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Knowing Date
Volume Number:1
Issue Number:2

“Does Anybody Really Know What Date It Is?”

By Dave Kelly, Program by Michael Steiner

“Does Anybody Really Know What Date It Is?”

REAL stand alone (almost) applications can now be written in Basic. Microsoft Basic version 2.0 includes the required routines to make your Macintosh look just like those fancy assembly language application programs. This months feature includes a useful example of what Microsoft Basic 2.0 can do. After waiting months for the Mac development tools we need, we can now use them to keep track of all those months with a perpetual calendar.

The program written by Michael Steiner, will give you a quick overview of some of the features of Microsoft Basic 2.0. I found that I preferred editing the Basic listing with MacWrite and saving the file as text. Microsoft Basic will read MacWrite text files and MacWrite will read Microsoft Basic programs stored as text.

Anyone who has used the previous versions of Microsoft Basic will be glad to know that programs they have written for version 1.0 will work on version 2.0, however they won’t take advantage of the extended features without modification. The most noticeable feature is the ability to control all the pull down menus.

Type in the program and run it. The program opens a window to full screen size and then erases all the menus used by Basic. Then a second window opens up and displays instructions. The “OK” button was programmed with the one line BUTTON command. DIALOG(0) and DIALOG(1) return information about the status of the button or buttons. With a few simple lines you can design your own dialog windows and set up buttons to select various options.

After clicking the “OK” button, the program displays a set of options available using the various button styles available. If you don’t want to print a whole year you can deselect the “Entire year” option. The programmed menus let you select the beginning and ending months to print. You can program your own menus by using the MENU command. By issuing the appropriate parameters with the menu command you can enable or disable various menu option. MENU(0) and MENU(1) provide the means to poll the status of the menu selection. We will explore the MENU command in depth in future columns.

Notice that you can change the date by simply clicking and editing the date in the year box. All the Macintosh editing functions are easily invoked. In fact, the year box works just like the type and creator boxes in the Set File utility. Obviously Basic 2.0 can create applications that appear just like stand-alone programs. This language may be even more powerful than Apple’s Mac Pascal.

After selecting the options you want, click the “OK” button and the program prints each month to the screen one at a time. If you selected the “Show Julian” option, the Julian date will be printed along with the calendar. There is no option to print the calendar on the printer, however you can use the command-shift 4 option to print the window or modify the program yourself to print to the printer. Another feature you can try adding is to create another button for scrolling the calender back and forth. Be sure to share any ideas you come up with for Basic with our readers by writing me care of MacTech. Happy New Year!

‘               Perpetual Calendar
‘Copyright 1984, Michael Steiner, All Commercial Rights Reserved 26 Oct 
‘Permission is granted to use, copy, and modify this program for your 
own personal use
‘Modified and comments by David Kelly 

WINDOW 1,””,(0,12)-(512,342),3  ‘Open full screen window
sm=1:em=12  ‘Initial start and end months
DIM status (2,12)
FOR i = 5 TO 1 STEP -1   ‘Erase all the basic menus
  MENU i,0,0,””

  WINDOW 2,””,(3,70)-(509,270),3    ‘Open 2nd window
  WIDTH 62
  PRINT”This program will generate a calendar for any year from 1753 
  PRINT”You may choose whether you want to display Julian Dates as well 
as the days ofthe month.  You may select to print the whole year or you 
may choose starting   and ending months.”
  PRINT:PRINT”Click OK when you have finished reading these instructions.”
  BUTTON 1,1,”OK”,(210,150)- (250,170),1  ‘ Set up button #1
  WHILE  DIALOG(0) <>1 :WEND  ‘ Wait for button #1

  WINDOW 2,””,(50,100)-(450,200),2   ‘Change 2nd window and open it
  MOVETO 250,15:PRINT”Show Julian”:MOVETO 250,30:PRINT “Date?”
  BUTTON 1,1,”Yes”,(250,40)-(300,60),3        ‘Set up buttons
  BUTTON 2,2,”No”,(250,65)-(290,85),3
  BUTTON 3,2,”Print Entire year”, (50,60)-(200,80),2
  BUTTON 4,1,”OK”,(360,60)-(390,80),1
  MOVETO 50,40:PRINT”Year”
  EDIT FIELD 1,RIGHT$(DATE$,4), (90,30)-(130,45),2  ‘Set up Edit field 
with current year
  DATA January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, 
October, November, December
  DIM month$(12)
  FOR i = 1 TO 12:READ month$(i):NEXT i  ‘Read the months
  BStatus=1:GOSUB EntireYear
  DialogActive = 1
  WHILE DialogActive
    EventType = DIALOG(0)   ‘See if a button is pressed
    IF EventType = 1 THEN GOSUB ButtonEvent
    MenuId = MENU(0)    ‘See which menu is selected
    IF MenuId THEN GOSUB ChooseMonth
  Year = VAL(EDIT$(1)):IF Year < 1753 THEN Year = 1753  ‘Get year data
  MENU 1,0,0,””  ‘Clear menu 1
  MENU 2,0,0,””  ‘Clear meun 2
  BUTTON 1,1,”Continue”, (50,305)-(125,325),1   ‘Set up button 1
  BUTTON 2,1,”Quit”,(350,305)- (400,325),1 ‘Set up button 2
 TEXTSIZE(12):TEXTFACE(0): TEXTMODE(1)   ‘Set font attributes
  DATA 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30, 31,30,31
  DIM dm(12):FOR mo=1 TO 12: READ dm(mo):NEXT mo ‘Read # of days/month
  DIM M$(12) :FOR MO=1 TO 12: M$(MO)=month$(MO) :NEXT MO
  DIM DAY$(7):FOR DAY = 1 TO 7: READ DAY$(DAY):NEXT DAY   ‘Read days 
of week
  DM(2) =DM(2) -(YEAR/4 =INT(YEAR/4)) +(YEAR/100= INT(YEAR/100)) -(YEAR/400= 
INT(YEAR/400))   ‘Add a day for leap year
  DIM jd(12)
  FOR i= 1 TO 12: jd(i)=jd(i-1)+ dm(i-1):NEXT I
  Y= INT(((365.25*YEAR+jd(sm))/7- INT((365.25*YEAR+jd(sm))/7))*7- 1.2499999#)
  IF Y<0 THEN Y=Y+7
  FOR M=sm TO em
    CLS’  Draw the calendar
    FOR I = 1 TO 7:LINE (5,I*40+10)- (481,I*40+10):NEXT I
    FOR I = 0 TO 7:LINE (I*68+5,50)- (I*68+5,290):NEXT I
    TEXTSIZE (24): TEXTFACE (17)’  Set calendar font attributes
    CALL MOVETO (130,34): PRINT M$(M);”   “;YEAR;
    FOR I= 0 TO 6: CALL MOVETO (I*68+10,49): PRINT DAY$(I+1):NEXT I
    FOR DM = 1 TO DM(M)
      CALL MOVETO (Y*68,X+71):PRINT DM: IF JU THEN GOSUB JulianPrint
      Y=Y+1:IF Y>6 THEN Y=0:X = X+40
    NEXT dm
    WHILE DIALOG(0) <> 1 :WEND   ‘Wait for button press
      IF DIALOG(1)=2 THEN M=em
EndRoutine:              ‘Set up End menu
  MENU 1,0,1,”Options”
  MENU 1,1,1,”Re-run Program”
  MENU 1,2,1,”Exit to Finder”
  WHILE MENU(0) = 0:WEND   ‘Wait till selection is made
IF MENU(1)=1 THEN RUN : ELSE SYSTEM  ‘Return to Finder
  ButtonId = DIALOG(1)
  IF ButtonId=4 THEN DialogActive=0
  ON ButtonId GOSUB Julian, NoJulian, EntireYear

Julian:   ‘Set button for Julian year print
    BUTTON 1,2
    BUTTON 2,1
NoJulian:  ‘Set button for Julian no print 
    BUTTON 1,1
    BUTTON 2,2
EntireYear:  ‘Set beginning month to Jan. & Ending month to Dec.
  IF BStatus = 1 THEN BStatus =2:sm=1:em=12:ELSE BStatus = 1
  FOR ms = 1 TO 2:FOR st= 0 TO 12: status(ms,st)=ABS((BStatus=1)): NEXT 
  BUTTON 3,BStatus
  MENU 1,0,status(1,0),”Starting Month”
  FOR i= 1 TO 12
    MENU 1,i,status (1,i),month$(i)
  NEXT i
  MENU 1,sm,2,month$(sm)
  MENU 2,0,status(2,0),”Ending Month”
   FOR i = 1 TO 12
      MENU 2,i,ABS(sm<(i+1)),month$(i)
   NEXT i
   IF em >= sm THEN MENU 2,em,2,month$(em)
  ItemId = MENU(1)
  IF MenuId=1 THEN oldsm=sm: sm=ItemId:MENU 1,0,1: MENU 1,sm,2,month$(sm): 
IF oldsm<>sm THEN MENU 1,oldsm,1,month$(oldsm)
  IF MenuId=1 THEN GOSUB EndMonth
  IF MenuId=2 THEN oldem=em: em=ItemId: MENU 2,0,1: MENU 2,em,2,month$(em):IF 
oldem<>em OR oldem> sm THEN MENU 2,oldem, ABS(oldem>=sm),month$(oldem)
  IF em<sm THEN em=sm: MENU 2,em, 2,month$(em)
JulianPrint:    ‘Print Julian year
    dy$=RIGHT$(STR$(year),1)+ RIGHT$(“00”+MID$(STR$(dy),2),3)
    CALL MOVETO (Y*68+10,X+85)
    PRINT dy$;


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