Volume Number: | | 2
Issue Number: | | 4
Column Tag: | | Assembly Language Lab
DA Shows use of Globals and Resources 
By Norman Braskat, El Toro, Ca
Desk Accessories from Assembly
Desk accessories are a very basic part of the Macintosh interface and the development of them need not be a major undertaking, if you follow the guidelines in this shell DA. In this month's column, I outline how to develop a desk accessory using assembly language that illustrates how menu items, windows, resources and global storage can be handled within the DA.
Editor's Notes
[This program was written and compiled entirely in assembly using Consulair's C compiler! That's right. If your tired of waiting for Apple to update the MDS assembler system to run under HFS without crashing, here is an alternative. The Consulair C compiler has a built-in MDS assembler that is fully MDS compatible! You simply run it like you would the MDS system. Be sure to get the latest release 4.53. This release includes version 1.53 of the famous Editor. It seems that Consulair went ahead and fixed up their own version of the editor, obtaining 1.53, before working under contract to bring Apple's editor and MDS system up to version 2.0. The result is that Bill's 1.53 editor is more solid and more compatible than the current 2.0d1 beta HFS editor being distributed by Apple to developers. However, when the final 2.0 release becomes released, that will be equivalent to the 1.53 Bill is distributing with Mac C version 4.53. Now if you understood all that, you should have no trouble with this month's column!
The link file shown at the end of the article is for the Mac C linker, which is MDS compatible and it works under HFS on the Mac Plus (the MDS one doesn't). You no longer need to patch or otherwise coerce the MDS linker into launching and finding it's files. The job file shown is also for the Mac C Exec and is the same as it would be under the MDS exec, only the Mac C version works! You can now invoke the job file from the editor and have the assembly, link and execution of a program proceed automatically. In this example, we execute the DA Mover program after linking so we can move the new DA into the system file and test it out. This actually works, although the DA Mover comes up without knowing what file to open. MacTutor is now offering the Consulair Mac C and the linker in our Technical software store for those who want to use it as either an MDS assembler replacement or a C system (still a good C system!) or both. For those who don't need a C system, we are also offering McAssembly which is nearly MDS compatible using a conversion utility and the Consulair Linker by itself. -Ed]
General Desk Accessory Information
To begin, the device manager executes the desk accessory as a procedure call of the following format to one of the five desk accessory procedures: Open, Control, Prime, Status, and Close.
(D0: ResultCode) := DA Procedure(A0: ParamBlock, A1: DCERecord )
The 'Open' command is called in response to a _OpenDeskAcc toolbox call and in general performs any initialization required by the desk accessory. When the user selects any DA from the Apple menu, the Finder or application calls _OpenDeskAcc. It should allocate any private storage required by the desk accessory, stores a handle to it in the dCtlStorage field of the DCE record, initializes any local variables, install any interrupt handlers, change interrupt vectors, create any windows, ... ect...
The 'Close' command is called in response to either _CloseDeskAcc toolbox call or by the segment launcher to close all the desk accessories, and in general it should undo what is done by the Open procedure, by releasing all memory used, removing any interrupt handlers, restoring any system state... ect ... If you must keep state between when the desk accessory is closed and later opened, store it in a re-locatable block of memory pointed to by the dCtlStorage field of the DCE record. In practice, 'Close' is called by System Click when the user clicks the go-away box of a system window belonging to a desk accessory, or by the application when the user selects "close" in the File menu for an open DA window. When that happens, storage used by the DA may be released. When a DA menu item 'quit' is called, the DA can do it's normal close function as part of a 'Control' call on the menu event without releasing that storage, thus keeping the variables until a 'Close' call or another 'Open' call. The code for this DA illustrates how this is done. A 'Close' from the go-away box of the DA's window will release the handle to the storage, but a 'Close' from the DA's menu will remove the menu and window without releasing the storage area, thus preserving variables until the next 'Open' call.
The 'PRIME' and 'STATUS' commands are called in response to a _Read, _Write, or _Status trap, and they are not used by desk accessories ( I think ). For cleaness sake I use empty procedures ( RTS's ). These routines would be used by drivers for printers and other I/O type devices.
The 'Control' command performs most of the work done by the desk accessory. It is called in response to one of the functions shown in figure 1 and in general will look like a case statement which decides what to do, and then does the required action. All events are handled as 'Control' calls and in general, any action during an active DA's life is handled as a 'Control' call.
As figure 1 shows, the A0 and A1 pointers allow access to all the information required to determine exactly what operations are requested and to execute them. The A0 register contains the pointer to the parameter block (see figure 3) while the A1 register contains the pointer to the DCE record (see figure 2). And for DA's, the result code returned in D0 should always be zero.
Pic. 1: Our DA does windows, menus...
Pic. 2: And alerts!
Device Control Entry Record
The DCE record (see figure 2 ) contains some information taken from the DA's header, the always present queing infromation, a handle to the DA's storage area, a pointer to the DA's window, and some other control information. Most desk accessorys are only interested in the 'dCtlStorage', 'dCtlRefNum', and the 'dCtlWindow' fields, and in general the rest of the record is only used by drivers and the device manager. Upon entry, A1 holds a pointer to the DCE record and great care must be taken to see that this pointer is preserved throughout the DA. Many DA errors are due to this pointer being clobbered by a trap call.
The dCtlStorage handle allows the desk accessory to have it's own global memory area seperate from the stack. The DA cannot use register A5 since that is used by the underlying application for it's globals. Care must be taken to unlock and deallocate any memory the DA may have when it is closed, since the device manager will not do this for you.

IO Parameter Block
The Parameter block pointed to by A0 (see figure 3) contains the action code and any data passed by the device manager. The csCode contains the action code and will be a value from 64 to 73. The parameter block will contain any data passed. Menu actions will pass the MenuID (28) followed by the MenuItemNum (30).

Support Resources
To use the 'DA MOVER' program for installing your desk accessory it will be necessary to make the resource ID's for alerts, dialogues, pictures, ect.. be a function of the DA's number. The equation used is:
ResurceID := (( DA's number ) x #32) + #$FFFFC000 + index
( DA's number ) := (- (DA's RefNum) - #1)
This would have the resources for DA (#12) starting at #-16000, with a maximum of #32. The assembler makes it a bit difficult to code this 16-bit 2's complement number, but I found that using a decimal value of 49536 in the resource header produces the desired equivalent of -16000. (See the resource section of the listing). Also, the DA name should have a null ($0) byte as the first character of the name, but the assembler won't let you do this in the resource header. The resource editor can be used to do this, but as it turns out, the Font/DA mover does it for you when it installs the DA.
Desk Accessory Header Format
The first 9 words of the desk accessory constitute a header and is followed by the DA's title string. Figure 4 defines the structure of the header block. With this information, we can start writting our desk accessory.
In this example, I have coded simple open, control and close procedures to check for and allocate global memory storage via A4. Once this is done, a central 'launch' routine is called that provides a single interface to the DA's major code blocks for open, control and close. The launch routine saves state and calls the three DA routines which then decode the action parameters and perform the necessary actions. When adapting this shell to your own needs, you simply place your open code, control code and close code in the three routines called by launch: OpenDA, MainDA and CloseDA.

; Asm language desk accessory.
; © March 1986 by Norman Braskat
; for MacTutor.
; Extended to windows March 26,1986
; by David Smith
.trap _DeBug$A9FF
StorageSize EQU 6
; Globals relative to A4 [dCtlStorage]
MenuHandleEQU 0;[long]
ResourceBaseEQU 4;[word]
csCode EQU 26 ; control/status [word]
csParam EQU 28 ; parameters [20 bytes]
MenuItemNum EQU 30
; DCE item list
dCtlDriverEQU 0
dCtlFlagEQU 4
dCtlQuerEQU 6
dCtlHeadEQU 8
dCtlTailEQU 12
dCtlPositionEQU 16
dCtlStorage EQU 20
dCtlRefNumEQU 24
dCtlCurTicksEQU 26
dCtlWindowEQU 30
dCtlDelay EQU 34
dCtlMaskEQU 36
dCtlMenuEQU 38
; Toolbox equates
WindowKindEQU $6C ;offset from wind. rec.
; Event parameter block equates from SysEqu
evtNum EQU 0 ; event [word]
evtMessageEQU 2 ; msg [long]
evtTicks EQU 6 ; TICKS [long]
evtMouseEQU 10 ; mouse pos.[long]
evtMeta EQU 14 ; meta key flags [byte]
evtMBut EQU 15 ; mouse button [byte]
JIODone EQU $8FC ; IODone entry [pointer]
; Register Usage
; A0 = ParamBlock ptr,
; A1 = DCE ptr,
; A2 = evt table ptr from csParam(A0),
; A3 = working DCE ptr (after launch)
; A4 = globals (referenced to dctlstorage),
; A5 = application globals (not used),
; A6 = frame ptr,
; A7 = stack ptr.
; Useful Macros
MACRO PUSH value =
MOVE {value}, -(A7)
MOVE.L {value}, -(A7)
MACRO POP value =
MOVE (A7)+, {value}
MACRO POP.L value =
MOVE.L (A7)+, {value}
MACRO EnableItem value =
MOVE.L MenuHandle(A4), -(A7)
MOVE {value}, -(A7)
MACRO DisableItem value =
MOVE.L MenuHandle(A4), -(A7)
MOVE {value}, -(A7)
; The following defines the desk accessorys resource header.
ENTRY: DC.W$0400; control flags.
DELAY: DC.W$0000; Service interval
EventMask:DC.W $0040 ; Event mask.
MenuID: DC.W$FEA1; DA MenuID's
DC.W Open - Entry ; Offset to Open
DC.W Prime - Entry; Offset to Prime
DC.W Control - Entry; Offset to Control
DC.W Status - Entry ; Offset to Status
DC.W Close - Entry; Offset to Close
MenuTitle:DC.B 7 ;length byte
DC.B 'Example' ; menu title
.align 2
; The menu name string
MenuList: DC.B 18; List in bytes
DC.B 'About;' ; Item #1 title
DC.B 'Beep;' ; Item #2 title
DC.B '-;'; Item #3 title
DC.B 'Close;' ; Item #4 title
Wbounds:DC.W100,100,140,300 ; window bounds
.align 2
; Desk accessorys don't use Prime and Status
Prime: RTS
Status: RTS
; The Open procedure allacates the storage area
; builds the DA's menu list, and opens windows.
; Don't allocate a memory area if one is
; already allocated.
; The notation I use to document my code is a
; psudo Alogal followed by the assembly code.
; Open
;save users port (GetPort)
;IF ( dCtlStorage = #0 )
; dCtlStorage := NewHandle( StorageSize, Clear )
;Launch( OpenDA )
;restore users port (SetPort)
; Save the application's port because
; the ROM doesn't do it for us on Open.
push.l A1; Save A1 (DCE ptr.)
subq.l #4,SP ; make room for the port
move.l SP,-(SP) ; push a pointer to it
_GetPort ; get it, on top of stack
POP.L D6; save port in D6
pop.L A1; restore DCE ptr.
TST.L dCtlStorage(A1) ; Storage allocated?
BNE Open_0; yes, skip allocation
PUSH.L A0; no, Save A0 from wipe-out
MOVE StorageSize,D0 ; storage handle to A0
_NewHandle,Clear; get storage, zero block.
MOVE.L A0, dCtlStorage(A1) ; handle in the DCE
POP.L A0; Restore A0 register
PEA OpenDA ; pointer to OpenDA proc
JSR Launch; passed to launch code.
push.l D6; push users port
_SetPort ; restore users port
CLR.L D0; clear D0 for DA return
RTS ; Return to desk manager
; The Control procedure handles most of
; the work done by the desk accessory.
; If a memory area is not already allocated
; we should never have been called, so just
; return to the device manager. Otherwise,
; pass the MainDA procedure to the launch
; code and then do it.
; Control
;IF (dCtlStorage #0)
;JMP to IODone
TST.L dCtlStorage(A1) ; storage area?
BEQ Control_0 ; No, so exit...
PEA MainDA ; yes, pass MainDa function
JSR Launch; to the launch code.
CLR.L D0; Clear D0 for return
MOVE.L JIODone, -(SP) ; system IODone entry point
RTS ; return to IODone.
; The Close procedure removes the DA's menu
; and in general cleans up after the
; open and control procedures.
; If a memory area is not already
; allocated there is nothing to clean
; up, so return to the device manager.
; Otherwise, pass the CloseDA procedure
; to the launch code and then do it.
; After the returning from the lanch code,
; deallocate the handle to storage area
; and return to the device manager. Typically,
; close is only called by the system
; when the go-away box of a window is clicked.
; Close
;save users port
;IF ( dCtlStorage #0 )
;Launch( CloseDA )
;restore users port
push.l A1; save DCE ptr.
subq.l #4,SP ; make room for the port
move.l SP,-(SP) ; push a pointer to it
_GetPort ; get it, on top of stack
pop.l D6; get port in D6
pop.l A1; restore DCE ptr.
TST.L dCtlStorage(A1) ; Storage area allocated?
BEQ Close_0 ; no so exit...
PEA CloseDA ; yes, prepare for close
JSR Launch; do close stuff...
MOVE.L dCtlStorage(A1),A0; get storage handle
clr.l dCtlStorage(A1) ; clear handle (must do!)
_DisposHandle ; Deallocate handle
push.l D6; push port
_SetPort ; restore users port
CLR.L D0; clear D0 for return
RTS ; and return to desk manager.
; The Launch proc creates the environment
; for the execuition of the DA's code.
; Launch ( &Procedure )
;A3 := DCE ptr
;A4 := [ HLock( dCtlStorage ) ]
; Procedure
;HUnLock( dCtlStorage )
LINK A6,#0 ; Link in.
MOVEM.LD1-D7/A0-A6,-(A7) ; Save register state
PUSH.L A1; Save pointer to the DCE rec
PUSH.L A0; Save pointer to param block
MOVE.L A1, A3 ; move DCE to safe register.
MOVE.L dCtlStorage(A3), A0 ; get dCtlStorage handle
_HLock ; lock handle
MOVE.L (A0),A4 ; A4 is used as the global reg
POP.L A0; Restore param block ptr.
MOVE.L 8(A6),A2 ; get function off A6 stack
JSR (A2); Call the passed procedure.
POP.L A1; restore DCE ptr.
MOVE.L dCtlStorage(A1), A0 ; get storage handle
_HUnLock ; Unlock handle
MOVEM.L(A7)+, D1-D7/A0-A6; restore register state.
UNLK A6; Link out.
POP.L A0; get return address
ADD.L #4, A7 ; pop off launch param
JMP (A0); return to caller
; 'OpenDA' routine installs the menu list
; in the system bar, refreshes the menu
; item states, and opens a window. In general,
; this is where the code that must be
; execuited on opening is placed.
;OpenDA (called by launch)
;ResourceBase := #$FFFFC000 or (#32 x (-RefNum -1))
;IF ( MenuHandle #0 )
; MenuHandle := NewMenu( MenuID, &MenuTitle )
;AppendMenu( MenuHandle, &MenuList )
;InsertMenu( MenuHandle, #0 )
;IF ( Windowptr #0 )
;Windowptr := NewWindow( .. )
;save windowptr in ctl block
;set window kind to system window
MOVE dCtlRefNum(A3),D0 ; DA mover requires
NEG D0; support resources ID for a DA to be
SUBQ #1, D0; function of the DA ref. number. Use
ASL #5, D0; value in ResourceBase(A4) for
OR#$C000,D0; your supporting resources.
MOVE D0,ResourceBase(A4) ;save resource ID
MOVE.L MenuHandle(A4),D0 ; menu handle?
BNE OpenDA_0 ; yes, don't add another.
CLR.L -(A7) ; no, clear space
PUSH MenuID; Push the MenuID
PEA MenuTitle ; Push menu title ptr
_NewMenu ; make new menu
MOVE.L (A7), MenuHandle(A4) ; save menu handle.
PEA MenuList ; Push pointer to item list.
_AppendMenu; Append the menu
PUSH.L MenuHandle(A4) ; Push the handle
CLR -(A7) ; zero for append last menu.
_InsertMenu; insert the menu in the bar.
_DrawMenuBar ; Redraw the menu bar.
; Now open a window
tst.l DCtlWindow(A3) ; window open?
bne.s OpenDA_0 ; yes, skip this
clr.l -(SP) ; room for window pointer
clr.l -(SP) ; window on the heap
pea Wbounds ; pointer to boundsRect
pea MenuTitle ; pointer to title
clr.w -(SP) ; false for visible
move.w #0,-(SP) ; standard window type
move.l #-1,-(SP); window in front
move.w #$0100,-(SP) ; true for goAway box
clr.l -(SP) ; refCon is 0
_NewWindow ; do the allocation
move.l (SP)+,A0 ; pop windowPtr off stack
; Save the window pointer away in the DCE for future use.
; The system also uses the DCtlWindow field of the DCE
; for setting up update events to system windows etc.
move.l A0,DCtlWindow(A3) ; save window ptr in DCE
move.w DCtlRefNum(A3),WindowKind(A0)
; All drivers, including ornaments, have a negative refnum.
; The only way an application can know what the refnum
; of this ornament is is by getting it from the
; WindowKind field. Applications must have the
; refnum to do CloseDeskAcc().
JSR RefreshMenu; Refresh the menu states.
RTS ; Return
; The' RefreshMenu' routine, updates the display
; state of the menu items in the DA's menu.
; Enabled/Disabled, Checked/UnChecked, ect.
; Note... The menu manager will not act on a disabled item.
; RefreshMenu
;IF ( MenuHandle #0 )
;EnableItem( #1 )
;EnableItem( #2 )
;DisableItem( #3 )
;EnableItem( #4 )
TST.L MenuHandle(A4) ; must be a menu handle s
BEQ RefreshMenu_0; to acces the menu.
EnableItem #1 ; Enable menu item #1
EnableItem #2 ; Enable menu item #2
DisableItem#3 ; Disable menu item #3
EnableItem #4 ; Enable menu item #4
; This routine will delete the DA's menu, and window
; and redraw the menu bar. Place your close functions here.
; CloseDA (called by launch)
;IF ( MenuHandle #0 )
;DeleteMenu( MenuID )
;DisposeMenu( MenuHandle )
;IF ( WindowPointer #0 )
;Delete dCtlWindow( DCE Ptr )
;DisposeWindow( WindowPointer )
TST.L MenuHandle(A4) ; If the menu handle is zero,
BEQ CloseDA_0 ; there is nothing to delete.
_DeleteMenu; Delete menu.
PUSH.L MenuHandle(A4)
_DisposMenu; Dispose of the menu
CLR.L MenuHandle(A4) ; Zero the handle
; close window
TST.L DCtlWindow(A3)
BEQ CloseDA_0 ; no window to delete
move.l DCtlWindow(A3),-(SP) ; push the window ptr
clr.l DCtlWindow(A3) ; clear window ptr
_DisposWindow ; dispose window
_DrawMenuBar ; Redraw the bar.
; The MainDA routine looks like a case statement
; which determines the necessary action and does it.
; Control requests come here for all events, ect.
; MainDA(called by launch)
;64 : AccEvent
;65 : AccRun
;66 : AccCursor
;67 : AccMenu
;68 : AccUndo
;69 : NotUsed
;70 : AccCut
;71 : AccCopy
;72 : AccPaste
;73 : AccClear
; ELSE :Nop
;CASE of MenuItemNum
;1: About; HiliteMenu; RefreshMenu;
;2: Beep; HiliteMenu; RefreshMenu;
;4: CloseDA;
; ELSE : Nop;
MOVE csCode(A0), D0
SUB #64, D0
ASL #2, D0
LEA JumpTable, A2
JMP (A2,D0.W) ; Case of (csCode(A0)-#64)
JMP AccEvent
JMP AccRun
JMP AccCursor
JMP AccMenu
JMP AccUndo
JMP NotUsed
JMP AccCut
JMP AccCopy
JMP AccPaste
JMP AccClear
AccRun: RTS ;these here are not used
AccCut: RTS
AccPaste: RTS
AccClear: RTS
move.l CSParam(A0),A2 ; get the event pointer
move.w EvtNum(A2),D0; get the event number
; event jump table goes here
subq #6,D0 ; is it an update?
beq.s Update ; if so, go handle it
move.l EvtMessage(A2),-(SP); push window ptr
_BeginUpdate ; begin the update
move.l EvtMessage(A2),-(SP); push window ptr
_SetPort ; set the port to our port
bsr DrawWindow ; draw the window
move.l EvtMessage(A2),-(SP); window ptr last time
_EndUpdate ; end the update
; --------------------------------------------------
PUSH.L A0; save A0
move.w #5,-(SP) ; move over 5 horizontal
move.w #15,-(SP); and 15 vertical
_MoveTo; do the move
lea MenuTitle,A0
move.l A0,-(SP) ; pointer to the string
POP.L A0; restore A0
rts ; done drawing
; ---------------------------------------------------
MOVE MenuItemNum(A0), D0
CMP #1, D0
BEQ MenuItem1
CMP #2, D0
BEQ MenuItem2
CMP #4, D0
BEQ MenuItem4
JSR About
BRA Exit
JSR Beep
BRA Exit
CLR -(A7) ; UnHilite menu
JSR RefreshMenu; Refresh menu item states
CLR -(A7)
PUSH ResourceBase(A4)
CLR.L -(A7)
POP D0;alert parameter
PUSH #15 ; Beep...
; resource ID numbers must be negative functions of
; DA ref. number. Note that 49536 = 0000 C180
; which the assembler converts to -16000. Note that
; the assembler converts a 16-bit negative such
; as -16000 to a 32-bit field, ie FFFF C180,
; which doesn't work.
DC.W 0
DC.L 0
DC.W 0
DC.W 0
DC.W 129
DC.W 309
DC.B 8
DC.B 102
DC.B 13, 13
DC.B 'This is a example of a MDS desk accessory which uses a menu.'
DC.B 13, 13
DC.B ' By Norman Braskat and MacTutor '
DC.W $007A
DC.W $0064
DC.W $00FA
DC.W $0186
DC.W $C1A0
DC.W $4444
Notes from Volume 2 Number 5:
Asm Lab Comments for April
Norman Braskat
Thanks Dave for the Mac C (version 4.53); the built-in assembler works like a champ (Apple MDS really sucks). About the DA example in my Asm Lab article in the April 1986 issue of MacTutor, I recommend placing the save and restore graph port trap calls in the launch routine. This not only saves code, but saves and restores the current port during control calls. The other question I have concerns the set port after the beginUpdate call; Dan Weston's new book [see book review, this issue -Ed] shows it outside the update loop for an application, and inside the loop for a desk accessory as you placed it in my DA example on page 37 of the April issue. I think your way works because the current port is the same as the DA's window. But if we had multiple windows in a DA or we added a menu for clearing a window which was not currently selected, we would be changing the port during an update. Would this then be a problem?
Dave, you have a great publication and the only real source of assembly info around! Keep it up. PS. Your right... Dan's book is a real winner! [The Complete Book of Assembly Language Programming by Dan Weston, published by Scott Foresman & Co. due in bookstores next month. -Ed]