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CLR ToolLib
Volume Number:2
Issue Number:6
Column Tag:Basic School

Add Three New Libraries to your CLR ToolLib

By Dave Kelly, Editorial Board

Hello!! This month MacTutor features three new MS BASIC libraries to add to your CLR ToolLib collection. These routines were written by Clear Lake Research for use on future versions of BASIC library disks. To make it easy to add them to your ToolLib Libraries, we are providing a statement adder program to write the hex codes directly to your disk. It will require that you already have CLR ToolLib in order to run the Statement Adder program as the resource routines are used to save the new libraries.

The new libraries are: RealFont, KbEquiv and setItemStyle. RealFont is a Macintosh Font Manager function that returns TRUE if the font having the font number fontNum is available in the given size in a resource file, or returns FALSE if the font has to be scaled to that size. The syntax to call the CLR Realfont library is:

Realfont fontNum%,size%,boolean%

The following example shows the use of RealFont:

fontNum%=4    'Monaco font
RealFont fontNum%,size%,boolean%
PRINT boolean%

Each font type is represented by a different font number, in this case a four represents the Monaco font. The size we are checking is 18. If size 18 exists in the Monaco font the the variable boolean% returns a TRUE, otherwise if the font does not exist in size 18 then a FALSE is returned. This routine is useful to create menus which include the size of fonts to be used by your program. Some font numbers can be found on page 290 of your MS BASIC manual.

KbEquiv may be used to add keyboard equivalents to your menus. MS BASIC menus do no provide a way to add keyboard equivalents to your menus. An alternative is to trap all keyboard input and branch to the appropriate subroutine, but that is would require a separate routine which is not associated with the menu error trapping. Usually, calls to the menu manager would indicate which keys are to be used as keyboard equivalents to the menus. However, MS BASIC did not provide a way to use equivalent keys. The syntax for the KbEquiv statement is:

KbEquiv Menunumber%,itemnumber%,key$

where Menunumber% is the menu and itemnumber% is the menu item where the key will be added. The variable key$ is the one character key which will be used as the equivalent key. The routine implementation is shown in the Menu Styles Demo later in this article.

A warning: The KbEquiv routine does not yet check if the menu indicated actually exists. Therefore be sure that you know your menu has already been created before calling this routine. Unpredictable results will occur. The future released version of this routine from CLR will check for the menu before setting up the keyboard equivalent.

The third routine, setItemStyle, is also a member of the Menu Manager routines. SetItemStyle changes the character style of the given menu item to the indicated character style. The syntax is:

setItemStyle Menunumber%,itemnumber%,style%

where menunumber% is the number of the menu and itemnumber% is the number of the item in that menu. Style% is an integer number representing the style of the menu item. Style% is the same as the values used to represent the attributes of the TEXTFACE statement. The bit for each attribute is listed on page 291 of your MS BASIC manual. (Example: bold, shadow has a value of 17; Italic and underlined has a value of 12). The Menu Styles Demo demonstrates how to set up your own style menu.

To install your new libraries run the statement adder program listed below. The KbEquiv, Real Font and setItemStyle routines will be added to a new file named NewLibraries. This newly created file will be a CLR library file but without the LibInit function; just the three new statements we've added this month. Next you will need to run the Statement Mover program which is provided with the CLR Libraries disk. Statement Mover is a handy BASIC program which will copy libraries from one file to another. In fact, I recommend that you copy the libraries that you are using to your BASIC program file (i. e. add the library resource to your BASIC program). The BASIC program is stored in the data fork of the file, and the resource fork will then contain the libraries used by the program. Use Satement Mover to copy the LibInit routine to the NewLibraries file! LibInit is needed by BASIC to be sure that the Library file is a MS BASIC Library. LibInit must be in the same file as each of the libraries that you use. Of course if you choose to move the NewLibaries file into your already existing ToolLib file, then you don't need the extra LibInit function. In fact, if you can spare the space, you might want to merge all the library routines into a single ToolLib file using the Statement Mover program. Here is a review list of everything CLR has published:


ToolLib Original CLR ROM Interface

SpeechLib Speech stuff for MacinTalk

MathStatLib Math and Statistics routines

NewLibraries Output of this month's program

The ToolLib and MathStatLib are available on the CLR Utilities Disk from the MacTutor Mail Order Store for $50. The SpeechLib is available seperately on the CLR Speech disk for $20. We tried to encourage CLR to combine the two products to avoid customer confusion, but they were unable to do so.

The Menu Styles Demo will try to open the NewLibraries file, so you should be sure that LibInit is moved to the New Libraries file or that the program calls the name of the Library containing the setItemStyle and KbEquiv routines (RealFont is not used in the demo).

'Statement Adder 
' for RealFont, KbEquiv, and setItemStyle libraries
'By Clear Lake Research and David Kelly
'© Clear Lake Research, Inc.
'used with permission
'NOTE: The hex codes for RealFont, KbEquiv, setItemStyle
'are copyrighted by Clear Lake Research. 
'By using Statement Adder you may create these libraries
'then add them to your ToolLib Libraries using 
'Statement Mover (provided with CLR ToolLib).
'This program requires ToolLib and MS Basic 2.0 or 2.1
'Run this program only once.

DIM p%(120)
FOR j=1 TO 3
    ERASE p%
    REM  read hex code
    READ nm$
    READ id%
    READ numofbytes%
    DIM p%(numofbytes%)
    FOR i%= 1 TO numofbytes%
        READ p%(i%)
   NEXT i%
openResFile"NewLibraries",fileRefNum%        'openResFile
saveArray fileRefNum%,p%(1),numofbytes%*2,id%,nm$    
                                   'save as type GNRL'
GetNamedRes fileRefNum%,"GNRL",nm$,H!   'get resource
detachRes H!                                   'Now it is not a resource
AddRes fileRefNum%,H!,"CODE",id%,nm$       'type CODE
releaseRes H!                                               
GetNamedRes fileRefNum%,"GNRL",nm$,H!     'Not needed
removeRes fileRefNum%,H!                                    'so remove 
REM early printings of the manual had the syntax of
REM removeRes wrong. The first argument was left off.

CloseResFile fileRefNum%

REM make sure libinit is in the file before running it!

NEXT j  'do next of three functions
PRINT"Done" 'end of program.

'setItemStyle Library 
DATA "setItemStyle" :REM name of resource nm$
DATA 5001: REM id number id%
DATA 33: REM number of bytes
DATA &H8,&H0,&H4EAD,&H2A,&HC00
DATA &H3,&H662C,&H3A12,&H5245,&H4EAD
DATA &H2A,&HC00,&H3,&H661E,&H3612
DATA &H4EAD,&H2A,&HC00,&H3,&H6612
DATA &H3812,&H42A7,&H3F05,&HA949,&H3F03
DATA &H3F04,&HA942,&H7000,&H4E75,&H740D
DATA &H7000,&H4EAD,&H42

'RealFont Library  
DATA "RealFont": REM name of resource nm$
DATA 703: REM id number id%
DATA 37: REM number of bytes
DATA &H8,&H0,&H4EAD,&H2A,&HC00
DATA &H3,&H6632,&H3812,&H4EAD,&H2A
DATA &HC00,&H3,&H6626,&H3A12,&H4EAD
DATA &H2A,&HC40,&H3,&H661A,&H4267
DATA &H3F04,&H3F05,&HA902,&H301F,&H6708
DATA &H34BC,&HFFFF,&H7000,&H4E75,&H4252
DATA &H7000,&H4E75,&H7000,&H303C,&HD

'KbEquiv Library 
DATA "KbEquiv":REM name of resource nm$
DATA 191:REM id number id%
DATA 58: REM number of bytes
DATA &H0,&H1,&H4EAD,&H2A,&HC00
DATA &H3,&H665E,&H3812,&H5244,&H4EAD
DATA &H2A,&HC00,&H3,&H6650,&H3A12
DATA &H4EAD,&H2A,&HC00,&H2,&H6644
DATA &H264A,&H4EAD,&H82,&H4EAD,&H8A
DATA &H1613,&H42A7,&H3F04,&HA949,&H2657
DATA &H2653,&H303C,&HE,&H1233,&H0
DATA &H5241,&HD041,&H5345,&H6008,&H1233
DATA &H0,&H5A41,&HD041,&H51CD,&HFFF6
DATA &H1233,&H0,&H5441,&HD041,&H1783
DATA &H0,&HA948,&H7000,&H4E75,&H740D
DATA &H7000,&H4EAD,&H42

'Menu Styles Demo
'©MacTutor 1986
'by Dave Kelly
'With special thanks to Clear Lake Research
'for allowing use of KbEquiv, RealFont,
'and setItemStyle Libraries

DIM st%(10)

MENU 6,0,1,"Style"
MENU 6,1,1,"Plain"
MENU 6,2,1,"Bold"
MENU 6,3,1,"Italic"
MENU 6,4,1,"Underline"
MENU 6,5,1,"Outline"
MENU 6,6,1,"Shadow"
MENU 6,7,1,"Condensed"
MENU 6,8,1,"Extended"
MENU 6,9,0,"-"
MENU 6,10,1,"Quit"

FOR i% = 0 TO 6

'Variable    Value            Attribute
'    st%(1)      0                Plain Text
'    st%(2)      1                Bold
'    st%(3)      2                Italic
'    st%(4)      4                Underlined
'    st%(5)      8                Outlined
'    st%(6)     16                Shadow
'    st%(7)      32               Condensed 
 '(less space between characters)
'    st%(8)      64               Extended 
 '(more space between characters)

'Set up menu styles
FOR i%= 2 TO 8
    setItemStyle 6,i%,st%(i%)

'Set up keyboard equivalents
FOR i% = 1 TO 6
    READ A$
    KbEquiv 6,i%,A$
 KbEquiv 6,10,"Q"

MOVETO 10,50
PRINT "Hello World!"
GOTO loop

IF menunumber%=6 THEN ItemEvent

ON menuitem% GOSUB plain, bold, Italic, Underlined,      Outlined, Shadow, 
Condensed, Extended,, quit


MENU 6,1,2
FOR i%=2 TO 8
    MENU 6,i%,1
GOSUB printscreen

MOVETO 10,50
PRINT "Hello, World!"

IF st%(2)=0 THEN st%(2)=1 ELSE st%(2)=0
IF st%(2)=0 THEN MENU 6,2,1 ELSE MENU 6,2,2

MENU 6,1,1
FOR i%=1 TO 8
GOSUB printscreen

IF st%(3)=0 THEN st%(3)=2 ELSE st%(3)=0
IF st%(3)=0 THEN MENU 6,3,1 ELSE MENU 6,3,2
GOTO Computestyle

IF st%(4)=0 THEN st%(4)=4 ELSE st%(4)=0
IF st%(4)=0 THEN MENU 6,4,1 ELSE MENU 6,4,2
GOTO Computestyle

IF st%(5)=0 THEN st%(5)=8 ELSE st%(5)=0
IF st%(5)=0 THEN MENU 6,5,1 ELSE MENU 6,5,2
GOTO Computestyle

IF st%(6)=0 THEN st%(6)=16 ELSE st%(6)=0
IF st%(6)=0 THEN MENU 6,6,1 ELSE MENU 6,6,2
GOTO Computestyle

IF st%(7)=0 THEN st%(7)=32 ELSE st%(7)=0
IF st%(7)=0 THEN MENU 6,7,1 ELSE MENU 6,7,2
GOTO Computestyle

IF st%(8)=0 THEN st%(8)=64 ELSE st%(8)=0
IF st%(8)=0 THEN MENU 6,8,1 ELSE MENU 6,8,2
GOTO Computestyle

Using HFS with MS BASIC and other applications

The release of the Apple Macintosh plus has created a few compatability problems for MS BASIC users. It is rumored that Microsoft is in the process of fixing MS BASIC so that it will be completely compatable with HFS. The following tips may help in getting around some of the problems until a more permanent solution is released (i.e. a new verison of MS BASIC).

• Problem: MS BASIC can't find files in folders.

Solution: Use the HFS.FIX program by Andy Hertfeld. It will add a resource to your system to help search through folders to find the files you want. This will work in 95% of the cases. In some cases BASIC must be in the root volume with the application. This is true for use of some CLR Libraries. We have not found any CLR routines that do not work with HFS. The problems that exist are related to the BASIC interpreter, not the Libraries. If you suspect a problem, try placing Basic, the application file and the libraries it uses in the root directory for that disk; ie not in any folder. Another solution would be to use MFS formated disks for your BASIC programming. This is NOT the preferred solution, however, it will be sure to work.

• Notes on using the RAM Cache with any software: I recommend that you NEVER change the cache from within any application. Since most software doesn't keep track of the cache, it can cause some catastrophic results. When using Switcher, be sure to turn off the cache completely. Switcher may allocate the same memory that the cache is using (without knowing it); the memory contention will surely cause a disaster. On the Mac Plus there is 850278 bytes of free space left in MS BASIC's data segment with the cache turned off. With a 128K cache on there is still 719214 bytes left. I have not seen any problems in using the cache with BASIC. In fact, your program will run much faster with the cache on. The size of the cache is arbitrary.

• Initializing single sided disks as double sided 800K disks: We take no responsibility if you lose any data when using single sided disks as double sided, however, those that have been re-initializing their 400K disks have not had any noticeable problems with any of them. The differance between single and double sided disks: The side that you use is polished and has been verified before shipping. Typically, both single and double sided disks are manufactured the same way, only the QA checks and certification are missing, meaning you can usually get away with it.


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