Volume Number: | | 3
Issue Number: | | 1
Column Tag: | | Assembly Language Lab
Rose Curve Generator 
By Victor Barger, Waunakee, WI
An application of mathematics which produces fascinating designs is the graphing of trigonometric functions using polar coordinates. Each function leads to a beautiful design which bears a strong resemblance to a flower, such as the rose. With its excellent graphics capabilities and superior user interface, the Macintosh is perfect for quickly plotting rose functions on the screen with a program simple enough that anyone can use it. The application described in this article takes full advantage of these capabilities to allow the user to experience the graphic beauty of trigonometry.

Using Rose Curves
After launching Rose Curves, a window will open in the center of the screen and the default function will be drawn inside. (See Figure 1) Both the standard apple menu and a Control menu will be in the menu bar. The apple menu contains the item About Rose Curves... and the names of all desk accessories available to the user from the System file. Under the Control menu are two options: Change Parameters and Quit. When the Change Parameters item is selected a window similar to the one in Figure 2 is opened in the center of the screen. With this window the user can select the function to be drawn, choose the size of the drawing and indicate whether the drawing should be multilayered. Function and size are selected by clicking on the appropriate function name or size. For example, selecting cos (sin 100r) gives the design in Figure 3. If multilayered is selected, the function will be drawn at the original size and then shrunk repeatedly to create a layered effect, making the design more interesting: See Figure 4.

Entering the Program
Start up the Macintosh 68000 Development System. The startup disk should be titled MDS1 and the external disk MDS2. The applications Edit, Asm, Link, Exec and RMaker should be on MDS1 and a folder entitled .D Files with SysEqu.D, ToolEqu.D, QuickEqu.D, and MacTraps.D inside on MDS2. To make Rose Curves work on a Macintosh 512 with the old ROM, FixMath.Txt and FixMath.Rel must also be in the .D Files folder (The information on where to get these two files is under How Rose Curves Works). FixTraps.Txt and FixTraps.Rel are files which were distributed by Apple Computer under the Apple Software Supplement to aid assembly language programmers in calculating basic arithmetic and trigonometric functions. As the program is presented here, you have everything you need to type the program in and run it on a new ROM machine, since the FixTraps necessary for this program are explicitly defined with the ".TRAPS" statement at the start of the program. The program may also be entered into the new MPW assembler, or assembled with the Consulair C system, which includes the complete MDS assembler built-in.

To create the program, simply assemble the Rose.Asm listing. Then compile the resource file with RMaker. Finally execute the linker on the link file listing and the program object file and resource object file (both ".REL" files) will be linked together, an application generated, and the cute rose application icon should appear on the disk. Double click "Rose Curves" and your in business making fascinating polar coordinate art.
How Rose Curves Works
The program begins by initializing the standard managers, initializing its variables, setting up the menu bar and opening the window. The initialized variables are Equation, Scale, RealScale, Multilayered and drawn. Equation contains the item number of the selected function in the Change Parameters dialog. To obtain the real equation number, subtract 3 from Equation. Scale is the item number of the selected scale or size and RealScale is the actual scalar multiplied on each point before drawing it. Multilayered determines whether the rose will be layered. Finally, drawn is a boolean expression which determines whether the window needs to be updated by redrawing the rose (false) or simply by copying the rose from the offscreen bitmap (true). The offscreen bitmap is also created in this routine. To create a bitmap, create an area in memory with space for a pointer, a word and a rectangle. In Rose Curves, this appears at the end of the program under the label windowBitMap. Now select the rectangle of the bitmap and calculate the rowbytes with the equation
rowbytes = int((xright - xleft)/8+1)
If rowbytes is odd, round it up. Suppose our rectangle is 0, 0, 50, 96 (remember that a QuickDraw rectangle is stored as y1, x1, y2, x2). Then rowbytes would be 14 and the bitmap would look like this:
myBitMapDC.L0 ;pointer to bitmap storage
DC14 ;rowbytes
DC0, 0, 50, 96 ;boundsRect
The size of the bitmap storage must be determined before it can be created. Use the equation
size = rowbytes * (ybottom - ytop)
To create the bitmap, use the following routine.
move.l #size,D0
_NewPtr;allocate new pointer
lea myBitMap,A1
move.l A0,(A1) ;put the pointer to the
;storage in myBitMap
To copy a picture from the current window to myBitMap, use this routine
pea aPort(A5) ;storage for the port
_GetPort ;get the current port
move.l aPort(A5),A0 ;put the port pointer in A0
pea portBits(A0) ;push ptr to ports bitmap
pea myBitMap ;push ptr to our bitMap
pea srcRect ;push srcRect
pea dstRect ;push dstRect
clr -(SP) ;srcCopy
clr.l -(SP) ;no mask region
_CopyBits;copy the bits
Finally, remember to dispose of the bitmaps storage after finishing with it. This is accomplished simply with
move.l myBitMap,A0
The EventLoop allows desk accessories to perform their periodic events by calling _SystemTask and, if an event occurs, branches to HandleEvent which transfers execution to the appropriate routine: Activate, Update, KeyDown or MouseDown. The Activate routine activates or deactivates the Rose Curves window depending on what the user requested. Update updates the window by either drawing the curve or using _CopyBits, depending on whether the curve had been drawn previously. KeyDown checks if the command-key was down when the KeyDown event occurred by testing bit eight of the ModifyReg. If bit eight equals one, a command-key was pressed and _MenuKey is called to determine the appropriate menuNumber and itemNumber for Choices, the routine which handles menu selections. MouseDown finds the area the mouse was clicked in using _FindWindow and jumps to the appropriate routine to handle the click.
Several other important routines are SystemEvent, InMenu, UnhiliteMenu, NextEvent InAppleMenu and ParameterChange. SystemEvent passes mouse clicks in system windows to the system for it to handle. InMenu converts a mouse click in the menu bar to the correct menuNumber and itemNumber for Choices. Choices then calls InAppleMenu if the click was in the apple menu, calls ParameterChange if the first item in the Control menu was selected, or quits to the Finder if Quit was selected. UnhiliteMenu unhighlights all menus in the menu bar and NextEvent returns to the EventLoop. InAppleMenu either displays the InfoAlert About Rose Curves... or opens the selected desk accessory using _OpenDeskAccessory. Finally, ParameterChange opens the parameter dialog, hilights the buttons which correspond to the Equation, Scale and Multilayered variables and monitors the users actions until the dialog is dismissed with the OK or Cancel button. If OK was selected, ParameterChange updates the variables Equation, Scale, RealScale and Multilayered before closing the dialog and returning to the EventLoop.

The heart of the program lies in the DrawRose subroutine. Before outlining how it operates, an explanation of the fixed-point math routines is needed. Fixed-point math is not as accurate as floating-point math, but much faster. With graphics programs, speed is often much more important than accuracy, especially when there is the possibility of losing the users attention. Since Apple elected not to implement the fixed-point routines into the old toolbox, they released the file's FixTraps. Txt and FixMath.Rel in the Apple Software Supplement of May 6, 1985. These files are available from local user groups, bulletin boards, Apple dealerships or directly from Apple. FixTraps.Txt includes a nice description of the toolbox additions and FixMath.Rel contains the actual routines. To use the fixed-point routines on a Macintosh with the old ROM, type INCLUDE FixTraps.Txt at the beginning of your .Asm file. Also include the line FixTraps after the name of the application under development in the .Link file. To use the fixed-point routines on a Macintosh with the new ROM, simply define the trap using .TRAP at the beginning of the ASM file as we did in our listing here. The complete list of new fixed-point traps is as follows:
Long2Fix $A83F
FracSin $A848
FracSqrt $A849
FracMul $A84A
FracDiv $A84B
FixAtan2 $A818
FixDiv $A84D
Fix2Long $A840
Fix2Frac $A841
Frac2Fix $A842
Fix2X $A843
X2Fix $A844
Frac2X $A845
X2Frac $A846
FracCos $A847
The fixed-point routines support three types of numbers: longint (long integer), fixed, and fract (fractional). Type longint represents integers between ±2147483647, type fixed represents fractional quantities between ±32768 with about 5 digits of accuracy and type fract represents fractional quantities between ±2 with about 9 digits of accuracy. Rose Curves uses _FracSin, _FracCos, _FixMul and _FracMul to perform its arithmetic operations. These routines work like any other toolbox trap: space is cleared on the stack for the result, the parameters are pushed on the stack and the trap is called. The Pascal definitions for these routines are
function FracSin( x : Fixed ) : Fract
function FracCos( x : Fixed ) : Fract
function FixMul( x, y : Fixed ) : Fixed
function FracMul( x, y : Fract ) : Fract
With _FixMul and _FracMul it is possible to pass parameters of different types than specified. For example, one could pass x as type longint and y as type fixed to _FixMul and the result would be type longint. The following table contains the result types for multiplying different types using _FixMul and _FracMul.
_FixMul _FracMul
x y result x y result
fixed fixed fixed fract fract fract
longint fixed longint longint fract longint
fixed longint longint fract longint longint
fract fixed fract fixed fract fixed
fixed fract fract fract fixed fixed
Note: To convert a number to type Fract, multiply it by 65536. To convert a number to type Fixed, multiply it by 32768.
DrawRose begins by changing the cursor to a watch, setting the counter to 721 steps (1 + 360° x 1/increment), the increment to 572 (.5° in fixed-point radians) and the present angle to 0. It then loops until the counter is zero, evaluating the current function (bsr EvalFunction), converting the function result to rectangular coordinates and scaling and centering the points. After completing each layer, the program decreases the scale by 20 and redraws the curve if multilayered was selected. After drawing all of the layers, the variable drawn is set to true and the image in the window is copied onto the offscreen bitmap for future update events.
Possible Modifications
Rose Curves could be improved in several ways. The most obvious way would be to add more functions to the program. To accomplish this, add the function buttons in the Rose.R file and add the subroutines to evaluate the new functions to Rose.Asm. Note that the displacement to the function must be included in the equation table for the new subroutine to be executed. To do this, add the line DC functionLabel-EquationTable after the line DC Six-EquationTable. As more functions are added, keep adding the labels to the equation table. The second improvement would be to decrease the time required to draw the rose when multilayered is on. To do this, copy the image of the rose into an offscreen bitmap using _CopyBits after the first rose has been drawn. Then shrink CopyBits dstRect and copy the rose from the offscreen bitmap onto the screen. Although many times faster, this method greatly reduces the accuracy with which layers are drawn since they are being scaled by _CopyBits, not mathematically graphed. An option to this problem would be to include a checkbox in the Change Parameters dialog titled Accurate Multilayers. If selected, Rose Curves would draw the layers using its normal drawing routine. If not, Rose Curves would use the copy-and-shrink method, thus giving the user the choice of accuracy or speed.
;File: Rose.Asm
;Rose Curves draws curves expressed as a
; function of r and theta.
;Written by Victor Barger on April 2, 1986.
.trap _FracMul $A84A ;New Roms
.trap _FracCos $A847
.trap _FracSin $A848
Radians EQU D3
TopButton EQU D3
BottomButtonEQU D4
ModifyReg EQU D4
Increment EQU D4
MenuReg EQU D5
Counter EQU D5
CheckBoxEQU D6
MenuItemReg EQU D6
FuncResultEQU A4
AppleMenuID EQU 1
ControlMenuID EQU 2
ParamDlgIDEQU 2000
DrawWindIDEQU 2001
InfoAlertID EQU 2002
InitialScaleEQU 13
RealInitScale EQU 460
bsr InitManagers ;initialize managers
bsr InitVariables;initialize variables
bsr SetupMenu ;setup the menu
bsr SetupWindow;draw the window
_SystemTask;periodic actions for da's
clr -(SP)
move #$0FFF,-(SP)
pea EventRecord
_GetNextEvent ;get the next event
move (SP)+,D0
beq.s EventLoop;no event, loop back
bsr HandleEvent;handle the event
beq.s EventLoop;if 0, continue; else quit
move #12,-(SP)
pea -4(A5)
move.l #$0000FFFF,D0
clr.l -(SP)
move #3,Equation(A5)
move #InitialScale,Scale(A5)
move.l #RealInitScale,RealScale(A5)
clr Multilayered(A5) ;not multilayered
move.l #11520,D0
_NewPtr;create a new bit map
lea windowBitMap,A1
move.l A0,(A1) ;remember the pointer
clr drawn(A5) ;not drawn yet
clr.l -(SP)
move #AppleMenuID,-(SP)
_GetRMenu;get the apple menu
move.l (SP),AppleMenu(A5)
move.l (SP),-(SP)
clr -(SP)
_InsertMenu;insert the menu in the menu bar
move.l #'DRVR',-(SP)
_AddResMenu;add the DA's to the apple menu
clr.l -(SP)
move #ControlMenuID,-(SP)
_GetRMenu;get the control menu
clr -(SP)
_InsertMenu;insert the menu in the menu bar
_DrawMenuBar ;draw the new menu bar
clr.l -(SP)
move #DrawWindID,-(SP)
pea WindowStorage(A5)
move.l #-1,-(SP)
_GetNewWindow ;get the RoseCurves Window
move.l (SP),DrawPtr(A5)
_SetPort ;set the new grafport
move Modify,ModifyReg
move What,D0
add D0,D0
move EventTable(D0),D0
jmp EventTable(D0)
move.l DrawPtr(A5),D0
cmp.l Message,D0 ;was it our window?
bne NextEvent ;no, get next event
btst #0,ModifyReg ;activate?
beq NextEvent ;no, deactivate
move.l DrawPtr(A5),-(SP) ;push pointer to draw window
_SetPort ;set our port
bra NextEvent
move.l Message,D0 ;get the window ptr
cmp.l DrawPtr(A5),D0
bne NextEvent
tst drawn(A5)
bne.s copyIt
move.l DrawPtr(A5),-(SP) ;push window ptr
_SetPort ;set the port
move.l DrawPtr(A5),-(SP)
move.l DrawPtr(A5),-(SP)
pea windowRect
bsr DrawRose ;draw the rose
bra NextEvent
move.l DrawPtr(A5),-(SP) ;push window ptr
_SetPort ;set the port
move.l DrawPtr(A5),-(SP)
pea windowBitMap ;get the rose from the bitMap
move.l drawPtr(A5),A0
pea portBits(A0) ;put the rose in our window
pea windowRect ;same rect for src and dest
pea windowRect
clr -(SP) ;srcCopy
clr.l -(SP) ;no maskRgn
_CopyBits;copy It
move.l DrawPtr(A5),-(SP)
bra NextEvent
btst #8,ModifyReg ;is the command key down?
beq NextEvent ;no, exit
clr.l -(SP) ;space for menu and item
move Message+2,-(SP);get character
_MenuKey ;see if its a command
move (SP)+,MenuReg;preserve menu
move (SP)+,MenuItemReg ;and Menu item
bra.s Choices
clr -(SP) ;space for result
move.l Point,-(SP);get mouse coordinates
pea WWindow ;push event window
_FindWindow;find the window
move (SP)+,D0 ;get region number
add D0,D0 ;*2 for index into table
move WindowTable(D0),D0 ;point to routine offset
jmp WindowTable(D0);jump to routine
DCNextEvent-WindowTable ;in desk (not used)
DCInMenu-WindowTable;in menu bar
DCSystemEvent-WindowTable;in system window
DCNextEvent-WindowTable ;in content (not used)
DCNextEvent-WindowTable ;in drag (not used)
DCNextEvent-WindowTable ;in grow (not used)
DCQuitRoutine-WindowTable;in go away
pea EventRecord;ptr to the event record
move.l WWindow,-(SP);push window ptr
_SystemClick ;let system take care of it
bra NextEvent ;next event
clr.l -(SP) ;space for menu choice
move.l Point,-(SP);mouse at time of event
_MenuSelect;menu select
move (SP)+,MenuReg;preserve menu
move (SP)+,MenuItemReg ;preserve menu item
cmp #2,MenuReg ;was it the control menu?
bne.s NotQuit ;no
cmp #2,MenuItemReg ;Quit selected?
bne.s NotQuit ;no, continue
bsr UnHiliteMenu ;unhilight the menu bar
move.l DrawPtr(A5),-(SP) ;push ptr to draw window
_CloseWindow ;close the window
move.l windowBitMap,A0
_DisposPtr ;dispose of the bitmap
move #-1,D0;say it was Quit
cmp #1,MenuReg ;in apple menu?
beq.s InAppleMenu;yes, go do apple menu
cmp #2,MenuReg ;in file menu?
beq ParameterChange;yes
bsr UnHiliteMenu ;unhilight the menu bar
;fall through get next event
moveq #0,D0 ;say it's not Quit
rts ;return to event loop
clr -(SP) ;all menus
_HiLiteMenu;unhilite every one
cmp #1,MenuItemReg
beq.s Info
move.l AppleMenu(A5),-(SP)
move MenuItemReg,-(SP)
pea DeskName
_GetItem ;get name of the desk accessory
clr -(SP)
pea DeskName
_OpenDeskAcc ;open the desk accessory
move (SP)+,D0
bsr SetOurPort
bra ChoiceReturn
clr -(SP)
move #InfoAlertID,-(SP)
clr.l -(SP)
_Alert ;handle the infoAlert
move (SP)+,D0
bra RestoreOurPort
clr.l -(SP)
move #ParamDlgID,-(SP)
pea DStorage
move.l #-1,-(SP)
_GetNewDialog ;get the dialog
move.l (SP),ParamDlgPtr(A5);preserve the dialogPtr
_SetPort ;set the port
move Equation(A5),TopButton;TopButton = current button
;highlighted in top section
move TopButton,D0
bsr FindButton ;sub. to return handle
move.l itemHandle(A5),-(SP)
move #1,-(SP)
_SetCtlValue ;highlight the button
move Scale(A5),BottomButton;BottomButton = current
; button in bottom section
move BottomButton,D0
bsr FindButton
move.l itemHandle(A5),-(SP)
move #1,-(SP)
_SetCtlValue ;highlight the button
move Multilayered(A5),CheckBox
move #17,D0
bsr FindButton ;get handle to check-box
move.l itemHandle(A5),-(SP)
move CheckBox,-(SP)
_SetCtlValue ;check or uncheck it
clr.l -(SP)
pea ItemHit
_ModalDialog ;modal dialog
move ItemHit,D1
cmp #2,D1 ;was it Cancel?
beq Done;yes
cmp #1,D1 ;was it OK?
beq SetNewParams ;yes
cmp #9,D1 ;was it in the bottom set?
bge.s BottomSet;yes
move TopButton,D0
move D1,TopButton ;set new button number
bsr FindButton ;get handle to last button
move.l itemHandle(A5),-(SP)
clr -(SP)
_SetCtlValue ;unhighlight last button
move TopButton,D0
bsr FindButton
move.l itemHandle(A5),-(SP)
move #1,-(SP)
_SetCtlValue ;highlight new button
bra.s RepeatLoop
cmp #14,D1;in bottom set?
bge.s CheckForBox;no
move BottomButton,D0
move D1,BottomButton
bsr FindButton ;get handle to last button
move.l itemHandle(A5),-(SP)
clr -(SP)
_SetCtlValue ;unhighlight last button
move BottomButton,D0
bsr FindButton
move.l itemHandle(A5),-(SP)
move #1,-(SP)
_SetCtlValue ;highlight new button
bra RepeatLoop
cmp #17,D1;click in the check box?
bne RepeatLoop
cmp #1,CheckBox
bne.s NotOne
move #0,CheckBox
bra.s SetCheck
move #1,CheckBox
move #17,D0
bsr FindButton ;get handle to check-box
move.l itemHandle(A5),-(SP)
move CheckBox,-(SP)
_SetCtlValue ;check or uncheck it
bra RepeatLoop
clr drawn(A5)
move TopButton,Equation(A5);set new equation number
move BottomButton,Scale(A5);set new scale
move CheckBox,Multilayered(A5) ;set multilayered
move Scale(A5),D0
sub #9,D0
asl.l #2,D0
move.l ScaleTable(D0),RealScale(A5) ;look up real scale
move.l ParamDlgPtr(A5),-(SP)
_CloseDialog ;close the dialog
bra RestoreOurPort
DC.L 140,220,300,380,460
move.l ParamDlgPtr(A5),-(SP)
move D0,-(SP)
pea itemType
pea itemHandle(A5)
pea dispRect
_GetDItem;get handle to itemnumber in D0
;to convert a fract number to type fract, multipy by 65536
clr.l -(SP)
move #4,-(SP)
_GetCursor ;get the watch cursor (ID=4)
move.l (SP)+,D0
move.l D0,A0
move.l (A0),-(SP)
_SetCursor ;set the new cursor
move.l RealScale(A5),-(SP) ;preserve the realScale
move #720,Counter ;721 steps (360 x 2)
move.l #572,Increment ;572 = .5° increment in radians
moveq #0,Radians ;present degrees
bsr EvalFunction ;evaluate fn r(Radians)
sub #14,SP
move.l Radians,-(SP)
move.l FuncResult,-(SP)
_FracMul ;y = fn r(Radians) * sin(Radians)
move.l RealScale(A5),-(SP)
_FixMul;y = y * realScale
move (SP)+,y(A5);y = int(y)
sub #14,SP
move.l Radians,-(SP)
move.l FuncResult,-(SP)
_FracMul ;x = fn r(Radians) * cos(Radians)
move.l RealScale(A5),-(SP)
_FixMul;x = x * realScale
move (SP)+,x(A5);x = int(x)
move x(A5),D0
add #154,D0
move D0,-(SP) ;x = x + 154
move y(A5),D0
add #144,D0
move D0,-(SP) ;y = y + 144
tst Radians
bne.s NotFirst
_MoveTo;moveto x,y if first point
bra.s Skip
_LineTo;else lineto x,y
add.l Increment,Radians ;Radians = Radians + Increment
dbra Counter,nextDegree ;loop back
cmp #1,Multilayered(A5) ;another layer?
bne.s NoExtraLayers;no
move.l #20,D0
sub.l D0,RealScale(A5) ;decrease the real scale by 20
cmp.l RealScale(A5),D0 ;is the real scale = 20?
bne DrawRose1 ;no, do next layer
move #1,drawn(A5) ;the rose has been drawn
move.l drawPtr(A5),A0
pea portBits(A0) ;put the rose in our window
pea windowBitMap ;get from offscreen bitmap
pea windowRect ;same size windowRect
pea windowRect
clr -(SP) ;srcCopy
clr.l -(SP) ;no mask region
_CopyBits;copy the bits
move.l (SP)+,RealScale(A5)
move Equation(A5),D0
sub #3,D0
add D0,D0
move EquationTable(D0),D0
jmp EquationTable(D0)
DCOne-EquationTable ;sin 4r
DCTwo-EquationTable ;cos (2 sin r)
DCThree-EquationTable ;cos (2 sin 2r)
DCFour-EquationTable;cos (sin 100r)
DCFive-EquationTable;cos (sin 8 r)
DCSix-EquationTable ;cos (4 sin 2r)
move.l #0,FuncResult
;sin 4r
clr.l -(SP)
move.l Radians,D0
asl.l #2,D0
move.l D0,-(SP)
move.l (SP)+,FuncResult ;fn r(Radians) = sin (Radians * 4)
;cos (2 sin r)
subq #8,SP
move.l Radians,-(SP)
move.l (SP),D0
asr.l #7,D0
asr.l #6,D0 ;convert to fixed x 2
move.l D0,(SP)
move.l (SP)+,FuncResult ;fn r(Radians) = cos (2 sin r)
;cos (2 sin 2r)
subq #8,SP
move.l Radians,D0
asl.l #1,D0
move.l D0,-(SP)
move.l (SP),D0
asr.l #7,D0
asr.l #6,D0 ;convert to fixed x 2
move.l D0,(SP)
move.l (SP)+,FuncResult ;fn r(Radians) = cos (2 sin 2r)
;cos (sin 100r)
sub #12,SP
move.l Radians,-(SP)
move.l #3276800,-(SP)
move.l (SP),D0
asr.l #7,D0
asr.l #7,D0 ;convert to fixed
move.l D0,(SP)
move.l (SP)+,FuncResult ;fn r(Radians) = cos (sin 100r)
;cos (sin 8 r)
subq #8,SP
move.l Radians,D0
asl.l #3,D0
move.l D0,-(SP)
move.l (SP),D0
asr.l #7,D0
asr.l #7,D0
move.l D0,(SP)
move.l (SP)+,FuncResult ;fn r(Radians) = cos (sin 8r)
;cos (4 sin 2r)
subq #8,SP
move.l Radians,D0
asl.l #1,D0
move.l D0,-(SP)
move.l (SP),D0
asr.l #7,D0
asr.l #5,D0
move.l D0,(SP)
move.l (SP)+,FuncResult ;fn r(Radians) = cos (4 sin 2r)
;------------------ Local Variables -----------------
What: DC0
Message: DC.L 0
When: DC.L0
Point: DC.L0
WWindow: DC.L 0
windowBitMapDC.L 0
ItemHit DC0
DStorageDCB DWindLen,0
DeskNameDCB 16,0
;-------------- Application Globals ----------------
WindowStorage DSWindowSize ;storage for draw window
DrawPtr DS.L1 ;pointer to draw window
AppleMenu DS.L 1 ;apple menu
EquationDS1 ;equation number
Scale DS1 ;scale
RealScale DS.L 1 ;longint real scale
MultiLayeredDS 1 ;multilayered (0 = false, 1 = true)
ParamDlgPtr DS.L 1 ;pointer to the parameter dialog
itemHandleDS.L 1 ;itemHandle
yDS1 ;y-value
xDS1 ;x-value
drawn DS1