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Jul 89 Mousehole
Volume Number:5
Issue Number:7
Column Tag:Mousehole Report

Mousehole Report

By Rusty Hodge & Larry Nedry, Mousehole BBS

From: Frankh

Re: LSP Pascal

This isn’t really a flame, just an annoyance. I finally got the upgrade to LSP 2.1 from the board, and the operation of the compiler is a lot better; there are fewer crashes now. I realize that the compiler will crash if I don’t allocate enough stack and zone memory, but that’s something the compiler should warn me about in a nice way - not by crashing. The other gripe is with the debugger. It’s fine if you have a small program you wish to debug (or if you have a LOT (>2 meg) of ram), but it’s useless for intermediate to large programs. It would be better if the debugger was separate (as in LSC) or at least an option (I know its a menu option - I mean a real option; you select it, and its there. Deselect it and its gone - out of ram). LSP has many nice features, but I don’t trust it. I hate wondering if the latest bug in my program is real, or an artifact from the compiler. A compiler should be as bug free as possible; at the very least, it should be robust enough not to crash without warning. I would rather use LSP, but I find myself writing important code with TML; it has yet to crash on me. [Gee, I guess you don't want me to tell you that you need to buy 2 Megs of RAM to begin to use System 7.0! -Ed]

From: Wesm

Re: Allegro Apple Crisped

Today my darkest suspicions were confirmed about Apple’s purchase of Coral Software. Used to be that one could call up the nice folks at Coral and ask most any question at all about their products, and they’d be happy to talk. Today, I wanted to find out how I could simulate timer interrupts in Allegro, so I called Coral, only to be told that they could no longer provide technical support over the phone--orders from Apple. Now, it seems reasonable to me that, if I have invested nearly $1000 in a piece of software, I should be able to receive technical support.

One of the reasons I chose this particular Lisp was the flavors add-on module, so that my wife could work on her thesis at home, and port it to the TIs at school. We were both very upset. So I called Apple Customer Relations...Hah! It seems that now, whenever I have a question about my $1000 Lisp, I’m supposed to call up an Apple ***DEALER***, and they’ll get the answer back to me off of AppleLink, pronto, you betcha. Being a mere academic type, not a certified developer, I don’t have access to AppleLink myself. How many dealers do you think can answer my questions about Apple Allegro Common Lisp? That’s OK, take your time, I can wait. Have you ever heard of such ******? It’s a crying shame. Allegro is a nice piece of work, the people at Coral always seemed genuinely interested in hearing from me. Do other companies also treat their customers this poorly? I’d be interested to hear any comments. [That's nothing. You think that is bad? Look what happened to APDA when Apple took that over! And that is supposed to service certified developers. At the recent Developer conference, the APDA booth was only occupied from the hours of 4 pm to 6 pm and you couldn't buy anything there, only place orders! APDA always was poor on technical support, but now poor looks fantastic in comparison. And I never did get my MPW 3.0 final! When Apple takes over, you can forget technical service! -Ed]

From: Rguerra

Re: cdev “shell”

It occurs to me that writing and debugging cdev’s would be greatly simplified if the programmer could simply place the cdev unit into a supporting shell program that would emulate the function of the control panel. This shell would send the appropriate cdev messages to the user’s cdev unit. The programmer using LSC, LSP, or even SADE could step through the instructions of the cdev as per usual with an application. Has anyone ever seen such a beast? If so, would you be willing to share it with the rest of us? If one doesn’t exist yet, what would go into writing one? Any comments? Rich

From: Ctli

Re: Res Error Proc (Fw by Sysop)

Anybody know how to redirect ResErrProc to a light speed pascal routine? The following code does not work.

ResErrProc = ^ longint;
ResErrProc = pointer($0aF2) ResErrProc^ = Ord4(@MyErrorProc);
Procedure MyErrorProc ;
 Code := 3 ;
end; {by the way Code is  a global variable}

From: Politik

Re: AppParmHandle

Have you ever played with the Finder Info Record, a handle to which is found in AppParmHandle($AEC)? I’m trying to change the record between application launches. Here’s what I’m doing:

AppParmHandle = $AEC;
FinfoRec = record
 mymez: Integer;
 mycount: Integer;
 volref: Integer;
 mytype: LongInt;
 versnum: Byte;
 notused: Byte;
 namelen: Byte;
 myname: string[30];
FInfoRecPtr = ^FInfoRec;
FInfoRecHndl = ^FInfoRecPtr;
myParms := Handle(AppParmHandle);
{ $AEC - low mem glob }
myF := FInfoRecHndl(myParms);
myF^^.mymez := 0;
myF^^.mycount := 1;
myF^^.myname := ‘Jean’;

I can see everything changing in Lightsbug, but for some reason it crashes after the volref is changed Any ideas? Help appreciated...

From: Ctli

Re: ResErrProc

Redirection of the ResErrProc pointer needs to be a longint instead of just an integer. Also, in Lightspeed Pascal, any file function such as Reset,Rewrite or write doesn’t seem to behave nicely. If the disk is locked, there is no invalid return, rather you are dumped out to the system with a id=08.

From: Asc

Re: Debugging with MPW SADE

Does any body knows how to debug MPW tools using SADE? I look at the documentation and can’t figure it out. Any hints would be appreciated. Thanks.

From: Apage

Re: Debugging with MPW SADE

It is possible, don't get discouraged, there are switches on both the compilers and the linker that have to be set, and then getting over in SADE is a bit of a hassle. As yet my need for SADE has been limited, but if you’re in a real bind I can review my work, and you can give me a call if interested. My Address here is APAGE, GEnie A.PAGE, MacNet AEPAGE.

From: Vicf

Re: repair of hard disk assembly

I have a 20mb Jasmine hard disk drive whose media seems to have seen better days. Can the hard disk assembly (media) be repaired, and if so by whom? I can buy a bare hard disk assembly for $329 from vendors, but is this the only recourse I have for fixing my hard disk drive?

From: Butchb

Re: repair of hard disk assembly

I have had luck using “leftover” 20mb drives from IBM PC xD (*** GASP ***) upgrades. I’ve used Seagate drives with Photon cases from Mirror Technologies. Usually the cost is under $100, but if you don’t have access to the drives, you have to buy the whole assembly.

From: Davidw

Re: repair of hard disk assembly

I have heard of a company in Irvine that repairs hard drives. The charge is $95 if the repair does not involve opening the case, and $149 if it does. Another alternative is to call up Seagate and ask them for a repair -- I believe they charge $175 to repair a Seagate 225 drive -- this involves replacing it with a rebuilt one.

From: Brian

Re: Think C bug

This may not affect many people, but if you are using Suitcase II (or Font/Da Juggler, etc.) and have loaded umpteen fonts with it, Think C will crash when you select the popup menu to change fonts in its editor. Surprising...

From: Gus

Re: HELP!!!!

Hello I just started programming in LSC I have been programming in Pascal before this. I have a problem. On my disk I have LSC and the stdio.h file. But when I attempt to run this program:

#include <stdio.h>
{    printf(‘hello’);    }

I get the can’t open #include files error message. What is wrong am I missing more include files??? I would deeply appreciate any help I can get this has beeen driving me nuts ever since I got LSC. (I need to use stdio.h stuff because I hook up to a VAX mainframe running Unix and C.)

From: Noisy To:

Re: HELP!!!!

Gus: Question #1: WHERE is your stdio.h file in relation to the THINK C application? THINK C expects some type of hierarchical organization of it’s sub-files, which means that if stdio.h is not in the same folder (or in a folder in the same folder...etc) THINK C won’t find it. Pages 8-11 of the manual for v3.0x will give you the technical details...You can ignore the suggested folder names, but not the suggested folder organization! Best of luck, and remember: What you C is not always what you get. Cheers! Noisy

From: Nicks

Re: My Cdev is a little confused.

I’m writing a cdev in LightSpeed C, and having a weird problem. If I try to change the state of the Pen with a PenPat or PenNormal call, the pen pattern gets set to garbage. A short sample might be:


- This will fill the specified rectangle w/ garbage. I assume that the problem has to do w/ the fact that I’m running this code inside a DA, and I can’t get to the QuickDraw globals? Or am I on the wrong track completely? Thanks in advance.

From: Batista

Re: My Cdev is a little confused.

The problem is that you are trying to use a QuickDraw global when in fact you don’t have it. When Think C runs it allocates these globals for QuickDraw and you initialize them when you do the InitGraf(&thePort); in a cdev there is no such a thing, therefore when you do the PenPat(&gray) you are dereferencing who knows what. What you have to do is make up your own pattern.

/* 1 */

Pattern myGray;
myGray[0] = myGray[2] = myGray[4] = myGray[6] = 170;
myGray[1] = myGray[3] = myGray[5] = myGray[7] = 85;

Then do a PenPat(myGray); and you’ll get the result you want. Ricardo

From: Nicks

Re: My Cdev is a little confused.

Thanks for the info. I assumed that it had to be something like that. Questions: Does this affect other things besides PenPat? Is there a way to “find” the QD Globals that the Control Panel is using and address those? Where in IM is all this addressed? Thanks again.

From: Rdclark

Re: My Cdev is a little confused.

A better way to fix the “bad patterns” problem is to set up A5 at the start of your code and restore it when you’re done. If you do this, A5 will point to the start of the current Application’s globals, and the end of the current QD globals -- which is exactly where it should be when you need to use QD. ...Richard

From: Nicks

Re: My Cdev is a little confused.

Yeah, that’s what I was assuming. BUT: I’m a bit new a this “where’s my globals” stuff. How do I get the right value of a5? Get it from CurrentA5, then use in-line assembly (which I have no clue how to write)? Or can I use SetupA5 & RestoreA5? IM says these are for interrupt handlers only. Do they have other uses? BTW: my work-around for the original problem was to just use a PICT resource with a grey pattern in it, the use CopyBits to blast that into whatever rectangle or whatever I needed to use it in. Ugly, huh?

From: Orourke


Has anyone had any problems with the New drives in the SE30? I have had several disk fail to initialize (Sony and Maxell). Also I know of another new owner who has had similar problems.(Fuji disks) Hope this isn’t a pattern.

From: Apage

Re: 512K SCSI

Has anyone out there had any experiance with adding a SCSI port to a Mac 512KE? If so what were the results and some of your experiences with the process?

From: Wildman

Re: 512K SCSI

I have had a couple of experiences. My current Mac has a 2MB Levco Monstermac memory/SCSI upgrade. I’ve had it for a few years, and love it. One feature I choose to add is the use of 50pin header connectors and shielded twisted pair cables instead of those apple DB-25s. Cuts down the TV interference enormously. I have put Dove and Warp9 SCSI port only cards in. In general there are two approaches: a) A really cute AMP connector that clips onto the 68000; and b) using the ROM sockets. Both work, the clip is really easy (10 mins) but requires reseating every 6-9 months if you use your machine all day. I think the heat (even with fans) is just too much for the feelers. Sockes have never failed me, but that guy doesn’t use his Mac as much so there might not be any real difference. Personally, I prefer the soldered in approch of the Levco mods. It may take more nerve than you have to take an iron to your Mac, and the clips and stuff can be removed to take your machine in for service. One soldered mod and you have a Frankintosh that may be harder to get fixed. I haven’t had any problems, but I think it has a lot to do with your electronics background.

From: Jck

Re: SE/30

Recently, a new company called Generation X has announced a SE-30 color card that only drives the Apple 13" color monitor. It sells for $995.

From: Jbac

Re: help!!-max2 ram upgrade!!!

Is there anyone on the board who can help me? I have a Mac Memories max2 ram upgrade board and need to know what switches to chang and/or what slips to cut to let it regognize the 3rd and 4th megabyte. xDthanks!! jbac...

From: Skaros

Re: SE/30

Raster Ops is now shipping a card for the SE30 ~1800bucks color etc. E machines will also start shipping a color card bundled with a monitor the cheapest being ~4500 dineros for the card and 16" Sony monitor. I bet that Apple will be coming out with a card though later this summer, I don’t know though how all this is going to fit in with 32 bit Quickdraw. Keep looking.

From: Noisy

Re: Any TCP/IP Hackers out there?

Greetings one and all! Am I the only hardy soul hacking away at the ISO protocol suite a la Mac, or are there others out there too? Drop me a bulletin here...Cheers!!

From: Davidw

Re: high speed modems

Can anyone give advice on which of the high speed modems is the best value? Thanks, David

From: Noisy

Re: high speed modems

David: If you can scrape up the $$$’s needed, the U.S.Robotics 9600 baud modem is a Good Thing. I used one over several months and experienced few problems (i.e. I can’t remember any), plus it looks neat. Best Feature: DIP switch settings are printed on bottom of modem. Worst Feature: external power supply the size of Manhattan. Price: no idea...but not cheap. Cheers! Noisy

From: Sysop

Re: high speed modems

I have been using a Telebit Trailblazer Plus and my phone bill has dropped like a rock. I think it has paid for itself in the last 6 months. Max speed is 19200 baud, and it works great even if you have a bad connection. Larry

From: Noisy

Re: MacPaint II diagnostics

Having recently attacked MacPaint II with MacNosy (the ONLY programmer’s tool), I kept encountering DIAGS everywhere. A rainy Monday evening with the wife at work gave me the time to track it down: it seems that Claris neglected to remove about 4K of diagnostic code, basically because it is thoroughly embedded everywhere. It doesn’t seem to do much, apart from double-check various drawing actions, but it *can* be enabled by patching the application: Using any decent File-Mangler (I used FEdit+) do the following: Replace: 6CE6422D E59349ED with 6CE61B40 E59349ED There should be only one occurrence, and never patch your original, blah, blah. Cheers! Noisy

From: Rguerra

Re: MacTutor Index (Fw by Sysop)

Is there an index for the fourth volume of the collected articles of MacTutor. I’ve got all the original issues but I’d like an index. How about posting one here, or even publishing an index to a volume in the first issue of the succeeding volume?

[MacTutor now sells an index a text with tab fromatting for adding into your favorite database application. It is a nominal fee ($2 plus s/h) especially since all the work I’ve put in to prepare it initially.-KC]

From: Dale

Re: A sick MPW text file??

I’m not sure what category this falls into, but here goes: I’ve just run into the strangest problem with MPW 3.0. It seems that editing the file SANEMacs881.a in the MPW Shell and then trying to Revert the file explicitly causes the Shell to hang. This happens with any copy of the file that’s simply a Finder copy or an MPW Duplicate of the original, but there’s a bizarre way to create a healthy copy: first create an exact copy of the SANEMacs file, then open it and Catenate the text of the original file into the open window. If you save that the Shell will behave normally when you edit it. Interestingly enough, if you simply create the copy with Catenate instead of first copying the entire file, Compare reports that the two files don’t match anywhere! Very strange, since (as far as I know) Catenate simply transfers the data fork and Compare just compares the data forks. What’s even stranger, using Catenate without opening the file first doesn’t work: your copy will hang the Shell as before! Do any of the experts out there have a clue as to what’s going on here?

From: Macrobin

Re: MacTutor Listings Font

This is a preety simple question. What is the Font used for Program Listings in MacTutor. I have been looking for a nice clean sans serif, monospaced Font for a while. MacTutor program Listing appears to be just what I want. What is it and where can I get it. Thanks.

[MacTutor uses a special LaserWriter version of Monoco call Thin Saratoga that was created especially for program listings by Michael Mace, now at Apple Computer. We might let you have it if you promise not to distribute it to our competition! -Ed]

From: Sysop

Re: 380 Meg Hard Disk For Sale

Micropolis 1578 - 380 megabyte SCSI hard disk (NEW) Complete with hardware to mount internally in Mac II $1500 - leave email to sysop if interested

From: Sysop

Re: Modems wanted

I want to buy a couple US Robotics Courier 2400 baud modems. One of mine just died and I also want to add a couple more phone lines. Leave me email if you have one or more to sell.


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