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Document Selector
Volume Number:2
Issue Number:9
Column Tag:C Workshop

Batch Document Selector in Mac C

By Frank Alviani, Contributing Editor

Everybody Needs a Front Man...

One of the more annoying "features" of the Finder is its habit of keeping all selections within a single folder; files selected in folder 'A' suddenly unselect when you click outside it. This is restrictive if you have a hard disk: typically there's one copy of an application, with files scattered all over the back 40. If you wanted to print a batch of them, from different folders, you were out of luck and had to babysit the Mac all the way thru. What we need is a utility that selects multiple files from a user dialog, then processes or sends the whole lot off to some other program or function. In otherwords, a front man to do a batch job for us! The Front Man is just such a general-purpose document-batching utility.

The Front Man was written to overcome this Finder limitation by providing a general purpose multi-file selector, and to show the use of the _Launch trap from 'C'. While obscurely documented in Inside Mac, there is a lot of potential in this trap! A number of other principals are also shown here, such as user configurability, HFS compatibility, and the use of the finder parameters. Following the guidelines here will teach you how to write HFS programs that work, and explain why some things are still tough to do with an HFS type file structure.

Front Man: List Selection of Files

Choose "Pick" to bring up a standard getfile dialog box. Each time you select a file, it is added to the list to be passed via the finder parameters to another application. Hit the cancel button to quit selecting. An exception is if a file name ends with '.FILE' - in this case, the file is assumed to contain a list of file names (1 per line) which are each added to the finder parms. It can (optionally) display ALL file types, not just TEXT files (so you can batch files to WORD, MacWrite, etc.). The only shortcoming is that when using a file of filenames, it doesn't look up the directory entry for each file named, and get the proper filetype; instead, the filetype of the batch file is applied to each named file (this limits the utility of batch files to TEXT files, but offers "an exercise for the student").

Choose "Launch". If you are in "interactive" mode, a standard getfile dialog box will appear displaying applications. If you are in "hardwired" mode, the application whose name is in a STR resource is launched automatically, with the list of files sent on in your behalf!

Front Man can (optionally) cause the launched application to either print or just open the selected files.

Uses of the Launch and Chain traps

One of the most common arrangements in traditional data processing systems was chained programs. Program 'A' ran to sort or preprocess a bunch of data, then chained to program 'B' which did the reports or other interesting work on the data. This was done to be able to work with large data sets on smallish machines (by today's standards), and also allowed very long processing runs to be broken up into smaller pieces. Programmers also found it more convenient in many respects - the smaller programs were easier to debug and write: all the classical virtues of modularity.

The difference between chaining and launching is small: when you chain to a program on a Mac, the application heap is preserved essentially intact. When you launch another program, the heap is reset except for the desk scrap. ExitToShell, for example, simply launches the program whose name is found in low memory at $2E0. Chaining is thus useful when the different programs want to pass blocks of data in memory, as might be the case in an "integrated" processing package; launching is more useful in more general-purpose "front ends" such as this.

"Front Ends" have a small but useful niche to fill. For example, a "program tuner" might batch a number of 'C' files together, have them all compiled to assembler, optimize at this level, then assemble the tuned files. Also, a set of options (ala conventional 'C' command-line parameters) could be gathered and placed in a block in system memory before launching another application which would know where to look...

Basics of the Finder Parameters

The finder parameters are what make "front ending" an application possible. They consist of 3 pieces of information:

(1) A "message" to the application about what to do with the files. The operation requested is applied to ALL the files named.

(2) A count of how many files to process.

(3) A list of the files to process, with complete location information (volume reference number as well as file name).

Currently, the only messages in use are "print" and "open". Since "message" is a 16-bit field, this leaves 65,766 operations available! There is no reason why "private" message types can't be developed, such as "sort each of these in ascending order", "sort each in descending order", "merge these all together ", etc. as long as the application getting the message is equipped to deal with the additional messages! In an even more flexible system, the first file in the list could contain parameters that dictate what processing is done to each of the following files in the list - that is, another type of command line type facility!! (Hmm, that's not a bad idea - maybe I'll write a general command line front end next....)

I used a set of routines written by Andy Shebanow to access the finder parameters. A couple of minor corrections are noted.

One minor fact to note if you intend to start building your own finder parameters: the finder-info relocatable block is locked on entry to your program and must be unlocked before you can start manipulating it!


It is usually desirable to allow a program to be configured by its user. If the usage will change frequently, menu choices are probably the best route; if usage will be stable once settled on, it's less obtrusive to configure the program by using ResEd to set values in STR or STR# resources. Here, we've gone the ResEd route, using STR resources to determine the programs behavior in a simple fashion.

STR #259 determines if only 'TEXT' files are to be displayed (if it contains the string TEXT) or if all types are to be shown (if not ).

STR #258 determines if the launched application should print the files (if it contains the string PRINT) or just open them (if not).

STR #257 determines if the program is in "interactive" mode (if it contains the string ASK) or in "hardwired" mode (if not).

STR #256 contains the name of the application to launch in "hardwired" mode; this should be a complete path name.

Yer gonna love the Munger

This is one of the most useful - and overlooked - little routines in the entire Toolbox! The documentation is hidden in the Toolbox Utilities chapter at the end of volume I of Inside Macintosh. It allows searching for substrings, string insertion, string replacement, and string deletion: all with a single chunk of code! The table if fig. 3 summarizes how the munger is used; see IM for the details...

Here, we use it to check STR resources for specific substrings to decide how the program is going to behave. Just checking to see if a STR contains a given substring is more tolerant than requiring an exact match. The STR is "folded" to uppercase (lowercase would work equally well) before the match so the test is case insensitive. The only minor point to remember in 'C' is that any non-negative result is a success - a common shortcut is to simple check for non-zero for success.

The tiny routine CheckStr reads in a STR resource, folds it to uppercase, and tries to locate a given substring; the output from the Munger is returned as the result.

HFS Compatibility

This really isn't terribly difficult if you follow the rules. The failure of most development system publishers to be HFS compatible is totally unreasonable!

As has been documented countless times by now, the new file system is a fairly conventional tree-structured directory system. Each directory can be considered to be very much like an entire volume, with a link to the directory above it in the tree. Since each directory is almost independent, you must have the problem of potentially identical file names, and therefore you must specify a volume or directory as part of the file name. To avoid this would require unique names for all files in the system, which is ludicrous (try keeping unique names on ALL YOUR FLOPPIES, which is logically equivalent!).

This has been known for decades, since the first disks came into use. The concept of a "working directory" is part and parcel of Unix: either you are referencing your working directory, or you have to give a complete path to find a file, starting at the device level.

As a shortcut, "search paths" were developed, such as the new Consulair path manager - for a given type of file, the system is given a set of partial path names, which are prefixed to the plain file name to come up with a complete path name (which is still needed). Each partial path name is prefixed to the plain file name in turn until the system either finds the file or quits in disgust.

The basics are simple: either give a complete path name or make sure the system knows which volume/directory you are referring to. For appl- ications, this means using SetVol to set the default volume; with files, the volume reference number field must be filled in correctly.

In The Front Man, both the application to launch and the files to process can be located anywhere. The SetVol parameters for the application are taken from the SFGetFile record in interactive mode, or a full pathname must be provided in the STR resource (a full pathname for anything has highest priority in searching). A similar approach is used in setting the volume reference number for the finder parameters.

Unfortunately for developers, there is no fundamental mechanism built into the HFS type of system that allows you to automatically know where certain files "ought" to be located. In the Unix-type world, there is usually none either, except that applications conventionally all reside in a directory called "cmds" or something similar (a solution which is unusually awkward with the Mac interface for obvious reasons). Applications can make use of a path manager-type system if they wish, but that's still not part of the system. The closest we could come would be to build a path-manager facility into the ROMs and have individual applications provide "search path" resources customized to their needs. Total consistency would not be achieved, since different search paths would and could be created, but it might be a small step forward. And remember, with search paths, if you frequently restructure your folders, you'd have to restructure all your search paths at the same time!

Now that we've explained once again how easy HFS compatibility is for the average application, the development system vendors look even worse! Minor glitches aren't terribly surprising, but for the authors of Xenix (one of the best-selling Unix clones on the market), for example, to have an HFS-incompatible Fortran system on the market 6 months after the Mac+ was released and far longer after they knew what was required (since they probably had a hand in setting the specs) can only be explained by a corporate disregard for the Macintosh world (Microsoft didn't write Fortran themselves). Their conventional applications don't have quite as many problems, but still can't be called 100% compatible. Bah! Humbug!

/*  The Front Man, Ver. 1.0
 *  Frank Alviani
 *  This version does NOT support desk accessories
#Options +Z
#include "stdio.h"
#include "macdefs.h"
#include "macCdefs.h"
#include "dialog.h"
#include "events.h"
#include "menu.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "OsIO.h"
#include "packages.h"
/* constants */
#define NULL 0
#define EVENTMASK -1
#define PBSetVol(pb, a)   
 pbCall(pb, a, 0xA015)

/* menu constants */
#define APPLE 1
#define  ABOUT 1
#define FILE  2
#define  PICK 1
#define  LAUNCH 2
#define  QUIT 3

#define APPPARMHANDLE   0x0aec
/* finder application parameter info */
typedef struct {
        short           vRefNum;
        unsigned long   fType;
        short           versNum;
        Str255          fName;
} AppFile;

typedef struct {
    Ptr     pgmPtr;
    long    dummy;    /* normal setting = 0 */
} launchStuff; 

extern short AddAppFile(), MacCVRefNum;
extern void SetAppMessage(), ZeroAppFiles();

/* Globals */
MenuHandle      AppleMH, FileMH;
EventRecord     theEvent;
launchStuff     launchParms;

short       mouse_part, alert_item;
long        menu_selection;
WindowPtr   tWindow;        /* dummy to use FindWindow */
    InitAll();      /* initialize various managers */
    while (1)    /* Usual Main Loop */
      { if (GetNextEvent(EVENTMASK, &theEvent))
          { case mouseDown:
                mouse_part = FindWindow(&theEvent.where, &tWindow);
                switch ( mouse_part )
                  { case inMenuBar:
                        menu_selection = MenuSelect(&theEvent.where);
                    default: break;
            case keyDown:   /* only for keyboard shortcuts */
                if (theEvent.modifiers & cmdKey)
                  { menu_selection = MenuKey(theEvent.message & 0xFF);
            case autoKey:       /* no valid use for AutoKey events */
            case updateEvt:     /* no windows, so.... */
            case activateEvt:
    InitDialogs(NULL);      /* no recovery */
    FlushEvents(0x0000FFFF); /* kill 'em all*/
    AppleMH = NewMenu(APPLE,"\p\024");
    FileMH  = GetMenu(FILE);
    AppendMenu(AppleMH, "\pAbout The Front Man;(-;");
    InsertMenu(AppleMH, 0);
    InsertMenu(FileMH, 0);
    DrawMenuBar();  /* make it visible */
DialogRecord    about;
DialogPtr       about_ptr;
short           item_hit;
    about_ptr = GetNewDialog(256, &about, -1);
    ModalDialog(NULL, &item_hit);
/* Standard Menu tree   */
long    menu_choice;
short   menu, item;
    menu = HiWord(menu_choice);
    item = LoWord(menu_choice);
    switch (menu)
      { case APPLE:
        case FILE:
          switch (item)
            { case PICK:
                getFiles(); break;
              case LAUNCH:
                LaunchIt(); break;
              case QUIT:
    HiliteMenu(0);  /* turn off highlighting */
/* Use SFGetFile to get file names. STR #259 determines if */
/* only TEXT or all file types will be displayed, so */
 /* Word,MacWrite, etc. files can be batched. */
/* Use the Munger to check the file name. If it ends */
/* in '.FILE', it holds a  LIST of file names. Read each */
/* in turn and add to the finder parameters. */
/* Hit the cancel button in the SF dialog to quit.   */

void getFiles()
Point       where;
SFTypeList  tType;
SFReply      aReply;
AppFile      fParm;
Handle       fNameH;
short        fNameLen, off, f_no, numTypes, CheckStr();
Ptr          wanted, wantedT;
char         file_name[64];
    where.h = 75; where.v = 100;
    wanted = ".FILE"; wantedT = 'TEXT';
    /* determine file types to display */
    if (CheckStr(259, wantedT) >= 0)
      { numTypes = 1;     /* just TEXT files */
        tType.ftype[0] = 'TEXT';
      { numTypes = -1;    /* any kind of file */
        tType.ftype[0] = NULL;
    /* get file names repeatedly */
    while (1)
      { SFGetFile(&where, NULL, NULL, numTypes, &tType, NULL, &aReply);
        if (!aReply.good) break;    /* hit cancel to stop batching */
        /* see if name end in '.FILES' - if so, it's a "batch" file */
        fNameLen = aReply.Namelength;
        fNameH = NewHandle(fNameLen+1);
        BlockMove(&aReply.Namelength, *fNameH, fNameLen+1);
        off = Munger(fNameH, 0, wanted, 5, 0, 0);   /* check type */
        /* process selected file name */
        if (off>0)  /* batch file */
          { HLock(fNameH);
            MacCVRefNum = aReply.vRefNum;
            f_no = TKOpen(diskdevice, *fNameH, 1);  /*  read */
            while (!eof(f_no))    /* read a name, add to batch */
              { readline(f_no, file_name, 64);
                CtoPStr(file_name);     /* set up for Mac */
                fParm.vRefNum = MacCVRefNum;
                fParm.fType = aReply.ftype;
                fParm.versNum = 0;
                fParm.fName.count = file_name[0];
                BlockMove(&file_name[1], &fParm.fName.s[0], file_name[0]);
                AddAppFile(&fParm);     /* add to list */
            TKClose(f_no);          /* clean up */
        else    /* normal name */
          { fParm.vRefNum = aReply.vRefNum;
            fParm.fType = aReply.ftype;
            fParm.versNum = 0;
            fParm.fName.count = aReply.Namelength;  /* copy */
            BlockMove(&aReply.Name[0], &fParm.fName.s[0], aReply.Namelength);
            AddAppFile(&fParm);     /* add to list */
/* Decide whether the application should print or just open */
/* the picked files.  Decide whether to use the "hardwired" */
/*  application name or use SFGetFile  to select the  */
/* name and set the default volume.   Launch application!!  */

void LaunchIt()
Point       where;
SFTypeList  tType;
SFReply      aReply;
Str255       target;
Handle       nameH,configH, msgH;
Ptr         wantedA, wantedMsg;
short       off, CheckStr();
VolumeParam volPB;
    where.h = 75; where.v = 100;
    tType.ftype[0] = 'APPL';
    wantedA = "ASK"; wantedMsg = "PRINT";
    /* determine whether to print or open batched files */
    if (CheckStr(258, wantedMsg) >= 0)
      SetAppMessage(1);     /* 'print' */
      SetAppMessage(0);     /* 'open' */
    /* determine application to launch */
    if (CheckStr(257, wantedA) >= 0)   /* use SFGetFile */
      { SFGetFile(&where, NULL, NULL, 1, &tType, NULL, &aReply);
        if (!aReply.good) return;    /* hit cancel to avoid launch */
        /* SET VOL HERE!! */
        volPB.ioCompletion = NULL;
        volPB.ioNamePtr = NULL;
        volPB.ioVRefNum = aReply.vRefNum;
        PBSetVol(&volPB, 0);
        target.count = aReply.Namelength;
        BlockMove(&aReply.Name[0], &target.s[0], target.count);
    else  /* use "hardwired" application name */
      { nameH = (Handle) GetResource('STR ', 256);
        DetachResource(nameH);  /* keep resource mgr happy */
        target.count = **nameH;
        BlockMove(*nameH+1, &target.s[0], target.count);
    /* set up params and launch application */
    launchParms.pgmPtr = &target.count;
    launchParms.dummy = 0;          /* normal configuration */
/* --- Check a STR resource for a given string (CASE INSENSITIVE) --- 
/*  returns negative # if NOT found, non-neg if FOUND */
short CheckStr(StrNum, wanted)
short   StrNum;     /* STR # to check */
Ptr     wanted;     /* ptr to string to check for */
Handle  resH;
short   strLen;
    resH = (Handle) GetResource('STR ', StrNum);
    strLen = length(wanted);
    PToCStr(*resH);      /* RMaker builds Pstrings - need C  */
    setuppercase(*resH); /* folds all chars to upper case */
    return Munger(resH, 0, wanted, strLen, 0, 0);
/* --- Launch Glue --- */
void LaunchPgm(parms)
char *parms;    /* fake out compiler */
    MOVE.L  D0,A0
    DC.W    $A9F2       ;_Launch
/* --- SFGetFile glue --- */
SFGetFile(where, prompt, fileFilter, numTypes, typeList, dlgHook, reply)
Point *where;    // (D0)
struct PStr *prompt; //(D1)
int (*fileFilter)(); //(D2)
short numTypes;  //(D3)
SFTypeList *typeList;//(D4)
int (*dlgHook)();//(D5)
SFReply *reply;  //(D6)
 Include MacTraps.D
 MOVE.L (A0),-(SP) ; WHERE
 MOVE.W D3,-(SP) ; numTypes
 MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ; typeList
 MOVE.L D5,-(SP) ; dlgHook
 MOVE.L D6,-(SP) ; reply
 MOVE #2,-(SP)   ; routine selector
 _Pack3         ;DC.W $A9EA     ; _Pack3

 * FinderParms.c        Andrew G. Shebanow      8/31/85
 * Routines to emulate the Pascal calls which return
 * finder information (e.g., file arguments, open or print, etc).
 * Written to MacC. Copyright 1985  HyperSoft
 * This edition granted to MacTutor for publication.
#include "memory.h"
/* finder message open files or print files */
#define appOpen           0
#define appPrint          1
/* finder application parameter info */
typedef struct {
        short             vRefNum;
        unsigned long     fType;
        short             versNum;
        Str255          fName;
} AppFile;
#define APPPARMHANDLE   0x0aec
#define FinderName 0x2E0
typedef struct {
        short message;
        short count;
        AppFile files[4];       /* actually open ended */
} AppParms;
short AddAppFile(appFile)
      AppFile *appFile;
        Handle appParmH;
        AppParms *appParmPtr;
        AppFile *newAppFile;
        unsigned long appHsize, appFsize;
        unsigned long newSize;

        appParmH = (Handle) APPPARMHANDLE;
        appParmH = (Handle) *appParmH;
        appHsize = GetHandleSize(appParmH);
        appFsize = (unsigned long) appFile->fName.count;
        if ((appFsize & 0x01) != 0)
        appFsize += 8;
        newSize = appFsize + appHsize;
        if (SetHandleSize(appParmH,newSize) != 0)
        appParmPtr = (AppParms *) *appParmH;
        /* newAppFile = &(appParmPtr->files[appParmPtr->count]); */
        newAppFile = (AppFile *) ((char *) appParmPtr + appHsize);
        appParmPtr->count += 1;

static asmprocs()
        INCLUDE SYSEQU.txt
; Routines declared here:
        XDEF CountAppFiles
        XDEF GetAppFiles
        XDEF ClrAppFiles
        XDEF ZeroAppFiles
        XDEF SetAppMessage
        XDEF GetAppName
        XDEF GetFndrName
        XDEF SetFndrName
; void CountAppFiles(message,count)
; short *message;        (D0)
; short *count;           (D1)
        MOVEM.L A0-A2,-(SP)     ; save regs
        MOVE.L  (A0),A0          ; A0 points to AppParms
        MOVE.L  D0,A1            ; A1 points to message
        MOVE.L  D1,A2            ; A2 points to count
        MOVE    (A0),(A1)           ; save into message
        MOVE    2(A0),(A2)       ; save into count
        MOVEM.L (SP)+,A0-A2     ; restore regs
; void GetAppFiles(index,appFile)
; short index;          (D0)
; AppFile *appFile;     (D1)
        MOVEM.L A0-A2/D0-D1,-(SP)       ; save regs
        MOVE.L  (A0),A0                 ; A0 points to AppParms
        MOVE.L  D1,A2                   ; A2 points to appFile
        JSR     FindIndex               ; find index
        CMP.L   #0,A1
        BEQ     @1                      ; if couldn't find, handle error
        ; copy AppFile data from A1 to appFile
        MOVE.L  A1,A0                   ; source ptr
        MOVE.L  A2,A1                   ; dest ptr
        MOVE.L  8(A0),D0                ; put str len in D0
        AND.L   #$0FF,D0                ; mask hight bytes
        ADDQ.L  #1,D0
        BTST    #0,D0
        BEQ     @2                      ; if odd number of bytes...
        ADDQ.L  #1,D0                   ; pad with additional byte
@2      ADD.L   #8,D0                   ; add space for other data
@1      MOVEM.L (SP)+,A0-A2/D0-D1       ; restore regs
; void ClrAppFiles(index)
; short index;          (D0)

        MOVEM.L A0-A1,-(SP)             ; save regs
        MOVE.L  (A0),A0                 ; A0 points to AppParms
        JSR     FindIndex               ; find index
        CMP.L   #0,A1
        BEQ     @1
        MOVE.L  #0,2(A1)                ; clear out fType field
@1      MOVEM.L (SP)+,A0-A1             ; restore regs

; void ZeroAppFiles()
        MOVEM.L A0-A1,-(SP)             ; save regs
        _HUnlock                        ; make sure it's movable (FEA)
        MOVE.L  (A0),A1                 ; A1 points to AppParms
        CLR.L   (A1)                    ; set message & count to 0
        MOVEQ.L #4,D0                   ; set handle size to 4
        MOVEM.L (SP)+,A0-A1             ; restore regs

; void SetAppMessage(message)
; short message;        (D0)
        MOVE.L  A0,-(SP)                ; save regs
        MOVE.L  (A0),A1          ; A1 points to AppParms
        MOVE.W  D0,(A1)        ; move message to app parm area
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,A0       ; restore regs

; void GetAppName(appName)
; StringPtr appName;            (D0)
;       return name of current finder.
        MOVEM.L A0-A1/D0,-(SP)
        TST.L   D0
        BEQ     @1              ; if string pointer is null, return
        LEA     CurApName,A0    ; src <- CurApName global
        MOVE.L  D0,A1           ; dst <- appName
        MOVE.B  (A0),D0         ; get string size
        AND.L   #$0FF,D0
        ADDQ.L  #1,D0           ; add 1 for size byte
        _BlockMove              ; copy the string
@1      MOVEM.L (SP)+,A0-A1/D0

; GetFndrName(fndrName)
; StringPtr fndrName;           (D0)
;       return name of current finder.
        MOVEM.L A0-A1/D0,-(SP)
        TST.L   D0
        BEQ     @1              ; if string pointer is null, return

        LEA     FinderName,A0   ; src <- FinderName
        MOVE.L  D0,A1           ; dst <- fndrName
        MOVE.B  (A0),D0         ; get string size
        AND.L   #$0FF,D0
        ADDQ.L  #1,D0           ; add 1 for size byte
        _BlockMove              ; copy the string
@1      MOVEM.L (SP)+,A0-A1/D0

; SetFndrName(fndrName)
; StringPtr fndrName;           (D0)
;       set current finder.
        MOVEM.L A0-A1/D0,-(SP)
        TST.L   D0
        BEQ     @1              ; if string pointer is null, return
        MOVE.L  D0,A0           ; src <- fndrName
        LEA     FinderName,A1   ; dst <- FinderName global
        MOVE.B  (A0),D0         ; get string size
        CMP.B   #15,D0
        BGT     @1              ; if string to big, do nothing
        AND.L   #$0FF,D0
        ADDQ.L  #1,D0           ; add 1 for size byte
        _BlockMove              ; copy the string
@1      MOVEM.L (SP)+,A0-A1/D0

; FindIndex
;       finds the nth AppFile record.
;       A0.L    pointer to AppParms
;       D0.W    index (1..count)
;       A1.L    pointer to AppFile data or 0 if not found
        MOVEM.L A2-A4/D1-D2,-(SP)       ; save regs
        MOVE.L  0,A1                    ; set result to 0
        TST     D0                      ; test for legal index
        BLE     FindXit
        CMP     2(A0),D0
        BGT     FindXit
        LEA     4(A0),A2                ; start of first AppFile
        MOVE    D0,D1                   ; D1 is loop counter
@1      SUBQ    #1,D1                   ; index from 0
        BEQ     @2                      ; if 0 we are done
        ADD.L   #8,A2                   ; start of filename string
        MOVE.B  (A2),D2                 ; D2 gets filename size
        AND.L   #$0FF,D2                ; mask off high bits
        ADDQ.L  #1,D2                   ; plus one more for size byte
        BTST    #0,D2                   ; test for pad byte
        BEQ     @3                      ; if odd count, we must pad
        ADDQ.L  #1,D2                   ; add one for pad byte
@3      ADD.L   D2,A2                   ; add string size to address
        BRA     @1
@2      MOVE.L  A2,A1                   ; store in result

FindXit MOVEM.L (SP)+,A2-A4/D1-D2       ; restore regs
/******** end of FinderParms.asm ***********/;

; Link file for The Front Man
; Frank Alviani
; 4:07:32 PM  6/4/86
/Output The Front Man
/Type 'APPL' 'FEA1'
/Start AltStart
Standard Library.rel
Front Man.rel
Front Man Sig.rel
/include Front Man.rsrc

*   Resources for The Front Man
*   Frank Alviani
*   8:56:46 AM  6/6/86

RomRef DA:Rels:Front Man.rsrc


* --Configuration Strings--
* #256: names the application to be launched
* #257: if it contains 'ASK' use SFGetFile for APPL name 
* #258: if it contains 'PRINT' set message parameter to 1, else 0 ('open')
* #259: if it contains 'TEXT' only those display, else all files.

* "About Box"
type DLOG
100 100 250 400 
Visible NoGoAway

type DITL
BtnItem Enabled
124 208 144 289 

StatText Disabled
7 91 23 209 
The Front Man...

StatText Disabled
36 10 52 294 
You can select any number of files using

StatText Disabled
52 10 68 294 
the standard file dialog. All of these files

StatText Disabled
68 10 84 294 
will be passed at once to the application

StatText Disabled
84 10 100 294 
to be printed when you select "Launch"

StatText Disabled
100 10 116 294 
from the file Menu.

; Icon Signature for The Front Man
; Frank Alviani
; 9:33:17 AM  6/6/86

  .ALIGN 2

;   Icon definition
    DC.L    $007FFFF0,$00400010,$01FFFFD0,$01000050
    DC.L    $07FFFF50,$04000150,$05000550,$04000150
    DC.L    $0516C550,$04000150,$051B4550,$04000150
    DC.L    $051DC550,$04000150,$051F4550,$04000150
    DC.L    $051DC550,$04000150,$05000550,$04000150
    DC.L    $FFFFFFFF,$90000049,$FFFFFFF9,$90000049
    DC.L    $9FFFFFC9,$80000009,$FFFFFFF9,$8000000F
    DC.L    $80000008,$90000008,$80000008,$FFFFFFF8
;   Mask definition
    DC.L    $007FFFF0,$007FFFF0,$01FFFFF0,$01FFFFF0
    DC.L    $07FFFFF0,$07FFFFF0,$07FFFFF0,$07FFFFF0
    DC.L    $07FFFFF0,$07FFFFF0,$07FFFFF0,$07FFFFF0
    DC.L    $07FFFFF0,$07FFFFF0,$07FFFFF0,$07FFFFF0
    DC.L    $07FFFFF0,$07FFFFF0,$07FFFFF0,$07FFFFF0
  .ALIGN 2
      DC.W 0,128 ; MAP 0 TO ICON 128
      DC.W 0,128 ; MAP 0 TO FREF 128
    DC.B 34,'The Front Man - F. Alviani  6/5/86'
    DC.B 'APPL',0,0,0

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Summon your guild and prepare for war in...
Netmarble is making some pretty big moves with their latest update for Seven Knights Idle Adventure, with a bunch of interesting additions. Two new heroes enter the battle, there are events and bosses abound, and perhaps most interesting, a huge... | Read more »
Make the passage of time your plaything...
While some of us are still waiting for a chance to get our hands on Ash Prime - yes, don’t remind me I could currently buy him this month I’m barely hanging on - Digital Extremes has announced its next anticipated Prime Form for Warframe. Starting... | Read more »
If you can find it and fit through the d...
The holy trinity of amazing company names have come together, to release their equally amazing and adorable mobile game, Hamster Inn. Published by HyperBeard Games, and co-developed by Mum Not Proud and Little Sasquatch Studios, it's time to... | Read more »
Amikin Survival opens for pre-orders on...
Join me on the wonderful trip down the inspiration rabbit hole; much as Palworld seemingly “borrowed” many aspects from the hit Pokemon franchise, it is time for the heavily armed animal survival to also spawn some illegitimate children as Helio... | Read more »
PUBG Mobile teams up with global phenome...
Since launching in 2019, SpyxFamily has exploded to damn near catastrophic popularity, so it was only a matter of time before a mobile game snapped up a collaboration. Enter PUBG Mobile. Until May 12th, players will be able to collect a host of... | Read more »
Embark into the frozen tundra of certain...
Chucklefish, developers of hit action-adventure sandbox game Starbound and owner of one of the cutest logos in gaming, has released their roguelike deck-builder Wildfrost. Created alongside developers Gaziter and Deadpan Games, Wildfrost will... | Read more »
MoreFun Studios has announced Season 4,...
Tension has escalated in the ever-volatile world of Arena Breakout, as your old pal Randall Fisher and bosses Fred and Perrero continue to lob insults and explosives at each other, bringing us to a new phase of warfare. Season 4, Into The Fog of... | Read more »
Top Mobile Game Discounts
Every day, we pick out a curated list of the best mobile discounts on the App Store and post them here. This list won't be comprehensive, but it every game on it is recommended. Feel free to check out the coverage we did on them in the links below... | Read more »
Marvel Future Fight celebrates nine year...
Announced alongside an advertising image I can only assume was aimed squarely at myself with the prominent Deadpool and Odin featured on it, Netmarble has revealed their celebrations for the 9th anniversary of Marvel Future Fight. The Countdown... | Read more »
HoYoFair 2024 prepares to showcase over...
To say Genshin Impact took the world by storm when it was released would be an understatement. However, I think the most surprising part of the launch was just how much further it went than gaming. There have been concerts, art shows, massive... | Read more »

Price Scanner via

Apple Watch Ultra 2 now available at Apple fo...
Apple has, for the first time, begun offering Certified Refurbished Apple Watch Ultra 2 models in their online store for $679, or $120 off MSRP. Each Watch includes Apple’s standard one-year warranty... Read more
AT&T has the iPhone 14 on sale for only $...
AT&T has the 128GB Apple iPhone 14 available for only $5.99 per month for new and existing customers when you activate unlimited service and use AT&T’s 36 month installment plan. The fine... Read more
Amazon is offering a $100 discount on every M...
Amazon is offering a $100 instant discount on each configuration of Apple’s new 13″ M3 MacBook Air, in Midnight, this weekend. These are the lowest prices currently available for new 13″ M3 MacBook... Read more
You can save $300-$480 on a 14-inch M3 Pro/Ma...
Apple has 14″ M3 Pro and M3 Max MacBook Pros in stock today and available, Certified Refurbished, starting at $1699 and ranging up to $480 off MSRP. Each model features a new outer case, shipping is... Read more
24-inch M1 iMacs available at Apple starting...
Apple has clearance M1 iMacs available in their Certified Refurbished store starting at $1049 and ranging up to $300 off original MSRP. Each iMac is in like-new condition and comes with Apple’s... Read more
Walmart continues to offer $699 13-inch M1 Ma...
Walmart continues to offer new Apple 13″ M1 MacBook Airs (8GB RAM, 256GB SSD) online for $699, $300 off original MSRP, in Space Gray, Silver, and Gold colors. These are new MacBook for sale by... Read more
B&H has 13-inch M2 MacBook Airs with 16GB...
B&H Photo has 13″ MacBook Airs with M2 CPUs, 16GB of memory, and 256GB of storage in stock and on sale for $1099, $100 off Apple’s MSRP for this configuration. Free 1-2 day delivery is available... Read more
14-inch M3 MacBook Pro with 16GB of RAM avail...
Apple has the 14″ M3 MacBook Pro with 16GB of RAM and 1TB of storage, Certified Refurbished, available for $300 off MSRP. Each MacBook Pro features a new outer case, shipping is free, and an Apple 1-... Read more
Apple M2 Mac minis on sale for up to $150 off...
Amazon has Apple’s M2-powered Mac minis in stock and on sale for $100-$150 off MSRP, each including free delivery: – Mac mini M2/256GB SSD: $499, save $100 – Mac mini M2/512GB SSD: $699, save $100 –... Read more
Amazon is offering a $200 discount on 14-inch...
Amazon has 14-inch M3 MacBook Pros in stock and on sale for $200 off MSRP. Shipping is free. Note that Amazon’s stock tends to come and go: – 14″ M3 MacBook Pro (8GB RAM/512GB SSD): $1399.99, $200... Read more

Jobs Board

*Apple* Systems Administrator - JAMF - Syste...
Title: Apple Systems Administrator - JAMF ALTA is supporting a direct hire opportunity. This position is 100% Onsite for initial 3-6 months and then remote 1-2 Read more
Relationship Banker - *Apple* Valley Financ...
Relationship Banker - Apple Valley Financial Center APPLE VALLEY, Minnesota **Job Description:** At Bank of America, we are guided by a common purpose to help Read more
IN6728 Optometrist- *Apple* Valley, CA- Tar...
Date: Apr 9, 2024 Brand: Target Optical Location: Apple Valley, CA, US, 92308 **Requisition ID:** 824398 At Target Optical, we help people see and look great - and Read more
Medical Assistant - Orthopedics *Apple* Hil...
Medical Assistant - Orthopedics Apple Hill York Location: WellSpan Medical Group, York, PA Schedule: Full Time Sign-On Bonus Eligible Remote/Hybrid Regular Apply Now Read more
*Apple* Systems Administrator - JAMF - Activ...
…**Public Trust/Other Required:** None **Job Family:** Systems Administration **Skills:** Apple Platforms,Computer Servers,Jamf Pro **Experience:** 3 + years of Read more
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