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Managers for Sys 6
Volume Number:4
Issue Number:10
Column Tag:Forth Forum

The Manager

By Jörg Langowski, MacTutor Editorial Staff

Notification Manager, List Manager and UserItems

System updates are almost too frequent to keep track of. It has been only a couple of months since I installed release 6.0; already there are a couple of bug fixes out. I couldn’t get them as of this writing, but System 6.0 has behaved stable so far, examples of ill-behaved applications are only very rare.

The scene keeps moving. As I write this, System 6.0.1 is almost released and 7.0 is being talked about; true to the old wisdom “if one version of the operating system finally behaves, go install a new one”. Anyway, the example I am giving today explores a new service added in System 6.0 under MultiFinder; the notification manager.

This is one of the little things - one might say - added on the way to ‘Real Inter-Process Communication’, and it is responsible for the little printer icon you see flashing with the Apple symbol in the menu bar when your background printer has a problem, or the clock icon when your alarm clock goes off.

Actually, this month’s program deals with many different things, the notification manager being only one of them. I wanted to create some useful utility that can keep track of appointments and remind me if something’s coming up, just like the Reminder DA in one of my recent columns. However, this time I wanted to be able to enter date and time in a well-readable format, and also keep a file with the appointments that is automatically read in on startup and updated on exit. It turned out that doing these things in a nice way required some use of the list manager and a user item in a modeless dialog; so the example will show you some of those things as well.

The Plan

The program consists of a modeless dialog window which displays a list of appointments with their dates and corresponding messages. Selection, updating and scrolling of the list is handled by the list manager. The dialog allows the user to edit a list item, add and delete appointments, and exit the program.

As long as the dialog window is up, a background task (easily created under Mach2) keeps doing the following things:

- Each time the list is changed (by adding/editing/ deleting things), it gets the time and message of the next upcoming appointment from the list.

- When the system time exceeds the time of the upcoming appointment, a Notification Manager (NM) request is set up. The NM then displays an alert message with the appointment message. After the message, the program gets the next appointment from the list.

- When the main dialog window is closed, the background task writes the appointment list back to the file and terminates the program.

Figure 1. Main dialog window of this month’s example


First of all, we need to create a modeless dialog window that contains a list. Since that is not a standard dialog item, it has to be implemented as a user item. Just as a reminder: a user item is anything in a dialog that has to be drawn using our own procedure when the dialog is updated. A pointer to the drawing procedure is passed to the dialog manager by calling SetDItem, as described in TN34:

First call:

GetDItem  (DialogPtr, itemNo, type, item, box);

check if necessary whether type is really the type of a userItem, and then call

SetDItem  (DialogPtr, itemNo, type, @drawProc, box);

where @drawProc is a pointer to the user-supplied draw procedure. Note that it is really a pointer that is passed here, not a handle like in the case of other dialog items. DialogPtr, of course, is the pointer to the dialog window, where the item itemNo has been defined as a userItem, and box is the rectangle where the item will be drawn.

We can install a user item procedure from Mach2, but, if we just passed any Mach2 routine’s pointer to the SetDItem trap, the machine would crash gloriously when trying to draw the item, because the procedure is not called from the Mach2 context, but through the dialog manager. This means, glue code has to be written-something you should be used to by now.

In the example, the routine gUser provides this service, setting up space on the stack for the local Forth and DO...LOOP stacks, saving all the registers, and moving the dialog pointer and item numbers on the Forth stack. It then calls the UserDraw procedure and cleans up after it has returned.

List Manager

Our user item will contain a list. How do we handle it? IM Vol.IV describes the List Manager routines, and using those the job becomes pretty easy. I am not going to review the List Manager in detail; IM gives a pretty good description, and we also had an article last year describing the list manager (V3#4).

For the drawing procedure, all we need is a call to LUpdate, which redraws the list. This is implemented in UserDraw (see Listing). However, here we assume the list has already been setup. This is done at the start of the program, calling installUserDraw which calls MakeList. The latter routine (taken from Palo Alto Shipping’s ListManager example) creates a list in a given rectangle and window with vertical and horizontal cell size given in pixels. Looking at the example you will also notice that our list has a vertical scroll bar; the list manager handles scrolling automatically. Note that the list rectangle was inset by one pixel with respect to the user item rectangle, except for the right side where the scroll bar appears, where it had to be inset by 16 pixels (the scroll bar is drawn outside the list). After the list is created, its handle is stored in a variable for further use.

We now need a handler for mouse down events in the user item; and also routines that will allow us to edit, add and delete list items when the appropriate buttons in the modeless dialog are pushed. The words userList-handler, userEdit, userAdd, and userDelete are provided for this purpose.

Mouse down events in the user item are handled by userList-handler. It calls LClick with the local mouse position, the modifiers word of the event record and the list handle. (Note that event-record is a Mach2 system variable which points to the latest event record). LClick handles selection of list elements, highlighting, scrolling, and double clicks. If a list item is double-clicked, the userEdit procedure is called; otherwise, the routine just returns, with the list selection changed.

userEdit and userAdd set up a modal dialog which allow a date and text to be entered into a message field. While userAdd adds a new field at the end of the list, userEdit takes the current selection, puts the date and message into the modal dialog, and lets the user edit it. getMsg is the routine that parses the message string into its date and message fields and displays the edit dialog. update-cell writes the current date/message string into the selected cell. userDelete simply deletes the currently selected cell.

A number of things could be improved here: mainly, I did not implement automatic sorting by date when a list item is added or edited. This is straightforward and would require one or two more pages of code; since it is not really essential for the operation, I’m leaving it as an exercise for you.

The list is initially filled from a file called ‘dates’ which has to be in the same folder as the application. If it doesn’t exists, it will be created. dates contains the date/message strings, separated by carriage returns, and can be edited like any text file. fill-list opens - or creates - the file, reads the strings and adds rows to the list. At the end of the program, write-list writes the list back to the file. This way, by making the program one of your Multifinder startup applications, you will be automatically reminded of any upcoming appointment that was entered into the list.

Modeless Dialog Handling in Mach2

What has to be done to handle modeless dialogs correctly in a multitasking environment like Mach2? Since events are handled for us by the I-O task, we need not - and should not - call WaitNextEvent, IsDialogEvent, or DialogSelect from our program. This has already been done for us. All we need to do to connect a modeless dialog window with one particular task is install the task pointer in the dialog window’s refCon field. The I-O task will look at the front window’s refCon and pass the event information to the owning task. In the case of a dialog event it will put the dialog pointer and the item number into the user variables DialogHandle and DialogData (offsets 140 and 136). When data is stored there, the owning task will run the modeless dialog handling routine whose pointer is stored in the user variable modelessVector (offset 132). This routine gets passed the item number and the dialog pointer. Our program uses the word dialog-handler to call the handlers for the individual dialog items. The pointer to this routine is installed on starting up the task; likewise we install a pointer to a menu handling routine, which allows to handle desk accessories, a simple file menu which can only quit the program, and an Edit menu which allows for editing in desk accessories (in case you ever want to run this program from the finder, which is not very likely). Setting up the menus and menu handlers should be self-explanatory from the listing.

The Main Program

The main program window is hidden behind the menu bar, its coordinates being (1,1,16,16). This is because Mach2 can only assign a menu bar to a terminal task, therefore we need a main window. I have not tried whether - since we also have the dialog window associated with the task - the main window can be simply made invisible by calling HideWindow, so I simply used the ‘tiny-window-behind-menu-bar’ method that one would use in Mach2 for having menus without a window.

The main task loop does two things:

- checks whether an appointment has ‘matured’ and must be displayed using the Notification Manager (check_next_date);

- checks whether the dialog window is still visible. If it is not, the user has closed it and the program should write the list back to the file and exit (check_dialog_up).

A flag, nmChanged, is kept to indicate whether check_next_date should search the list for the next appointment due or simply compare the time of the last appointment read with the system time. The flag is set by the list editing routines, and by check_next_date itself when it has displayed an appointment. It is reset by the routine that gets the next appointment from the list. check_next_date calls say_it when the system time has exceeded the time of the appointment. say_it (finally!) calls the Notification Manager.

Notifying the User

The actual notification routine, as it turns out, is the smallest part of the program and of my column. say_it first checks the flag, nmPresent, which has been set at startup time to indicate whether the NM traps are present. If not, we’re running under an older system version, and say_it simply beeps. Otherwise, it calls notify-request, our glue routine to the NMInstall trap. The NM traps are explained in TN184, and I’ll repeat some of the information here.

notify-request takes the following parameters from the stack:

mark, contains 1 if the application should be marked in the Apple menu, 0 if not, or the reference number of a desk accessory to mark that desk accessory.

SIcon, contains a handle (non-purgeable) to a SICN resource if a small icon should flash with the Apple icon in the menu bar, 0 otherwise.

sound, contains a handle to a sound record to be played with SndPlay if a special sound is to be played on the notification; 0 if no sound should be made and -1 for the system beep.

str, a pointer to a string to appear in the NM alert box, or 0 if no alert.

resp, a pointer to a response procedure. This is explained in more detail in TN184; we simply use -1 to indicate the standard system response procedure which simply removes the NM request from the queue. If 0 is passed, no response procedure is called, and the program itself would be responsible for removing the NM request using NMRemove.

refCon, a constant available for general use, TN184 suggest to store A5 of the calling program here to allow access to the application globals.

myNMRec will contain the NM record in the format given in TN184, and NMInstall is called passing its address in A0.

That’s it; the alert will come up when an appointment is due if you let the ‘appts’ application (provided on the source code disk) turn in the background. Try to experiment with the other NM options, the small icons and sounds.

One last remark: in some cases it might happen that not the actual appointment is displayed in the alert box, but the next one on the list. This happens when it takes the NM longer than one second to get the resources and display the alert. In that case, the background task will already have continued and put the next message string in the msgTxt global variable! This can be remedied by increasing the wait period (presently, 60 ticks) after calling say_it in check_next_date.

The necessary resources which have to be added to the MACH.RSRC file for running the program are given in Listing 2, in Rez format. Don’t forget to add a SIZE -1 resource as well, with the canBackground bit set, and a size of approx. 120K. Good luck.

Mach 2.14 (beta)

The latest news is a beta version 2.14 of Mach2, which I received recently; as you read this, 2.14 might be released, and I’ll give you a list of the main changes in one of the next columns. Here just a very brief summary:

- compiler optimization has been improved.

- local variable handling has been greatly improved, with the possibility to reserve blocks of local variable space (i.e. for parameter blocks), and customizing the local variable compiler.

- some words have been added, among them SHIFT which takes the function of SCALE that I previously defined.

- more trap words have been added to the system. The NM traps, which I defined here, are included.

- the disassembler has been enhanced, with listing of references to USER and global variables.

That’s it; till next month.

Listing 1: Notification Manager example
\ notification manager example System Ver 6.0 needed
\ JL 15.8.88

only forth definitions
also assembler also mac also i/o

\ structure of a NM record

0CONSTANT qLink  \ pointer
4CONSTANT qType  \ integer
6CONSTANT nmFlags\ integer
8CONSTANT nmPrivate\ longint
12 CONSTANT nmReserved  \ integer
14 CONSTANT nmMark \ integer
16 CONSTANT nmSIcon\ handle
20 CONSTANT nmSound\ handle
24 CONSTANT nmStr\ StringPtr
28 CONSTANT nmResp \ ProcPtr
32 CONSTANT nmRefCon \ longint

.TRAP _NMInstall $A05E
.TRAP _NMRemove  $A05F

CODE  NMInstall  ( NMRec -- result )
 MOVE.L (A6)+,A0
 MOVE.L D0,-(A6)

CODE  NMRemove ( NMRec -- result )
 MOVE.L (A6)+,A0
 MOVE.L D0,-(A6)

$5E CONSTANT nmTrap#
$9F CONSTANT unkTrap#

variable myNMRec 32 vallot
variable nmPresent 
 \ for checking whether the NM is implemented
variable nmChanged 
 \ flag for telling supervisor task
 \ that something has changed
variable nmSecs  
 \ time in seconds for next notify alert

: notify-request
 { mark SIcon sound str resp refCon | -- 
 nmPtr result }

 nmType mynmRec qType + w!
 mark   mynmRec nmMark + w!
 SIcon  mynmRec nmSIcon + !
 sound  mynmRec nmSound + !
 str    mynmRec nmStr + !
 resp   mynmRec nmResp + !
 refCon mynmRec nmRefCon + !

 mynmRec dup NMInstall



110 CONSTANT wVisible \ offset into window record

132 USER modelessVector
 60 USER fID



“ NM” nmWindow TITLE
1 1 16 16 nmWindow BOUNDS
Plain Visible NoCloseBox NoGrowBox nmWindow ITEMS

600 4000 TERMINAL nmTask


NEW.MENU AppleMenu
“ About Appointments ...;(-” AppleMenu ITEMS

“ File” FileMenu TITLE
0 FileID FileMenu BOUNDS
“ Close;Quit”  FileMenu ITEMS

“ Edit” EditMenu TITLE
0 EditID EditMenu BOUNDS
“ (Undo/Z;(-;Cut/K;Copy/C;Paste/V;Clear” EditMenu ITEMS

 \ for ‘update appointments’ dialog
VARIABLE msgPtr  \ for storing the dialog pointers
VARIABLE updRect 4 vallot
VARIABLE hUpdList\ stores list handle
VARIABLE listRows\ total # of rows in list 
 \ 14 bytes for date-time record
 \ 256 bytes for item text

\ ***** list manager support

\ List Manager select flags.
 64CONSTANT ExtendDrag
 32CONSTANT NoDisjoint
 16CONSTANT NoExtend
  4CONSTANT UseSense
  2CONSTANT NoNilHilite
\ Offsets into the List record
 12CONSTANT IndentOffset
 36CONSTANT SelFlags
 80CONSTANT LDataHandle

CREATE ArrayDim  \ Initially we will have an empty array.
 \ We’ll add rows and columns later.
 0 W,   \ Row-o.
 0 W,   \ Column-o.
 0 W,   \ Row-i.
 1 W,   \ Column-i.

: NewVList ( rview databounds size wPtr - lhandle )
 0 \ LDEF proc id
 swap \ window pointer
 0 \ DrawIt flag
 0 \ HasGrow flag
 0 \ scrollHoriz flag
 -1\ scrollVert flag
 (CALL) LNew

: MakeList { rect vcell hcell wPtr | 
 lhandle cellpt rectbr recttl -- lhandle }
 rect  @ $10001 + -> recttl
 rect 4 + @ $10010 - -> rectbr
 ^ recttl \ Pass rectangle.
 ArrayDim \ Pass bounds.
 vCell ^ cellpt W!
 hCell ^ cellpt 2+ W!
 cellpt \ Pass cell size.
 NewVList -> lhandle
 OnlyOne NoNilHilite +    
 \ Select only one cell at a time.
 lhandle @ SelFlags + C!  
 \ Don’t hilite empty cells.

: read1line { ^pfile string | pStr char -- flag }
 string -> pStr
 ^pfile @ virtual c@ -> char
 1 ^pfile +!
 char 0= char 13 = OR 0= WHILE
 1 +> pStr 
 char pStr c!
 pStr string - string c!
: open-dates-file
 “ Dates” $open dup 0< 
 IF drop “ Dates” dup 
 $create drop 
 fID w!

: fill-list { | pfile theCell -- }
 0 listRows !
 0 -> pfile
 ^ pfile msgTxt read1line WHILE
 1 listRows @ hupdList @ call LAddRow drop
 0 -> theCell
 listRows @ ^ theCell w!
 1 listRows +!
 msgtxt count theCell hupdList @ call LSetCell
 fID w@ closefile
 -1 hUpdList @ call LDoDraw 
 hupdList @ call LAutoScroll

: write-list { | len theCell offset -- }
 0 -> offset
 listRows @ 0 DO
 0 -> theCell  i ^ theCell w!
 0 -> len  255 ^ len w!
 msgTxt ^ len theCell hUpdList @
 call LGetCell
 ^ len w@ -> len
 13 msgTxt len + c!
 1 +> len
 offset len msgTxt fID w@ write
 len +> offset
 0 msgtxt c!
 offset 1 msgTxt fID w@ write
 offset 1+ fID w@ setEOF
 fID w@ closefile

\ UserDraw procedure
\ must use (call) instead of call and use glue code
\ for saving registers and setting up Forth stack

: UserDraw { theDlg theItem | iType iHdl rectbr recttl -- }
 theDlg theItem ^ iType ^ iHdl ^ recttl
 (call) GetDItem
 ^ recttl (call) FrameRect
 theDlg 24 + @   \ visRgn of dialog window
 hUpdList @ \ list handle
 (call) LUpdate

\ UserDraw procedure glue code
\ sets up local stack etc.

CODE gUser
 LINK A6,#-512   ( 512 bytes of local Forth stack )
 MOVEM.L A0-A5/D0-D7,-(A7)( save registers )
 MOVE.L A6,A3    ( setup local loop return stack )
 SUBA.L #256,A3  ( in the low 256 local stack bytes )
 CLR.L  D1
 MOVE.W 8(A6),D1 ( theItem )
 MOVE.L 10(A6),D0( theDialog )
 MOVE.L D0,-(A6)
 MOVE.L D1,-(A6)


 MOVEM.L (A7)+,A0-A5/D0-D7( restore registers )
 MOVE.L (A7)+,A0 ( return address )
 ADD.W  #6,A7    ( pop off 6 bytes of parameters )
 JMP    (A0)

: update-cell { string | theCell -- }
 0 -> theCell
 -1 ^ theCell hupdList @ call LGetSelect
 string count theCell hupdList @ 
 call LSetCell

: getText { dlgPtr item# string | iType iHdl iBox -- string }
 dlgPtr item# ^ iType ^ iHdl ^ iBox
 call GetDItem
 iHdl string call GetIText
: setText { dlgPtr item# string | iType iHdl iBox -- }
 dlgPtr item# ^ iType ^ iHdl ^ iBox
 call GetDItem
 iHdl string call SetIText

: setup-msg { editDlg string | -- string }
 editDlg  8 string getText ( year )
 editDlg  9 string 3 + getText ( month )
 editDlg 10 string 6 + getText ( day )
 editDlg 11 string 9 + getText ( hour )
 editDlg 12 string 12 + getText ( min )
 editDlg 13 string 15 + getText ( sec )

 editDlg 3 string 18 + getText ( message )
 c@ 18 + string c!

 ascii / dup string 3 + c! string 6 + c!
 32 string 9 + c! 32 string 18 + c!
 ascii : dup string 12 + c! string 15 + c!

: parse-msg { string | sPtr -- }
 string c@ 18 - string 18 + c!
 6 0 do 
 string i 3 * + -> sPtr
 2 sPtr c!
 sPtr call stringtonum
 datim i 2* + w!  
 datim w@ 1900 + datim w!

: set-dlg { editDlg string | -- }
 editDlg  8 string setText ( year )
 editDlg  9 string 3 + setText ( month )
 editDlg 10 string 6 + setText ( day )
 editDlg 11 string 9 + setText ( hour )
 editDlg 12 string 12 + setText ( min )
 editDlg 13 string 15 + setText ( sec )
 editDlg 3 string 18 + setText ( message )   

: getMsg { text | editDlg itemHit iTyp iHdl iBox
 -- string_or_zero }
 msgID 0 -1 call GetNewDialog -> editDlg
 text parse-msg
 editDlg text set-dlg
 0 ^ itemHit call ModalDialog
 ^ itemHit w@ CASE
 1 OF editDlg msgTxt setup-msgENDOF
 2 OF ( Cancel ) 0 ENDOF
 editDlg call DisposDialog

: userEdit { | theCell len -- }
 0 -> theCell
 -1 ^ theCell hupdList @ call LGetSelect
 255 ^ len w!
 msgTxt 1+ ^ len theCell hupdList @ call LGetCell
 ^ len w@ msgtxt c!
 msgtxt getMsg ?dup IF
 nmChanged on

: userAdd  { | theCell -- }
 “ yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss Your message - “ 
 dup c@ 1+ msgtxt swap cmove
 msgtxt getMsg IF 
 0 -> theCell
 -1 ^ theCell hupdList @ call LGetSelect
 IF 0 theCell hUpdList @ call LSetSelect THEN            
 1 listRows @ hupdList @ call LAddRow
 0 -> theCell
 listRows @ ^ theCell w!
 1 listRows +!
 msgtxt count theCell hupdList @ call LSetCell
 -1 theCell hUpdList @ call LSetSelect
 hupdList @ call LAutoScroll
 nmChanged on

: userDelete { | theCell -- }
 0 -> theCell
 -1 ^ theCell hupdList @ call LGetSelect
 1 ^ theCell w@ hupdList @ call LDelRow
 -1 listRows +!
 nmChanged on

: userList-handler { | thePt thePort -- }
 ^ thePort call getPort
 call frontwindow call setport 
 ^ thePt call getMouse    
 thePt event-record modifiers + w@ 
 hUpdList @
 call LClick
 IF ( double click ) userEdit THEN
 thePort call setPort

: CloseMe
 updPtr @ call CloseDialog

: QuitMe CloseMe ;

: dialog-handler 
 { itemHit dlgPtr | -- }

 itemHit CASE 
 1 OF CloseMe  ENDOF
 2 OF userEdit   ENDOF
 3 OF userAdd  ENDOF
 4 OF userDelete ENDOF

 5 OF userList-handler  ENDOF

: installupdPtr
 updPtr @ ?dup IF
 nmTask @ 2+ call SetWRefCon
 cr .” Couldn’t create dialog”

: installuserDraw { pUser | iType iHdl rectbr recttl -- }
 updPtr @ 5 ^ iType ^ iHdl ^ recttl
 call GetDItem 
 updPtr @ 5 ^ iType w@  pUser ^ recttl
 call SetDItem 
 ^ recttl 16 280 updPtr @ MakeList 
 hUpdList !

: UndoMe ;
: CutMe ;
: CopyMe ;
: PasteMe ;
: ClearMe ;

: do-about
 128 0 CALL Alert DROP

: do-apple   { item# }
 \ item# = 1 (About...)?
 item# 1 =  
 Applemenu @ item# DAName CALL GetItem
 DAName CALL OpenDeskAcc DROP

: DO-FILE ( item# -  )  
 ( handles selections from the file menu )
 1 OF   CloseMe  ENDOF
 2 OF    QuitMe  ENDOF

: DO-EDIT ( item# - )
 ( handles selections from the edit menu )
 dup 1- call SysEdit ( item# flag )
 0= IF
 5 OF PasteMe    ENDOF
 6 OF ClearMe    ENDOF
: nmBAR-handler  ( item# menuID -  ) 

\ setup notify request with text in (msgTxt + 18)

: say_it 
 nmPresent @ IF
 1 ( mark )
 0 ( no Icon )
 -1 ( system beep )
 msgTxt 18 + ( string to display )
 -1 ( remove request )
 0 ( no refCon )
 5 call sysbeep 

: get_time { | time -- secs }
 ^ time call readdatetime drop @

: get_next_date { | len theCell secs -- }
 listRows @ 0 DO
 0 -> theCell i ^ theCell w!
 255 ^ len w!
 msgTxt 1+ ^ len theCell hupdList @ call LGetCell
 ^ len w@ msgtxt c!
 msgtxt parse-msg
 datim call date2secs -> secs
 get_time secs u< IF leave THEN
 -1 -> secs \ in case no date matches
 secs nmSecs !
 nmChanged off

: wait { ticks | time -- }
 call tickcount ticks + -> time
 call tickcount time > 

: check_next_date 
 nmChanged @ IF get_next_date THEN
 nmSecs @ get_time
 u< IF 
 60 wait 
 nmChanged on 

: check_dialog_up
 updPtr @ wVisible + c@
 0= IF write-list bye

: go.nm 
 [‘] dialog-handler modelessVector !
 [‘] nmBar-handler menu-vector !
 nmWindow dup call showWindow
 call selectWindow
 updPtr @ dup call showWindow
 call selectWindow
 call DrawMenuBar

: nmPresent?
 NMTrap# CALL GetTrapAddress
 UnkTrap# CALL GetTrapAddress
 nmPresent !

: start 
 nmWindow ADD
 nmWindow nmTask BUILD

 nmBar ADD
 nmBar AppleMenu ADD
 AppleMenu @ ascii DRVR CALL AddResMenu
 nmBar FileMenu ADD
 nmBar EditMenu ADD
 nmBar nmTask mbar>task

 updID updStore -1 call GetNewDialog
 updPtr !

 [‘] gUser installUserDraw

 nmChanged on
 nmTask go.nm 
Listing 2: Resources for example (MPW Rez format)
resource ‘DITL’ (2000, “date list”) {
 { /* array DITLarray: 5 elements */
 /* [1] */
 {272, 328, 296, 392},
 Button {
 /* [2] */
 {168, 328, 192, 392},
 Button {
 /* [3] */
 {200, 328, 224, 392},
 Button {
 /* [4] */
 {232, 328, 256, 392},
 Button {
 /* [5] */
 {8, 8, 312, 312},
 UserItem {

resource ‘DITL’ (2001, “appt text”) {
 { /* array DITLarray: 15 elements */
 /* [1] */
 {160, 256, 184, 320},
 Button {
 /* [2] */
 {160, 336, 184, 408},
 Button {
 /* [3] */
 {49, 10, 145, 410},
 EditText {
 /* [4] */
 {15, 275, 33, 295},
 StaticText {
 /* [5] */
 {15, 235, 33, 255},
 StaticText {
 /* [6] */
 {15, 129, 33, 149},
 StaticText {
 /* [7] */
 {15, 89, 33, 109},
 StaticText {
 /* [8] */
 {16, 58, 32, 86},
 EditText {
 /* [9] */
 {16, 101, 32, 127},
 EditText {
 /* [10] */
 {16, 140, 32, 167},
 EditText {
 /* [11] */
 {16, 205, 32, 231},
 EditText {
 /* [12] */
 {16, 244, 32, 271},
 EditText {
 /* [13] */
 {16, 284, 32, 312},
 EditText {
 /* [14] */
 {16, 8, 32, 50},
 StaticText {
 /* [15] */
 {16, 176, 32, 196},
 StaticText {

resource ‘DITL’ (128, “About Appts”) {
 { /* array DITLarray: 2 elements */
 /* [1] */
 {159, 82, 188, 151},
 Button {
 “Okay <0>”
 /* [2] */
 {35, 28, 128, 192},
 StaticText {
 “Appointment reminder - \nNotification Man”
 “ager example\n© 1988 J. Langowski / MacTu”

resource ‘DLOG’ (2000, “date list”) {
 {54, 38, 380, 446},

resource ‘DLOG’ (2001, “appt text”) {
 {48, 16, 248, 440},
 “Edit Appointment”

resource ‘ALRT’ (128, “About Appts”) {
 {40, 40, 240, 280},
 { /* array: 4 elements */
 /* [1] */
 Cancel, visible, silent,
 /* [2] */
 Cancel, visible, silent,
 /* [3] */
 Cancel, visible, silent,
 /* [4] */
 Cancel, visible, silent

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Miraibo GO comes out swinging hard as it...
Having just launched what feels like yesterday, Dreamcube Studio is wasting no time adding events to their open-world survival Miraibo GO. Abyssal Souls arrives relatively in time for the spooky season and brings with it horrifying new partners to... | Read more »
Ditch the heavy binders and high price t...
As fun as the real-world equivalent and the very old Game Boy version are, the Pokemon Trading Card games have historically been received poorly on mobile. It is a very strange and confusing trend, but one that The Pokemon Company is determined to... | Read more »
Peace amongst mobile gamers is now shatt...
Some of the crazy folk tales from gaming have undoubtedly come from the EVE universe. Stories of spying, betrayal, and epic battles have entered history, and now the franchise expands as CCP Games launches EVE Galaxy Conquest, a free-to-play 4x... | Read more »
Lord of Nazarick, the turn-based RPG bas...
Crunchyroll and A PLUS JAPAN have just confirmed that Lord of Nazarick, their turn-based RPG based on the popular OVERLORD anime, is now available for iOS and Android. Starting today at 2PM CET, fans can download the game from Google Play and the... | Read more »
Digital Extremes' recent Devstream...
If you are anything like me you are impatiently waiting for Warframe: 1999 whilst simultaneously cursing the fact Excalibur Prime is permanently Vault locked. To keep us fed during our wait, Digital Extremes hosted a Double Devstream to dish out a... | Read more »
The Frozen Canvas adds a splash of colou...
It is time to grab your gloves and layer up, as Torchlight: Infinite is diving into the frozen tundra in its sixth season. The Frozen Canvas is a colourful new update that brings a stylish flair to the Netherrealm and puts creativity in the... | Read more »
Back When AOL WAS the Internet – The Tou...
In Episode 606 of The TouchArcade Show we kick things off talking about my plans for this weekend, which has resulted in this week’s show being a bit shorter than normal. We also go over some more updates on our Patreon situation, which has been... | Read more »
Creative Assembly's latest mobile p...
The Total War series has been slowly trickling onto mobile, which is a fantastic thing because most, if not all, of them are incredibly great fun. Creative Assembly's latest to get the Feral Interactive treatment into portable form is Total War:... | Read more »

Price Scanner via

Early Black Friday Deal: Apple’s newly upgrad...
Amazon has Apple 13″ MacBook Airs with M2 CPUs and 16GB of RAM on early Black Friday sale for $200 off MSRP, only $799. Their prices are the lowest currently available for these newly upgraded 13″ M2... Read more
13-inch 8GB M2 MacBook Airs for $749, $250 of...
Best Buy has Apple 13″ MacBook Airs with M2 CPUs and 8GB of RAM in stock and on sale on their online store for $250 off MSRP. Prices start at $749. Their prices are the lowest currently available for... Read more
Amazon is offering an early Black Friday $100...
Amazon is offering early Black Friday discounts on Apple’s new 2024 WiFi iPad minis ranging up to $100 off MSRP, each with free shipping. These are the lowest prices available for new minis anywhere... Read more
Price Drop! Clearance 14-inch M3 MacBook Pros...
Best Buy is offering a $500 discount on clearance 14″ M3 MacBook Pros on their online store this week with prices available starting at only $1099. Prices valid for online orders only, in-store... Read more
Apple AirPods Pro with USB-C on early Black F...
A couple of Apple retailers are offering $70 (28%) discounts on Apple’s AirPods Pro with USB-C (and hearing aid capabilities) this weekend. These are early AirPods Black Friday discounts if you’re... Read more
Price drop! 13-inch M3 MacBook Airs now avail...
With yesterday’s across-the-board MacBook Air upgrade to 16GB of RAM standard, Apple has dropped prices on clearance 13″ 8GB M3 MacBook Airs, Certified Refurbished, to a new low starting at only $829... Read more
Price drop! Apple 15-inch M3 MacBook Airs now...
With yesterday’s release of 15-inch M3 MacBook Airs with 16GB of RAM standard, Apple has dropped prices on clearance Certified Refurbished 15″ 8GB M3 MacBook Airs to a new low starting at only $999.... Read more
Apple has clearance 15-inch M2 MacBook Airs a...
Apple has clearance, Certified Refurbished, 15″ M2 MacBook Airs now available starting at $929 and ranging up to $410 off original MSRP. These are the cheapest 15″ MacBook Airs for sale today at... Read more
Apple drops prices on 13-inch M2 MacBook Airs...
Apple has dropped prices on 13″ M2 MacBook Airs to a new low of only $749 in their Certified Refurbished store. These are the cheapest M2-powered MacBooks for sale at Apple. Apple’s one-year warranty... Read more
Clearance 13-inch M1 MacBook Airs available a...
Apple has clearance 13″ M1 MacBook Airs, Certified Refurbished, now available for $679 for 8-Core CPU/7-Core GPU/256GB models. Apple’s one-year warranty is included, shipping is free, and each... Read more

Jobs Board

Seasonal Cashier - *Apple* Blossom Mall - J...
Seasonal Cashier - Apple Blossom Mall Location:Winchester, VA, United States ( - Apple Read more
Seasonal Fine Jewelry Commission Associate -...
…Fine Jewelry Commission Associate - Apple Blossom Mall Location:Winchester, VA, United States ( Read more
Seasonal Operations Associate - *Apple* Blo...
Seasonal Operations Associate - Apple Blossom Mall Location:Winchester, VA, United States ( - Read more
Hair Stylist - *Apple* Blossom Mall - JCPen...
Hair Stylist - Apple Blossom Mall Location:Winchester, VA, United States ( - Apple Blossom Read more
Cashier - *Apple* Blossom Mall - JCPenney (...
Cashier - Apple Blossom Mall Location:Winchester, VA, United States ( - Apple Blossom Mall Read more
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