Menus in TML
Volume Number: | | 4
Issue Number: | | 6
Column Tag: | | Advanced Mac'ing
Menus as Objects in TML Pascal 
By David B. Curtis, Wyoming, MN
[One of the limitations of LightSpeed Pascal and Turbo Pascal, despite their popularity, is that they dont support objects. TML Pascal does support the object type, which is similar to a procedure. In this article, David Curtis shows us how to use the TML Pascal Object type on menus to create an elegant way to manage menus, especially a custom menu definition like an icon menu, shown in figure 1. Unfortunately, Tom Leonard of TML has not bothered to keep MacTutor supplied with updates to TML Pascal in over a year, so I have been unable to check the compilation and linking of this article. However, the code looks clean and should not have any problems. It is our hope that TML will keep MacTutor and the rest of the development community better informed and supplied with timely updates to their Pascal. -Ed]
In some applications, a graphic menu provides a friendlier user interface than the standard text list. MacDraws Fill, Lines, and Pen menus are good examples. They show you the patterns you can choose from, rather than describe them in words. Can you imagine trying to describe the SysPat list verbally? Pictures are much more friendly. I have a similar problem in an application I am working on. It is a simple circuit analysis program, and I wish to have a menu of circuit models for the user to choose from. A circuit element is much more easily drawn than described. The brute force approach to this problem is to make a procedure that draws each circuit model in the menu area. That works, but I dislike it. First of all, it is hard to maintain. Second, it is just plain hard work to build the first time. Finally, it is code that has little hope of ever being useful in another program.

Fig. 1 Icon Menus as Objects in Object Pascal
In case you didnt notice, my objections to the brute force approach are motivated largely by sloth. How could I avoid excess work, both now and in the future? I went out in search of the lazy mans way to a widely applicable, easily maintainable graphic menu, and came up with the icon menu. The icon menu procedure uses icons from a resource file to present a palette of selections. The code is generic across any application, and the icons can be maintained easily with ResEdit. Icons turn out to be a very nice size for my circuit model pictures. I suspect that icons would be good for a lot of graphic menu applications. (How about an icon based Transfer menu?) Figure 1 shows a prototype circuit model menu, implemented as an Icon menu.
Implementation Overview
I implemented the icon menu as a TML Pascal UNIT. (Any code that might get used in another program in the future I automatically put into a UNIT.) The OBJECT feature of Pascal is another powerful feature for reducing redundant work. I have used both features to create my icon menu, and usages of both are several layers deep. Each layer is quite simple, but some sort of road map to the structure is in order.
The lowest level unit is the trivial StdPoll (standard poll) unit. I mention it only so that you dont wonder why I didnt. Eventually, I plan to put generic polling loop code in here, but in its present form, StdPolls main purpose is to provide the global variable Done, which gets set in response to a Quit menu choice. Now on to the interesting stuff.
StdMenu (standard menu) is the key unit that everything is built upon. It defines a low level object called MenuHdlr (menu handler). A MenuHdlr object collects menu code into one place and handles all the associated behaviors. The two methods that a generic MenuHdlr has are Create, which should do whatever it takes to make a menu and insert it at the end of the menu bar; and Choose, which will be called to handle a menu choice. In the default case, Create just slurps up a normal menu resource from the resource fork. Choose, on the other hand, does nothing; it should be overridden in the application with appropriate code to handle the menu choices.
The StdMenu unit also provides pre-defined descendant objects of MenuHdlr, called AppleMenuHdlr, StdFileMenuHdlr, and StdEditMenuHdlr. These menu handlers provide minimal functionality for the Apple, File and Edit menus, respectively. The AppleMenuHdlr should be all most applications need to support a standard Apple menu. The Create method is overidden with code that pulls in desk accessory names, and the Choose method is overidden with code that displays an About alert, or opens a desk accessory.
Notice that the AppleMenuHdlr has an additional method called Setup, which does the additional pre-Create work of setting up an alert id for the About selection. I have chosen the convention of putting additional pre-create initialization for MenuHdlrs (if needed) in a Setup method, but Setup is not a method in the generic MenuHdlr. Why? Because every descendant object that overrides a method must have the same parameter list, and that is exactly what we dont want for a Setup method; we want the Setup method to be specific to the needs of a sub-species of MenuHdlr.
StdFileMenuHdlr and StdEditMenuHdlr exist in StdMenu only to provide bare minimum Choose functionallity. Most applications will want to override this code, but the minimal version is handy while prototyping other chunks of the application.
The program TestMenus uses AppleMenuHdlr, StdEditMenuHdlr and StdFileMenuHdlr. Look at the menu objects declared in the var section, and then look at the the procedures InitApplication and MenuChoice to see how the StdMenu unit is used. Notice how clean MenuChoice is because of the overridden Choose methods.
The IconMenu Unit
The meaty unit, as far as we are concerned, is IconMenu. This unit provides icon menu functionallity as a natural extension of the StdMenu facilities. The object type IconMenuHdlr, a descendant of MenuHdlr, adds a Setup method which is used to define the parameters of the icon menu. That includes what the first icons resource id is (the rest must follow in sequence), how many icons you have to display, how many icons wide you want the menu, how many extra pixels of blank space you want around each icon, and what the name of the menu is. Setup calculates how many icons tall the menu needs to be. These parameters are then stored in the IconMenuHdlr data record.
The Create method is in charge of a couple of tricks. Since the IconMenu is a non-standard menu, we have to set up our own menu definition procedure. My Icon menu definition procedure is IconMenuDef, a global procedure in the implementation part of the unit. IconMenuDef is installed as the menus definition procedure by the Create method. When the Create method first calls NewMenu, it gets a standard MenuInfo record. Since we want to store the larger IconMenuInfo record, Create calls SetHandleSize to stretch the storage block to the required size. The call to NewMenu also fills in the menuProc field with a handle to the standard menu definition procedure; we want to write over that with a handle to our own menu definition procedure. Be careful! The default menuProc handle that you get points to the one and only master pointer to the standard menu definition procedure. Assign a new handle to menuProc (which gets a new master pointer) before going through menuProc to set up a new menu definition. If you dont, you clobber all menus. I am embarrassed to say I learned that the hard way, although it is obvious when you stop and think about it.
The Create method also sets up a reference in the menu record to the IconMenuHdlr object. That way IconMenuDef can find its way back to the data telling it what icons to draw where. (In a normal menu, the item information itself is stored following the MenuInfo record.) To set up the object reference, the menuHandle is type converted to an IconMenuHandle, and SELF is tucked away in the IconMenuInfo record. SELF is a reference to the object calling the method. Each instance of an IconMenuHdlr must call Create, and thus each icon menu gets its own list of icons and its own height and width. The IconMenuInfo record defined in the unit interface provides the necessary type information for the Create method to place the object reference in the menu data.
The MDEF Procedure
MDEF procedures have been described before in MacTutor, also reprinted in The Complete MacTutor, Vol. 2, p. 248, 251); I will just touch on the basics here. If you need more information, dig out those back issues, or see IM Vol. I, p. 362.
A menu definition procedure must respond to three kinds of messages, called mSizeMsg, mDrawMsg, and mChooseMsg. When the menu manager sends you the mSizeMsg, he wants to know how much space your menu takes on the screen. The menu manager sends you the mDrawMsg when he wants you to draw your menu on the screen; he has already saved the stuff underneath and given you a nice, white drawing space. When you get the mChoseMsg you should check the mouse location that you are given and do any hiliting and unhiliting necessary to behave like a menu. In a nutshell, thats all there is to it; but I will admit it took me a while to get all that to work.
My menu definition procedure has four local procedures. One for each menu manager message type, and one that returns a rectangle in global coordinates when given the number of a menu selection. This structure is borrowed straight from Daryl Lovatos MDEF example in the TML Source Code Library. (If I can make a small digression at this point, I would like to recommend the Source Code Library as a wonderful learning tool. Reading and modifying Source Code Library programs has taught me a lot about the Mac and its mysteries.)
DoSizeMsg and DoChoseMsg are both quite simple. All DoSizeMsg has to do is allow room for the necessary number of icons, plus the extra blank space in between. DoChoseMsg just searches for the icon that the cursor is over, and updates hiliting as necessary.
DoDrawMsg is a little more interesting, but still quite simple because we can make use of the icon support routines in the toolbox. This is where laziness really pays off; drawing all my circuit models through brute force code would have made this routine a nightmare. I suppose it would be good form to pre-load the icon resources for the menu, since a user could potentially end up in swap-a-floppy-land the way DoDrawMsg is now implemented. The Create method could easily preload icon resources, or the preload bit could be set with ResEdit.
The fanatical user might make some performance improvements to the IconMenuDef procedure. The item rectangles are calculated now, that could be sped up with look-up techniques. The item search itself could be sped up by doing something more elegant than a linear search. The icon menu seems quite fast to me as it is, however, so I dont plan to fiddle with it. We non-fanatics need only zap up a few icons with ResEdit to have graphic menus.
{$L TestMenus/Rsrc }
program TestMenus;
Macintf, StdPoll, StdMenu, IconMenu;
{ Menu IDs }
AppleMenuID = 256;
AboutAlertID = 1000;
FileMenuID = 257;
EditMenuID = 258;
CktMenuID = 259; { not a resource id }
FirstCktIcon = 500;
NumCktIcons = 7;
IconsWide = 3;
BfSpace = 3;
{ Instances of Menu Handlers }
AppleMenu : AppleMenuHdlr;
FileMenu : StdFileMenuHdlr;
EditMenu : StdEditMenuHdlr;
CktMenu : IconMenuHdlr;
{ Event polling variables }
TheEvent : EventRecord;
EventIsForMe : Boolean;
|DoMenuChoice - do a menu selection
procedure DoMenuChoice (MenuCode : LongInt);
case HiWord(MenuCode) of
AppleMenuID: AppleMenu.Choose (LoWord(MenuCode));
FileMenuID : FileMenu.Choose (LoWord(MenuCode));
EditMenuID : EditMenu.Choose (LoWord(MenuCode));
CktMenuID: CktMenu.Choose (LoWord(MenuCode)) end;
HiliteMenu (0) end;
|PollEvent - check event queue and dispatch event, if any
procedure PollEvent;
TempWindow : WindowPtr;
EventIsForMe := GetNextEvent(everyEvent,TheEvent);
if EventIsForMe
then case TheEvent.what of
mouseDown : case FindWindow(TheEvent.where,TempWindow) of
inMenuBar: DoMenuChoice(MenuSelect(TheEvent.where));
inSysWindow : SystemClick (TheEvent, TempWindow);
otherwise { ignore } end;
keyDown : if BitAnd(TheEvent.modifiers,CmdKey) <> 0
then DoMenuChoice(MenuKey(CHR(BitAnd( TheEvent.message,CharCodeMask))));
otherwise { ignore } end end;
procedure InitApplication;
Done := False;
{ Create the menus }
New (AppleMenu);
AppleMenu.Setup (AboutAlertID);
AppleMenu.Create (AppleMenuID);
New (FileMenu);
FileMenu.Create (FileMenuID);
New (EditMenu);
EditMenu.Create (EditMenuID);
New (CktMenu);
CktMenu.Setup (FirstCktIcon, NumCktIcons, IconsWide,
BfSpace, Model);
CktMenu.Create (CktMenuID);
InitCursor end;
until done end.
{$A+} { Interlinear source on compile to .asm }
{$R+} { Range checking }
unit StdPoll;
Done : Boolean; { program is all done }
procedure InitTheMac;
procedure InitTheMac;
InitGraf (@ThePort);
InitDialogs (NIL) end;
|StdMenu provides standard menu objects.
unit StdMenu;
uses MacIntf, StdPoll;
{ Standard File menu item numbers }
NewItem = 1;
OpenItem = 2;
CloseItem = 3;
{ ------ }
SaveItem = 5;
SaveAsItem = 6;
RevertItem = 7;
{ ------ }
PageSetupItem = 9;
PrintItem = 10;
{ ------ }
QuitItem = 12;
| MenuHdlr is the base object for all menus.
| The Create method installs the menu at the end of
| the menu bar. The Choose method should be overridden
| with code to perform a menu choice.
MenuHdlr = object
TheMenu : MenuHandle;
procedure Create (RsrcID : Integer);
procedure Choose (Choice : Integer);
| AppleMenuHdlr provides all the functionallity of
| a standard Apple menu. It must be Setup with an
| alert id for the About message before Create is
| called.
AppleMenuHdlr = object (MenuHdlr)
AboutID : Integer;
procedure Create (RsrcID : Integer); override;
procedure Choose (Choice : Integer); override;
procedure Setup (AlertID : Integer);
| StdFileMenuHdlr is a minimal File menu. The Choose
| method can Close DAs and Quit.
StdFileMenuHdlr = object (MenuHdlr)
procedure Choose (Choice : Integer); override;
| StdEditMenuHdlr is a minimal Edit menu. The Choose
| method supports DA editing.
StdEditMenuHdlr = object (MenuHdlr)
procedure Choose (Choice : Integer); override;
|Generic Menu Handler
procedure MenuHdlr.Create (RsrcID : Integer);
{ Read in a standard menu resource.
| Remember: Object variables are Handles!
|Self is set only
| as you enter the method, so HLock it if you call any
| potential heap-scramblers! }
TheMenu := GetMenu (RsrcID);
InsertMenu (TheMenu, 0);
HUnlock(Handle(Self)) end;
procedure MenuHdlr.Choose (Choice : Integer);
begin end;
|Apple Menu Handler
procedure AppleMenuHdlr.Create (RsrcID : Integer);
{ Read in the Apple menu stub, and add DAs }
TheMenu := GetMenu (RsrcID);
AddResMenu (TheMenu, DRVR);
InsertMenu (TheMenu, 0);
HUnlock(Handle(Self)) end;
procedure AppleMenuHdlr.Choose (Choice : Integer);
AccName : Str255;
AccNumber : integer;
{ Post alert or open DA }
if Choice = 1
then AccNumber := Alert (AboutID, NIL)
else begin
GetItem (TheMenu, Choice, AccName);
AccNumber := OpenDeskAcc (AccName) end end;
procedure AppleMenuHdlr.Setup (AlertID : Integer);
AboutID := AlertID end;
|Standard File Menu
procedure StdFileMenuHdlr.Choose (Choice : Integer);
FrontWP : windowPeek;
case Choice of
NewItem : ;
OpenItem : ;
CloseItem : begin { If frontmost window DA, close it. }
FrontWP := windowPeek(frontWindow);
if FrontWP^.windowKind < 0
then CloseDeskAcc(FrontWP^.windowKind) end;
SaveItem : ;
SaveAsItem : ;
RevertItem : ;
PageSetupItem : ;
PrintItem : ;
QuitItem : Done := true;
otherwise { nothing } end end;
|Standard Edit menu
procedure StdEditMenuHdlr.Choose (Choice : Integer);
Trash : Boolean;
Trash := SystemEdit (Choice-1) end;
end. { of StdMenu unit }
|Icon menu MDEF unit
|Creates and manages a menu of Icons.
unit IconMenu;
Macintf, StdPoll, StdMenu;
IconMenuHdlr = object (MenuHdlr)
StartIcon, { The resource ID of first icon }
NumIcons,{ How many icons to use (IDs in
sequence) }
IconsWide, { Menu shape... }
IconsTall, { More menu shape. }
BufferSpace{ Extra white pixels around each icon }
: Integer;
Title { The name of the menu }
: Str255;
procedure Create (RsrcID : Integer); override;
procedure Setup (
: Integer;
: Str255); end;
IconMenuPtr = ^IconMenuInfo;
IconMenuHandle = ^ IconMenuPtr;
IconMenuInfo = record
StdStuff : MenuInfo; { The default MenuInfo record }
Handler : IconMenuHdlr { Reference to the above
handler object }
IconSize = 32;{ How big is an icon }
|IconMenuDef is installed as the MDEF procedure.
|See IM Vol. I, p. 362
procedure IconMenuDef (
Message : Integer;
SelectedMenu : IconMenuHandle;
var MenuRect : Rect;
HitPt : Point;
var WhichItem : Integer);
| ItemRect - function to find the rectangle ( in global
| coordinates) of a given item number.
function ItemRect (
ItemNum : Integer;
MenuRect : Rect;
SelectedMenu : IconMenuHandle) : Rect;
: Rect;
: Integer;
{ If ItemNum is a real item, then return the }
{ global coordinates of the items rectangle; }
{ otherwise return empty rect. }
if (ItemNum >= 1)
and (ItemNum <= SelectedMenu^^.Handler.NumIcons)
then with SelectedMenu^^.Handler do begin
ItemLess1 := ItemNum - 1;
ItemSize := IconSize + 2 * BufferSpace; := (ItemLess1 div IconsWide)
* ItemSize +;
TempRect.left := (ItemLess1 mod IconsWide)
* ItemSize + MenuRect.left;
TempRect.bottom := + ItemSize;
TempRect.right := TempRect.left + ItemSize end
else begin := 0;
TempRect.left := 0;
TempRect.bottom := 0;
TempRect.right := 0 end;
ItemRect := TempRect end;
| DoDrawMessage - handle the menu manager Draw command
procedure DoDrawMessage (
SelectedMenu : IconMenuHandle;
MenuRect : Rect);
Selection : Integer; { Current selection }
SelRect : Rect; { Current selections Rect }
TheIcon : Handle; { Handle to selections Icon }
{ Get every icon in the menu and plot it. }
with SelectedMenu^^.Handler do begin
for Selection := 1 to NumIcons do begin
SelRect := ItemRect(Selection, MenuRect, SelectedMenu);
TheIcon := GetIcon (StartIcon + Selection - 1);
PlotIcon (SelRect, TheIcon) end end;
HUnlock(Handle(SelectedMenu)) end;
| DoChooseMessage - handle menu manager Choose command
function DoChooseMessage (
SelectedMenu : IconMenuHandle;
MenuRect : Rect;
HitPoint : Point;
OldSelection : Integer) : Integer;
SelRect : Rect;
Found : boolean;
Selection : Integer;
OldSelRect : Rect;
Selection := 1;
Found:= false;
{ Find out which item mouse is over, if any. }
SelRect := ItemRect (Selection, MenuRect, SelectedMenu);
Found := PtInRect (HitPoint,SelRect);
if not Found then Selection := Selection + 1;
until ((Selection > (SelectedMenu^^.Handler.NumIcons))
or (Found));
{ Update hiliting as necessary }
if Found
then begin { in an item }
if (Selection <> OldSelection)
then begin { in a different item, change hiliting }
OldSelRect := ItemRect(OldSelection,
MenuRect, SelectedMenu);
InvertRect(SelRect) end;
DoChooseMessage := Selection end
else begin { not in a item, unhilite old }
OldSelRect := ItemRect(OldSelection, MenuRect, SelectedMenu);
InvertRect (OldSelRect);
DoChooseMessage := 0 end end;
| DoSizeMessage - handle the menu manager Size command
procedure DoSizeMessage (
var Menu : IconMenuHandle);
with Menu^^.Handler do begin
Menu^^.StdStuff.menuWidth:= IconsWide*(IconSize + 2 * BufferSpace);
Menu^^.StdStuff.menuHeight:= IconsTall*(IconSize + 2 * BufferSpace)
end end;
|IconMenuDef - main
case message of
mSizeMsg : DoSizeMessage (SelectedMenu);
mDrawMsg : DoDrawMessage (SelectedMenu, MenuRect);
mChooseMsg : WhichItem := DoChooseMessage (
SelectedMenu,MenuRect,HitPt,WhichItem) end end;
function Min (a,b : Integer) : Integer;
if a < b
then Min := a
else Min := b end;
procedure IconMenuHdlr.Setup (
: Integer;
: Str255);
StartIcon := StartIconReq;
NumIcons := NumIconsReq;
IconsWide := IconsWideReq;
{ Calculate IconsTall from NumIcons and IconsWide }
IconsTall := NumIcons div IconsWide
+ Min (NumIcons mod IconsWide, 1);
BufferSpace := BufferSpaceReq;
Title := TitleReq end;
procedure IconMenuHdlr.Create (RsrcID : Integer);
{ RsrcID isnt a resource ID in this case, just a menu id }
TrickyHandle : IconMenuHandle; { Used for type coercion }
TheMenu := NewMenu (RsrcID, Title);
{ Get a plain menu record }
SetHandleSize (Handle(TheMenu), SizeOf(IconMenuInfo));
{ Stretch it }
if MemError = 0
then begin
{ Assign the icon MDEF proc }
TheMenu^^.menuProc := NewHandle(0); {Important! }
TheMenu^^.menuProc^ := @IconMenuDef;
{ Stuff in reference to the MenuHandler object }
TrickyHandle := IconMenuHandle (TheMenu);
TrickyHandle^^.Handler := SELF;
{ Insert at end of menu bar }
CalcMenuSize (TheMenu);
InsertMenu (TheMenu,0) end
SysBeep (1);
HUnlock(Handle(Self)) end;
end. { of IconMenu unit }
/Globals -4
* IconMenu.R resources
,0 ;;0 by convention
Icons in Menus by David Curtis \A9 MacTutor 1988.
ICN# 1
0 128
0 128
APPL 0 ;; local id 0 for icon list
* ------ Multifinder --------
16384 ;; $4000 = bit 14 set
148000 ;; recomended
128000 ;; minimum
,1000 (0)
60 128 260 368
,100 (0)
133 128 153 188
60 41 80 159
About Menu Test
,505 (0)
0000 0000 0000 0000 0036 D800 0049 2400
0049 2400 71C9 270E 8900 0111 8F00 01F1
8900 0111 7104 410E 0104 8100 0105 0100
01FD FF00 0005 0000 0004 8000 0004 4000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 7000 000E
8800 0011 8FFF FFF1 8800 0011 7000 000E
,504 (0)
0000 4000 0000 8000 0001 0000 0002 0000
0004 0000 7008 000E 8810 0011 8FFF FFF1
8800 0011 7000 000E 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 4000 0000 8000
0001 0000 0002 0000 0004 0000 7008 000E
8810 0011 8FFF FFF1 8800 0011 7000 000E
,503 (0)
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0001 0800 7001 100E 8801 2011 8FFF 3FF1
8801 2011 7001 100E 0001 0800 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 7000 000E
8800 0011 8FFF FFF1 8800 0011 7000 000E
,506 (0)
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 7000 000E 8800 0011 8FFF FFF1
8A04 0111 7204 010E 0204 0100 0104 0100
0087 0100 0100 8100 0200 8100 0407 0FE0
0800 8000 0400 87C0 0207 0920 0100 8100
0080 8100 0107 0100 0200 8100 0400 8100
0807 0100 0404 0100 0204 0100 7204 010E
8A04 0111 8FFF FFF1 8800 0011 7000 000E
,501 (0)
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
006D B600 7092 490E 8892 4911 8F92 49F1
8800 0011 7000 000E 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 7000 000E
8800 0011 8FFF FFF1 8800 0011 7000 000E
,500 (0)
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 7000 000E 8800 0011 8FFF FFF1
8800 8011 7000 800E 0000 8000 0000 E000
0000 1000 0000 1000 0000 E000 0000 1000
0000 1000 0000 E000 0000 1000 0000 1000
0000 E000 0000 1000 0000 1000 0000 E000
0000 1000 0000 1000 0000 E000 7000 800E
8800 8011 8FFF FFF1 8800 0011 7000 000E
,502 (0)
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 7000 000E 8800 0011 8FFF FFF1
8800 8011 7000 800E 0000 8000 0000 8000
0000 8000 0000 8000 0007 F000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0001 C000 0002 A000 0004 9000
0000 8000 0000 8000 0000 8000 0000 8000
0000 8000 0000 8000 0000 8000 7000 800E
8800 8011 8FFF FFF1 8800 0011 7000 000E
,256 (0)
About Test Menus
,257 (0)
(Save As
(Page Setup
,258 (0)
Type ICN# = GNRL
,128 (4) ;; The Appl. Icon
003FFC0 000400200 00800100 01000080
0200004 004000020 09FFFFD0 13ABF568
23FFFFE 440422082 807E2081 80423F81
807E208 180002081 80003F81 80002081
801E208 1800E3F81 800E2081 801A2081
80303F8 180602081 40C02082 21803F84
1300208 808003F90 04000020 02000040
0100008 000800100 00400200 003FFC00
003FFC0 0007FFE00 00FFFF00 01FFFF80
01FFFF8 000FFFF00 007FFE00 003FFC00
David wins our Program of the Month award for this timely and interesting approach to using objects to manage menus. It is also refreshing to find that an old horse like TML Pascal can do some powerful things the new boys on the block can't do. Thanks David for a most interesting look at doing icon menus!