August 91 - Election Results
Election Results
Anthony Meadow
Election results
I'd like to introduce you to our new Board of Directors:
President | Anthony Meadow | D0068
Board Chairman (elected by the Board) | Arvid Jedlicka | MADA.LIB
Directors | Jeff Alger | ALGER
| Eric Berdahl | BERDAHL
| Leslie Jeffries | JEFFRIES.L
| Howard Katz | X0591
| Neil Rhodes | CALLIOPE
Past President | Carl Nelson | SOFTARCH
Apple Representative | Tom Chavez | TOM.CHAVEZ
Feel free to send an AppleLink to anyone on the board if you have suggestions or comments concerning MADA. Comments and suggestions may also be sent to:
Association Manager | Bill Anderson | MADA
Member Services | Chuck Sohnly | MADA
FrameWorks Editor | Don Sawtelle | MADA.EDITOR
The MADA address is available on both AppleLink and America Online. The FrameWorks Editor may be contacted on America Online at MADA.EDITOR.
Conference Plans
Plans for our next conference are moving ahead smoothly. We have a contract with the hotel in Orlando, Florida, and have almost finished lining up the conference committee; start thinking of a presentation or tutorial that you'd like to make. Our keynote speaker is Larry Tesler, who will talk about dynamic interactive object programming.
To keep the arrangements for future conferences as smooth as possible, we're looking into a hotel for the 1993 San Diego conference. One of the first actions of the new board will be to approve a contract for this conference. From now on, we will plan conferences several years in advance. This will give us lower rates with higher quality hotels.
Charter Committee
Unless you've been hiking in Nepal, you've probably heard about the letter of intent that Apple and IBM recently signed. As the industry changes, MADA will have to change, too. Jeff Alger, the chair of the outgoing board, has organized a committee from the MADA membership to consider whether MADA should broaden its charter, and if so, how and when. We'd like your input on this complex question: send a note to ALGER on AppleLink.