 01 00 80
E5 00 01 02 08 F5 00 01
80 00 0D 01 00 80 E5 00
01 02 08 F5 00 01 80 00
0C 00 00 E4 FF 01 FE 0F
F5 FF 01 80 00 02 D3 00
02 D3 00 02 D3 00 02 D3
00 02 D3 00 02 D3 00 A0
00 83 FF
0 0 266 246
00 11 02 FF 0C 00 FF FF
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00 00 00 F6 00 00 01 0A
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1E
00 01 00 0A 00 00 00 00
01 0A 00 F6 00 98 80 F6
00 2E 00 59 01 38 01 4F
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 48 00 00 00 48 00 00
00 00 00 08 00 01 00 08
00 00 00 00 00 00 1F 10
00 00 00 00 00 00 04 33
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FF FF 99 99 00 00 FF FF
FF FF 66 66 00 00 FF FF
FF FF 33 33 00 00 FF FF
FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF
CC CC 99 99 00 00 FF FF
CC CC 66 66 00 00 FF FF
CC CC 33 33 00 00 FF FF
CC CC 00 00 00 00 FF FF
99 99 FF FF 00 00 FF FF
99 99 CC CC 00 00 FF FF
99 99 99 99 00 00 FF FF
99 99 66 66 00 00 FF FF
99 99 33 33 00 00 FF FF
99 99 00 00 00 00 FF FF
66 66 FF FF 00 00 FF FF
66 66 CC CC 00 00 FF FF
66 66 99 99 00 00 FF FF
66 66 66 66 00 00 FF FF
66 66 33 33 00 00 FF FF
66 66 00 00 00 00 FF FF
33 33 FF FF 00 00 FF FF
33 33 CC CC 00 00 FF FF
33 33 99 99 00 00 FF FF
33 33 66 66 00 00 FF FF
33 33 33 33 00 00 FF FF
33 33 00 00 00 00 FF FF
00 00 FF FF 00 00 FF FF
00 00 CC CC 00 00 FF FF
00 00 99 99 00 00 FF FF
00 00 66 66 00 00 FF FF
00 00 33 33 00 00 FF FF
00 00 00 00 00 00 CC CC
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FF FF 66 66 00 00 CC CC
FF FF 33 33 00 00 CC CC
FF FF 00 00 00 00 CC CC
CC CC 99 99 00 00 CC CC
CC CC 66 66 00 00 CC CC
CC CC 33 33 00 00 CC CC
CC CC 00 00 00 00 CC CC
99 99 FF FF 00 00 CC CC
99 99 CC CC 00 00 CC CC
99 99 99 99 00 00 CC CC
99 99 66 66 00 00 CC CC
99 99 33 33 00 00 CC CC
99 99 00 00 00 00 CC CC
66 66 FF FF 00 00 CC CC
66 66 CC CC 00 00 CC CC
66 66 99 99 00 00 CC CC
66 66 66 66 00 00 CC CC
66 66 33 33 00 00 CC CC
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33 33 FF FF 00 00 CC CC
33 33 CC CC 00 00 CC CC
33 33 99 99 00 00 CC CC
33 33 66 66 00 00 CC CC
33 33 33 33 00 00 CC CC
33 33 00 00 00 00 CC CC
00 00 FF FF 00 00 CC CC
00 00 CC CC 00 00 CC CC
00 00 99 99 00 00 CC CC
00 00 66 66 00 00 CC CC
00 00 33 33 00 00 CC CC
00 00 00 00 00 00 99 99
FF FF FF FF 00 00 99 99
FF FF CC CC 00 00 99 99
FF FF 99 99 00 00 99 99
FF FF 66 66 00 00 99 99
FF FF 33 33 00 00 99 99
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CC CC FF FF 00 00 99 99
CC CC CC CC 00 00 99 99
CC CC 99 99 00 00 99 99
CC CC 66 66 00 00 99 99
CC CC 33 33 00 00 99 99
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99 99 FF FF 00 00 99 99
99 99 CC CC 00 00 99 99
99 99 99 99 00 00 99 99
99 99 66 66 00 00 99 99
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99 99 00 00 00 00 99 99
66 66 FF FF 00 00 99 99
66 66 CC CC 00 00 99 99
66 66 99 99 00 00 99 99
66 66 66 66 00 00 99 99
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33 33 99 99 00 00 99 99
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33 33 33 33 00 00 99 99
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00 00 FF FF 00 00 99 99
00 00 CC CC 00 00 99 99
00 00 99 99 00 00 99 99
00 00 66 66 00 00 99 99
00 00 33 33 00 00 99 99
00 00 00 00 00 00 66 66
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FF FF CC CC 00 00 66 66
FF FF 99 99 00 00 66 66
FF FF 66 66 00 00 66 66
FF FF 33 33 00 00 66 66
FF FF 00 00 00 00 66 66
CC CC FF FF 00 00 66 66
CC CC CC CC 00 00 66 66
CC CC 99 99 00 00 66 66
CC CC 66 66 00 00 66 66
CC CC 33 33 00 00 66 66
CC CC 00 00 00 00 66 66
99 99 FF FF 00 00 66 66
99 99 CC CC 00 00 66 66
99 99 99 99 00 00 66 66
99 99 66 66 00 00 66 66
99 99 33 33 00 00 66 66
99 99 00 00 00 00 66 66
66 66 FF FF 00 00 66 66
66 66 CC CC 00 00 66 66
66 66 99 99 00 00 66 66
66 66 66 66 00 00 66 66
66 66 33 33 00 00 66 66
66 66 00 00 00 00 66 66
33 33 FF FF 00 00 66 66
33 33 CC CC 00 00 66 66
33 33 99 99 00 00 66 66
33 33 66 66 00 00 66 66
33 33 33 33 00 00 66 66
33 33 00 00 00 00 66 66
00 00 FF FF 00 00 66 66
00 00 CC CC 00 00 66 66
00 00 99 99 00 00 66 66
00 00 66 66 00 00 66 66
00 00 33 33 00 00 66 66
00 00 00 00 00 00 33 33
FF FF FF FF 00 00 33 33
FF FF CC CC 00 00 33 33
FF FF 99 99 00 00 33 33
FF FF 66 66 00 00 33 33
FF FF 33 33 00 00 33 33
FF FF 00 00 00 00 33 33
CC CC FF FF 00 00 33 33
CC CC CC CC 00 00 33 33
CC CC 99 99 00 00 33 33
CC CC 66 66 00 00 33 33
CC CC 33 33 00 00 33 33
CC CC 00 00 00 00 33 33
99 99 FF FF 00 00 33 33
99 99 CC CC 00 00 33 33
99 99 99 99 00 00 33 33
99 99 66 66 00 00 33 33
99 99 33 33 00 00 33 33
99 99 00 00 00 00 33 33
66 66 FF FF 00 00 33 33
66 66 CC CC 00 00 33 33
66 66 99 99 00 00 33 33
66 66 66 66 00 00 33 33
66 66 33 33 00 00 33 33
66 66 00 00 00 00 33 33
33 33 FF FF 00 00 33 33
33 33 CC CC 00 00 33 33
33 33 99 99 00 00 33 33
33 33 66 66 00 00 33 33
33 33 33 33 00 00 33 33
33 33 00 00 00 00 33 33
00 00 FF FF 00 00 33 33
00 00 CC CC 00 00 33 33
00 00 99 99 00 00 33 33
00 00 66 66 00 00 33 33
00 00 33 33 00 00 33 33
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
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FF FF CC CC 00 00 00 00
FF FF 99 99 00 00 00 00
FF FF 66 66 00 00 00 00
FF FF 33 33 00 00 00 00
FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00
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CC CC CC CC 00 00 00 00
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99 99 FF FF 00 00 00 00
99 99 CC CC 00 00 00 00
99 99 99 99 00 00 00 00
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99 99 33 33 00 00 00 00
99 99 00 00 00 00 00 00
66 66 FF FF 00 00 00 00
66 66 CC CC 00 00 00 00
66 66 99 99 00 00 00 00
66 66 66 66 00 00 00 00
66 66 33 33 00 00 00 00
66 66 00 00 00 00 00 00
33 33 FF FF 00 00 00 00
33 33 CC CC 00 00 00 00
33 33 99 99 00 00 00 00
33 33 66 66 00 00 00 00
33 33 33 33 00 00 00 00
33 33 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 FF FF 00 00 00 00
00 00 CC CC 00 00 00 00
00 00 99 99 00 00 00 00
00 00 66 66 00 00 00 00
00 00 33 33 00 00 EE EE
00 00 00 00 00 00 DD DD
00 00 00 00 00 00 BB BB
00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA
00 00 00 00 00 00 88 88
00 00 00 00 00 00 77 77
00 00 00 00 00 00 55 55
00 00 00 00 00 00 44 44
00 00 00 00 00 00 22 22
00 00 00 00 00 00 11 11
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
EE EE 00 00 00 00 00 00
DD DD 00 00 00 00 00 00
BB BB 00 00 00 00 00 00
AA AA 00 00 00 00 00 00
88 88 00 00 00 00 00 00
77 77 00 00 00 00 00 00
55 55 00 00 00 00 00 00
44 44 00 00 00 00 00 00
22 22 00 00 00 00 00 00
11 11 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 EE EE 00 00 00 00
00 00 DD DD 00 00 00 00
00 00 BB BB 00 00 00 00
00 00 AA AA 00 00 00 00
00 00 88 88 00 00 00 00
00 00 77 77 00 00 00 00
00 00 55 55 00 00 00 00
00 00 44 44 00 00 00 00
00 00 22 22 00 00 00 00
00 00 11 11 00 00 EE EE
AA AA AA AA 00 00 88 88
88 88 88 88 00 00 77 77
77 77 77 77 00 00 55 55
55 55 55 55 00 00 44 44
44 44 44 44 00 00 22 22
22 22 22 22 00 00 11 11
11 11 11 11 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 2E 00 59
01 38 01 4F 00 00 00 00
01 0A 00 F6 00 00 04 81
00 8B 00 04 81 00 8B 00
04 81 00 8B 00 04 81 00
8B 00 08 81 00 DC 00 FB
E2 B6 00 08 81 00 DF 00
F8 E2 B6 00 08 81 00 E3
00 F4 E2 B6 00 08 81 00
E5 00 F2 E2 B6 00 08 81
00 E8 00 EF E2 B6 00 08
81 00 E9 00 EE E2 B6 00
08 81 00 EB 00 EC E2 B6
00 08 81 00 ED 00 EA E2
B6 00 08 81 00 EF 00 E8
E2 B6 00 08 81 00 F0 00
E7 E2 B6 00 08 81 00 F1
00 E6 E2 B6 00 08 81 00
F2 00 E5 E2 B6 00 08 81
00 F4 00 E4 E2 B5 00 08
81 00 F5 00 E3 E2 B5 00
08 81 00 F6 00 E2 E2 B5
00 08 81 00 F7 00 E1 E2
B5 00 08 81 00 F8 00 E1
E2 B4 00 08 81 00 F9 00
E0 E2 B4 00 08 81 00 FA
00 DF E2 B4 00 08 81 00
FB 00 DE E2 B4 00 08 81
00 FC 00 DD E2 B4 00 08
81 00 FD 00 DC E2 B4 00
08 81 00 FE 00 DC E2 B3
00 09 81 00 01 00 00 DB
E2 B3 00 09 81 00 01 00
00 DB E2 B3 00 08 81 00
00 00 DA E2 B3 00 06 81
00 DA E2 B2 00 06 81 00
DA E2 B2 00 06 82 00 D9
E2 B2 00 06 83 00 D8 E2
B2 00 06 83 00 D9 E2 B1
00 06 83 00 D9 E2 B1 00
06 84 00 D8 E2 B1 00 06
84 00 D8 E2 B1 00 06 85
00 D8 E2 B0 00 06 85 00
D8 E2 B0 00 06 85 00 D9
E2 AF 00 06 86 00 D8 E2
AF 00 06 86 00 D9 E2 AE
00 06 86 00 D9 E2 AE 00
06 86 00 D9 E2 AE 00 06
86 00 DA E2 AD 00 06 87
00 D9 E2 AD 00 06 87 00
DA E2 AC 00 06 87 00 DA
E2 AC 00 06 87 00 DB E2
AB 00 06 88 00 DB E2 AA
00 06 88 00 DB E2 AA 00
06 88 00 DC E2 A9 00 06
88 00 DD E2 A8 00 06 88
00 DE E2 A7 00 06 88 00
DF E2 A6 00 06 89 00 DF
E2 A5 00 06 89 00 E0 E2
A4 00 06 89 00 E1 E2 A3
00 0A B6 00 F5 E2 E0 00
E2 E2 A2 00 0A BD 00 EA
E2 E4 00 E3 E2 A1 00 0A
C1 00 E1 E2 E9 00 E4 E2
A0 00 0E C4 00 DC E2 EB
00 E6 E2 FA 00 EC E2 BA
00 0E C7 00 D6 E2 EE 00
E7 E2 FC 00 E5 E2 BE 00
0E C9 00 D2 E2 F0 00 E9
E2 FC 00 DF E2 C2 00 0E
CB 00 CE E2 F2 00 EB E2
FC 00 D9 E2 C6 00 0E CD
00 CA E2 F4 00 EC E2 FD
00 D5 E2 C8 00 0E CE 00
C7 E2 F6 00 EF E2 FB 00
D1 E2 CB 00 0E D0 00 C4
E2 F7 00 F1 E2 FB 00 CE
E2 CC 00 0E D2 00 C0 E2
F9 00 F5 E2 F9 00 CA E2
CE 00 0A D3 00 BE E2 E9
00 C5 E2 D0 00 0A D4 00
BA E2 EF 00 C0 E2 D2 00
08 D6 00 81 E2 E3 E2 D4
00 08 D7 00 81 E2 E1 E2
D5 00 08 D8 00 81 E2 DF
E2 D6 00 08 DA 00 81 E2
DB E2 D8 00 08 DB 00 81
E2 D9 E2 D9 00 08 DC 00
81 E2 D7 E2 DA 00 08 DD
00 81 E2 D5 E2 DB 00 08
DE 00 81 E2 D3 E2 DC 00
08 DF 00 81 E2 D1 E2 DD
00 08 E0 00 81 E2 CF E2
DE 00 08 E1 00 81 E2 CE
E2 DE 00 08 E2 00 81 E2
CC E2 DF 00 08 E3 00 81
E2 CA E2 E0 00 08 E4 00
81 E2 C8 E2 E1 00 08 E4
00 81 E2 C8 E2 E1 00 08
E5 00 81 E2 C7 E2 E1 00
08 E6 00 81 E2 C6 E2 E1
00 08 E6 00 81 E2 C6 E2
E1 00 08 E7 00 81 E2 C7
E2 DF 00 08 E8 00 81 E2
C7 E2 DE 00 08 E8 00 81
E2 CC E2 D9 00 08 E8 00
81 05 CD 05 D8 00 08 E9
00 81 05 CE 05 D6 00 08
E9 00 81 05 CE 05 D6 00
08 EA 00 81 05 CF 05 D4
00 08 EB 00 81 05 CF 05
D3 00 08 EB 00 81 05 D0
05 D2 00 08 EC 00 81 05
CF 05 D2 00 08 EC 00 81
05 D0 05 D1 00 08 EC 00
81 05 D1 05 D0 00 08 ED
00 81 05 D0 05 D0 00 08
EE 00 81 05 D0 05 CF 00
08 EE 00 81 05 D1 05 CE
00 08 EF 00 81 05 D0 05
CE 00 08 EF 00 81 05 D1
05 CD 00 08 EF 00 81 05
D2 05 CC 00 08 F0 00 81
05 D2 05 CB 00 08 F0 00
81 05 D2 05 CB 00 08 F1
00 81 05 D2 05 CA 00 08
F1 00 81 05 D2 05 CA 00
08 F1 00 81 05 D3 05 C9
00 08 F1 00 81 05 D3 05
C9 00 08 F1 00 81 05 D3
05 C9 00 08 F2 00 81 05
D3 05 C8 00 08 F2 00 81
05 D3 05 C8 00 08 F2 00
81 05 D3 05 C8 00 08 F2
00 81 05 D4 05 C7 00 08
F2 00 81 05 D4 05 C7 00
08 F3 00 81 05 D3 05 C7
00 08 F3 00 81 05 D3 05
C7 00 08 F3 00 81 05 D3
05 C7 00 08 F3 00 81 17
D4 17 C6 00 08 F3 00 81
17 D4 17 C6 00 08 F3 00
81 17 D4 17 C6 00 08 F3
00 81 17 D4 17 C6 00 08
F3 00 81 17 D4 17 C6 00
08 F4 00 81 17 D3 17 C6
00 08 F4 00 81 17 D3 17
C6 00 08 F4 00 81 17 D3
17 C6 00 08 F4 00 81 17
D3 17 C6 00 08 F4 00 81
17 D3 17 C6 00 08 F4 00
81 17 D3 17 C6 00 08 F4
00 81 17 D3 17 C6 00 08
F4 00 81 17 D3 17 C6 00
08 F4 00 81 17 D3 17 C6
00 08 F4 00 81 17 D3 17
C6 00 08 F4 00 81 17 D3
17 C6 00 08 F4 00 81 17
D3 17 C6 00 08 F4 00 81
17 D3 17 C6 00 08 F4 00
81 17 D3 17 C6 00 08 F4
00 81 17 D2 17 C7 00 08
F4 00 81 17 D2 17 C7 00
08 F4 00 81 17 D2 17 C7
00 08 F4 00 81 17 D2 17
C7 00 08 F4 00 81 17 D2
17 C7 00 08 F4 00 81 17
D1 17 C8 00 08 F4 00 81
17 D1 17 C8 00 08 F4 00
81 17 D1 17 C8 00 08 F4
00 81 17 D1 17 C8 00 08
F4 00 81 17 D1 17 C8 00
08 F4 00 81 17 D0 17 C9
00 08 F3 00 81 17 D1 17
C9 00 08 F3 00 81 D7 D1
D7 C9 00 08 F3 00 81 D7
CF D7 CB 00 08 F3 00 81
D7 CF D7 CB 00 08 F3 00
81 D7 CF D7 CB 00 08 F2
00 81 D7 D0 D7 CB 00 08
F2 00 81 D7 D0 D7 CB 00
08 F2 00 81 D7 CE D7 CD
00 08 F2 00 81 D7 CE D7
CD 00 08 F2 00 81 D7 CE
D7 CD 00 08 F2 00 81 D7
CC D7 CF 00 08 F2 00 81
D7 CC D7 CF 00 08 F2 00
81 D7 CC D7 CF 00 08 F1
00 81 D7 CB D7 D1 00 08
F1 00 81 D7 CB D7 D1 00
08 F1 00 81 D7 CB D7 D1
00 08 F1 00 81 D7 C9 D7
D3 00 08 F1 00 81 D7 C9
D7 D3 00 08 F0 00 81 D7
C9 D7 D4 00 08 F0 00 81
D7 C8 D7 D5 00 08 F0 00
81 D7 C8 D7 D5 00 08 F0
00 81 D7 C7 D7 D6 00 08
EF 00 81 D7 C7 D7 D7 00
08 EF 00 81 D7 C5 D7 D9
00 08 EF 00 81 D7 C3 D7
DB 00 08 EF 00 81 D7 C1
D7 DD 00 08 EE 00 81 D7
C0 D7 DF 00 08 EE 00 81
D7 BE D7 E1 00 08 EE 00
81 D7 BC D7 E3 00 08 EE
00 81 D7 BC D7 E3 00 08
ED 00 81 D7 BD D7 E3 00
08 ED 00 81 D7 BD D7 E3
00 08 EC 00 81 D7 BE D7
E3 00 08 EC 00 81 D7 BE
D7 E3 00 08 EB 00 81 69
BF 69 E3 00 08 EB 00 81
69 BF 69 E3 00 08 EB 00
81 69 BF 69 E3 00 08 EA
00 81 69 C0 69 E3 00 08
EA 00 81 69 C0 69 E3 00
08 E9 00 81 69 C2 69 E2
00 08 E9 00 81 69 C2 69
E2 00 08 E9 00 81 69 C2
69 E2 00 08 E8 00 81 69
C4 69 E1 00 08 E8 00 81
69 C4 69 E1 00 08 E8 00
81 69 C5 69 E0 00 08 E7
00 81 69 C6 69 E0 00 08
E7 00 81 69 C6 69 E0 00
08 E6 00 81 69 C8 69 DF
00 08 E6 00 81 69 C8 69
DF 00 08 E5 00 81 69 C9
69 DF 00 08 E5 00 81 69
C9 69 DF 00 08 E5 00 81
69 CA 69 DE 00 08 E4 00
81 69 CB 69 DE 00 08 E4
00 81 69 CC 69 DD 00 08
E4 00 81 69 CC 69 DD 00
08 E3 00 81 69 CD 69 DD
00 08 E3 00 81 69 CD 69
DD 00 08 E2 00 81 69 CF
69 DC 00 08 E2 00 81 69
CF 69 DC 00 08 E2 00 81
69 CF 69 DC 00 08 E2 00
81 69 D0 69 DB 00 08 E1
00 81 69 D1 69 DB 00 08
E1 00 81 69 D2 69 DA 00
08 E0 00 81 69 D3 69 DA
00 08 E0 00 81 69 D3 69
DA 00 08 DF 00 81 69 D5
69 D9 00 08 DE 00 81 69
D7 69 D8 00 08 DD 00 81
C6 D8 C6 D8 00 08 DD 00
81 C6 D9 C6 D7 00 08 DD
00 81 C6 DA C6 D6 00 08
DC 00 81 C6 DB C6 D6 00
08 DC 00 81 C6 DC C6 D5
00 08 DB 00 81 C6 DD C6
D5 00 08 DA 00 81 C6 DF
C6 D4 00 08 DA 00 81 C6
DF C6 D4 00 08 D9 00 81
C6 E1 C6 D3 00 08 D9 00
81 C6 E1 C6 D3 00 08 D9
00 81 C6 E2 C6 D2 00 08
D8 00 81 C6 E4 C6 D1 00
08 D7 00 81 C6 E6 C6 D0
00 08 D6 00 81 C6 E8 C6
CF 00 08 D5 00 81 C6 EA
C6 CE 00 08 D4 00 81 C6
EC C6 CD 00 08 D3 00 81
C6 EE C6 CC 00 08 D2 00
81 C6 F0 C6 CB 00 08 D1
00 81 C6 F3 C6 C9 00 08
D0 00 81 C6 F4 C6 C9 00
08 CF 00 81 C6 F6 C6 C8
00 08 CE 00 81 C6 F8 C6
C7 00 0A CD 00 CE C6 F0
00 BF C6 C5 00 0A CC 00
D0 C6 EB 00 C5 C6 C3 00
0A CA 00 D6 C6 E4 00 CA
C6 C1 00 0A CA 00 D8 C6
DF 00 CE C6 C0 00 0E C8
00 DB C6 DB 00 D3 C6 E8
00 FD C6 DB 00 12 C8 00
DE C6 D6 00 D6 C6 E8 00
00 C6 FD 00 00 C6 DC 00
15 C6 00 E3 C6 D0 00 DC
C6 E6 00 01 C6 00 FE C6
02 00 00 C6 DD 00 15 C2
00 E8 C6 CE 00 DF C6 E4
00 07 C6 00 C6 00 00 C6
00 C6 DD 00 15 C0 00 ED
C6 C3 00 E9 C6 E2 00 01
C6 00 FE C6 02 00 00 C6
DD 00 15 BC 00 F3 C6 BF
00 ED C6 E0 00 07 C6 00
C6 00 00 C6 00 C6 DD 00
0C 81 00 B6 00 00 C6 FD
00 00 C6 DC 00 08 81 00
B5 00 FD C6 DB 00 04 81
00 8B 00 04 81 00 8B 00
04 81 00 8B 00 04 81 00
8B 00 04 81 00 8B 00 04
81 00 8B 00 04 81 00 8B
00 04 81 00 8B 00 04 81
00 8B 00 04 81 00 8B 00
04 81 00 8B 00 04 81 00
8B 00 00 FF
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