Icon in DA Menu
Volume Number: | | 5
Issue Number: | | 4
Column Tag: | | Assembly Lab
Related Info: Desk Manager Menu Manager
Icons in DA Menus
By John A. Love, III, Springfield, VA
John got his start in the world of computers a long time ago on main frames while serving in the U. S. Air Force. He has gone from the Apple ][ to the Fat Mac to his SE. He can be found on GEnie (J.LOVE7).
I am currently writing a Desk Accessory in whose MENU Items I would like to have ICONs. Immediately we have two seemingly disparate numbering systems as dictated by Inside Macintosh {IM}. The first deals with the arithmetic pertaining to IDs for Resources owned by Desk Accessories; the second pertains to IDs for ICONs placed in MENU Items. Each set of arithmetic is simple enough to understand. The challenge, of course, is their combined implementation in each of two different operational environments.
Lets quickly review the 1st numbering system pertaining to owned Resources. The best way to accomplish this is the picture contained in Volume I of IM:
Figure 1. Resource ID of an Owned System Resource
Since a Desk Accessory is a DRVR-type Resource, the type bits = 000. The ID of the owning Resource can be derived one of two ways, the most common of which relies on dCtlRefNum in the Device Control Entry (DCE). The last 5 bits, earmarked variable, are up for grabs so long, obviously, as the quantity is in the range 0 --> 31. Speaking of ranges, what this long word reduces to is a number in the range = -16000 --> -15521 for a Desk Accessory.
NOW, what about the 2nd numbering system that addresses the IDs of ICONs for MENU Items?? IM stipulates that these numbers be in the range 257 --> 511. Once again it is obvious that when you load or create your MENUs in the Open Section of your DRVR, youve got to temporarily change the high negative ID of your owned MENU ICON to a low positive # before you call _SetItmIcon. No sweat, right ?*!!*? Yup, anything you say !!
As if the above gymnastics werent enough, it turns out that Suitcase searches for the 1st empty slot {a positive Unit # = the ID of the owning Resource} and temporarily converts that to new IDs for your owned Resources. For example, if your Source Code specifies a Unit # of 16 {mandatory range = 12 --> 26}, but Suitcase detects an empty Slot #12, Suitcase will temporarily change all the IDs of your DAs owned Resources accordingly {I dont know what Font/DA Juggler Plus does behind the scenes}. Interesting, you say ?*!!*?
Before I address the solution to the above puzzle, I must praise to the skies both the intelligence and patience of the following folk, without whom I would still be groveling:
Steve Brecher, author of Suitcase.
Dave McWherter, author of
McAssembly {$5000 SW} and the
McSink DA. By the way, the latter is now
called Vantage and goes for $8995.
Dave Smith..
By the way, if I blow it, I hereby declare that I am the sole occupant at the end of this tree limb that Im busily sawing off. Steve and the two Daves are not responsible for any of my mistakes.
First, what does NOT work:
Open Section --> _GetResInfo {original ID}
_SetResInfo {new ID}
; ------------------------------
Close Section --> _SetResInfo {original ID}
These gyrations wont work in either operational environment. Oh, your MENU ICONs will show up as advertised after you open your DA in both; however, upon closing the DA, the new ID is still in place {257 -> 511} for the 1st environment [using Font/DA Mover]. NO resetting was implemented. As you can see, I do NOT call _WriteResource on closing, because then I would update the System File Resource {YUCK !!} Even if I would be willing to suffer the latter, Suitcase, remember, messes with the owned Resource ID and the reset would be back to its make-believe ID, NOT my ID as stored on disk. Aint life wonderful ??
Okay, folks, how about making a copy of the Handle to your MENU ICONs, and, after doing the appropriate arithmetic, using the copy for your MENU and best of all, this works {well, almost }. All the Source Code that follows uses McAssembly, Version 7.3 :
setMenuIcon MACRO&1,&2,&3 ; MenuHandle,Menu Item #,ICON Name.
; First, retrieve the attached ICON Resource:
move.w RescIDBase,iconID
addi.w #&2,iconID
move.l iconHdl,tempHdl ; Just temporary, folks !!
; Then, get the Resource files Attributes so we can
; reset them later. After that, we make a copy of the
; ICONs Handle so that we can use the COPY for the MENU:
GetResFileAttrs resFileRef,=resFileAttrs
; ----------
move.l iconHdl,a0
move.l a0,cyHdl
ReleaseResource tempHdl ; The ORIGINAL Resource.
; Now, place the ICONs COPY in the Menu Item by
; changing the ICONs ID # to between 257 --> 511:
move.w #&2,iconID
addi.w #256,iconID
bra.s .1
.name text#&&3
; Reset to ORIGINAL Attributes to clear the resChanged
; Bit in the Attribute Byte so that we dont update the
; Resource upon Closing AND so Suitcase DOES reset to
; the disk-based ID:
.1 SetResFileAttrs resFileRef,resFileAttrs
SetItmIcon &1,#&2,#&2 ; menuHandle,item #,icon #.
Okay, this almost works, but _SetResFileAttrs , itself, will eventually do a _WriteResource. Since close only counts in horseshoes, so much for that idea. Anything else?
What about setting the MapReadOnly bit of the Resource files Attribute byte so that the changed Resource Map is NOT written to disk. This could be done upon Opening the DA. Upon Closing, the original MapReadOnly bit could be reset. Steve Brecher correctly pointed out, however, that this effectively holds your DAs Resource(s) captive ==> a super big no-no !!
Okay, I guess Ill just have to implement what Dave McWherter suggested several months back write my own Menu Definition Procedure and thank heaven for Darryl Lovato (MacTutor, August 86). Darryl presented his code in Pascal. Just for the sake of converting to assembly, theres no need to blatantly repeat his code here. However, I do wish to present the sub-Function that handles mChooseMsg simply because I have added access to hierarchical menu items that, guess what, also have ICONs. By the way, I use Mike Schusters PopupSelect routine to implement the hierarchical Menus {see MacTutor, Dec 85}:
Before I present the modified assembly Source code, I would like to extend a 1000 special Atta-Boys to Dave McWherter, author of McAssembly and the Vantage DA, aka McSink.
Daves Assembler, in my considered judgment, incorporates many of the most powerful features of Apples MPW, while retaining the ultimate of user friendliness. You can even program in the worlds of the 68010, 68020 and 68851 CPUs by invoking a pseudo-opcode, for example, M68020. A very significant part of this user friendliness focuses on what he calls the Trap Compiler with which the assembly language programmer can implement the sometimes-lengthy pushes onto the Stack prior to actually calling the various TRAPs via ONE line of code, just like LightSpeed Pascal. At the present time, the current Version (7.3) uses Apples Edit, or other comparable Editor external to McAssembly. Be forewarned, however -- Dave is working on an update to McAssembly wherein he is incorporating his own Editor internal to his Assembler. In this manner, if there is an assembly error (horrors !!), you bounce automatically into his Editor. Neat, isnt it, again just like LightSpeed Pascal.
So long as Im advertising, Daves McSink is now being distributed by :
Preferred Software
5100 Poplar Avenue
Suite 2716
Memphis, TN 38137
(901) 683-3383
McSink, now called Vantage, is a text Processing Desk Accessory that includes :
Auto-paste and Auto-copy between multiple windows (max = 16)
Horizontal scrolling
KeyPad control of cursor placement
Catalog Folder contents
Statistics -- # of characters, lines, words, sentences and paragraph in the shown document
Add/Strip prefix & suffix strings, as well as line #s
Dave can be reached via:
Signature Software
2151 Brown Avenue
Bensalem, PA. 19020
(215) 639-8764
Now, onto the Source Code Ive promised
First, how do I install my own Menu Definition Procedure?? Its really very easy -- all I do is create a 6--byte handle in which I have code to effect an absolute jump to my Procedure. This Handle is then stored in in the menuDefHandle field of the Menu Record. This teeny--tiny code parcel is as follows:
In the Open section of the Desk Accessory Driver:
move.l #6,d0 ; jmp myMenuDefProc.
move.l a0,myMenuDefHdl
bra.s .skipCode
; ----------
.code jmp $CCCCCCCC; 6 bytes.
; ----------
.skipCode move.l (a0),a0 ; Convert to a Pointer.
lea .code,a1
move.w (a1)+,(a0)+; Object Code word for jmp.
lea .absAddr,a1
move.l (a1),d1
lea (a1,d1.l),a1 ; Absolute address of
move.l a1,(a0) ; myMenuDefProc.
AppendMenu mainMenuHdl,!mainMenuItems
InstallMenuProc mainMenuHdl
InstallMenuProc MACRO &1; MenuHandle.
move.l &1,a1 ; Handle -->
move.l (a1),a1 ; Pointer.
move.l myMenuDefHdl,menuDefHandle(a1) ; _NewHandle into Menu Record.
; ----------
CalcMenuSize &1
Now, the mChooseMsg portion of my Menu Definition Procedure as I stated earlier. By the way, youll see below some strange looking animals, such as func, endParms, locals, endLocals, enter & exit. These beasts are special Macros that Dave McWherter wrote to assist in the Stack manipulation required to link to an external subroutine.
Some screwy things have to happen here in order to simulate a Hierarchical Menu. First, when you choose a main Menu Item that has a Hierarchical {sub} Menu -- you know its a Hierarchical Menu Item because its Cmd-key = $1B -- you immediately go to an external Popup Menu routine as shown below. Nothing unusual so far But, now you have to fake-out the Menu Manager by returning an un-believably high Item #, like the maximum # = 31, so the Menu Manager does not blink an Item on the main, or parent Menu as you release the Mouse over the subMenu. Hold on, Im not through yet Down a-ways into the Code, youll see a reference to supporting your local _MenuChoice on the Macintosh II. Sure enough, but theres another equally important reason for placing the Item # in the global, MenuDisable. The reason is that you peg on MenuDisable in the Menu Event section of your Desk Accessory code, instead of on the csParam field of the Parameter Block Record. The reason for this last divet is that otherwise the Menu Manager will not communicate a Menu Event to your DA. Actually, to tell you the truth, this doesnt make a darn bit of sense, but its true when you write your own Menu Definition Procedure instead of using Apples !!
Now, hold on a cotton-pickin minute, Love, dont you know that the new Menu Manger supports Hierarchical Menus already. Yup, sure enough!! However, theres a bug in the portion of the new Menu Manager that handles screen up-dates after you release the Mouse over a Hierarchical Menu Item {anybody know when System Version 7.0 is due out ??}
; ======================================
; FUNCTION doChooseMessage (myMenu:MenuHandle; myRect:Rect; myPoint:Point;
; Returns Menu Item # you selected:
doChooseMessage funcinteger
.myMenu handle
.myRect pointer
.itemMark char
.itemRect rect
.menuHdlrequa1 ; My worker bees ...
.cyParamBlkPtr requa2
.cyDCEPtr requ a3
.theItemrequd3 ; Counts Items to get current one.
.enableFlagsrequ d4; A disabled
.shift requd0 ; item ??
movem.ld1-d7/a0-a4,-(sp) ; All your goodies.
; ==========
move.l .myMenu,.menuHdl ; Handle -->
move.l (.menuHdl),.menuReg ; Pointer.
PtInRect .myPoint,.myRect,=d0
beq .outsideMRect
moveq #0,.theItem; Initialize counter.
.chooseLoop addq.w #1,.theItem
push.l .myMenu
push.l .myRect
push.w .theItem
pea .itemRect
bsr GetItemRect
; ----------
PtInRect .myPoint,!.itemRect,=d1
beq.s .chooseLoop
move.l menuID(.menuReg),d2 ; Support _MenuChoice
move.w .theItem,d2; for the Mac II.
move.l d2,MenuDisable
.disabled?move.l menuEnable(.menuReg),.enableFlags
BitAnd .enableFlags,#1,=d0 ; Bit #0 for ENTIRE Menu.
beq.s .yup; ... its disabled.
; ----------
moveq #1,.shift
lsl.l .theItem,.shift
BitAnd .enableFlags,.shift,=d1
bne.s .deSelectOld
; ----------
.yup moveq #0,.theItem; Item is disabled.
beq .aSelection
tst.w .oldItem
beq.s .selectNew ; MenuBar, so dont invert back.
; ----------
push.l .myMenu
push.l .myRect
push.w .oldItem
pea .oldRect
bsr GetItemRect
InverRect!.oldRect; Invert back to white
.selectNewtst.w .theItem
beq.s .itsDisabled
; ----------
InverRect!.itemRect ; Blacken current selection.
push.l .myMenu
push.w .theItem
pea .itemKey
bsr GetItemKey
cmpi.w #hMenuCmd,.itemKey
bne.s .aSelection
GetItmMark .myMenu,.theItem,!.itemMark
GetMHandle .itemMark,=a0 ; = MenuHandle.
clr.l -(sp)
push.l a0
push.l .myPoint
bsr PopupSelect
pop.l d1
tst.w d1
beq.s .onMenuBar ; Items disabled.
move.w #31,.theItem ; ... fake out Menu Manager so it
; doesnt blink a parent item.
.aSelection move.w .theItem,.result
bra.s .end
; ==========
.outsideMRect tst.w .oldItem
beq.s .onMenuBar
; ----------
push.l .myMenu
push.l .myRect
push.w .oldItem
pea .oldRect
bsr GetItemRect
InverRect!.oldRect; Back to white.
.onMenuBarclr.w .result
; ==========
.end movem.l (sp)+,d1-d7/a0-a4 ; Withdraw life savings !!